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08-09 投稿


approximate 发音

英:[əˈprɑːksɪmət]  美:[əˈprɒksɪmət]

英:  美:

approximate 中文意思翻译




approximate 短语词组

approximate to

1. 接近

The audience approximated to three hundred.


1、approximate analysis ─── [计] 近似分析

2、approximate estimate ─── [机] 概算估价

3、approximate due date ─── [经] 大约满期日期

4、approximate expression ─── [计] 近似式 ─── [化] 近似表达式

5、approximate estimation sheet ─── [机] 概算估价单

6、approximate equivalent circuit ─── [电] 近似等效电路

7、approximate combinatorial algorithm ─── [计] 近似组合算法

8、approximate calculation ─── [计] 近似计算

9、approximate data ─── [计] 近似数据

10、approximate integration ─── [计] 近似积分

11、approximate diameter ─── [化] 近似直径

12、approximate match ─── [计] 近似符合, 近似匹配

13、approximate expansion ─── [计] 近似展开式

14、approximate continuity ─── [计] 近似连续

15、approximate formula ─── [医] 近似公式

16、approximate amount ─── [经] 概算, 约计金额

17、approximate cost ─── [经] 估算成本, 近似成本

18、approximate error ─── [计] 近似误差

19、approximate estimate sum ─── [经] 近似估算额

approximate 词性/词形变化,approximate变形


approximate 常用词组

approximate solution ─── [计]近似解

approximate calculation ─── 近似计算

approximate method ─── 近似法

approximate 相似词语短语

1、approximal ─── adj.(解剖学)邻接的,邻近的(牙齿等)

2、approximating ─── n.逼近;v.接近;约等于(approximate的ing形式)

3、approximates ─── 近似

4、approximant ─── n.无擦通音;近似值;近似式

5、to approximate ─── 近似

6、proximate ─── adj.近似的;最近的

7、approximative ─── adj.近似的

8、approximated ─── adj.接近的;估计的;v.接近;约等于(approximate的过去式和过去分词)

9、approximately ─── adv.大约,近似地;近于

approximate 习惯用语

1、be approximate to ─── 近似, 约计

approximate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you approximate how much it was? Also, I must know of the strength of each pill, if possible. ─── 你能估计一下有多少片呢?我想知道每片的剂量。

2、In the Advanced display, optionally specify the approximate number of keys that the aggregation can write. ─── 在“高级”显示中,根据需要指定聚合可写入的键的大致数目。

3、Steihaug has shown that an approximate solution of the trust region problem may be found by the PCG method. ─── 共轭梯度法由于不需要矩阵计算和存贮,成了解大型问题的首选方法。

4、Approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was. ─── 在市政办公大楼前示威的人数约有九百人。

5、ATO:an approximate translation algorithm for OIL based ontology. ─── ATO:一种基于OIL的本体论近似翻译算法

6、After approximate a week, I retold this thing to ma. ─── 大概过了一周左右,我又和妈妈说起这件事。

7、Returns the trigonometric sine of the specified angle, in radians, and in an approximate numeric, float, expression. ─── 以近似数字(float)表达式返回指定角度(以弧度为单位)的三角正弦值。

8、Arranged in or having the approximate shape of a flattened coil or spiral. ─── 具螺纹的,具近似螺纹的按近似平展的盘线或螺旋线形状排列的或具有近似平展的盘线或螺旋线形状的

9、Economic stability can only be reach if demand and supply are in approximate balance. ─── 只有需求和供给接近平衡,经济稳定才能实现。

10、We can use this result to establish bounds on approximate solutions. ─── 我们可以利用这个结果求出近似解的界限。

11、Would you please give us an approximate idea of the quantity you require? ─── 你能谈一下大概要订多少数量吗?

12、The approximate time of the accident. ─── 事故的大致时间

13、They did not have even an approximate idea what the Germans really wanted. ─── 他们对于德国人真正想要什么甚至没有一个大致概念。

14、It is not an approximate value. ─── 它不是一个近似值。

15、Use these figures as an approximate guide in your calculations. ─── 在你的计算中把这些数字作为近似参考数值。

16、Very similar; closely resembling: eg. He sketched an approximate likeness of the suspect. ─── 他把嫌疑人的大致模样都画了出来。

17、Can you give us an approximate idea of sales you'd be expecting over a three-year period? ─── 你能否告诉我们你对三年内销售情况的预期大概是怎样的

18、Figure 22-3 shows the approximate extent of Eurocurrency holdings today. ─── 图22-3展示了目前欧洲货币持有额的大致数额。

19、A relatively high - energy photon with wavelength in the approximate range from0.01to10nanometers. ─── X光一种相对的高能光,波长在0。01毫微米(埃)到100毫微米(埃)之间

20、What is your approximate monthly family income? ─── 你每月的家庭总收入大约是...?

