inserted 发音
英:[ɪn'sɜ:tɪd] 美:[ɪn'sɜ:tɪd]
英: 美:
inserted 中文意思翻译
inserted 短语词组
1、inserted piece ─── [化] 插入物; 预埋件
2、inserted subroutine ─── [计] 插入子程序
3、inserted part ─── [化] 预埋件
4、inserted chaser tap ─── [机] 嵌齿螺丝攻
5、inserted drill ─── [机] 嵌刃钻头
6、inserted key ─── 埋头键
7、inserted tooth cutter ─── [机] 嵌刃铣尸
8、cloth inserted rubber printing plate ─── [化] 印刷胶布板
9、cloth inserted hose ─── [化] 夹布胶管
10、inserted control ─── [计] 插入控制
11、inserted mode ─── [计] 插入方式
12、inserted record ─── 插入的记录
13、inserted valve seat ─── 嵌入阀座
14、re-inserted (re-insert ─── 的过去分词) vt. 重新插入
15、inserted tooth ─── 镶齿;嵌齿
16、inserted link ─── [化] 插杆
17、inserted test step ─── [计] 插入测试步
18、inserted parts ─── [化] 预埋件
19、inserted chaser die ─── [机] 嵌齿螺模
inserted 词性/词形变化,inserted变形
名词: inserter |动词过去分词: inserted |动词过去式: inserted |动词现在分词: inserting |动词第三人称单数: inserts |
inserted 相似词语短语
1、asserted ─── adj.宣称的;声称的;v.宣称;声称(assert的过去分词)
2、inspected ─── v.检查;调查(inspect的过去式);adj.已检查
3、exserted ─── adj.[生物]伸出的,[生物]突出的;v.使…伸出;使…突出(exsert的过去分词)
4、disserted ─── vi.论述;写论文;讨论;作学术讲演
5、inverted ─── adj.倒转的,反向的;v.颠倒(invert的过去分词);使…反向
6、inserter ─── n.插件;隔板;插入物
7、indarted ─── 缩进
8、reinserted ─── vt.再插入,重新插入
9、deserted ─── adj.荒芜的;被遗弃的;无人居住的;v.遗弃;放弃;抛弃;开小差(desert的过去式和过去分词)
inserted 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A digit, usually zero, produced during the normalizing of a floating-point number, and inserted during a left shift operation into the fixed point part. ─── 在浮点数的规格化过程中产生的,在左移位操作中插入定点部分的数字,该数字通常为零。
2、They inserted an advertisement in the newspaper. ─── 他们在这家报纸上刊登一则广告。
3、He inserted another cigarette into a c1oisonne holder. ─── 他将又一支香烟插入景泰蓝制的烟嘴。
4、He tried to insert an advertisement in a newspaper. ─── 他设法将广告刊登在报纸上。
5、Our Main Products are Insert Molded Products. ─── 主要从事插入成形产品的制造。
6、Pulmonary edema supervened, so IABP was inserted again. ─── 同时出现肺水肿,因此再度置入主动脉弓内球囊反搏。
7、A named mark that has been inserted into a transaction log record. ─── 以前插入事务日志记录中的命名标记。
8、She had a metal plate inserted in her arm. ─── 她的胳膊里嵌着一块接骨板。
9、He inserted the wooden peg into the hole. ─── 他将木栓嵌入洞中。
10、On the Edit menu, choose Insert File as Text. ─── 在“编辑”菜单上选择“将文件作为文本插入”。
11、Occurs after the insert mode has changed. ─── 在插入模式更改后发生。
12、Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary. ─── 上位的插入或位于花被之上的。用于植物的子房。
13、If the needles are inserted skillfully you feel nothing. ─── 如果进针熟练,你没有什么感觉。
14、He inserted a comment in the margin. ─── 他在页边加了评注。
15、Full range of blind rivets and insert nuts. ─── 各类抽芯铆钉及铆螺母。
16、The doctor inserted a steel plate into his damaged leg. ─── 医生在他受伤的腿中植入了一块钢板。
17、To cause to be inserted by repeated or continuous effort. ─── 努力插入经过反复的或不断的努力使被插进去
18、Twice to insert two line breaks. ─── 以插入两个换行符。
19、He inserted the key in the lock and opened the door. ─── 他把钥匙插入锁中打开了门。
20、Honors the current INSERT key mode of the keyboard. ─── 使用键盘的当前INSERT键模式。
