anthrax 发音
英:[ˈænθræks] 美:[ˈænθræks]
英: 美:
anthrax 中文意思翻译
anthrax 词性/词形变化,anthrax变形
anthrax 短语词组
1、inhalation anthrax ─── [网络] 吸入性炭疽;吸入性炭疽病;吸入型炭疽病
2、cutaneous anthrax ─── 皮肤炭疽,疫疔,恶性脓疱
3、malignant anthrax ─── [医] 恶性炭疽
4、cutaneus anthrax ─── [医] 皮肤炭疽, 恶性脓疱
5、symptomatic anthrax ─── [医] 气肿性炭疽, 黑腿病
6、anthrax antitoxin ─── [医] 炭疽 ─── [菌]抗毒素
7、anthrax hide ─── [化] 炭疽皮
8、pulmonary anthrax ─── [医] 肺炭疽
9、anthrax toxin ─── 炭疽毒素
10、cerebral anthrax ─── [医] 脑炭疽
11、anthrax bacillus ─── [医] 炭疽杆菌
12、anthrax vaccine ─── 炭疽菌苗
13、intestinal anthrax ─── [医] 肠炭疽
14、emphysematous anthrax ─── [医] 气肿性炭疽
15、anthrax-infected hide ─── 炭疽感染的隐藏物
16、anthrax bacteria ─── 炭疽杆菌
17、anthrax pneumonia ─── [医] 炭疽性肺炎, 肺炭疽
18、anthrax hides ─── [化] 炭疽皮
19、apoplectic anthrax ─── [医] 卒中型炭疽
anthrax 相似词语短语
1、inthral ─── vt.迷惑;迷醉
2、anthraco- ─── 蒽醌
3、anthelix ─── n.对耳轮
4、anthrop ─── abbr.人类学(anthropology);人类学的(anthropological);人类学家(anthropologist)
5、anthracic ─── 无烟煤
6、anthotaxy ─── n.花序列,花序
7、enthral ─── v.迷住;奴役
8、anthraces ─── n.炭疽,炭疽热(anthrax的变形)
9、antheral ─── adj.花药的,花粉囊的
anthrax 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Mice susceptible to the aian flu irus were passiely immunized with one of the four antibodies or a control antibody to either diphtheria or anthrax. ─── 小鼠容易受到禽流感的被动免疫接种,其中四个抗体或对照抗体要么是白喉要么是炭疽。
2、Other specified anthrax manifestations ─── 其他特指的炭疽表现
3、Meanwhile,the anthrax outbreak continued to spread,it's reported to be found in Pakistan and Germany. ─── 与此同时,炭疽病还在继续扩展,据报道在巴基斯坦和德国境内亦发现了炭疽病例。
4、In 1995, she admitted that a factory she had set up near Baghdad had made enough anthrax and botulinum to kill millions. ─── 1995年,她承认,她在巴格达附近建立的一家工厂制造了能杀死数百万人的炭疽和肉毒杆菌。
5、If you're weird, people might call you 'Taliban' or ask if you have anthrax". ─── 如果一个人很怪异或是神神秘秘的,人们可能会叫他"塔利班(Taliban)",或者问他"是不是感染炭疽了"(if you have an thrax)。
6、Over the past two years, many who knew him saw the effects of accumulating pressure as the anthrax investigation veered toward him. ─── 在过去的两年多里,许多认识他的人看到,当炭疽事件调查的方向转向他之后,不断在他身上聚集的压力对他产生的影响。
7、"It is very unusual for this species to die in large numbers," the AWF said, warning that immediate steps needed to be taken to prevent the anthrax from spreading. ─── 报道说,非洲野生动物基金会对此表示:“这种动物大批死去其实是一种极不寻常的现象。”
8、The Isolation and Evaluation of a Single Soil Anthrax Bacteria ─── 一株土壤炭疽杆菌的分离培养及理化特性鉴定
9、They realized the device they were testing might have applications on Earth in detecting anthrax . ─── 他们意识到他们用来测试的装置可能用在地球上来监测炭疽。
10、This was the beginning of the anthrax scare created byter rorists throughout the USA and the rest of the world. ─── 这便是恐怖分子制造的席卷美国和全球的炭疽热恐慌的开始。
