hydatid 发音
英:[['haɪdtɪd]] 美:[['haɪdtɪd]]
英: 美:
hydatid 中文意思翻译
hydatid 短语词组
1、hydatid mole ─── [医] 水泡状胎块, 葡萄胎
2、pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 附睾附件
3、hydatid resonance ─── [医] 棘球囊叩响
4、sessile hydatid ─── [医] 睾丸附件
5、non-pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 睾丸附件
6、hydatid disease ─── [医] 棘球蚴病
7、hydatid thrill ─── [医] 棘球蚴震颤
8、alveolar hydatid ─── [医] 泡状棘球囊
9、hydatid of Morgagni ─── [医] 睾丸附件, , ─── [卵巢冠]囊状附件
10、secondary hydatid ─── [医] 继发棘球囊
11、hydatid polyp ─── [医] 囊状息肉
12、hydatid toxemia ─── [医] 棘球蚴性毒血症
13、hydatid tapeworm ─── [医] 细粒棘球绦虫
14、hydatid rash ─── [医] 包虫囊疹
15、hydatid pregnancy ─── [医] 葡萄胎妊娠
16、hydatid fremitus ─── [医] 包虫囊震颤
17、hydatid sand ─── [医] 棘球蚴沙
18、hydatid cyst ─── [医] 棘球囊, 棘球蚴囊
19、osseous hydatid ─── [医] 骨内棘球囊
hydatid 相似词语短语
1、hydathode ─── n.[植]排水器(皮表水分排泄的器官)
2、hydrated ─── adj.含水的;v.与水化合;成水合物(hydrate的过去分词形式)
3、hydracids ─── n.氢酸
4、hydroid ─── adj.水螅虫的;水螅类的;水螅体的;息肉状的;n.水螅虫;水螅类生物
5、hydatids ─── n.泡,囊;包虫囊;绦虫幼虫;胞囊;adj.包虫囊的,囊状的
6、hydatoid ─── adj.水状液的
7、hydracid ─── n.氢酸
8、hydrastis ─── n.白毛莨科植物
9、hydantoin ─── n.[有化]乙内酰脲
hydatid 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、hydatid worm ─── 棘球囊虫
2、The authors report on an 81-year-old woman with a primary hydatid cyst located in the posteromedial aspect of the thigh. ─── 作者报道了一81岁包虫囊肿患者,原发病灶位于大腿中后方。
3、hydatid Morgagni ─── ①睾丸附件②[卵巢冠]囊状附件
4、A Study of the Avidin-Biotin System Combined ELISA(ABC-ELISA) in the Diagnosis of Hydatid Disease ─── ABC-ELISA技术临床诊断包虫病的研究
5、Keywords Ultrasonic diagnosis;Liver hydatid cysts;Liver atrophy and regeneration; ─── 关键词超声诊断;肝包虫囊肿;肝脏萎缩与再生;
6、Hydatid diaease ─── 包虫病
7、hydatid disease, unilocular ─── 单房棘球蚴病
8、hydatid toxemia ─── [医] 棘球蚴性毒血症
9、hydatid cyst ─── 水泡囊
10、Methods Retrospective analysis of the misdiagnosis of 38 cases of hydatid cyst rupture. ─── 方法回顾性分析肺包虫囊肿破裂38例误诊的临床资料。
11、To investigate the distribution of the calcium deposits in the pericystic layers of hepatic hydatid cyst and its significances. ─── 摘要目的研究肝细粒棘球蚴周围纤维囊壁(外囊)的钙化分布特征并探讨其意义。
12、International Society of Hydatid Disease ─── 国际包囊虫病学会
13、18 Milicevic MN. Hydatid disease. In:L. H. Blumgart. Surgery of the Liver and Biliary Tract. 3rd ed. ─── 17顾树南,黄志强.肝包虫囊肿手术.腹部外科手术学.第1版.长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,2001:639-649
14、osseous hydatid ─── [医] 骨内棘球囊
15、hydatid fremitus ─── 包虫囊震颤
16、Correlative Study Between CT Appearance and Pathology of Hepatic Hydatid Cyst ─── 囊性肝包虫病CT表现与病理对照研究
17、hooklet of hydatid cyst ─── 棘球蚴钩
18、Notes on the Aetiology of Hydatid Disease in Human and Sheep Infection from Northwest China ─── 人体和绵羊细粒棘球蚴病原生物学的比较研究
19、stalked hydatid ─── [医] 囊状附件(卵巢冠)
20、Morgagni rs hydatid ─── 卵巢冠泡状附件
21、Excision of hydatid of Morgagni ─── Morgagni囊切除术
22、hydatid infective rate ─── 棘球囊感染率
23、Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for hydatid disease ─── 包虫病诊断标准及处理原则
24、Hydatid degeneration ─── 水泡状变性
25、Comparison of curative effects of five surgical methods on solitary hydatid cyst of liver ─── 不同手术方式治疗单发囊肿肝包虫病的疗效比较
26、Methods 4 of backone hydatid disease that the means is confirmed after clinical reaching operation pathology ; ─── 方法:经临床及手术病理证实的脊柱包虫病4例;
28、sessile hydatid ─── 囊状附件
29、Under the impression of hepatic hydatid cyst, the patient received left lobectomy and cholecystectomy. ─── 初步诊断为肝脏包虫囊病后,病人接受了肝左叶切除及胆囊切除。
30、hydatid disease ─── 包虫病棘球蚴病
31、hydatid rash ─── [医] 包虫囊疹
32、secondary hydatid ─── [医] 继发棘球囊
