decomposition 发音
英:[,diːkɒmpə'zɪʃn] 美:[,dikɑmpə'zɪʃən]
英: 美:
decomposition 中文意思翻译
decomposition 网络释义
n. 分解,腐烂;变质
decomposition 词性/词形变化,decomposition变形
形容词: decompositional |
decomposition 短语词组
1、catakytic decomposition ─── [建] 催化分解
2、decomposition per pass ─── [化] 单程分解
3、decomposition of force ─── [机] 力的分解
4、acid decomposition ─── [化] 酸性分解
5、adiabatic decomposition temperature ─── [机] 绝热分解温度
6、decomposition of movement ─── [医] 动作分解(因共济失调,致肢体动作时的关节相继屈伸不整齐)
7、chemical decomposition reaction ─── [网络] 化学分解反应
8、complex disjunctive decomposition ─── [计] 复杂析取分解
9、combinational decomposition theory ─── [计] 组合分解理论
10、decomposition heat ─── [化] 分解热
11、decomposition inhibitor ─── [化] 分解阻化剂
12、decomposition method ─── [计] 分解方法
13、decomposition constant ─── [化] 分解常数
14、bacterial decomposition ─── [机] 细菌分解(作用)
15、decomposition formula ─── [医] 化学分解式
16、chemical decomposition ─── [化] 化学分解
17、decomposition of automaton ─── [计] 自动机分解
18、chain decomposition theorem ─── [计] 链分解定理
19、decomposition of relation schema ─── [计] 关系模式分解
decomposition 相似词语短语
1、compositions ─── n.组成成分;作品辑;艺术作品(composition的复数形式)
2、reimposition ─── n.重新征收
3、deposition ─── n.沉积物;矿床;革职;[律](在法庭上的)宣誓作证,证词
4、body composition ─── 身体组成
5、decompensation ─── n.呼吸困难;补偿不全;代谢失调
6、decomposites ─── adj.再混合的;与混合物混合的;n.再混合物
7、recomposition ─── n.改编;重排;改写
8、composition ─── n.作文,作曲,作品;[材]构成;合成物;成分
9、decomposite ─── adj.再混合的;与混合物混合的;n.再混合物
decomposition 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Confirmation of principle solution to general function was the premise of function decomposition. ─── 总功能原理解的确定是功能正确分解的前提。
2、Humus is necessary for rapid decomposition of leaves by bacteria and fungi and for recycling by surface roots. ─── 腐殖质是树叶被细菌和真菌迅速分解和根部表面循环过程的必需品。
3、This method is based on two major parts: empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert transform. ─── HHT方法包括两个主要步骤-EMD分解和Hilbert变换。
4、Phenothiazine efficiently protected the polyether-urethane binder but accelerated the decomposition of nitrate esters. ─── 吩噻嗪能很好地稳定聚醚聚氨酯粘结剂,但却促使硝酸酯分解。
5、Disintegration or decomposition into parts or elements. ─── 分解(作用)分解或分裂为部分或要素
6、And while logical decomposition is often essential, it is not sufficient for system modeling. ─── 虽然逻辑分解常常是必要的,但是对系统建模来说是不够的。
7、Nitric acid is not stable, easy to see light decomposition, should be in brown bottle in the shadows to avoid light preservation. ─── 硝酸不稳定,易见光分解,应在棕色瓶中于阴暗处避光保存。
8、Warmer weather meant the decomposition of the corpse. ─── 天气变暖会使尸体腐烂。
9、When the bodies were exhumed, they showed delayed decomposition including the flow of fresh blood when cut. ─── 当那些人的尸体被挖掘出来的时候,他们并没有腐烂掉,当割破他们的身体,还留着新鲜的血液。
10、Decomposition and Reconstruction: On Cubism Narrative of Absalom, Absalom! ─── 分解与重构:《押沙龙,押沙龙!》的立体主义叙事
11、And, in Section 2.1, based on [L9], a regular solution of Yang-Baxter Equation and its decomposition can be obtained. ─── 在第2.1节中,基于[L9]中的结论,我们给出了一个正则Yang-Baxter方程的解,同时也给出了这个解的一个分解。
12、Paste simple entry from top to bottom, decomposition, cleaning and maintenance. ─── 上下糊简易拆装,分解,清洗和保养。
13、In the acidic conditions, decomposition of organic material in the soil is slow. ─── 在酸性环境下,有机物质的沉积作用是缓慢的。
14、The rate of decomposition was not affected by methylene blue and ethanol. ─── 亚甲蓝和乙醇不影响过亚硝酸根的分解速率。
