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limonite 发音

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limonite 短语词组

1、fibrous limonite ─── 纤褐铁矿

limonite 词性/词形变化,limonite变形

形容词: limonitic |

limonite 相似词语短语

1、Zionite ─── n.犹太复国主义;锡安运动(Zionism的变形)

2、limonene ─── n.柠檬烯;柠檬油精

3、simonize ─── v.(给机动车)上蜡;把(机动车)擦亮

4、limonites ─── n.[矿物]褐铁矿

5、lignite ─── n.[矿物]褐煤

6、Ammonite ─── n.(古生)菊石(鹦鹉螺的化石);硝基铵类炸药;干肉粉(作肥料用)

7、ciminite ─── n.[岩]橄辉粗面岩

8、simonise ─── 西蒙尼斯

9、limonitic ─── adj.褐铁矿的;由褐铁矿构成的

limonite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Decoction of Red Halloysite and Limonite ─── 赤石脂禹余粮汤

2、Keywords CRIMM rare earth roll type high intensity permanent magnetic separator;Limonite;Magnetic separation;Grade; ─── CRIMM型稀土永磁辊式强磁选机;褐铁矿;磁选;品位;

3、Keywords silver deposit;occurrence;oxidized zone;limonite;leached by cyanide; ─── 银矿床;赋存状态;氧化带;褐铁矿;氰化浸出;

4、Keywords Permanent magnetic pulley Hematite Limonite waste ore discarding; ─── 永磁滑轮;赤铁矿;褐铁矿;废石抛除;

5、Up to now, the sumptomatic minerals valuable in field application are pyrite, magnetite, magnetic pyrite and limonite formed by substances like H2S and bivalent iron in deposits. ─── 目前,已发现具实际应用价值的特态矿物是黄铁矿、磁铁矿、磁黄铁矿和褐铁矿,其形成的物质是来源于油气藏的H2S和沉积地层中的二价铁。

6、Keywords Limonite;Sliming;Flocculation;High intensity magnetic separation;Recovery; ─── 褐铁矿;泥化;絮凝;强磁选;回收率;

7、Abstract In the condition of laboratory test, sintering experiments were carried out with full limonite blend. ─── 摘要 在实验室条件下,进行了全褐铁矿的烧结实验研究。

8、Study on the Beneficiation Technology of a Limonite Ore in Yunnan ─── 云南某褐铁矿的选矿工艺研究

9、Keywords limonite;high intensity magnetic separation;process flow; ─── 褐铁矿;强磁选;工艺流程;

10、Explore on technology of limonite ore dressing for jiang Xi ─── 关于江西某褐铁矿选矿工艺的探讨

11、Definition: Limonite is a mineral of limonite of hydroxides, containing mainly basic ferric oxide [FeO(OH)]. ─── 本品为氢氧化物类矿物褐铁矿,主含碱式氧化铁[FeO(OH)] 。

12、Laboratory and industry experiment about adding limonite in sintering are introduce in the paper,expound reinforcing measures of limonite sintering. ─── 介绍了配加褐铁矿烧结的实验室试验、工业试验情况,提出了强化褐铁矿烧结的措施。

13、limonite deposit ─── 滨海沉积

14、The process can avoid the serious sliming of limonite ore processing to some extent, and save the water and energy. ─── 一定程度上避免了褐铁矿选矿时产生的严重泥化现象,节水节能。

15、Keywords limonite;bedding material;sintering; ─── 褐铁矿;铺底料;烧结;

16、Keywords Floatation;Smithsonite;Limonite;Amine;Na_2S; ─── 浮选;菱锌矿;褐铁矿;胺;硫化钠;

17、The directly sign of deposits is that the contact-belt of magma with stratums, the areas where have been had the mineralization such as molybdenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, silicon, limonite and so on. ─── 直接找矿标志为岩体与地层接触带及具辉钼矿化、黄铁矿化、黄铜矿化、硅化、褐铁矿化地段。

18、Main metallic minerals in the manganese-silver concentrate were psilomelane, pyrolusite, pyrite, limonite, and a few arsenopyrite, hematite and sphalerite. ─── 该锰银精矿的主要金属矿物为硬锰矿、软锰矿、黄铁矿、褐铁矿、少量毒砂、赤铁矿和闪锌矿;

19、pigment consisting of a limonite mixed with clay and silica. ─── 由褐铁矿与粘土、硅土混合而成的颜料。