21、What's the approximate amount of black stool each time? ─── 中译)每次你排的黑色大便的量大概多少呢?

22、We are entirely justified in using the approximate theory. ─── 我们用近似理论完全正当。

23、Write down goals for those situations you want to change and an approximate time frame for reaching each goal. ─── 写下你想改变那些局面的目标,并制定出实现每一个目标所需的大概的时间表。

24、It tells us the approximate age or temperature. ─── 它告诉我们大约的年龄或温度。

25、Includes approximate contact time needed by the local office. ─── 包括由当地办事处大概所需的时间。

26、Well,they were dumped in the inbound shipping lanes, and these are the approximate coordinates. ─── 她们在船只进港航路上被扔下 这是大概的范围

27、Often F has some form of self-similarity, perhaps approximate or statistical. ─── 分形集合通常具有某种自相似形式,多半是近似的或统计意义下的。

28、Is there a Dedicated Cortical Region for Processing Approximate Numerosity? ─── 1是否有一个专门的大脑皮质区用于处理近似数量感?

29、Could you approximate the cost? ─── 你能估计一下成本吗?

30、The numerical calculation resuits are oftained by means of approximate polynomial expression for Thomson's function. ─── 借助thomson函数的多项式逼近式给出了本文方法的数值计算结果。

31、A wind-stock is placed near the takeoff board so jumpers can determine the approximate direction and strength of the wind. ─── 在起跳板的附近有一个风向牌,运动员可以用来判断风向和风力。

32、The student numbers this year are expected to approximate 5,000. ─── 今年的学生人数估计是5,000人左右。

33、Have you an approximate invoicing price in mind? ─── 你腹案中有个约略的发票价格吗?

34、Sketched an approximate likenessof the suspect. ─── 勾画出嫌疑者的大致肖像。

35、An experienced editor can estimate by the eye (by his eye) the approximate number of words in an article. ─── 有经验的编辑能用眼睛估计一篇文章的大概字数。

36、Not all old photographs are dated, but internal evidence may help to establish an approximate. ─── 不是所有的旧照片都标明了日期,但内在的证据也许有助于确定一个大概的日期。

37、The approximate theory which applies to water tables of low slope is due to Dupuit. ─── 应用于低坡度水面的近似理论来自于裘不依。

38、The upper arm joins the shoulder blade in an approximate right angle. ─── 上臂以适当的直角与肩胛连接。

39、Not all old photographs are dated, but internal evidence may help to establish an approximate date. ─── 不是所有的旧照片都标明了日期,但内在的证据也许有助于确定一个大概的日期。

40、It should be stressed that these figures are approximate and vary according to your personal lifestyle. ─── 应该强调的是,这些数字都是近似值,并且随着个人生活方式的不同而有所不同。

41、Her results approximate my own. ─── 我们殊途同归。

42、What is the approximate square footage of your home? ─── 你的住房面积大约是多少?

43、When you play, each finger endeavors to assume, or to approximate, that particular position. ─── 当你弹奏时,要设想使你的每个手指努力能达到或是尽力达到精确的位置。

44、We should like to know the approximate quantity you may sell in the coming year. ─── 我们想要知道的是下一年你们可以销售的大约数量。

45、Only approximate solutions may be obtained even in the best of circumstances. ─── 即使在最佳的条件下,只能得到近似的解值。

46、Your account of what happened approximate to the real facts. ─── 你对发生的情况的描述接近实际情况。

47、Its technical indexes and economic norms are in advance of or approximate to that of natural anthracite block and coke. ─── 其技术经济指标优于或接近天然无烟块煤或焦炭。

48、May say that this kind of approximate on-the-spot report mirror language is to one time summary and the contrast. ─── 可以说这种近似纪实性的镜语是对一个时代的总结和对比。

49、He spent approximate two hours to search the photo. ─── 他用了大约两小时来寻找这张照片.