15、A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition. ─── 把塑料布铺盖在肥堆上,并用木桩固定好,以加速肥料腐烂。
16、Study on the effect of salt on double decomposition reaction of brine and ammonium bicarbonate was investigated. ─── 卤水和固体碳酸氢铵复分解反应得碳酸氢钠沉淀和氯化铵溶液,碳酸氢钠经煅烧得纯碱。
17、Most textile flame retardants change or interrupt the normal thermal decomposition process of the polymer. ─── 多数的纺织用阻燃剂改变或干涉聚合物(织物)正常的热分解过程。
18、The thermal decomposition mechanism of ammonium nitrate and its admixture is reviewed. ─── 对硝酸铵及其混合物的热分解机理进行了总结。
19、Functional decomposition is a natural way to deal with complexity. ─── 功能分解是处理复杂问题的首选方法。
20、By applying the multiple quotient singular value decomposition QQQQQ-SVD, We prove a conjecture appeared in SIAM J. ─── 我们通过使用六个矩阵的广义奇异值分解QQQQQ-SVD,证明了1998年发表在SIAM J.
21、There are also some estimates of the efficiency of litter decomposition by Basidiomycetes in pure culture. ─── 也有一些关于纯培养担子菌分解落叶层效力的估计。
22、Domain decomposition method for implicit two-sided obstacle problems, Natural Science Journal of XiangtanUniversity. ─── 双障碍问题的区域分解法,湘潭大学学报。
23、If we couple it with its complement we obtain a 2 set decomposition of the entire set. ─── 如果我们令这集与它的补集配对,我们得到从原集分成的两个集。
24、Effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on chemical composition, fungnl colonization and decomposition of spring wheat plant. ─── 增强的UV-B辐射对春小麦植株化学成分、真菌定殖和分解的影响。
25、The sewage has been activated to aid with decomposition. ─── 为了帮助物质分解,污水已经用曝气处理法净化过了。
26、It is but a few short years from diapers to dignity and from dignity to decomposition. ─── 从尿布到尊严、又从尊严到解体、只不过是短短的一段岁月而已。
27、The essential of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is calm to time-sequence signal. ─── 利用经验模态分析(EMD)滤波,可抑制心电信号内混叠噪声;
28、To be in a heap or pile, as leaves for decomposition or fermentation. ─── 使成堆成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来分解或发酵。
29、In the project produces oily dirt, dirt and fuel, chromic acid, lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. ─── 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。
30、Chemical decomposition induced by light or other radiant energy. ─── 光分解,光解作用由光或其它光源引起的化学分解
31、The decomposition of a set into a family of mutually exclusive sets. ─── 划分,分类把一个集合分拆成几个互相排斥的集合族
32、Pesticides may be lost from, or detoxified in, the soil without undergoing breakdown or decomposition. ─── 农药无须经过破坏和分解,便可以从土壤中消失或解毒。
33、Also,based on the anti-symmetric wavelets,the decomposition and reconstruction of remote sensing imag. ─── 并以此为基础,实现了影像的分解与重建算法。
34、Wavelet transform, i. e. multi-resolution decomposition and reconstruction is also used to reduce noise. ─── 与数据未经滤波直接训练网络相比,预测结果的平均绝对相对误差降低了3.31%。
35、Finally, services are implemented as a coordination of a set of components, which represent leaf elements of this decomposition. ─── 最后,服务被实现为一组组件的协调,它展现这个分解的叶元素。
36、The methodology, steps and strategies of population decomposition are given in detail. ─── 并给出算法的思想、步骤及具体实施方案。
37、Those organisms then affect the rate of decomposition of the leaves. ─── 然后那些生物体会影响树叶的分解速度。
38、The main products of decomposition were CO, CO2 and H2O. ─── 反应后的最终产物为CO、CO2和H2O。
