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08-09 投稿


magnesia 发音

英:[mæɡˈniːʃə]  美:[mæɡˈniːʒə; mæɡˈniːziə]

英:  美:

magnesia 中文意思翻译



magnesia 网络释义

n. 氧化镁;苦土;水合碳酸镁

magnesia 词性/词形变化,magnesia变形

形容词: magnesian |

magnesia 常用词组

magnesia brick ─── 氧化镁砖

magnesia 短语词组

1、Henry's magnesia ─── [医] 亨利氏重质氧化镁

2、extra light calcined magnesia ─── [化] 超轻质氧化镁; 高活性氧化镁

3、calcined magnesia ─── [化] 氧化镁; 煅烧氧化镁

4、heavy-calcined magnesia ─── [化] 重质氧化镁

5、caustic magnesia ─── [化] 苛性氧化镁

6、light calcined magnesia ─── [化] 轻烧氧化镁

7、boron-magnesia fertilizer ─── [化] 硼镁肥

8、light burned magnesia ─── [化] 轻烧镁石

9、magnesia brick ─── [机] 氧化镁砖

10、magnesia cement ─── [化] 镁氧胶结料

11、heavy-burned magnesia ─── [化] 重质氧化镁; 低活性氧化镁

12、black magnesia ─── [医] 黑苦土, 黑色氧化镁

13、lime magnesia ratio ─── [机] 石灰镁氧化例

14、magnesia calcinata ─── [医] 煅镁, 氧化镁

15、light magnesia ─── [化] 轻质氧化镁; 轻镁土 ─── [医] 轻质氧化镁

16、creosote magnesia ─── [医] 木溜油镁

17、magnesia carbonata ─── [医] 碳酸镁

18、magnesia alba ─── [化] 白镁氧 ─── [医] 白苦土, 碳酸镁

19、heavy magnesia ─── [化] 重质氧化镁 ─── [医] 重质氧化镁

magnesia 相似词语短语

1、amnesia ─── n.健忘症,[内科]记忆缺失

2、magnesite ─── n.[矿物]菱镁矿

3、magnesic ─── adj.镁的,含镁的

4、magnesian ─── adj.镁的;氧化镁的

5、Magnesia ─── n.氧化镁;苦土;水合碳酸镁

6、magnesium ─── n.[化学]镁

7、magnes ─── n.(Magnes)人名;(英)马格内斯

8、magnesial ─── adj.镁质的

9、agenesia ─── n.发育不全;无生殖力

magnesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The added amount of phosphonic acid and its salt by weight of P2O5 is 0.01-1.5 wt% of magnesia. ─── 所述有机膦酸及其盐的加入量以有机膦酸及其盐中的五氧化二磷计,可为氧化镁重量的0.01-1.5%。

2、a substance,such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate,that neutralizes acid ─── 一种中和酸的物质,如氧化镁或碳酸氢钠

3、By using fused magnesia and sintered spinel as main materials and sulphite liquor as binders,magnesium compound side gate was researched. ─── 以优质电熔镁砂、烧结镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,采用纸浆废液作为结合剂研究镁质复合滑板材料。

4、Magnesia porcelain is the raw material for high-quality ceramics.Owing to its poor rheological behavior, it is not suitable for mass production. ─── 滑石质瓷是一种高性能瓷的材料,但由于其泥浆的稠化性及泥料塑性差,阻碍了滑石质瓷的大量生产。

5、Producing metal Mg with magnesia supported by electrolytical chloride is a new method and also a good method to be propitious to environment. ─── 利用氧化镁在氯化物电解质的支持下电解出金属镁是一种全新的生产方法,也是一种有利于环境保护的冶镁方法。

6、Production of high-grade magnesia porcelain porcelain enhanced for the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the Great Hall of exclusive porcelain. ─── 生产的高档瓷镁质强化瓷,为钓鱼台国宾馆,人民大会堂专用瓷。



9、The Discussion of Using Chai Da-mu Saline Magnesium Resource to Industrialization of Super Fine Magnesia ─── 利用柴达木盐湖镁资源生产超细氧化镁

