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08-09 投稿


checks 发音

英:[t'ʃeks]  美:[t'ʃeks]

英:  美:

checks 中文意思翻译



checks 短语词组

1、cross-checks v. ─── 再确认, ─── 再次复核( cross-check的第三人称单数 )

2、name-checks (name-check ─── 的复数) 在公开场合提及… ─── 的名字

3、cash in one's checks ─── 把筹码兑成钱

4、air checks ─── [化] 气泡; 麻孔

5、double-checks v. ─── 复核( double-check的第三人称单数 )

6、mechanical checks ─── [经] 自动核对

7、traveller's checks ─── [经] 旅行支票

8、checks kiting ─── [法] 用空头支票骗取钱财

9、spot-checks (spot-check ─── 的复数) vt. 抽查 vi. 抽查

10、false checks ─── [法] 使用支票骗取银行金钱罪

11、intellectual checks ─── [经] 智力测验

12、post-dated checks ─── [经] 远期支票

13、collection of checks ─── [经] 托(代)收支票

14、circulation of checks ─── [经] 支票流通

15、voided checks ─── [经] 作废支票

16、outstanding checks ─── [经] 未兑现支票

17、time-checks (time-check ─── 的复数) 时间核对, 时间校验

18、bad checks ─── [经] 空头支票

19、checks as cash ─── [经] 视同现金的支票

checks 词性/词形变化,checks变形


checks 相似词语短语

1、hecks ─── int.糟糕,见鬼;n.该死,见鬼;n.(Heck)(美)埃克(人名)

2、check ─── 检查

3、checkups ─── n.安全检查(checkup的复数)

4、clecks ─── 克莱克

5、checkers ─── n.西洋棋

6、schmecks ─── 美味的

7、checky ─── adj.有棋盘花纹的

8、rechecks ─── vt.再核对,再检查

9、checksum ─── n.[计]校验和;[计]检查和

checks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't forget to check on your work. ─── 别忘记检查一下你们的工作。

2、We will check up as soon as possible and let him know the result. ─── 我们将尽快进行调查,并把结果通知他。

3、He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight. ─── 他对著镜子看领带是否系正。

4、Checks and ratifies staff's salary grade. ─── 员工工资级别的核定。

5、May we have your check in settlement of this invoice-soon? The amount be$50. Thank you. ─── 为了结算这张发票价款,请即送下支票为荷。款额计50美元,谢谢。

6、He forgot his money so he asked his friend to cash a check for$100. ─── 他忘了带钱,所以请朋友兑现一张一百美元的支票。

7、He said he would check back in half an hour. ─── 他说半个小时後再联系。

8、Another time he was seen using a check for$1500 as a bookmark. Then he lost the book! ─── 另一次,有人看见他把一张一竿千五百美元的支票当作书签用。后来那本书丢了!

9、He left after papering the country withbad checks. ─── 他以空头支票在乡间行骗后逃之夭夭。

10、Just a moment. I'll do that for you right away. Would you countersign your checks for me, please? ─── 请稍后我会马上帮您办。请您在这些支票后背书好吗?。

11、They carried out security checks at the airport. ─── 他们在机场实行了安全检查。

12、Waitress are good at loading checks. ─── 侍者给账单提价很在行。

13、She has already endorsed the check. ─── 她已在这支票背书。

14、The checks and preparations carried out during this activity. ─── 准备过程,准备工作在倒数报时期间所进行的检查和准备

15、I'll give you a rain check, Peter, if you can't come to dinner this evening. ─── 彼得,如果你今天晚上不能来吃饭的话,我答应以后请你。

16、I'm afraid we do not accept personal checks here. ─── 我们餐馆恐怕不收私人支票。

17、Our check for$3800 will be forward to you as soon as the tickets are received. ─── 我们收到机票后将立即将800美元的支票付给您。

18、Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? ─── 你要哪种料子来做新连衣裙,条子的还是方格的?