39、The adsorption capacity reduced to 10.37mg/g when they were regenerated by thermal decomposition method. ─── 吸附饱和后的CLDH焙烧再生,循环使用5次后饱和吸附量为10.37mg/g。
40、The hot decomposition gases from the combustion chamber are cooled in the recuperator. ─── 在燃烧室分解后的热气体在换热器中被冷却。
41、Modeling includes the decomposition of a BP into sub-processes and adding required process elements to the model. ─── 建模包括将BP分解成子流程并将所需的流程元素添加到模型中。
42、The succession of decomposer fauna distinctly showed as three phrases compared to the three phrases of decomposition. ─── 4.分解过程中动物群落结构功能演替也呈现明显的阶段性。
43、Decomposition of trace class operators in weakly closed modules over nest algebras. ─── 套代数弱闭模中迹类算子的分解。
44、At the same time, we infer a decomposition mechanism of the transforming of TNT first time. ─── 同时还首次推导了TNT分子在脉冲等离子体效应下的反应降解过程。
45、Numerical method is presented by using singular value decomposition and an example is given. ─── 应用奇异值分解,给出了结构模型修正的数值方法,并进行了数值实验。
46、Title: Decomposition of trace class operators in weakly closed modules over nest algebras. ─── 关键词:弱闭模;迹类算子;秩一算子;分解;距离公式
47、The heat stability,thermal decomposition behavior and the effect of light aging on performance of HPVC were studied. ─── 主要研究了高聚合度聚氯乙烯(HPVC)的热稳定性和热分解过程以及光老化对HPVC性能的影响。
48、Decomposition by heat, producing toxic nitrogen oxides. ─── 受高热分解,产生有毒的氮氧化物。
49、CG-ADDM algorithm is the effective combination of CG algorithm and ADDM(Algebraic Domain Decomposition Method). ─── CG-ADDM算法是CG迭代算法与区域分解法的有效结合。
50、Principles of pyrogenic decomposition of PVC and the principles of heat stabilizer were introduced. ─── 介绍了PVC的热分解机理及热稳定剂的作用机理。
51、How do you avoid functional decomposition? ─── 怎样避免功能分解?
52、The parent ketone can then be recovered at a later time by decomposition with sodium hydroxide. ─── 产物在氢氧化钠存在下可以分解从而还原酮。
53、The traditional procedure of conic fitting utilizes the standard Eigen Value Decomposition (EVD) algorithm. ─── 传统的二次曲线拟合使用标准特征值分析算法。
54、There is some choice as to the degree of decomposition which is suitable for a given problem. ─── 对于一个已知的问题,剖分程度可以有不同的选择。
55、With a higher temperature and more moist conditions, the process of organic matter decomposition speeds up. ─── 在较高的温度和较潮湿的条件下,有机物的分解过程会加快。
56、It was found that there was no positive relationship between the decomposition rate of ethyl nitrite and the reactivity of C2H5ONO with CO. ─── 并且,该反应的活性与亚硝酸乙酯的分解程度不存在正比关系。
57、We researched the subspace eigenvalue decomposition and weighted subspace fitting techniques in the beamspace. ─── 在波束空间内,研究了相干信源子空间分解技术和加权子空间拟合技术。
58、Polyphase decomposition is applied to non-recursive part to realize high-speed filtering. ─── 对非递归部分进行多相分解,实现高速滤波。
59、The decomposition rates of laboratory experiments have a descending trend of CFS>NFS>OS. ─── 室内试验小麦秸秆最终的分解率为CFS>OS>NFS。
60、To be in a heap or pile,as leaves for decomposition or fermentation. ─── 使成堆成堆或团,例如树叶堆积起来分解或发酵。
61、It also puts the use cases identified during domain decomposition as exposed services on the subsystem interface. ─── 它同样将域分解过程中鉴别的用例作为子系统接口上公开的服务。
62、In the project produces oily dirt,dirt and fuel,chromic acid,lime etc scrap, decomposition leather coagulation fat. ─── 工程中产生的油垢,污垢,以及燃料、铬酸、石灰等残余物,分解皮革的凝固油脂。
63、Digestive enzyme increases the decomposition process. They do not decompose food directly. ─── [消化酶加快食物的分解过程;但他们不是直接分解食物.