10、To increase recovery of high carbon ferrochrome, the effecting factors of chrome contents in slags were analysed, and the preliminary test of adding waste magnesia brick and magnesite were conducted. ─── 为了提高高碳铬铁的回收率,分析了影响渣中铬含量的因素,并通过配加废镁砖和菱镁矿作了初步试验。

11、The preperation of magnesium hydroxide and magnesia by microwave catalysis from bittern-dolomitic calareousness is studied and the influence factors on the product are tested. ─── 就卤水-白云石灰在微波作用下生成氢氧化镁沉淀,及有关因素对沉淀的影响进行了试验。

12、Combination process of agricultural potassium nitrate and magnesia cement finished production ─── 农用硝酸钾与菱镁水泥制品联产工艺

13、A colorless reducer (magnesia in linseed oil) used to extend lithographic inks and lessen their color strength. ─── 中义减色剂,使平版油墨容易延展并降低色强度。

14、Keywords strontium oxide;magnesia;catalyst;isopropanol;decomposition; ─── 氧化锶;氧化镁;催化剂;异丙醇;分解;

15、The results of monolithic ramming in laddle bottom and ramming with curved magnesia brick under ladle wall show that the ladle life is prolonged remarkebly to 100 tapping times in an average. ─── 包底采用整体捣制,包壁下部以弧形镁砖作模进行捣打。结果包衬寿命显著延长,平均达到100炉次。

16、This paper introduces two kinds of magnesia FGD process and their respective technology peculiarity , analyzes the application feasibility of this FGD process. ─── 介绍了氧化镁法脱硫的两种工艺流程及特点,并对应用该工艺的可行性进行了分析。

17、Monolithic/refractories are shaped within the furnace with a chemical binding. The commonly-used firebricksare silica brick, semisilica brick, fireclay brick, high-alumina brick, chrome brick, magnesia brick, carbon brick, etc. ─── 整体耐火材料是用化学粘合剂在炉子内粘结成形的。常用的耐火砖有硅砖、半硅砖、粘土砖、高铝砖、铬砖、镁砖、碳砖等。

18、Magnesium oxide;Magnesia;calcined brucite;calcined magnesia;calcined magnesite;ci 77711;heavy calcined magn ... ─── 氧化镁(电工级);轻质氧化镁;纯轻烧氧化镁香港

19、The present invention relates to one kind of no-cement light alumina-magnesia cast material and its preparation process. ─── 本发明具体涉及一种铝-镁系轻质无水泥浇注料及其制备方法。

20、The results indicate that all three kinds of additives can promote sintering of magnesia calcium brick,with the leading of TiO 2.TiO 2 or Fe 2O 3 can react with CaO to get CaTiO 3 or Ca 2Fe 2O 5.CeO 2 can not react with CaO. ─── 添加TiO2 、Fe2 O3与CaO反应生成了CaTiO3和Ca2 Fe2 O5,添加CeO2 与CaO不生成化合物。

21、Rapid Change of Tundish Nozzle and Application of Working Line of Dry Magnesia Refractory ─── 中包水口快换及干式料工作衬技术的应用

22、Abstract: This paper introduces two kinds of magnesia FGD process and their respective technology peculiarity , analyzes the application feasibility of this FGD process. ─── 应用氧化镁法烟气脱硫工艺的可行性分析摘要:本文介绍了氧化镁法脱硫的两种工艺流程及特点,并对应用该工艺的可行性进行了分析。

23、Dolomita, Magnesia Carbon or Alumina Carbon is used for this purpose. ─── 使用白云石、镁碳或铝碳就是为了这个目的。

24、Magnesia and magnesia-silica refractory bricks ─── GB/T2275-1987镁砖及镁硅砖

25、Keywords FGD Magnesia Activity X-xay diffraction; ─── 烟气脱硫;氧化镁;活性;X-射线衍射;

26、Keywords oxynitride alumina;magnesia - alumina system;basie castable;slag resistance; ─── 氧氮化铝;氧化镁-氧化铝系统;碱性浇注料;抗渣性;

27、Keywords Precursor;Flame spray;Pyrolysis;Magnesia alumina spinel;Nano-crystalline; ─── 前驱物;火焰喷雾;热解;镁铝尖晶石;纳米晶;