33、To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of portal cavernoma caused by a hydatid cyst of the liver. ─── 据我们所知,这是第一例由肝钙化囊造成的门脉海绵样瘤。
34、Keywords Hepatic hydatid disease;Surgical procedures;Immune functions; ─── 关键词肝包虫病;手术方式;免疫功能;
35、Detection of Circulating Antigen in Human Hydatid Disease by Monoclonal Antibody Sandwich ABC-ELISA ─── 单克隆抗体夹心ABC-ELISA检测包虫病人循环抗原
36、Effect of Hydatid Cyst Infection on the Hepatic Drug Metabolism of Host (Sheep) and the Ultrastructural Changes of Liver ─── 感染细粒棘球蚴对宿主(羊)肝药酶的影响及肝组织超微结构的变化
37、Torsion of hydatid of Morgagni ─── Morgagni囊扭转
38、Methods CT findings in 36 cases with pathologically proved hepatic hydatid cyst were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法回顾分析36例经CT诊断及手术病理证实的肝包虫病影像资料。
39、S ELISA for detection of circulating antigen (CAg) of hydatid disease was established. ─── 建立了检测包虫病循环抗原的夹心酶联免疫吸附试验。
40、The research of recombinant hydatid vaccine have made tremendous progress,the reduction in cysts is usually more than 90% i... ─── 多肽疫苗由于不存在毒力返祖或灭活不完全的问题,是棘球蚴病疫苗未来发展的方向之一。
41、Imaging manifestations of cardiac and pericardiac echinococcosis and alveolar hydatid disease ─── 心脏、心包细粒、泡状棘球蚴病的影像学表现
42、Materials and Methods: Under ultrasound supervision and guidance, 18 hydatid cysts were punctured and fluid aspirated, then medicine and pure alcohol was injected combining with general medical care. ─── 材料和方法 :对 18例患者在超声监视、引导下经皮穿刺抽吸囊液 ,注入药物及无水乙醇 ,结合全身用药进行治疗。
43、Echinococcus hydatid cyst ─── 包虫
44、Simple hydatid cyst had 2 cases,1 lesion with wall calcification. ─── 2例病灶为单囊型,其中1例病灶囊肿壁钙化;
45、hydatid fluid ─── 囊液(动)
46、human hydatid cyst fluid ─── 人棘球囊液
47、hydatid sand ─── 棘球蚴砂
48、Experience of Prevention And Therapy For Postoperative Complications of Liver Hydatid Cyst in Young Children(a Report of 53 Cases) ─── 小儿肝包虫囊肿术后并发症的防治(附53例报告)
49、We report a case of a 67-year-old patient with known lung hydatid disease whose main clinical presentation was dyspnea. ─── 我们报告一例67岁的肺癌患者称为棘球蚴病,其主要临床表现是呼吸困难。
50、Al Karawi MA, El-Shickh Mohamed AR, Yasawi ML. Advance in diagnosisand management of hydatid disease. ─── 彭心宇,吴向未,张示杰,牛建华.肝包虫囊肿周围纤维囊壁病理结构的再认识.世界华人消化杂志2005;13(3):276-279
51、Hydatid disease (HD) is a severe zoonosis which caused by lavar stage of Echinococcus, It results in public health and economical problems in the world. ─── 包虫病是由棘球属中绦期引起的重要人畜共患寄生虫病,呈世界范围流行,导致了全球性的公共卫生和经济问题。
52、Methods An epidemiological questionnaire survey was carried by using some tables, diagnose and test the infection suffered by hydatid in some district population selected randomly. ─── 方法:对分层整群随机抽样调查的居民,使用统一表格对其个人卫生习惯等情况进行问卷调查,并检查个案包虫患病及感染情况;
53、Methods The clinical data of 120 patients with hepatic hydatid cysts who received laparoscopic endocyst extraction were retrospectively analyzed . ─── 方法回顾性分析腹腔镜肝包虫内囊摘除术120例的临床资料。
54、The ratio of brood cysts in cattle affected by hydatid disease was significantly higher in Ili than in Hotan and Al- tay,being 26.47%,6.18% and 7.94%. ─── 包虫病牛中带有育囊的比例伊犁明显高于和田与阿勒泰,分别为26.47%、6.185和7.94%。
55、Abstract: Purpose: This report is intended to demonstrate the practical value of interventional ultrasound with intracystic medication and sclerotherapy in treating hydatid disease. ─── 摘 要: 目的 :探讨介入性超声腔内给药加硬化治疗肝包虫病的应用价值。
56、ISH; International Society of Hydatid Disease; ─── 国际包虫囊病学会;
57、Methods:CT characteristics in five patients admitted to our hospital during 10 years and diagnosed as mediastinum hydatid cyst were retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法:回顾性分析10年以来的5例纵隔棘球蚴囊肿的CT影像特点。