19、Carefully check the car being scorched. ─── 仔细检查过被烧焦了的汽车。

20、Do you prefer checks or stripes? ─── 你喜欢方格还是条纹?

21、The system even checks to see if it has been tampered with every time it starts. ─── 该系统甚至会在每次开机时进行自检,以了解它是否被篡改。

22、You're in check! ─── 将你一军!

23、Guessing his intentions, Ann had resolved to check them in the bud. ─── 安猜到他的用意之后,决定防患于未然,使之不能实现。

24、The accounts check. ─── 帐目核对无误。

25、He predated the check by five days. ─── 他把支票上的日期填早了五天。

26、We should check back to 1949. ─── 我们应该查阅至一九四九年的记录。

27、I am sorry you can't come to dinner this evening, but I'll give you a rain check. ─── 很遗憾今晚你不能来吃饭,不过以后一定再请你来。

28、A check mark appears next to the menu item when the toolbar is displayed. ─── 当显示工具栏时,紧挨着菜单项出现一个复选标记。

29、An experiment was made to check up on the reliability of certain criteria. ─── 已经进行了一项实验以检查某些标准的可靠性。

30、Please check off the parcel before we send them out. ─── 我们发出这些包裹之前请一一核对打钩。

31、A cyclic code with minimum redundancy used to check errors in a set of characters. ─── 一种用于检查一组字符的错误、并且具有最小冗余度的循环码。

32、The reprint checks with the original. ─── 复印件与原文核对无误。

33、We'd like to have separate checks. ─── 我们想分别付款。

34、The campaign against drinking and driving will include spot check on motorist. ─── 在禁止酒後开车这一行动中要对司机突击检查。

35、Could I pay with traveler's checks? ─── 我可以用旅行支票支付吗?

36、A bit added to a binary code that indicates parity and is used to check the integrity of data. ─── 奇偶校验位加在二进制码上的一个标明奇偶数的位,用于检验数据的完整性

37、His story checks up with the facts. ─── 他的叙述跟事实相符。

38、Can I take a rain check? ─── 你能改天再请我吗?

39、It would be wise to check on the possibility of rain before planning the garden party. ─── 在筹备游园之前,先核实下雨的可能性是明智的。

40、In order to be able to check and compare price quotation, we need currently applicable insurance rates. ─── 为了核查和比较各个报价的高低,我方需要贵公司目前所使用的保险费率资料。

41、You can always stop payment of your checks. ─── 你随时可以停止付账。

42、Do you prefer checks or stripes? ─── 你喜欢方格还是条纹?

43、By check payment, we reserve right of ownership until the amount owed is credited to our bank account. ─── 使用支票付款,我公司将保留所有权,直到该付之金额贷入我公司银行账户为止。

44、Styles include stripes and checks. ─── 样式有条纹的和格子的。

45、Causes the compiler to generate overflow checks. ─── 使编译器生成溢出检查。

46、Where can I check in? ─── 在哪儿办理登记手续?

47、Check it carefully before you hand it in. ─── 交来之前仔细核对一下。

48、Check to see if they have done the work. ─── 去看看他们工作做好了没有。

49、It always pays to give your paper one final check. ─── 写了东西最后检查一遍总是有好处的。

50、A binary check digit;for example, a parity bit. ─── 一个二进制校验位,例如奇偶位。

51、Our check for$100 is enclosed. Kindly give tickets to messenger. ─── 我们随信附上一张100美元的支票,请将戏票交给送信者即可。

52、Are you changing cash or traveler's checks? ─── 您是要用现金还是旅行支票来换?