21、CHAR(10) is used to insert a new line. ─── CHAR(10)用于插入新行。
22、He inserted one unscripted item in his speech. ─── 他在演讲中添了一段讲稿上没有的话。
23、Inserted or situated above the perianth.Used of an ovary. ─── 上位的插入或位于花被之上的。用于植物的子房
24、He inserted from time and time . ─── 他不时插一两句话。
25、Thereby, it is possible to generate an image perpendicular to a catheter tip representing the object being inserted into the patient. ─── 由此能够生成表示插入患者体内的对象的垂直于导管尖端的图像。
26、A hardware pattern in which diode leads may be inserted to change solid-state control logic. ─── 可用插入二极管引线来改变固态控制逻辑的一种硬件设计。
27、To insert(a day or month)in a calendar. ─── 在年历里插入(一天或一个月)
28、After the line End Try insert the following. ─── 在End Try行之后插入以下语句。
29、She found an insert in the book. ─── 她在那本书中找到了一个插入物。
30、New values for UPDATE or INSERT INTO queries. ─── UPDATE或INSERT INTO查询的新值。
31、Click where you want to insert the symbol. ─── 单击要插入符号的位置。
32、He inserted a key in a lock. ─── 他把钥匙插入锁孔中。
33、Nero SoundTrax: Inserted the audio track into Nero SoundTrax. ─── Nero SoundTrax:已将音轨插入Nero SoundTrax。
34、You can insert additional pages into that book. ─── 你可以把附加的散页插入那本书里。
35、Back panel is inserted in grooves; easy to mount. ─── 后面板插在沟槽中,易于安装。
36、Remove the lower insert from the bearing cap. ─── 从轴承盖上拆去下轴瓦。
37、Typically, this would be inserted into a database to save a lot of data entry. + Dynamic exchange of up-to-date info between users. ─── 通常人们通过向数据库中插入这些数据来保存大量数据,用户之间可动态交换最新的信息。
38、Insert the book picture on a higher layer. ─── 在上面新建图层,并取一本书放到新层中。
39、Inserted between the lines of a text. ─── 书写于行间的在课本的行间插入的
40、To cut such a hole and insert(type). ─── 切开这样的一个洞并插入(印刷)
41、Just insert the coin into the slot here. ─── 只要把硬币投入硬币口里。
42、Click the symbol that you want to insert. ─── 单击要插入的符号。
43、I should be glad if you could insert this article into your periodical. ─── 如果能把这篇文章登在你的期刊上我将很高兴。
44、If you say "new paragraph," two lines are inserted instead of one. ─── 如果说“new paragraph”,则会插入两行而不是一行。
45、An ornament inserted into a perforation in the lip. ─── 唇饰穿在唇上的孔里的一种饰物
46、A blank leaf is inserted between the regular pages of a book. ─── 夹在正常书页之间的空白纸。
47、She had a metal plate inserted in her arm. ─── 她的胳膊里嵌着一块接骨板。
48、The five-star red flag was inserted into the summit of Mount Everest. ─── 五星红旗插上了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。
49、The code runs after the new record has been inserted. ─── 在插入新记录后,代码将运行。
50、He inserted a dime into the slot and picked up the receiver. ─── 他将一枚10分硬币投入缝中并拿起了电话筒。
51、Save the Visio diagram that contains the inserted CAD floor plan. ─── 保存包含已插入的CAD平面布置图的Visio Professional规划图。
52、Wedges are inserted between the part of the supporting component and a spacer plate of the heat exchanger. ─── 楔插在支撑部件的部件和热交换器的间隔板之间。
53、He inserted a letter into the misspelled word. ─── 他在拼错的单词中插进了一个字母。
54、An iterator pointing to the inserted element. ─── 一个迭代器,指向新插入的元素。
55、He inserted a cassette into the machine. ─── 他把一盒录像带放入机器。