64、The change in ratio of N to P showed a good decomposition indicator in CWD. ─── N/P比值是较好的分解指示指标。
65、Before then, the scientist had not seen this kind of metabolite is the chlorophyll metabolism decomposition product. ─── 在此之前,科学家从来没有看到过这种代谢产物是叶绿素的代谢分解产物。
66、During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. ─── 发生着火时,通过热分解或燃烧可能会产生刺激性的和剧毒的气体。
67、However, the covariance decomposition of the PS has not previously been used to evaluate medical judgment. ─── 然而,方差分解的PS以前未曾用于评价医疗判决。
68、Functional decomposition focuses on this wrong thing. ─── 功能分解关注的是错误的事情。
69、Seismic trace interpolation with generalized spectral decomposition. ─── 广义谱分解地震道内插方法
70、A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition . ─── 把塑料布覆盖在肥堆上,并用木桩固定好,以加速肥料的分解。
71、One decomposition for each even number starting from the given one. ─── 从给定偶数开始的数的一个分解。
72、The kinetics of thermal decomposition of Ag 2HgI 4 is studied by both isothermal and nonisothermal TG methods. ─── 分别用等温热重法和程序升温热重法研究了碘汞酸银热分解动力学,得到了反应级数、速率常数和活化能。
73、It is difficult to speak about a definite direction of the decomposition reaction. ─── 很难说它的分解反应有一定的方向。
74、Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration. ─── 分裂,分解碎片或几部分; 分解
75、Ab initio study of the Structure and Decomposition for RDX[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陆裕平,朱俊,程新路,程艳,杨向东,董洁.
76、The H2S is believed to come from the decomposition of sulfate. ─── H2S产生速率受还原性气氛还原程度的影响很大,还原性越强,产生的H2S的速率越大;
77、KarhunenLoeve.m, ScaleImage.m-on Karhunen - Loeve decomposition of face detection and recognition procedures. ─── 基于Karhunen-Loeve分解的人脸检测和人脸识别程序。
78、The selection of relaxation factor plays a key role in D?N domain decomposition methods(DDM). ─── 在D?N区域分解算法中,松弛因子的选取起着关键作用。
79、And can accelerate the melanin's decomposition, repress the melanin born. ─── 并能加速黑色素的分解、抑制黑色素的生成。
80、Soil organic matter is the product of microbial decomposition of plant and animal residues. ─── 土壤有机质是微生物分解植物和动物残体的产物。
81、Superincumbent layers of dead plants cut off the air and arrested decomposition. ─── 已死植物上面的那一层隔绝了空气并且阻碍了它的腐烂。
82、The mean number of customers and stochastic decomposition of the number of customers in the system are obtained. ─── 对稳态队长进行分析之后,又给出了稳态队长的随机分解定理,其中给出了附加队长的明确概率解释。
83、To treat(sewage) with aeration and bacteria to aid decomposition. ─── 净化污水运用通风及细菌对(污水)进行处理以帮助物质分解
84、An element is one kind of substance, and its nature can not be changed by any general decomposition method. ─── 一个元素是一种物质,它的性质不能由任何普通的分解方法而改变。
85、It is but a few short year from diaper to dignity and from dignity to decomposition. ─── 从尿布到尊严、又从尊严到解体,只不过是短短的一段岁月而已。
86、In initial stage of decomposition, litter loss accorded with an exponential attenuation model. ─── 分解初期,枯枝落叶的损失符合指数衰减模型。
87、On the other hand, severe decomposition loses object encapsulation and increases reassembly cost. ─── 另一方面,过度分解会丢失对象封装,并增加重新汇集开销。
88、Decomposition temperature of the graft copolymer was similar to that of CMC, but the thermal decomposition behavior changed. ─── 热分解温度与CMC相似,但热分解行为发生变化。
89、Adaptive subband decomposition technique is applied to AANC. ─── 将子带分解技术应用于有源噪声控制。
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