11、Some Thoughts on Diagnosis of Anthrax in a Sika Deer ─── 一例梅花鹿炭疽的诊断体会
12、Diagnosis and Disposal of a Case of Swine Anthrax ─── 一起猪炭疽的诊断与处理
13、For example, they can produce anthrax and botulinum toxin. ─── 例如,它们可以生产炭菌病毒和肉毒菌毒素。
14、The fact that the link between anthrax and Iraq may have provided the 'tipping point' in moving media and public opinion to the point where Bush could attack Iraq without a firestorm of protest. ─── 事实上,炭疽和伊拉克之间的联系已经给那些蠢蠢欲动的媒体提供了“引爆点”,同时要不是公众的舆论激起了抗议,布什很可能会攻打伊拉克。
15、That's a bunch of mice that had been poisoned by our scientist friends down in Texas, at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax. ─── 那是一群被毒害了的老鼠,由处于德克萨斯州的科学家朋友们,用炭疽杆菌下的毒。
16、Included in the medicine chest used for these experiments would have been anthrax, the plague, and brucellosis. ─── 在这些实验中使用的药箱本来包括炭疽热,鼠疫,布鲁氏菌病。
17、Suppose you tell it that“ Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax in people. ─── 她每事必问,一丝细节都不放过,有礼而不倦。
18、It is not a good idea to culture anthrax in your home. ─── 在家中培育炭疽病毒可不是好玩的。
19、This alone should be enough to cause even the most cautious citizen to suspect that the government was either complicit in, or cynically and deliberately dishonest in exploiting, the anthrax attacks. ─── 仅此一点已经足以引起那些谨慎的市民们产生怀疑,政府要么就是串通一气玩世不恭,要么就是在炭疽(病)攻击这件事上采取不诚实的开发态度。
20、The FBI has asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to convene an independent panel of experts to review the anthrax investigation data. ─── FBI要求国家科学院(NAS)召开独立专门问题小组会议,就炭疽邮件的调查做一个汇报总结。
21、Through the above-mentioned three kinds of vaccine immunization, prevention of anthrax, leptospirosis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever, such as three kinds of infectious diseases. ─── 发生炭疽、钩端螺旋体病疫情或发生洪涝灾害可能导致钩端螺旋体病暴发流行时,对重点人群进行炭疽疫苗或钩体疫苗应急接种。
22、After Casimir Davaine showed the direct transmission of the anthrax bacillus between cows, Koch studied anthrax more closely. ─── 1843年12月11日科赫生于德国克劳斯塔尔。5岁时就能借助报纸自己读书,这预示着具有的超凡智慧及毅力。
23、French chemist who founded modern microbiology, invented the process of pasteurization, and developed vaccines for anthrax, rabies, and chicken cholera. ─── 巴斯德,路易斯1822-1895法国化学家,创立了现代微生物学,发明了巴氏杀菌法,并且改进了炭疽、狂犬病和禽霍乱的疫苗
24、The disease can be prevented after exposure to the anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. ─── 一旦暴露于炭疽孢子后,若及早以适当的抗生素治疗,可防止染病。
25、Injection of this preparation, known as AVA (for anthrax vaccine adsorbed), stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies that specifically bind to and inactivate the toxin's components. ─── 不过,大多数的抗体都是作用在保护抗原,这也是保护抗原名称的由来;
