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08-09 投稿


blazes 发音

英:[ˈbleɪzɪz]  美:[ˈbleɪzɪz]

英:  美:

blazes 中文意思翻译




blazes 常用词组

in a blaze ─── ◎一片通明;一片火光

blaze a trail ─── 开辟道路;在树上作记号指路

blazes 词性/词形变化,blazes变形

动词过去式: blazed |动词过去分词: blazed |动词现在分词: blazing |动词第三人称单数: blazes |副词: blazingly |

blazes 短语词组

1、blazes minecraft ─── 引爆雷管,

2、trail blazes ─── 小径大火

3、go to blazes ─── 去你的,滚开,见鬼 ─── 去吧

4、blue blazes ─── 蓝色运动夹克

5、like blazes ─── 猛烈地

6、the blazes ─── 究竟,到底

7、what the blazes ─── 见鬼!;究竟什么…?

8、blazes hope ─── 开拓者希望

9、blazes def def ─── 运动夹克

10、the Old Blazes ─── 魔鬼

11、blazes barbeque enid ok ─── 烤肉运动夹克

12、in blazes ─── 究竟,到底

blazes 相似词语短语

1、blares ─── v.发出响而刺耳的声音;n.刺耳的鸣响;绚丽

2、blates ─── v.含混不清地说;嘀里嘟噜地说;adj.害羞的,胆怯的;易受惊的;难为情的

3、blazers ─── n.开拓者;运动夹克(blazer的复数形式)

4、blades ─── n.[机]刀片(blade的复数);[机]刀刃;扁叉

5、blames ─── vt.责备;归咎于;n.责备;责任;过失

6、blaze ─── v.燃烧;发光;怒视;宣扬;在树皮上刻路标;狂射;(非正式)夺取;大力击球;带头;(报纸)耸人听闻地报道;n.火焰,烈火;光辉;情感爆发;白斑;树皮刻痕;n.(Blaze)(美)布拉兹(人名)

7、blazer ─── n.(带有学校、俱乐部等标记的)夹克;轻便短上衣;燃烧体;n.(Blazer)(美)布莱泽(人名)

8、blazed ─── v.燃烧;发光;怒视;宣扬;在树皮上刻路标;狂射;(非正式)夺取;大力击球;带头;(报纸)耸人听闻地报道;n.火焰,烈火;光辉;情感爆发;白斑;树皮刻痕;n.(Blaze)(美)布拉兹(人名)

9、blaes ─── adj.青灰色的;(方)深蓝色的;n.灰青炭质页岩

blazes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A quantity of oil supplies contributed to the Blaze. ─── 大量的供油促成烈火。

2、Try bold experiments and blaze new trails. ─── 去大胆地试,大胆地闯。

3、He didn't hesitate to blaze his extreme anger to everyone present. ─── 当着大家的面,他毫不在乎地大发雷霆。

4、The blaze was fanned by a stiff breeze and soon all the farm were set on fire. ─── 大火被狂风越刮越猛,很快农场所有的建筑物都燃烧起来。

5、So far the blazes have destroyed or damaged about 100 homes. ─── 到目前为止,肆虐的大火至少毁坏了100所住房。

6、In a blaze of anger, Carol kicked me on the leg. ─── 在如火般的怒气中,卡罗尔踢了我一脚。

7、What the blazes do you think you are doing? ─── 你想你究竟在干什么?

8、The Gosho blazes with the brilliant life of Nichiren Daishonin. ─── 御书里充满著莲祖大圣人辉煌生命的光线。

9、They saw flames blaze out from the crater of the volcano. ─── 他们看见火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。

10、A jaggedscar blazes defiantly on his forehead, a scar like a lightningbolt. ─── 他额头上仿佛挑战性地印有一条曲折的伤疤,一条好像闪电的伤疤。

11、The blaze was quenched by the brave firemen. ─── 大火被勇敢的消防队员扑灭了。

12、What the blazes are you talking about? ─── 你到底在说什麽?

13、How the blazes did he do it? ─── 他究竟是怎么干的?

14、When enemies come face to face, their eyes blaze with hate. ─── 仇人相见,分外眼红。

15、They got married in a blaze of publicity. ─── 他们结婚的事受到了传媒大力宣扬。

16、Chinese cities inspect bus facilities after fatal bus blaze. ─── 在(成都)致命的公交车燃烧事故发生后,中国各城市开始检查公交车设施状况。(xinhuanet.com; June 8th, 2009)

17、Unfortunately, they've since divorced in a blaze of anger. ─── 不幸的是,他们从离婚以后就一直生活在无法抑制的怒火中。

18、The dry grass became a blaze. ─── 干草引起了一场大火。

19、Nagase Blaze, can you hear me? ─── 你能听到我说话吗?

