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08-09 投稿


expectoration 发音


英:  美:

expectoration 中文意思翻译



expectoration 同义词

wait for | look | wish | contemplate | insist on | look forward to | have a bun in the oven | look ahead | for | imagine |anticipate | want | require | demand | propose | carry | suppose | look for | long | gestate | think | count on | believe | desire | wait | assume | ask | await | hope | guess | infer | bear | hope for

expectoration 词性/词形变化,expectoration变形

动词过去分词: expectorated |动词过去式: expectorated |动词现在分词: expectorating |名词: expectoration |动词第三人称单数: expectorates |

expectoration 反义词


expectoration 短语词组

1、prune juice expectoration ─── [医] 梅浆状痰

2、amount of expectoration ─── 咳痰量

3、frothy expectoration ─── [医] 泡沫痰

4、rusty expectoration ─── [医] 铁锈色痰

5、abundant expectoration ─── 大量咳痰

expectoration 相似词语短语

1、expectorator ─── n.咳痰者

2、expectations ─── n.[数]期望;预期;[数]期望值(expectation的复数形式)

3、expectation ─── n.期待;预期;指望

4、expectorations ─── n.[中医]咳痰;吐痰;吐出物

5、expectoratives ─── 咳痰的

6、expectorate ─── vt.咳出痰;吐唾液;咯血;vi.咳出痰等;吐唾液;咯血

7、expectorated ─── vt.咳出痰;吐唾液;咯血;vi.咳出痰等;吐唾液;咯血

8、expectorating ─── vt.咳出痰;吐唾液;咯血;vi.咳出痰等;吐唾液;咯血

9、expectorative ─── 咳痰的

expectoration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To explore the effects of ultrasonically inhalated houttuynia cordata on sputum expectoration of patients after pneumonectomy. ─── 目的 :探讨超声雾化吸入鱼腥草液对肺癌肺切除术后病人排痰的影响。

2、Method: 98 cases of COPD patients with psychological care, general care, guidance effective Expectoration, skills training, health guidance. ─── 方法:对98例COPD患者进行心理护理、一般护理、指导有效排痰、技能训练、健康指导等。

3、Expectoration of mucopurulent sputum ─── 咳出粘液脓性痰

4、Expectoration of blood stained sputum ─── 咳出血染痰

5、prune juice expectoration ─── [医] 梅浆状痰

6、Still have the sea floatstone in Chinese traditional medicine, like thick emery wheel, have the effect of make expectoration easy. ─── 还有中药中的海浮石,像粗砂轮一样,有祛痰的作用。

7、P_( max), FEF_(max), Vexpiration and PO_2 were measured, and coil expectoration and lung collapse investigated. ─── 分别测量兔气肿前、气肿后、术后一周及四周四个时间点的静态气道压(P max)、最大呼气流量(FEFmax)、呼气末肺容积(V 呼气末)及血氧分压(PO2),并观察螺圈咳出/移位和肺萎陷情况。

8、The drug is used to relieves symptoms induced by common cold or epidemic influenza like pharynx mucosa congestion of pars nasalis pharyngis,nasal obstruction,cough and expectoration. ─── 用于减轻由普通感冒或流感引起的鼻咽部黏膜充血、鼻塞、咳嗽、咳痰等。

9、26 Cases of misdiagnosis analysis of checking of negative bronchial tuberculosis by expectoration bacterium film preparation ─── 痰菌涂片检查阴性的支气管结核26例误诊分析

10、Keywords Airway;Oscillatory device;Expectoration; ─── 关键词呼吸道;振荡装置;咳痰;

11、Chronic bronchitis is a condition associated with excessive tracheobronchia mucus production sufficient to cause cough with expectoration for at least 3 months of the year for more than 2 consecutive years. ─── 由于气管、支气管粘液分泌过多,引起咳嗽咯痰,1年中至少有3个月并连续2年以上者,称为慢性支气管炎。

12、cure cough and facilitate expectoration ─── 止咳化痰

13、Expectoration of bloody sputum ─── 咳出血性痰

14、Palpitation, expectoration of mucoid sputum, fullness in the chest and epigastric region, lassitude, weakness, cold extremities, white tongue coating, string-taut, rolling pulse. ─── 心悸不宁,咳吐痰涎,胸脘痞满,神疲乏力,形寒肢冷,舌苔白,脉弦滑。