26、In the New York case made public yesterday the bacterium entered the skin and is known as cutaneous anthrax, which is far less dangerous. ─── 在昨天公布的发生在纽约的病例中,病菌侵入了皮肤组织,称为皮肤传染型炭疽病,并不十分凶险。
27、After the anthrax mailings in October 2001, the Fort Detrick labs went into a frenetic response, testing suspicious mail and packages virtually round-the-clock. ─── 2001年10月炭疽邮件事件以后,底特里克堡实验室进入疯狂状态,测试可疑邮件,包裹,几乎24小时连续工作。
28、In early 2002, without notifying his supervisors, Ivins began sampling areas in the Detrick lab space that he believed might be contaminated with anthrax. ─── 2002年初,在没有通知督导的情况下,埃文斯开始在底特里克堡实验室内取样,他相信那些地方可能已经被炭疽病菌污染。
29、Meanwhile, the anthrax outbreak continued to spread, it's reported to be found in Pakistan and Germany. ─── 与此同时,炭疽病还在继续扩展,据报道在巴基斯坦和德国境内亦发现了炭疽病例。
30、my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox. ─── 我的背包里很容易就能装下那些奇怪的手榴弹或炭疽填充的午餐盒。
31、During the War of Resistance against Japan, the enemy launched brutal germ warfare, including the anthrax attack, in the areas along Zhejiang - Jiangxi Railway. ─── 抗日战争时期,日军在1940至1944年间,对浙赣铁路沿线地区实行了残酷的细菌战,其中包括炭疽攻击。
32、The result of breakthroughs in biology, chemistry and micromanufacturing, the instrument can immediately alert investigators to even the slightest hint of anthrax or smallpox in the air. ─── 作为生物、化学和显微制造的突破性成果,这一仪器可以迅速警示调查人员空气中存在的哪怕是最微量的炭疽或天花。
33、Yahoo News: Experts faultU.S. Preparation for another anthrax attack ─── 专家指责美国对炭疽病攻击准备不力
34、The Justice Department is expected to decide soon whether to close its investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks. ─── 司法部近期将对是否终止对2001年炭疽热袭击案件的调查做出决定。
35、The work on anthrax abruptly ushered in the golden age of medical bacteriology ─── 于炭疽病的研究突然将医学细菌学引入了黄金时代。
36、Chemical sensors turn a solution bright green if anthrax is present and then trigger an alarm. ─── 如果有炭疽,化学传感器就会出现溶液变明绿色,接着就响铃。
37、At the moment, antibiotics given to victims of inhalation anthrax may control microbial expansion but leave the toxin free to wreak havoc. ─── 但目前投给吸入性炭疽受害者的抗生素,或许可以控制微生物的扩散,对炭疽毒素却是一筹莫展。
38、Thinking Over an Anthrax Case ─── 一起炭疽病案例引发的思考
39、They may have weaponized quantities of anthrax. ─── 他们可能已将大量炭疽制成了武器。
40、We know from Iraq's past admissions that it has successfully weaponized not only anthrax, but also other biological agents, including botulinum toxin, aflatoxin and ricin. ─── 我们从伊拉克过去承认的事实中了解到,它已不仅成功地将炭菌病毒制武器化了,而且将包括肉毒菌毒素、黄曲霉毒素和蓖麻毒素等生物制剂武器化了。
41、Fran_ Blinebury: Sure. And maybe they could get a few envelopes of anthrax, too. ─── 当然,或许他们还能收到一些装炭疽病的信封呢!