20、Minerals bearing gold is of pyritohedron pyrite and limonite,with which gold presents in native gold,enclosed gold,fissure-filling gold and intergranular gold. ─── 金为自然金,呈包体金、裂隙金和粒间金产出。

21、Also, the oxidation of ore, changing pyrite into limonite, have an effect on gold flotation. ─── 矿石氧化使黄铁矿变成褐铁矿也会影响浮选效果;

22、Keywords limonite;native gold;phase analysis; ─── 褐铁矿;自然金;物相分析;

23、The contents of organic material, limonite and manganese hydroxides influence the variation of ore element ─── 有机物、褐铁矿和氧化锰的含量影响着成矿元素含量的变异。

24、Keywords Smithsonite;Cerussite;Calcite;Dolomite;Limonite;Quartz;Flotation separation;CF collector; ─── 菱锌矿;白铅矿;方解石;白云石;褐铁矿;石英;浮选分离;CF药剂;

25、The main silver-bearing minerals were psilomelane, pyrolusite, limonite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite. ─── 主要载银矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿和闪锌矿。

26、limonite ore ─── 褐铁矿砂

27、The mineralization is closely related to silicification and the concentration to pyrite, limonite, hydro-mica, arsenopyyite, stibnite and the corresponding alteration assembly. ─── 矽化与金矿化关系密切,矿化富集与黄铁矿、褐铁矿、水云母、毒砂、辉锑矿等矿物及其相应的蚀变关系密切。

28、Vanadium mainly exists as independent minerals or in clay minerals in the form of isomorphism, with a small amount absorbed by clay minerals and limonite. ─── 钒或以独立矿物存在,或以类质同象赋存在粘土矿物中;

29、Show dark amaranth or amaranth, granule structure, lump is tectonic, quality of a material is close harder, main and mineral component is dolomite, limonite to wait. ─── 呈暗紫红色或紫红色,细粒结构,块状构造,质地细密较坚硬,主要矿物成份为白云石、褐铁矿等。

30、limonite nodule ─── 蛇含石

31、We want to buy Iron Oxide, Limonite, Kaolin Clay, Gypsum Calcium Carbonate, Sand Glass, Fire Brick, Feldspar, Quartz, Bentonite, Dolomite Metal Mineral ─── 我们要采购氧化铁,褐铁矿,高岭土,石膏碳酸钙,砂玻璃,防火砖,长石,石英,膨润土,白云石,非金属矿物

32、Keywords Iron ore fine;Sinter;Limonite;Micaceous mineral.; ─── 铁精矿;烧结矿;褐铁矿;云母类脉石;

33、Keywords gold mine;occurrence;limonite;analytical electron microscope; ─── 金矿;赋存状态;褐铁矿;电子显微分析;

34、Keywords limonite;magnetization-baking;experiment studying; ─── 褐铁矿;磁化焙烧;试验研究;

35、The mineral components of nodules are mainly pyrolusite, psilomelane and limonite. ─── 锰结核主要由硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿构成。

36、to rounded quartz with only an occasional chert or limonite grain. ─── 以圆形石英只是偶尔燧石或褐铁矿粮食。

37、The mineralization is closely related to silicification and the concentration to pyrite, limonite, hydro-mica, arsenopyyite, stibnite and the corresponding altera... ─── 根据成矿地质特征及成矿作用的研究,建立了成矿模式。

38、And carried out a explore inhibitors studied for the quartz and limonite anti-selective flotation separation problem of the poor. ─── 并针对石英和褐铁矿反浮选分离选择性较差的问题,开展了抑制剂的探索试验研究。

39、High phosphorus oolitic hematite and limonite ore ─── 高磷鲕状赤褐铁矿石

40、Mineral resources of coal, red siderite, limonite, chromite, gold, copper, limestone, gypsum and so on. ─── 矿藏资源有煤矿、赤菱铁矿、褐铁矿、铬铁矿、金、铜、石灰石、石膏等。

41、The authigenetic minerals’ paragenetic sequence of paragenetic association III of outcrop sandstones is supergene leaching process(feldspar dissolving)-kaolinite(dickite)-calcite- limonite. ─── 露头砂岩的成岩共生组合III中自生矿物共生序列为:表生淋滤作用(长石溶解)-高岭石地开石化-方解石-菱铁矿褐铁矿化。