15、amount of expectoration ─── 痰量

16、Methods:During the device,the instrument stored two kinds of program protocols to produce two groups of currenon training(RET) and expectoration. ─── 方法:仪器以单片计算机处理系统作为主机并存储两类程序。

17、Influence of Different Aerosol Inhalation Regimen on Expectoration of Postoperative Patients Underwent Pneumonectomy ─── 不同雾化吸入方案对肺切除术后病人排痰的影响

18、Results Symptoms such as cough, sputum expectoration and exertional dyspnea alleviated significantly during the first 2 weeks. ─── 结果经治疗后,全部患者在最初2周内症状好转,肺功能改善;

19、Influence of vibrating sputum evacuation device on expectoration of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation ─── 振动排痰机对机械通气病人排痰的影响

20、Three methods for the differentiation of symptoms and treatment of cough and expectoration with the theory of traditional chinese medicine ─── 咳嗽咯痰辨证诊治三法

21、as, for example, in pleuritic cases, expectoration, if it occur at the commencement, shortens the attack, but if it appear later, it prolongs the same; ─── 以胸膜炎病症为例,若咯淡出现于初期,则疾病不会长久;但若出现于后期,则疾病将会拖延。

22、The spittoons were almost as numerous as travelers, so we would have been well served in the event of a sudden outbreak of mass expectoration, or a group exercise in consumption of chewing tobacco. ─── 痰盂几乎和旅客一样多,如果我们当中大部分人突然要吐痰,或是集体吃起嚼烟,这些痰盂都够用了。

23、Effect: Make expectoration easy (aeriform) composed, solve gloomy easy liver, Calm the nervesDivide irritated. ─── 功效:祛痰(无形)镇静,解郁舒肝,安神除烦。

24、Respiration system : no cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, aspiration difficulty history. ─── 呼吸系统:过去无咳嗽,咯痰,咳痰,呼吸苦难史。

25、Do you feel relieved after expectoration? ─── 痰咳出后你觉得舒服些吗?

26、rusty expectoration ─── [医] 铁锈色痰

27、Expectoration of the patients with lung operation by massaging Tian Tu acupoint ─── 指压天突穴促进肺部术后排痰的效果观察

28、Changes and treatment of cough and expectoration in the patients with lung cancer after airway stent placements ─── 肺癌患者气道支架置入术后咳嗽咯痰的变化及处理

29、Method: 98 cases of COPD patients with psychological care, general care, guidance effective Expectoration, skills training, health guidance. ─── 方法:对98例COPD患者进行心理护理、一般护理、指导有效排痰、技能训练、健康指导等。

30、The suffocation disappears and my temperature become normal after expectoration. ─── 痰咳出后就不憋得慌了,体温就正常了。

31、Keywords undifferentiated diseases;dry mouth;expectoration of thick sputum;salivation;cases; ─── 无病可辨;口干涩;咯吐稠痰;泛吐涎唾;案例;

32、Keywords Extracts of Typhonium flagelliforme Blume;Relieving cough and eliminating expectoration;Antasthmatic and sedation;Analgesia and anti-inflammation;Acute toxicity; ─── 关键词水半夏提取物;止咳祛痰;平喘镇静;镇痛抗炎;急性毒性;

33、Keywords triterpenes/pharmacology;antitus expector antiasthm/pharmacology; ─── 三萜类/药理学;止咳化痰平喘药/药理学;

34、Good for antipyretic and throat soother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration and relieving hoarseness ─── 清热润喉,止咳化痰,益气消哑

35、The common symptoms are repeated remittent fever、coughing、expectoration、shortness of breath、leukoplakia in mouth、rapid weight loss、striking tabefaction and so on. ─── 临床表现以反复或持续发热、咳嗽、咳痰、气短、口腔粘膜白斑、体重减轻、显著消瘦等为主要症状。

36、Results showed marked effect in 38 cases,effectiveness in 10 cases and failure in 2 cases,the total effective rate being 96%;and the symptoms of expectoration improved. ─── 结果:显效38例,有效10例,无效2例,总有效率96%,咯痰情况也有明显好转。