42、They realized the device they were testing might have applications on Earth in detecting anthrax. ─── 他们意识到他们用来测试的装置可能用在地球上来监测炭疽。
43、We have not yet learned the normal function of the receptor, which surely did not evolve specifically to allow the anthrax toxin into cells. ─── 我们还不知道这个受体的正常功能,但可以肯定的是,它绝不会是专门演化来引导炭疽毒素进入细胞的。
44、In Rome, the US Embassy received a parcel containing white powder the day before yesterday. Embassy officials feared that it might contain anthrax spores. ─── 在罗马,美国驻意大利大使馆前天收到一个含有白粉的邮袋,使馆人员担心邮袋里可能藏有炭疽菌。
45、The principle and application of examining gemma of anthrax bacillus with PCR ─── PCR检测炭疽杆菌芽孢的原理及其应用
46、Goldenberg A, Shmueli G, Caruana RA, et al. Early statistical detection of anthrax outbreaks by tracking over-the-counter medication sales [ J ]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2002,99 (8): 5237-5240. ─── 吴泽明,宿鲁,段德辉.疾病控制预警系统模式探讨[J].中国公共卫生,2003,19(10):1154.
47、Taking well water as the object,the effect of nanofiltration on removing organics and similar anthrax bacillus contamination was dealt with. ─── 以某自备井水和类炭疽杆菌污染水为研究对象,考察了纳滤工艺对水中有机物和类炭疽杆菌的去除效果。
48、A letter containing a powdery substance is believed to be the source of the anthrax becteria that showed up as a skin rash on an NBC employee. ─── 一封带有粉状物质的信件被确定为炭疽热细菌的来源,因为一位NBC雇员已经由此得了皮炎。
49、We uncovered an al Qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in attacks against America. ─── 我们破获了正在研制炭疽,以用于袭击美国的一个“基地”组织。
50、The biological characteristics, aetiology, pathogenicity, Symptom types, transmission, immunity, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of anthrax and anthrax bacillus were reviewed in this article. ─── 从生物学的角度,就炭疽与炭疽杆菌的生物学特点、病原学、致病性与症状类型、传播、免疫性、诊断、预防和治疗作了综合评述。
51、They realized the device they were testing might have applications on Earth in detecting anthrax . "It works great. " ─── 他们意识到他们正在测试的设备也许可以用于检测地球上的炭疽热病毒。
52、After Sept. 11, there was a flood of elaborate security requests amid panic about biological weaponry because of the anthrax scares, Rigdon said. ─── 在9-11以后,由于炭疽病的威胁,产生了一批针对紧急情况的精密安全系统,Rigdon说。
53、We will develop vaccines to fight anthrax and other deadly diseases. ─── 我们要研制用于治疗炭疽和其他致命疾病的疫苗。
54、In the UAB study, researchers worked under strict bio-safe conditions to infect cultures of cells and laboratory-bred mice with a strain of anthrax often used in research. ─── 在UAB研究中,科学家在极其苛刻的生物安全条件下使一株研究用的炭疽细菌感染培养细胞和实验小鼠。
55、According to former officials, the bacteria cultures could be used to make biological weapons, including anthrax. ─── 据以前的官员说,细菌培养菌可以用来制造生物武器,包括炭疽芽孢。
56、Put anthrax on a tampax, and slap you till you can't stand ─── 把炭疽热放到月经棉塞上,并把你拍地站不起来
57、Sure. And maybe they could get a few envelopes of anthrax, too. ─── 当然,或许他们还能收到一些装炭疽病的信封呢!