42、Keywords Refractory iron ore;Siderite;Limonite;Oolitic hematite;Complex iron ore; ─── 难选铁矿石;菱铁矿;褐铁矿;鲕状赤铁矿;复合铁矿石;

43、The iron ore from Dongchuan Baozipu,Yunnan has complex properties.It contains hematite and limonite that are valuable minerals and high impurity content of both phosphorus and silicon. ─── 云南东川包子铺铁矿石性质复杂,有用矿物为赤铁矿和褐铁矿,杂质磷和硅含量较高,磷主要以胶磷矿或类质同象形式赋存在赤铁矿和褐铁矿之中,属高磷难选赤褐铁矿石。

44、Study on direct heap leaching of gold-bearing limonite ore ─── 含金褐铁矿直接堆浸的初步探讨

45、In the condition of laboratory test,sintering experiments were carried out with full limonite blend. ─── 在实验室条件下,进行了全褐铁矿的烧结实验研究。

46、Evidence of emergence including sabkha dolostone, algal mat, bird-eyes and fenestral structure, mudcracks and crustose limonite has been found in the top of the Changhsingian reefs in Ziyun, Guizhou province. ─── 贵州紫云长兴期生物礁顶部存在的出露证据有:(1)形成于萨勃哈蒸发环境的白云岩,(2)藻纹层沉积,(3)鸟眼和窗格构造,(4)干裂缝和褐铁矿风化壳,等等。

47、enrichment of Au mostly resulted with adsorption of illite and limonite in red clay. ─── 金的富集主要受红色粘土中褐铁矿和伊利石的吸附影响。

48、expound reinforcing measures of limonite sintering. ─── 提出了强化褐铁矿烧结的措施。

49、The ores are ores with low content of sulfide.The minerals are simple in the ores.The contents of metallic mineral are about 3%.The main metallic mineral are pyrite and limonite. ─── 该矿床矿石属少硫化物型金矿石,矿石物质成分简单,金属矿物含量约3%,以黄铁矿、褐铁矿为主,脉石矿物主要为石英。

50、Gold are mainly hosted in limonite and quartz. ─── 主要载金矿物是褐铁矿和石英。

51、3. pigment consisting of a limonite mixed with clay and silica. ─── 和硅土接触的工人定期检查身体。

52、Research on New Beneficiation Technology for Tiekeng Limonite Ore ─── 铁坑褐铁矿选矿新工艺研究


54、Problems encountered amid the industrialization of the research achievements on the mineral processing of siderite and limonite were analyzed and corresponding countermeasures were proposed. ─── 针对目前菱、褐铁矿分选技术科研成果产业化过程中存在的问题,提出了相应对策。

55、Reverse Flotation Experiments on a Limonite with Anionic and Cationic Collectors ─── 阴阳离子捕收剂反浮选褐铁矿试验研究

56、Their colors are also generated after the formation of jadeite crystals, often found in the red layer, caused by disseminated limonite. ─── 它们的颜色也是硬玉晶体生成后才形成,常常分布于红色层之上,是由褐铁矿浸染所致。

57、The manganese ore magnetic ore separator may also use in mineral and so on limonite, rutile, niobium tantalum ore separation depuration. ─── 锰矿磁选机还可用于褐铁矿、金红石、铌钽矿等矿物的分选提纯。

58、Experimental Research of Recovering Easy-to-slime Limonite by Flocculation-High Intensity Magnetic Separation Technology ─── 絮凝-强磁选回收易泥化褐铁矿的试验研究

59、refractory limonite ore ─── 难选褐铁矿

60、mainly hosted in limonite and quartz. ─── 主要载金矿物是褐铁矿和石英。

61、Keywords gravity concentration;magnetic separation;reverse flotation;hematite;limonite;goethite; ─── 重选;磁选;反浮选;赤铁矿;褐铁矿;针铁矿;

62、Dabaoshan 2# limonite ─── 大宝山2号褐粉

63、The alteration of country rock related to gold mineralization includes silicated, carbonation,argillic and hematitization(or limonite)alteration. ─── 矿体受岩筒产状控制。与金矿化有关的围岩蚀变有硅化、碳酸盐化、粘土化和赤(褐)铁矿化。

64、Limonite and pyrite are the major gold-carrier in the mineral. ─── 围岩蚀变以硅化、褐铁矿化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化为特征。