37、Keywords airway stent placement;cough;expectoration; ─── 关键词气道支架置入;咳嗽;咯痰;

38、School personnel are relatively large density of sites, and TB through coughing, expectoration, sneezing, etc., so if the students lack of awareness, prevalence of tuberculosis may occur. ─── 学校是人员密度比较大的场所,而肺结核病可以通过咳嗽、咳痰、打喷嚏等方式传播,所以如果学生们缺乏防范意识,可能出现结核病流行。

39、Expectoration of frothy sputum ─── 咳出泡沫痰

40、Expectoration of serous sputum ─── 咳出浆液痰

41、Expectoration of blood streaked sputum ─── 咳出血丝痰

42、Expectoration of foul smelling sputum ─── 咳出臭味痰

43、Good for antipyretic and throat smoother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration. ─── 清热润喉,止咳化痰。改善体质。

44、smooth expectoration ─── 滑痰

45、Expectoration of currant jelly sputum ─── 咳出红胶冻状痰

46、The suffocation disappears and my temperature become normal after expectoration . ─── 痰咳出后就不憋得慌了,体温就正常了。

47、promoting expectoration to arrest convulsion ─── 坠痰镇惊

48、frothy expectoration ─── [医] 泡沫痰

49、Analysis of expectoration induced by infantile capillary bronchitis and its clinical significance ─── 婴幼儿毛细支气管炎诱导痰分析的临床意义

50、Ultrasonically inhalated houttuynia cordata on postoperative patients can improve sputum expectoration to some extent, but it is disadvantageous to mucociliary transport. ─── :超声雾化吸入鱼腥草液在一定程度上可降低肺切除术后病人痰屈服应力 ,有利于咳嗽排痰 ,但降低痰液黏弹性的作用较弱 ,不利于呼吸道纤毛清除功能的发挥。

51、EspeciallySenilePerson, compare as a result of it on one hand hard, can the thick skin that rub drops calcaneal, make expectoration easy is expectorant on the other hand. ─── 尤其是老年人,一方面由于它比较硬,能搓掉脚跟的厚皮,另一方面祛痰化痰。

52、Keywords musculs diaphragma;expectoration;lung infection; ─── 关键词膈肌起搏;排痰;肺部感染;

53、Keywords Tian Tu acupoint;expectoration difficulties;lung surgery; ─── 天突穴;排痰困难;肺部手术;

54、Efficacy and safety of Photifed-M cough syrup in treatment of cough and expectoration ─── 澳特斯小儿止咳露镇咳祛痰疗效与安全性

55、Application of Musculus Diaphragm Pacemaker Expectoration in Lung Infection ─── 膈肌起搏排痰在肺部感染时的应用

56、Clinical manifestations include fever(65%), cough(92.5%) and expectoration(80%). The chest X_ray revealed infiltration in lower lobes of both lungs. ─── 临床表现为发热 (65% )、咳嗽 (92.5% )、咳痰 (80% ) ,胸部X线多表现为双下肺淡薄斑片状阴影 ,药敏监测表明该菌广泛耐药 ,尤其是产ESBLs株。

57、Keywords Concentrated qiguanyan pill;Cough-remedy;Expectoration;Asthma-smooth; ─── 浓缩气管炎丸;镇咳;祛痰;平喘;

58、Method: Resolving phlegm effects of the different stir-baked slices were evaluated by the excretion of phenol red in mice and the amount of expectoration drainage in rats. ─── 方法:考察了紫菀生品及酒洗、蜜炙、清炒、蒸制、醋炙等不同炮制方法的饮片对小鼠气管酚红排泌量的影响和对大鼠气管排痰量的影响。

59、The main clinical manifestations included fever, cough and expectoration, loss of weight, abdominal pain, diarrhea and cervical lymphadenectasis, some patients developed Kaposi's sarcoma; ─── 发热、咳嗽咳痰、消瘦、腹痛腹泻以及颈部淋巴结大为主要临床表现,部分患者有卡波西肉瘤;

60、Keywords ?XBT;Tiedi Pill;Anti inflammatory effects;Expectoration effects;Experimental study; ─── 关键词玄麦咽康含片;铁笛丸;抗炎作用;化痰作用;实验研究;