28、The hardness of water depends upon the amount of salts of lime and magnesia which it contains. ─── 水的硬度是由其含石灰盐和氧化镁的数量决定的。

29、Keywords Magnesia;Lithium;Solid-base catayst; ─── 氧化镁;锂;固体碱催化剂;

30、The characteristics of sea water and brine magnesia are described. ─── 详述了海水与卤水镁砂的特点。

31、Keywords Sea water Brine Bittern Magnesia; ─── 海水;卤水;苦卤;镁砂;

32、Magnesia is the best companion for all who refuse to stay still! ─── 美希亚就是所有拒绝停留的人最好的同伴!

33、Study on the application of reused magnesia chrome bricks in magnesia gunning materials ─── 废镁铬砖在镁质喷补料中的应用研究

34、Development and application of fired magnesia spinel slide plate ─── 烧成镁尖晶石滑板的研制与使用

35、alumina and magnesia oral suspension ─── 口服镁铝合剂

36、The electrical heating tube is made of U shaped steel tube, sintered magnesia and heating wire. It is immersed directly in the water for preventing heat loss. ─── 电热管用U型钢管,烧结氧化镁和电热丝制成,直接浸在水里热能损耗少。

37、Magnesia is generally derived from the mineral magnesite or from magnesium salts in seawater and some naturally occurring brines. ─── 氧化镁一般来源于菱镁矿,或者来源于海水以及其他天然存在的盐水中的镁盐。

38、Keywords Magnesia;Calcia;Castable;Dephosphorization; ─── 氧化镁;氧化钙;浇注料;脱磷作用;

39、A colorless reducer (magnesia in linseed oil) used to extend lithographic inks and lessen their color strength. ─── 中义减色剂,使平版油墨容易延展并降低色强度。

40、Furthermore, the performance of refractory with the light magnesia powder is better than that with the alumina powder. ─── 与添加氧化铝微粉的试样相比,添加轻烧氧化镁的试样其理化性能指标更为优良。

41、Experimental study on performance of concrete added with magnesia ─── 外掺氧化镁混凝土性能试验研究

42、a suspension of particles in a liquid,such as milk of magnesia ─── 液体中的悬浮物质,诸如镁乳

43、This paper describes the study and development of magnesia carbon refractories for DC electric arc furnaces. ─── 本文阐述了直流电弧炉用镁碳质耐火材料的研究及发展。

44、Keywords Solubility;Response surface analysis;Magnesia;Magnesium;Electrolysis; ─── 溶解度;响应面分析;氧化镁;镁;电解;

45、Testing method for hydration of magnesia or periclase grain ─── 氧化镁和方镁石颗粒水化率测定方法

46、Drainage Sand is used in the bottom of ladle.The main specifications of this kind of productions are silica based,magnesia based,chromium based and magnesia olivine based,which can be chosen by the clients. ─── 引流砂是钢包底部水口填充散状料,主要品种有硅质、镁质、铬质和镁橄榄石质等可供客户选用。

47、Parameters affecting the corrosion resistance to blister copper of magnesia -chrome refractories ─── 影响镁铬耐火材料抗粗铜侵蚀的因素

48、There was a place in ancient Greece called Magnesia and this place was a source of several useful mineral products back in ancient times. ─── 在古希腊有个叫Magnesia的地方,这里早在远古时期就盛产许多矿石。

49、The result shows that the cause of fracturing is under-burning or over-burning of magnesia. ─── 指出欠烧或过烧菱苦土的采用是造成氯氧镁水泥硬化体胀裂的根本原因。

50、Periclase Ponderous Magnesia ─── 氧化镁, 苦土, 重质氧化镁, 煅制镁[抗消化性溃疡药]

51、A suspension of particles in a liquid, such as milk of magnesia. ─── 乳剂液体中的悬浮物质,诸如镁乳

52、Development and application of magnesia dry vibrating mixture for tundish ─── 中间包镁质干式振动料的研究和应用

53、Production of magnesium metal or magnesia either by electrolytic or thermal reduction. The ─── 是镁金属或氧化镁电解或热还原生产的