56、She inserted a patch in the sleeve. ─── 她给袖子打了个补丁。
57、Whitespace can be inserted between any pair of tokens. Excepting a few encoding details, that completely describes the language. ─── 空白可以加入到任何符号之间。以下描述了完整的语言。
58、He inserted a word in the sentence. ─── 他在句中加了一个字。
59、In the pavement was inserted a small and most exquisite mosaic. ─── 地上镶嵌着一幅很小然而非常优美的画面。
60、The balloon and stent are delivered to the heart area via a long catheter inserted into a blood vessel in the patient's thigh. ─── 气球和支架经导管通过患者大腿血管置入到心脏区域。
61、Insert this disc on the remote machine. ─── 在远程计算机上插入此光盘。
62、Insert an additional request in your Web test. ─── 在Web测试中插入附加请求。
63、She inserted the key into the lock. ─── 她把钥匙插入锁中。
64、Why insert a Data View as a form? ─── 为什么要以表单形式插入数据视图?
65、Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will. ─── 后来他在他的遗嘱中又加了一段。
66、She inserted a new sheet of paper into the typewriter. ─── 她把一张白纸插入打字机里。
67、Is the fuel hose inserted in the car perfectly? ─── 加油管是否已经准确插入到赛车中了?
68、Have you had a false tooth inserted? ─── 你镶上假牙了吗?
69、To insert a pack into a body cavity or wound. ─── 塞裹布:把裹布塞入人体体腔或伤口。
70、He inserted the wedge into a split in the log. ─── 他把木楔打进木材缝中。
71、She inserted a bit of paper under the table leg. ─── 她在桌子腿下垫了点纸。
72、He inserted the key in the lock but could not open the door. ─── 他把钥匙插入锁中但没能打开门。
73、Where something (a pipe or probe or end of a bone) is inserted. ─── 可以插入东西的地方(一根管子或探针或骨头的末端)。
74、A wedge inserted beneath a door to hold it open at a desired position. ─── 制门板插在门下使门开到合适的程度固定的制门板
75、He inserted a coin into the slot. ─── 他把硬币插入投币口。
76、Any new information will be inserted. ─── 凡是新的信息就添进表中。
77、Otherwise, the item is inserted at the end of the list. ─── 否则,在列表的结尾处插入项。
78、Learn how to insert and update template parts. ─── 了解如何插入和更新模板部件。
79、A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative. ─── 倒叙,闪回镜头一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时间顺序记叙的叙事中插入一件以前发生过的事情
80、NULL constants cannot be inserted into a timestamp column through a distributed query. ─── 无法通过分布式查询将NULL常量插入timestamp列中。
81、They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. ─── 他们在他嘴里插了根导管帮助他呼吸。
82、Click OK in the Insert Hyperlink box. ─── 单击“插入超链接”框中的“确定”。
83、"But how came that first note to be inserted in your journal? ─── “但登在报纸上的那一条消息是怎样来的呢?
84、First you insert the card,then you dial the number. ─── 你要先插卡,然后再拨号码。
85、In the pause he managed to insert a question. ─── 他趁谈话停顿时提出了一个问题。
86、ERIC(IRU) is 127 bp long, and some with inserted sequences. ─── ERIC(IRU)长127bp,有的还有插入序列。
87、With resignation, he inserted the key and opened the trunk. ─── 他无可奈何地插上钥匙,打开行李箱。
88、Do not specify new data to be inserted. ─── 不指定要插入的新数据。
如何把“拼**类玩具”翻译成英文。查了半天只有fight inserted toys.明显不对。。
Splicing toys 希望采纳
如何把“拼插类玩具”翻译成英文。查了半天只有fight inserted toys.明显不对。。
inserting kind of toy
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