53、The checks are all good, of course. ─── 当然,这些支票是完全有效的。

54、Oh, well why do not I check out the campus employment office? ─── 哦!对了!我为什么不到学校的就业咨询处去查询一下呢。

55、Passenger shall check in one hour before their flight time at the latest. ─── 乘客至迟应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。

56、The insurance company decided to check upon his driving record before insuring him. ─── 在给他保险之前,保险公司决定查对一下他的驾驶记录。

57、Her greed led her to forge the checks. ─── 她的贪婪致使她伪造了支票。

58、The store keeper checks in the equipment used every day. ─── 仓库保管员每天把用过的器材收回登记。

59、Jordan mechanic checks a wheel before the lace. ─── 乔丹车队的机械师在赛前检查轮胎。

60、Passengers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin. ─── 去柏林的英航125航班旅客请办理登机手续。

61、Can you accept travelers checks? ─── 你们接受旅行支票吗?

62、I am sorry, you can only buy traveler's check at Window Eight. ─── 对不起,你只能在八号窗口买旅行支票。

63、The clerk put the check on a spindle. ─── 店员将支票放到扦子上。

64、She held her temper in check. ─── 她控制住自己的脾气。

65、I can't make it to dinner tonight; but, can I take a rain check? ─── 今天晚上我不能去吃晚饭,但是我们改天再吃好吗?

66、Would you cast your eye over these calculations to check that they are correct? ─── 你看一下这些计算数字,检查是否正确,好吗?

67、When it arrives, the transport entity checks to see that the server is blocked on a LISTEN (i. e. , is interested in handling requests). ─── 当这个TPDU到达服务器端的时候,传输实体执行检查,看服务器是否正被阻塞在LISTEN调用中(即对于进来的连接请求很有兴趣)。

68、Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your work. ─── 你检查作业时要当心拼写错误。

69、A check made on input data to insure that it does not exceed a maximum figure. ─── 对输入数据的一种检查,以确保不超过最大界限。

70、I'm afraid I have a hard time believing his stories. I want to check with the other companies Barnes worked for. ─── 恐怕我很难相信他的那些故事。我想和巴恩斯以前工作过的其他公司核对一下。

71、Have you got any rain check for the following game? ─── 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?

72、Now that the request has cleared all the checks and hurdles, it's ready to be handed off to the model class for processing. ─── 既然请求已经通过了所有检查和障碍,它就可以交给模型类来处理了。

73、The doctor asks Evan some questions and checks him. ─── 医生问了艾凡几个问题并检查他的身体。

74、We conduct regular checks on the quality of our products. ─── 我们对产品做例行质量检查。

75、You can't use your check here; you'll have to pay down. ─── 在这儿不能用支票,你得付现金。

76、Gotta go. Check you later. ─── 得走了。以后再打电话给你。

77、Travelers, while buying the checks, have to make signatures on the checks to the face of the bank or service clerks. ─── 旅客在购买旅行支票时,必须当着银行职员或旅行社职员的面在支票上签字。

78、He went aloft to check the sails. ─── 他上去检查船帆。

79、If you accommodate us, please let us know the price of the tickets so we may send you a check without delay. ─── 如果您那里可容纳我们,请告诉我们戏票的价格,以便我们及时送一张支票给您。

80、Checks for new mail on the specified database. ─── 在指定的资料库内检查新邮件。

81、Lou was arrested for passing rubber checks. ─── 卢因使用空头支票而被捕了。

82、Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date. ─── 同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应出最新情况。

83、Checks to see if the user has access permission. ─── 将检查用户是否有访问权限。

84、Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks. ─── 对不起,我们银行不兑现外国支票。

85、No credit checks are needed and, once the item is valued and a rate of interest agreed, the customer can leave with the money. ─── 典当人不需经过信用检查,只需交易双方就典当品价值和利息达成一致,典当人既可换得现金。

86、He was careful enough to check up every detail. ─── 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。

87、Do you accept traveler rs checks? ─── 你们收旅行支票吗?

88、Her statement checks pretty well. ─── 她的报告核对起来相当吻合。

89、Something that confirms or denies the correctness of a previous check. ─── 复查,复核对前面检查的正确性进行确定或否认的东西

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