55、Other salts-lime, phosphorus, magnesia, potash, sulphur, and iron-are probably obtained in sufficient quantity from food we eat and water we drink. ─── 其它盐(钙盐、磷盐、镁盐、钾盐、硫盐、铁盐),我们所吃的食物和所喝的水含有丰富的盐分,大概可满足人体的需要。

56、With dense fused corundum as agglometrates, the best ratio of the Powders of fused corundum, fused magnesia and sintered spinel in the matrix has been studied. ─── 以致密电熔刚玉为骨料,研究了刚玉-尖晶石浇注料基质中电熔刚玉、电熔镁砂和烧结尖晶石细粉的配比关系,测试了材料的物理性能和抗渣侵蚀性能。

57、Keywords brucite;NH_4Cl;leaching;high purity magnesia; ─── 水镁石;氯化铵;浸出;高纯氧化镁;

58、Research on scale formation of magnesia FGD ─── 氧化镁脱硫结垢研究

59、To prolong furnace lining s service life, refining furnace lining is rammed with magnesia ramming material instead of magnesia brick. ─── 为延长炉衬的使用寿命,用镁质捣打料代替镁砖打结精炼电炉炉衬。

60、The technical principles and process, the design parameters and characteristics of magnesia wet flue-gas desulfurization are introduced. The application of that technology in China is also analyzed. ─── 介绍了氧化镁湿法烟气脱硫工艺的基本原理、工艺流程、工艺特点及副产物处理方法,分析了该工艺在我国的应用前景。

61、Abstract: This paper introduces two kinds of magnesia FGD process and their respective technology peculiarity, analyzes the application feasibility of this FGD pro. ─── 摘要:摘要:本文介绍了氧化镁法脱硫的两种工艺流程及特点,并对应用该工艺的可行性进行了分析。

62、The invention relates to smelting equipment, in particular to a clean and energy-saving magnesia electrical furnace. ─── 本发明涉及一种冶炼设备,即一种清洁节能镁砂电熔炉。

63、Administer several vials of 10% aqueous calcium gluconate orally. (Calcium carbonate, Maalox, Mylanta or Milk of Magnesia may also be used. ─── )口服几小瓶10%地葡萄糖酸钙水溶液。(还可以使用碳酸钙、氢氧化铝和氢氧化镁混合物或氧化镁乳剂。)

64、The test for ramming ladle lining with new unshaped magnesia ramming material is introduced for smelting extra-low carbon ferrochromium with Perrin process. ─── 包底采用整体捣制,包壁下部以弧形镁砖作模进行捣打。

65、Effects of additives and impurities on properties of magnesia chromite bricks used for nickel making converters ─── 添加剂及杂质对炼镍转炉镁铬砖性能的影响

66、Normal magnesia brick is made of Alumina-Magnesia spinel, periclase, It has higher temperature strength, good thermal shock stability, strong resistance to basic slag. ─── 普通镁铝以镁铝尖晶石和方镁石为主要晶相,具有较高的高温强度和较好的热稳定性,抗碱性炉渣侵蚀。

67、Increasing the purity of the raw materials used for matrix in common fired magnesia brick helps the lining life of refiringfurnace for chrome ferrou alloy making prolonged. ─── 在普通烧镁砖中,提高基质相原料纯度,可使精炼铬铁炉炉衬寿命明显提高。

68、Influences of calcium aluminate cement and hydrated alumina on alumina magnesia castables ─── 水泥和水合氧化铝对铝镁浇注料性能的影响

69、magnesia and alumina oral suspension ─── 口服镁铝混悬液

70、An extremely hard mineral, aluminum oxide, Al2O3, sometimes containing iron, magnesia, or silica, that occurs in gem varieties such as ruby and sapphire and in a common black, brown, or blue form used chiefly in abrasives. ─── 刚玉一种极为坚硬的矿物,氧化铝,Al2O3,有时含铁、氧化镁或硅土,存在于各种宝石中,如红宝石、蓝宝石,并且在磨蚀剂中以普通的黑色、棕色或蓝色形式出现

