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08-09 投稿


granada 发音

英:[ɡrəˈnɑːdə]  美:[ɡrəˈnɑːdə]

英:  美:

granada 中文意思翻译



granada 网络释义

n. 格拉纳达(西班牙格拉纳达省会)

granada 短语词组

1、granada restaurant ─── 格拉纳达餐厅

2、Granada Cathedral ─── 格拉纳达大教堂

3、granada university ─── 格拉纳达大学

4、granada hotel ─── 格拉纳达酒店

5、granada metro ─── 格拉纳达地铁

6、New Granada ─── 新格拉纳达(历史地名)

7、granada hills ─── 格拉纳达山

8、granada sound ─── 格拉纳达湾

9、granada family ─── 格拉纳达家族

10、granada campus ─── 格拉纳达校区

11、granada tourist guide ─── 格拉纳达导游

granada 相似词语短语

1、Granada ─── n.格拉纳达(西班牙格拉纳达省会)

2、grand- ─── 大-

3、grandads ─── n.爷爷;外公

4、granddad ─── n.爷爷;外公

5、Canada ─── n.加拿大(北美洲国家)

6、Grenada ─── n.格林纳达(拉丁美洲岛国)

7、grandam ─── n.祖母;老太婆

8、grandad ─── n.爷爷;外公

9、granary ─── n.谷仓,粮仓;盛产粮食的地区;n.(Granary)人名;(法)格拉纳里

granada 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now we left the Jardin de Generalife, and went to the city center of Granada. ─── 现在我们离开轩内洛尼菲庭园,前往格拉纳达市中心。

2、Standing on the big balcony, people could see much more views of Granada. ─── 站在这宽广的廊道上,可以看到更多的格拉纳达市景。

3、After seeing Granada, we said goodbye to andalusia. ─── 参观格兰纳特后,我们忍不住说声再见,安达鲁西亚!

4、A citadel and palace on a hill overlooking Granada, Spain. Built by Moorish kings in the12th and13th centuries, the Alhambra is the finest example of Moorish architecture in Spain. ─── 爱尔罕布拉宫建在山顶俯视西班牙格拉纳达的一座堡垒及宫殿。由摩尔国王于12和13世纪修建。爱尔罕布拉宫为西班牙摩尔建筑的典范

5、A passer-by found the doll, which resembled a three-month-old fetus, on a sidewalk in the town of Armilla, near Granada, on July 4 and called emergency center. ─── 事件源于本月4日,当时一名路人在人行道上发现了上述的娃娃,以为是一个胎儿,于是就知会了急救中心。

6、Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte. ─── 兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。

7、The Granada and Consul had a certain cachet, partly embellished by their dual role as both chase and getaway cars in TV cop shows. ─── 格兰纳达和领事都有一定的声望,在电视上的警匪片中通过扮演追逐者和逃跑者来美化自己。

8、Antonio Raya Ferrer's roots also connect him with another of Granada leading families of Spanish guitar makers. ─── 安东尼奥拉亚。菲雷尔的血统中同时还和格兰纳达地区另外一个吉他制造的最富盛名的家族有着渊源。

9、He went from one European Court to another. Finally at Granada, just won from the Moors, he secured the patronage of Ferdinand and Isabella, and was able to set out across the unknown ocean in three small ships. ─── 他从一个欧洲宫廷到另一个欧洲宫廷,最后在刚刚从摩尔人手中夺取的格拉纳达埃米尔国赢得了费迪南德和伊莎贝拉的资助,终于能够分乘三艘小船,驶向茫然不知的海洋。

10、California - Granada Hills: San Fernando Valley Chinese Catholic Center ─── 美国天主教圣谷华人中心

11、A citadel and palace on a hill overlooking Granada, Spain. ─── 爱尔罕布拉宫建在山顶俯视西班牙格拉纳达的一座堡垒及宫殿。

12、The crown and sceptre of Queen Isabella I, on display at a museum in Granada. ─── 陈列在格兰纳达某家博物馆中的伊莎贝拉白一世的皇冠和节杖。

13、The Alhambra, the Generalife and Albayzin, Granada ─── 格拉纳达的阿尔汗布拉宫、赫内拉利费宫和阿尔贝辛广场

14、The universities of Granada and Saragossa made translations available of the great Greek classical works from Arabic into Latin. ─── 格兰纳达和萨拉哥萨的大学将伟大的希腊古典著作从阿拉伯文译成拉丁文。

15、A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada ─── 征服格拉纳达

16、The prize was rich: the great ports of Almeria and Malaga, 100 fortified towns--and over it all, Granada itself. ─── 争夺的目标富有价值:重要的阿尔梅里亚和马拉加港口、100个设防的小镇,最重要的是格拉纳达城本身。

17、Ford Granada Ghia Mk II ─── 福特牌格拉纳达·吉亚II型汽车.