58、Taiwan is nearly free from hydatid disease. ─── 台湾几乎没有本土感染之胞虫囊病。
59、Author FENG Xiao hui;WEN hao;CHEN Xin Hua;et al (Xinjiang Hydatid Clinical Research Institute;Urumqi 830054;China); ─── 作者冯晓辉;陈新华;付艳;张静萍;马旭东;温浩;
60、To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of portal cavernoma caused by a hydatid cyst of the liver. ─── 据我们所知,这是第一例由肝钙化囊造成的门脉海绵样瘤。
61、Hydatid cyst of the right lung ─── 右肺包虫囊肿
62、pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 附睾附件
63、hydatid of Morgagni ─── 囊状附件睾丸附件卵巢冠囊状附件卵巢冠泡状附件
64、A Study on Specific Circulating Immune Complexes of IgM and IgE Types in Patients with Hydatid Disease ─── 包虫病人特异性IgM型和IgE型循环免疫复合物的初步研究
65、entire resection of the hydatid vesicle ─── 内囊完整摘除术
66、Differential Analysis and Management of Allergy due to the Rupture of Echinococcus Hydatid Cyst ─── 包虫囊肿破裂所致过敏反应的差异分析与诊疗问题探讨
67、McAbs were prepared by fusing SP2/0cells with spleen cells of BALB/c mice immu-nized with hydatid cyst fluid(HCF)antigen. ─── 作者用人源包虫囊液抗原免疫的BALB/c小鼠脾细胞与SP 2/0骨髓瘤细胞杂交,获得成功。
68、The authors report on an 81-year-old woman with a primary hydatid cyst located in the posteromedial aspect of the thigh. ─── 作者报道了一81岁包虫囊肿患者,原发病灶位于大腿中后方。
70、non-pedunculated hydatid ─── [医] 睾丸附件
71、hydatid polyp ─── [医] 囊状息肉
72、Objective To improve the clinical recognition of pulmonary hydatid cyst rupture. ─── 目的提高对肺包虫囊肿破裂的认识。
73、A new principle of radical surgical procedures for hepatic hydatid disease ─── 根治性肝包虫病外科治疗术式选择
74、hydatid resonance ─── [医] 棘球囊叩响
75、Multifunctional canula puncture for treatment of 26 liver alveolar hydatid disease cases ─── 多功能套管针穿刺治疗肝泡球蚴病26例
76、Objective To summarize the clinical experience of laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid cysts. ─── 目的总结腹腔镜治疗肝包虫病的临床经验。
77、hydatid tapeworm ─── [医] 细粒棘球绦虫
78、Analysis of prevalent status of hydatid disease in Yunnan Province and affecting factors ─── 云南包虫病流行现状及影响因素分析
79、Methods Twenty-three cases of liver alveolar hydatid disease were examined by B-ultrasound,routine CT scanning and necessary enhanced scanning. ─── 方法对23例肝泡球蚴病进行B型超声检查和普通CT扫描,必要时增强扫描。
80、Objective To introduce the clinical appliance of liver transplantation (LT) in the therapy of alveolar hydatid disease (AHD). ─── 目的介绍肝移植治疗肝泡状棘球蚴病(AHD)的临床进展。
81、Evaluation of the Methods of Detecting Circulating Antigen in Human Hydatid Disease with Sandwich ABC-ELISA ─── 夹心ABC-ELISA检测包虫病人体内循环抗原方法的评价
82、Multivesicular hydatid cyst had 3 cases,2 lesions with wall calcification. ─── 3例病灶为多囊型,其中2例病灶囊肿壁有钙化。
83、Hydatid cysts should be included in the differential diagnosis of unusual soft-tissue masses in regions where the disease is endemic. ─── 包虫囊肿应列入鉴别诊断中的不寻常的软组织的地区,人民群众的疾病流行。
84、Keywords Hydatid disease;Epidemiology;Yushu county;Qinghai province; ─── 包虫病;流行病学;玉树县;青海省;
85、Methods SCT findings in 21 cases with pathologically proved hepatic hydatid cyst were retrospectively analyed. ─── 方法:回顾分析经本院螺旋CT检查及手术病理证实的21例肝包虫病螺旋CT表现。
86、Keywords Echinococciasis granulous;bone hydatid disease;animal model; ─── 关键词骨细粒棘球蚴病;动物模型;长爪沙鼠;
87、The authors report the case of a 60-year-old man whom they treated for recurrent nerve root compression due to disseminated intraspinal echinococcosis (hydatid disease). ─── 作者报告了一个他们治疗的由播散性椎骨内棘球蚴(包虫病)引起反复神经根压迫的60岁男性病例。
88、Keywords hydatid disease;knowledge rate;risk behavior;health education;Ningxia; ─── 包虫病;知晓率;危险行为;健康教育;宁夏;
89、MRI findings of 3 cases of spinal hydatid cyst verified by operation were reported. ─── 报告3例经手术证实的脊柱包虫囊肿的MRI表现。
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