71、Magnesia lime is an ideal lime for construction. ─── 苦土石灰是一种不错的建筑用石灰。

72、The research and development of magnesia from sea water and brine in China are demonstrated. ─── 文章论证了我国海水和卤水镁砂的研究与开发。

73、Abstract: This paper introduces two kinds of magnesia FGD process and their respective technology peculiarity, analyzes the application feasibility of this FGD process. ─── 摘要:本文介绍了氧化镁法脱硫的两种工艺流程及特点,并对应用该工艺的可行性进行了分析。

74、Fused rebonding magnesia brick is made of fused magnesia clinker and high purity magnesia cliner at high pressure, sintered at high temperature. ─── 电熔再结合镁砖是用电熔镁砂和高纯镁砂为原料,经高压成型,高温烧成制得的。

75、The difference of magnesia between sea water and brine is discussed in particular. ─── 特别是讨论了海水与卤水镁砂之间的区别。

76、Magnesia ramming materials have been widely used in China instead of magnesia bricks as furnace lining materials of ferroalloy refining furnace. ─── 用镁质干式打结耐火材料代替成型镁砖作为铁合金精炼电炉的炉衬材料在中国已得到普遍应用。

77、Development and Application of Unfired Magnesia Calcium Brick for LF Refining Furnace ─── LF精炼炉用不烧镁钙砖的研制与使用

78、It is found that the sintering properties of andalusite can be enhanced obviously by addition of magnesia, especially at high temperature. ─── 结果表明:加入氧化镁可明显促进红柱石的烧结,在高温阶段其作用更加明显,但其质量分数必须严格控制,不宜超过2%。

79、Magnesium oxychloride cement and its effect on mechanical properties of magnesia based castable ─── 氯氧镁水泥及其对镁质浇注料力学性能的影响

80、Effect of fused magnesia on the densification of magnesia-chrome refractory ─── 电熔氧化镁对镁铬耐火材料致密化的影响

81、Our company needs to purchase magnesium chloride (purity over 65%), magnesia (purity over 85%) and perlite from Africa and ship them to Tripoli, capital of Libya where we have a project going on. ─── 本公司现因海外工程需要,需从非洲采购(最好是从非洲内直接运送)氯化镁(纯度为65%以上),氧化镁(纯度为85%以上)和珍珠岩运送至利比亚首都黎波里。

82、In this paper,light-burned magnesia was hydrated and carbonated to afford magnesium bicarbonate liquor,Fe and Ca of which were removed by activated carbon. ─── 以菱镁矿煅烧制的得轻烧镁为原料,经消化、碳酸化制得碳酸氢镁溶液,采用活性炭为吸附剂脱除钙、铁等杂质,再热解、煅烧制得高纯氧化镁。

83、Investigation and application of magnesia casting plate for tundish working lining ─── 中间包工作层用镁质浇注板的研制与应用

84、It will have important influence on the development of the comprehensive utilization of bittern and magnesia from seawater or brine. ─── 它将对苦卤化学资源综合利用与海水和卤水镁砂的发展产生重要的影响。

85、On the basis of mathematical analysis, the formulae have been establishea for calculating the pyrometrric solidus composition of magnesia refractory in the system M-MA-M2S-CMS. ─── 本文运用数学分析的方法,建立了M-MA-M_2S-CMS系镁质耐火材料高温固相组成的计算公式。

86、Unique geographical environment and abundant mineral resources (MAGNESITE reserves) as Huaxin Gaozhuang light burned magnesia plant Pengfei development has laid a solid foundation. ─── 得天独厚的地理环境和丰富的矿产资源(菱镁储量)为高庄华鑫轻烧镁厂的鹏飞发展奠定了坚实的基础。

87、Keywords magnesia;magnesium chloride;composite materials;OI;flexural strength; ─── 氧化镁;氯化镁;复合材料;氧指数;弯曲强度;

88、Keywords recovery efficiency;valleriite;magnesia;gathering regrinding; ─── 回收率;墨铜矿;氧化镁;集中再磨;

89、Keywords Azeotropic distillation;Displacer;Displacement drying;Magnesium hydroxide;Nanoscale magnesia; ─── 共沸蒸馏;纳米氧化镁;氢氧化镁;置换剂;置换干燥;

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