20、Several houses had been burnt to the grind when the blaze was put out. ─── 大火扑灭时,好几间房子已全部烧毁

21、In a blaze of anger he shouted at them. ─── 他勃然大怒,对他们大吼。

22、He poked the coals up into a blaze. ─── 他用拨火棒捅煤块,使火烧旺起来。

23、The gardens in summer are a blaze of colour. ─── 夏天的花园色彩斑斓。

24、How the blazes did you make it? ─── 你们到底是怎样搞成功的?

25、But as a fire brigade arrived to put out these blazes, a second explosive device apparently detonated, hampering efforts to secure the area. ─── 但是当消防队到达事发现场救火的时候,第二个爆炸装置显然被引爆,阻碍了安全救援的努力。

26、To indicate(a trail) by marking trees with blazes. ─── 在树上刻痕指示(道路)

27、Five fire engines brought the blaze under control in just over an hour. ─── 5辆救火车仅过1小时就把火势控制住了。

28、London was a blaze of pageantry and colour. ─── 伦敦到处是辉煌的庆典、色彩斑斓。

29、Blazes Boylan looked in her blouse with more favour, the stalk of the red flower between his smiling teeth. ─── 布莱泽斯·博伊兰越发心荡神驰地瞅着她那衬衫敞口处,用牙齿叼着红花的茎,嘻笑着。

30、It took five fire engines t0 tackle the blaze. ─── 总共出动了5辆消防车才扑灭了大火。

31、Firefighters are still battling the two blazes. ─── 消防队员们还在与两处大火作斗争。

32、Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze. ─── 从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄露出团团有毒气体。

33、Several houses have been burned to the grind when the blaze is put out. ─── 大火扑灭时,好几间房子已全部烧毁。

34、Yet all to often, these rebels burn out in a blaze of glory. ─── 不管怎么说,这些叛逆行为来自于荣耀地爆发。

35、What the blazes are they doing? ─── 他们究竟在干什么?

36、The tree will blaze with lights on Christmas. ─── 圣诞节时,这树将被灯饰缀得闪闪发光。

37、The blaze of a cheerful fire can be seen from the window. ─── 从窗房可以看见融融的炉火。

38、He poked the coals up into a blaze . ─── 他拨动炭火使火着得旺。

39、He fanned the Lower House into a blaze of resentment. ─── 他激起了下院的愤怒。

40、And notice that it's the body that blazes: soul and body or soul and heart. ─── 注意到是身体在燃烧:,灵魂和身体,或灵魂和你的心。

41、Who the blazes are they talking about? ─── 他们到底在谈论谁?

42、What the blazes are you doing? ─── 你究竟在搞什么鬼?

43、In both the central and local governments there should be energetic people who dare to blaze new trails. ─── 从中央到各个地方,都要有一批勇于探索、精力较好的人。

44、What the blazes have you done? ─── 你到底搞的什么名堂?

45、They chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes. ─── 他们削掉树皮,以便把自己的行踪明显地标记下。

46、I want to know what the blue blazes is going on. ─── 我们想知道到底怎么回事。

47、The blaze in Santa Cruz County has already burned several homes. ─── 圣克鲁斯县的大火已经烧毁了部分房屋。

48、Even so, officials expect the blaze to continue burning for weeks. ─── 即使这样,官员预计大火还将持续燃烧数周。

49、What the blazes have you done? ─── 你到底搞的什么名堂?

50、The blaze started when some oily tags caught fire. ─── 一些油浸的破布偶然燃烧起来,这就引起了一场大火。

51、He told the annoying beggar to go to blazes. ─── 他叫那个讨厌的乞丐滚蛋。

52、Celebrities are always in the full blaze of publicity. ─── 名人总是在公众的关注中。

53、To go out in a blaze of glory along with both our villages? ─── 与我们的村民共享荣耀吗?