58、His work with the deadly anthrax bacteria was devoted to developing more effective vaccines that could save lives in a future biological attack. ─── 他的工作是整天面对那些致命的炭疽细菌,他全身心的投入,研究出有效的疫苗,以期在将来的生化袭击中拯救生命。
59、Ivins eventually would be awarded the Defense Department's highest honor for civilian performance for helping to resurrect a controversial vaccine that could protect against anthrax. ─── 埃文斯最终得到了国防部给予平民的最高荣誉,表彰由于他的帮助使得一种受争议的疫苗复活,以防治炭疽病菌。
60、During a nation-wide anthrax scare in 2001, AMI's office in Boca Raton, Florida, was targeted and a photo editor was killed. ─── 在2001年遍及全美国的炭疽热恐慌中,美国媒体公司位于佛罗里达州波卡拉顿的办公室,曾沦为攻击目标,并有一名图片编辑遇害。
61、In California, a letter sent to Sony Pictures Entertainment in Culver City tested positive Friday for anthrax. ─── 在加州,一封寄到索尼公司的信也携带炭疽病毒。
62、Anthrax was not known in the area at the time, or if it was, wasn't thought to be of any consequence by the local tribes, and went unmentioned. ─── 当时炭疽在那个地区还不为人所知,就算当地的部落里有人听说过这种病,也没有想到它会带来什么后果,因此一直没有人提起过炭疽。
63、Ezzell said Ivins participated in numerous animal experiments testing how the vaccine protected against various types of anthrax exposure. ─── 埃文斯参加了大量的动物实验,以测试疫苗对于已知不同种类炭疽病菌的保护作用。
64、The budget I send you will propose almost $6 billion to quickly make available effective vaccines and treatments against agents like anthrax, botulinum toxin, Ebola, and plague. ─── 在向你们递交的预算中,我提议拨款近60亿美元,迅速提供有效的疫苗和疗法,以抗击炭疽、肉毒杆菌毒素、艾博拉病及鼠疫等毒剂。
65、The more and more power plants will regard its anthrax situation and the environmental protection request carry on desulphurization processing to the haze. ─── 愈来愈多的电厂将视其煤质情况和环保要求对烟气进行脱硫处理。
66、Note the spray coming from beneath the Mirage; that is 2,000 liters of simulated anthrax that a jet is spraying. ─── 大家可以注意到飞机下面喷射出东西来,那是2000公升的模拟炭菌。
67、The Iraqi side suggested that the problem of verifying the quantities of anthrax and two VX-precursors, which had been declared unilaterally destroyed, might be tackled through certain technical and analytical methods. ─── 伊拉克方面建议核实炭疽热病菌和两种VX神经毒气原料数量的问题可以通过某些技术和分析方面来解决,伊拉克方面单方面宣称这些东西已经被销毁。
68、including one that spreads the deadly anthrax bacteria. ─── 其中包括传播致命炭疽热细菌的武器。
69、Zoonosis diagnosis and prevention of anthrax ─── 人兽共患病炭疽的防治与诊断
70、anthrax live vaccine for human ─── 人用炭疽活菌苗
71、Anthrax is very dangerous, but we've caught it early.He's on levaquin.It's the best antibiotic we have. ─── |炭疽热很危险,不过我们发现得早, 他正被注射左氧氟沙星,那是现有的最好的抗生素.
72、In 1995,she admitted that a factory she had set up near Baghdad had made enough anthrax and botulinum to kill millions. ─── 1995年,她承认,她在巴格达附近建立的一家工厂,制造了能杀死数百万人的炭疽和肉毒杆菌。
73、Article 28. The body of a person who died of plague, cholera or anthrax must be disinfected immediately and cremated at a nearby place. ─── 第二十八条患鼠疫、霍乱和炭疽死亡的,必须将尸体立即消毒,就近火化。
74、Is It Anthrax or Just White Powder? ─── 它是炭疽病还是只是。
75、Because it can be exceedingly contagious in aerosol form, the Ebola virus ranks with smallpox and anthrax as one of the most worrisome potential biological weapons. ─── 刚果共和国于去年爆发相关疫情,期间共有178人感染病毒,其中157人死于出血热。
76、Well, there are other anthrax detectors on the market, the one developed by the U. S. space agency is among the smallest, quickest and cheapest. ─── 当然,市面上也有其它款式的炭疽热探测器,但由美国宇航局研发出的这款装置是所有同类产品中最小巧,反应最快,价格最低的.