66、The main gold-carrying mineral is quartz, pyrite and limonite. ─── 主要载金矿物是石英、黄铁矿和褐铁矿。

67、Keywords cerusite;limonite;sulfidizing flotation;xanthates; ─── 白铅矿;褐铁矿;硫化浮选;黄药;

68、An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate,heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite. ─── 内蒙某氧化锌矿石氧化率高,风化严重,异极矿和褐铁矿共生关系紧密且复杂,是一个难选的氧化锌矿。

69、Industrialization of Research Achievements on Mineral Processing of Siderite and Limonite: Problems and Countermeasures ─── 菱、褐铁矿选矿研究成果产业化过程中的问题与对策

70、Keywords thiocarbamide;roast;limonite ore containing gold; ─── 硫脲;焙烧;含金褐铁矿石;

71、Keywords limonite;reverse flotation;anionic and cationic collectors;de-sliming;cationic surfactant; ─── 褐铁矿;反浮选;阴阳离子捕收剂;脱泥;阳离子表面活性剂;

72、Keywords magnetite;hematite;limonite;magnetic separation; ─── 磁铁矿;赤铁矿;褐铁矿;磁选;

73、Laterite ores can be approximately divided into two categories: the limonite and the humus soil. ─── 红土镍矿大致可分为褐铁矿型和腐植土型两类。


75、It's a mid scale and its ore belongs to low grade structural altereds tyle, limonite, pyrite are mainly gold carriers. ─── 矿石以低品位构造蚀变岩型为主,褐铁矿、铁矿是主要的载金矿物。

76、pigment consisting of a limonite mixed with clay and silica ─── 由褐铁矿与粘土、硅土混合而成的颜料

77、Keywords limonite magnetization baking complexed flow; ─── 褐铁矿;磁化焙烧;摇床重选;磁选;

78、Keywords Refractory iron ores;Magnetite;Hematite;Siderite;Limonite; ─── 难选铁矿石;磁铁矿;赤铁矿;菱铁矿;褐铁矿;

79、The proven iron ore reserves of 140 million tons, ore varieties have hematite, limonite, red limonite and siderite, the type of deposit for the Shanxi-style iron. ─── 铁矿的探明储量为1.4亿吨,矿石品种有赤铁矿、褐铁矿、赤褐铁矿和菱铁矿,矿床的类型为山西式铁矿。

80、ZHANG Guo-xiang.Experiment on comminution properties of diaspore,kaolinite and limonite [J].Journal of Central South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,1982,(3):75-82. ─── [3]张国祥.一水硬铝石、高岭石粘土岩、褐铁矿粉碎性质的试验研究[J].中南矿冶学院学报,1982,(3):75-82.

81、Keywords siderite;limonite;mineral processing;industrialization;countermeasure; ─── 菱铁矿;褐铁矿;选矿;产业化;对策;

82、Hematite and limonite ─── 赤褐铁矿

83、The Australian FMG fine ore belongs to the limonite,the reserve big and the pin high,enhancing proportion in sinter is one of effective actions of reducing production cost. ─── 澳大利亚FMG粉矿属于褐铁矿,储量大且单烧品位高,提高其在烧结中的比例是企业降低生产成本的有效措施之一。

84、"It occurs rarely as a free metal, occasionally in natural alloys (especially in meteorites), and in hundreds of minerals and ores, including hematite, magnetite, limonite, and siderite. ─── 地壳中游离铁很少见,而通常存在于合金(特别是陨石)及数百种矿物中,包括赤铁矿、磁铁矿、褐铁矿和菱铁矿。

85、Keywords limonite;sintering;technical and economic index; ─── 褐铁矿;烧结;技术经济指标;

86、Test Research on Benefication of Refractory OOlitic Hematite and Limonite Ore ─── 难选鲕状赤、褐铁矿石的选矿试验研究

87、Researches On the Flotation Process for a Limonite Ore ─── 某褐铁矿浮选工艺流程试验研究

88、The dominant minerals are magnetite, hornblende, epidote, ilmenite, hematite, limonite, zircon and so on. ─── 重矿物共计37种,以磁铁矿、角闪石、绿帘石、钛铁矿、赤铁矿、褐铁矿、锆石为主。

89、Keywords technical-improvement;limonite;sinter;effect; ─── 技术改造;褐铁矿;烧结;效果;

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