54、Don't argue,try bold experiments and blaze new trails. ─── 不争论,大胆地试,大胆地闯。

55、When she rose at 7 the next morning, the wind was still blowing like blazes. ─── 她第二天早上7时起床时,风仍在呼呼地刮着。

56、From a big house to our left came a blaze of light and music. ─── 左边有一幢大宅子里面灯火辉煌,乐声悠扬。

57、In a blaze of anger he shouted at us. ─── 他盛怒之下,对我们大声叫嚷。

58、We warmed our hands near the blaze of the campfire. ─── 我们在篝火的火焰旁暖手。

59、Seven people died in the blaze at the nightclub. ─── 在夜总会的熊熊烈火中有七人丧生。

60、"Blaze new trails, sharing a win-win" business philosophy. ─── 以“开拓创新、共享双赢”为经营理念。

61、On the evening of October 1, every street was a blaze of light. ─── 十月一日的晚上,条条大街上灯火辉煌。

62、Their marriage took place amid a blaze of publicity. ─── 他们举行婚礼轰动一时。

63、What the blazes is he doing? ─── 他究竟在干什么?

64、Thousands of firefighters battled the blazes Tuesday from the ground and air. ─── 成千上万的消防员周二从地面到空中奋战这些烈火。

65、And that's just one of the blazes that firefighters in Texas are trying to control. ─── 而这只是得克萨斯州消防队员正在试图控制的其中一场大火。

66、But Tom was wild as blazes when B. I. asked him. ─── 当B.I.向汤姆发问时,汤姆火冒三丈。

67、With beautiful flowers everywhere, the park is a blaze of color. ─── 公园里姹紫嫣红,十分绚丽。

68、At a specific time, all the bats would explode in a thousand fiery blazes, igniting fires across the city. ─── 在一个特定时间,所有的蝙蝠会爆炸在火焰中,在整个城市引起大火。

69、Firefighters are battling massive blazes in Malibu and around San Diego. ─── 在圣地亚哥和马里布,消防员正在与大火搏斗。

70、The blaze of your eyes can burn the beaven and earth. ─── 双瞳的光辉足以灼烧大地。

71、To mark(a tree) with or as if with blazes. ─── 在或似在(树上)刻痕

72、All of her, from her generous breasts to her gleaming thighs, blazes with furious ardor. ─── 她的全身在狂热的激情支配下放出光芒,从慷慨的乳房到隐约可见的大腿。

73、Our fire chief concentrated his men on the roof to fight the blaze . ─── 我们的消防队长把队员们集中在屋顶上去灭火。

74、The planet Jupiter blazes near the waxing gibbous moon tonight. ─── 今晚光辉四溢的木星和月亮拉近了距离。

75、Initial investigations revealed lightning as the cause of most of the blazes. ─── 初步调查显示,大部分山火是闪电引起的。

76、The sun set in a blaze of glory. ─── 夕阳在壮丽的余辉中西沉

77、Dry wood makes a good blaze. ─── 乾木燃起夺目的火焰。

78、She fled from the blaze,coughing and spluttering. ─── 她从大火中逃出来,一边咳嗽,一边噗噗地吐气。

79、After midnight she stands there in her black rig rooted to the spot. Back of her is the little alleyway that blazes like an inferno. ─── 午夜过后她用黑假腿一动不动地站在那儿,身后是一条小胡同,里面像一座地狱一样灯火通明。

80、They thought he must be mad as blazes. ─── 他们认为他一定是疯极了。

81、A blaze may appear on the foreface or backskull or both. ─── 前额和脑袋可能出现白筋(两处都有或只有一处)。"

82、The sun began to blaze down on us. ─── 太阳开始炙晒我们。

83、It is one of three blazes that have now claimed lives of two volunteer firefighters and a pilot of a firefighting plane. ─── 这是正在燃烧的三场大火之一,她已经夺取了两名志愿者的生命和一名灭火直升机驾驶员的生命。

84、Where in blazes have you been? ─── 你究竟上哪儿去了?

85、The fire burned slowly at first, but soon burst into a blaze. ─── 一开始火烧得很慢,但不久就成了熊熊的大火。

86、More than 500 firefighters are battling the blazes right now. ─── 500多名消防员现正与大火作战。

87、She upset the oil burner and the whole room was soon in a blaze. ─── 她弄翻了燃油炉,整房间马上就着火了。

88、The blazes of the humanism flare in the couple's minds. ─── 在沈复和陈芸的身上,闪烁着人文精神的光辉。

89、How the blazes did you get off that island? ─── 你这个该死的东西是怎么逃离那荒岛的?

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