77、An A rmy scientist committed suicide before federal prosecutors could charge him with mailing anthrax - laced letters after the 9/11 attacks. ─── 一名军队科学家在联邦公诉人起诉他之前自杀了,起诉他的原因是他在9-11袭击后投递带炭疽病的信件。
78、Fairly modest temperatures of roughly200 degrees Celsius applied for tens of milliseconds will neutralize most biological agents( powdered anthrax can take50 degrees more), a temperature sustained easily by a nuclear weapon. ─── 以不算很高的200℃热几十毫秒,就可销毁大多数生物战剂(末状炭疽菌可能要提高50℃,核子武器很容易达到这样的温度。
79、For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax. ─── 例如,用它们来给以前看不见的微生物和细菌染色,从而使研究人员能够识别出结核、霍乱和炭疽等杆菌。
80、She said Ivins told her he had a chronic blood disorder and feared that it might be linked to the anthrax vaccine booster shots he had to take to work in the Fort Detrick laboratory. ─── 她说,埃文斯告诉她,他患有慢性的血液紊乱症,怀疑可能和他在底特里克堡实验室工作中,不得不长期大剂量注射炭疽疫苗有关。
81、Model of Action of the MMP-activated Anthrax Toxin ─── MMP-激活炭疽毒素作用示意图
82、Respiratory and gastrointestinal anthrax are characterized by rapid onset, fever, septicaemia and a high fatality rate without early antibiotic treatment. ─── 人们以前不知道热带雨林会窝藏炭疽热病毒。
83、Dr. Blix told this council that Iraq has provided little evidence to verify anthrax production and no convincing evidence of its destruction. ─── 布利克斯博士曾经向安理会报告说,伊拉克几乎没有提供多少证实伊拉克生产炭疽细菌的证据,也没有提供什么令人信服的已经销毁这种细菌的证据。
84、In the interest of controlling anthrax, complete necropsy of animals is strongly discouraged . ─── 为了控制炭粗疽病,对尸体的完全剖检是严格禁止的。
85、Anthrax can be prevented after exposure to anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. ─── 暴露于炭疽孢子后,若及早以适当的抗生素治疗,可防止患上炭疽病。
86、When anthrax affects humans, it is usually an occupational hazard of agriculture and wildlife workers who handle infected animals. ─── 在人类之间,有染病之虞的通常是因职业关系要处理受感染动物的农业及野生生物工作者。
87、End up with two back hands Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can't stand ─── 把炭疽放到你的月经棉条上,扇你直到你站不起来
88、When when pasturage Zhan Mai 4 Ping anthrax is vaccinal, the Neng after Mei Ping is attenuant is vaccinal 200 Yang. ─── 当时畜牧站只买了4瓶炭疽疫苗,每瓶稀释后能接种200只羊。
89、The fact that leading journalists were advised by high government sources to take the anti-toxin Cipro before the anthrax attacks. ─── 事实上,在炭疽病爆发之前,那些主要的记者就被政府消息人士告知服用一种名叫盐酸环丙沙星制剂的抗霉素。
重量级的三组“老人”——炭疽(Anthrax)、杀手(Slayer)和犹大圣徒(Judas Priest)Ghost,其视觉之外就乏善可陈了。
领袖人物托比亚斯·福炽(Tobias Forge)带领成员不定的“食尸鬼”军团(乐手一律戴面具、匿名)一路行独裁到现在,格莱美也拿了,反教皇的舞台形象也够独树一帜,但绵软的音乐实在担不起邪典面相。福炽瞪着冷酷的假瞳呼唤观众互动时,格外像迪士尼游行上的讨好游客的人偶。
Black Sabbath(同上)
Dire Straits(很温柔的乐队,吉他手Mark Knopfler世界指弹吉他大师了,细节处理的也很棒)
Mr.Big(吉他手 Paul Gilbert,MR.BIG每首歌曲中都有一段经典耐听的吉他SOLO也成就了MR.BIG的独特音乐个性。To be with you强烈推荐)
Pink Floyd(迷幻摇滚,歌词很有哲理,曲风很中意哎)
Red hot chili peppers(属于朋克摇滚吧……贝斯手也是世界级的大师)
The doors(迷幻摇滚)
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