50、The approximate time of their arrival will be five o'clock. ─── 他们约於五点到达。

51、They are far more amenable to approximate solutions. ─── 对于求近似解来说,它们却好用得多。

52、Sketched an approximate likeness of the suspect. ─── 勾画出嫌疑者的大致肖像

53、The approximate time is three o'clock. ─── 大概的时间是三点钟。

54、Approximate square plane East. ─── 东城平面近似方形。

55、We thus see that Eq.(7. 44) can only be an approximate solution at best. ─── 于是,我们看到,公式(7.44)至多也只能是一个近似解。

56、We work with approximate numbers. ─── 我们求近似数字。

57、His description of what happened approximate d to the truth, but he still left a few details out. ─── 他叙述所发生的事近于实情, 但尚遗漏了几项细节问题。

58、The approximate annual rate of world population is 2 percent. ─── 世界人口每年的增长率约为2%。

59、Patch for German version is completed and sent to QA test. Testing will last for approximate one week. ─── 德文版补丁完成交付测试,大约一周左右。

60、The approximate time to complete the parent questionnaire was 35 minutes. ─── 完成家长问卷约莫需要35分钟时间。

61、Would you please give us an approximate idea of the quantity you require. ─── 你们先谈一下大概要订多少。

62、Kernel time is always approximate in our profiler. ─── 在探查器中,内核时间始终是近似值。

63、Rough similarity;approximate agreement. ─── 大致相似;相近一致

64、What would you say? I think you can be approximate. ─── 你说什么?我想你写接近些。

65、The insurance rate is an approximate assessment of the probability of a specific disaster. ─── 保险费是某一特定灾难事件的概率的近似估价。

66、He tried not to look at them and to approximate the swagger with which they walked. ─── 他尽量不去看他们,努力模仿他们走路时的那种大摇大摆的样子。

67、In the surface, the two numbers are approximate and the land marker in the two areas were in the same phase, but the matter was not so. ─── 从数值上看,两地区的土地市场流转率接近,似乎处于同一市场发展阶段,但实质并非如此。

68、At this point you may well have some sort of approximate price in mind. ─── 做到这些,你的大脑里可能已经有了大致的对于你产品的定价的概念。

69、Please inform us of your lowest price and approximate date of delivery. ─── 恳望告知贵方的最底价格及大约交货期。

70、approximate cost varies from around $150 to $250. ─── 大致的费用在$150至$250之间不等。

71、The following table shows the precision and approximate ranges for the floating-point types. ─── 下表显示了浮点型的精度和大致范围。

72、What is the approximate market value of your home? ─── 您的住房的市场价大约是多少?

73、What's the approximate value of your property, including your flat? ─── 你所有的财物连房子在内大约值多少钱?

74、Could you be more specific on the approximate date that purchase was made? ─── 您能更明确一点指明购买的大约日期吗?

75、The approximate date of his departure is next month. ─── 他大约在下个月动身。

76、The following table shows the precision and approximate range for the float type. ─── 下表显示了float类型的精度和大致范围。

77、We still may be able to approximate more than we can prove. ─── 也许我们可以近似比我们可以证明的更多的东西。

78、Approximate MLE Approach to Find Good Estimates for the Parameters of a Circle in Digital Images. ─── 图像中圆参数近似极大似然估计。

79、Approximate the motions of the stars in a planetarium. ─── 在天文馆中模拟行星的运行情况。

80、Table below shows some approximate values for the takings and expenditures. ─── 场地和设施的具体收入、花费如何?

81、What is the approximate molecular weight of a protein with 682 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain? ─── 一含682个氨基酸残基的单个多肽链的大致分子量是多少?

82、The results below have been extrapolated to approximate the position of the banking sector as a whole. ─── 下述数字是经过推算得出,以估计整个银行体系的负资产按揭贷款情况。

83、The approximate time of their arrival will be five o' clock. ─── 他们约五点到达。

84、When a particular language is entered into a box on the ad signup form, the approximate reach of the selection will appear at the bottom. ─── 在广告注册表格中,选择某个特定语言后,在表格底部马上显示接收人数。

85、The mixture described below will approximate it, but is not exactly the same. ─── 下面所描述的混合物会与之近似,但不完全一样。

86、The train's approximate time of arrival is 10: 30. ─── 列车到达的时间大约是10:30。

87、CALLER: I'd like to know if Mr. Mesereau could disclose the approximate cost of the defense. ─── 可以透露一下辩护所花费的成本么?

88、The approximate six-week period lasting from childbirth to the return of normal uterine size. ─── 产褥期从分娩到子宫恢复正常大小之间的大约六周时间

89、The copy job schedule, which is customizable, should approximate the backup schedule. ─── 可自定义的复制作业计划应与备份计划相似。

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