61、Good for antipyretic and throat smoother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration. ─── 清热润喉,止咳化痰。改善体质。

62、prescriptions for facilitating expectoration, suppressing cough and relieving dyspnea ─── 化痰止咳平喘剂

63、Drying expectoration eat pears. ─── 干燥咳痰多吃梨。

64、green expectoration ─── 绿色痰

65、Expectoration of mucoid sputum ─── 咳出粘液样痰

66、METHODS Totally 218 children cases with ARTI were randomly divided into Tanreqing group and control group.The fever,cough,sputum volume,and the extent of expectoration of the two groups were observed. ─── 方法将218例急性呼吸道感染的患儿随机分为痰热清治疗组和对照组,观察两组患儿发热、咳嗽、咯痰的临床变化。

67、promote expectoration and dispel the superficial evil ─── 化饮解表

68、Signorina,please don't everywhere expectoration! ─── 小姐,请不要随地吐痰!

69、Expectoration, thirst, throat irritation, shortness of breath, chest distress, heart-throb, arrhythmia. ─── 口吐粘物、唇燥口干、咽喉肿痛、憋气气急、胸痛胸闷、心悸心慌、心率不整;

70、the expectoration marvellously increased. ─── 他们吐痰,越吐越厉害。

71、The early clinical symptoms included: cough ,expectoration, hemoptysis ,chest pain ,dyspnea and fever,etc. ─── 治疗上以手术为主,术前采用化疗或以化疗为主的综合治疗。

72、The most common symptoms were hemoptysis, fever expectoration and chest pain. ─── 最普通的症状是咯血、发烧、咯痰和胸痛。

73、Different pathological cavities had its different CT features.Clinical symptoms were cough or expectoration, hemoptysis . fever, chest pain and fatigue. ─── CT表现各病种之间各不相同,临床表现为咳嗽、咯血、发热、胸闷、胸痛等。

74、Dr: Do you feel relieved after expectoration ? ─── 痰咳出后你觉得舒服些吗 ?

75、However, central or endobronchial lesions are frequently associated with symptoms or signs of obstruction (eg, hemoptysis, coughing, wheezing, expectoration, leukocytosis). ─── 但是中央性或者支气管内生性的病变常常伴有阻塞性的症状或体征(例如:呕血,咳嗽,喘息,咯痰,白细胞增多)。

76、Expectoration of rusty sputum ─── 咳出铁锈痰

77、Clinical application observation of postural sputum expectoration in patients with mechanical respiration ─── 体位排痰用于机械呼吸患者的临床应用观察

78、Expectoration of abnormal sputum ─── 咳出异常痰

79、Child how make expectoration easy, whether should use antiphlogistic drug? ─── 小孩如何祛痰,是否要用消炎药?

80、keep quiet, rational oxygen therapy, effective expectoration; ─── 保持安静,合理氧疗,有效排痰;

81、Chronic bronchitis is a condition associated with excessive tracheobronchia mucus production sufficient to cause cough with expectoration for at least3 months of the year for more than2 consecutive years. ─── 由于气管、气管粘液分泌过多,引起咳嗽咯痰,1年中至少有3个月并连续2年以上者,称为慢性支气管炎。

82、Keywords Lung cancer PCEA Effective expectoration; ─── 肺癌;PCEA;有效咳嗽排痰;

83、Expectoration of purulent sputum ─── 咳出脓性痰

84、The overall successful stone fragmentation rate with stone-free expectoration of the ureteral and renal calculi was 81% (34/42). ─── 结石一期粉碎排净率81%(34/42),患者术后均恢复顺利,无严重并发症。

85、For example pneumonic hot drop back, expectoration is much and insomnia, can use. ─── 例如肺炎热退后,咳痰多而失眠,即可用之。

86、The stryker frame, vibrator and expectorant were also used to facilitate expectoration. ─── 使用化痰药,并定时翻身叩背、振动排痰;

87、Fever, cough, expectoration, chest X-ray, white blood cells of patients in treatment group were observed. ─── 分别观察两组患者发热、咳嗽、咳痰、X线胸片、白细胞检查等项目。

88、the test group showed significant difference as compared with control group in anti-infection and decrease amount of expectoration(P05). ─── 治疗组在抗感染、减少痰量方面明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

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