18、Mesdemoiselles Noblet, Julie, and Leroux executed the customary pirouettes; Robert duly challenged the Prince of Granada ─── 诺白丽、尤莉和罗丝三位小姐照例表演了一段足尖舞我伯特当然要向格里那达王子挑衅

19、The universities of Granada and Saragossa made translations available of the great Greek classical works from Arabic into Latin. ─── 格兰纳达和萨拉哥萨的大学将伟大的希腊古典著作从阿拉伯文译成拉丁文。

20、Sports week in Granada.Sportlovet i Granada. ─── 在西班牙格兰娜达度滑雪周。

21、"In 1819 he undertook a daring attack on New Granada, leading some 2,500 men over routes considered impassable. Taking the Spanish by surprise, he defeated them quickly. " ─── 1819年他带领两千五百人走过人们认为不可能通过的路线,大胆突袭新格拉那达。结果让西班牙人大感意外,而迅速击败了他们。

22、New Granada, Viceroyalty of ─── 新格拉纳达总督辖区

23、Very fast cache module. It's composed of several modules, this plugin can configure and manage the whole system. Once enabled, go to “Options” and select “WP-Cache”. 作者:Ricardo Galli Granada. ─── WP缓存文件生成插件,号称可以提高网站访问速度,只是本人的不能看出太多区别。所以只在个别博客里开启。

24、Beatriz : Buenas noches. Al mejor restaurante de todo Granada, por favor. ─── 晚上好。请到全格林纳达最好的饭店去。

25、Chillida's imperishable colossal size creations can be found in various cities in Spain, including barcelona, Granada and Sevilla etc ─── 在西班牙的巴塞隆纳、格瑞尼卡和塞维雅等市,都可以看到奇利达的不朽巨型作品。

26、Cadiz,Malaga,and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa ,so they have Moslem influence. ─── 加的斯、马拉加和格林纳达和非洲之间隔着直布罗陀海峡,所以他们受到穆斯林的影响。

27、Mesdemoiselles Noblet, Julie, and Leroux executed the customary pirouettes; Robert duly challenged the Prince of Granada; ─── 诺白丽、尤莉和罗丝三位小姐照例表演了一段足尖舞我伯特当然要向格里那达王子挑衅;

28、The swabs along with 100 Colombos collected in Italy are being analyzed by Dr.Lorente at the University of Granada and scientists in Rome. ─── 这些棉花棒采样,及在义大利收集的另外一百个哥伦坡的采样,由格瑞纳达大学的罗伦泰博士及罗马的科学家负责分析。

29、He builds in a very traditional Granada style, but the guitar I tried had more sustain than these guitars usually have. ─── 他以传统的格拉纳达传统方式制作吉他,但是我试的这把吉他却具有比那些吉他更长的延音。

30、Granada,blood-stained in bullfights,Woman who preserves the spell of Moorish eyes,of sleep,rebel,gypsy covered with flowers. ─── (格拉纳达,在斗牛中染血,你的女人,保存著摩尔人眼睛的魔力:睡意、反叛、盖满花的吉卜赛人。

31、New Granada ─── 新格拉纳达(历史地名)

32、Next we drove on to Granada, home of the great Moorish fortress Alhambra. ─── 下一站,我们继续驱车到格兰纳达,这是摩尔人的故乡,阿尔哈默布拉城堡。

33、Rising above the modern lower town, the Alhambra and the Albaycin, situated on two adjacent hills, form the medieval part of Granada. ─── 俯瞰着低处的现代城镇,艾勒汉卜拉宫和阿尔巴济坐落在两个相邻的小山上,一直保持着中世纪格拉纳达地区的风貌。

34、A region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Atlantic Ocean. The area contains magnificent Moorish architecture, including the historic towns of Seville, Granada, and Cordoba. ─── 安达卢西亚西班牙南部一地区,位于地中海、直布罗陀海峡和大西洋交界处。这个地区有壮观的摩尔式建筑,包括塞维利亚、格拉纳达和科尔多瓦等一些历史古镇

35、The hotel is situated 10 minutes from Granada city center, 20 minutes from Sierra Nevada ski station and 5 minutes from Alhambra. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

36、It was settled by the Spanish in 1510 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 1740. ─── 西班牙人于1510年在此定居,并于1740年后组成了新格拉纳达总督的辖地。

37、On the way to Granada, there were some nice views along the highway. ─── 在前往格拉纳达的路上,沿着高速公路有一些美景。

38、Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology ─── 影像人类学中心

39、The prize was rich: the great ports of Almeria and malaga, 100 fortified towns--and over it all, Granada itself ─── 争夺的目标富有价值:重要的阿尔梅里亚和马拉加港口、100个设防的小镇,最重要的是格拉纳达城本身。

40、Granada now boasts tour healthy calves, at least one of which appears lo be slightly larger than others the. ─── 格拉纳达现有四头健康的小牛,其中至少有一头似乎比其他同龄小牛稍大一些。

41、We offer highly accredited schools of our own - Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Salamanca, Tenerife, Valencia and Guanajuato (Mexico) and partner schools in Spain and Latin America. ─── 我们在以下城市有自己的优质学校--巴塞罗那,格拉纳达,马德里,萨拉曼卡,特内里费,瓦伦西亚及墨西哥的瓜纳华托,在西班牙其他城市和拉美地区还有很多合作学校。

42、Conquest of Granada in 1492 made it possible to support Christopher Columbus's voyages to the New World. ─── 1492年征服了格拉纳达,从而支持哥伦布横渡大西洋寻找新大陆。

43、His principal architectural work, the Granada Cathedral (begun 1528), combines the best features of those styles. ─── 他的主要建筑作品是格拉纳达大教堂(始建于1528年),是上述风格的最佳组合。

44、Graduate School of Education &Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles,California State University Los Angeles, 301 South Granada Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91801, USA ─── 毕业教育&资料研究,加州,洛杉矶,加州大学洛杉矶,301条格拉那达南方部大街,阿尔汉布拉宫,加州91801的大学学校,美国

45、One of the oldest colonial towns in Central America, Granada is accessible by road from Managua. ─── 格拉纳达是中美洲最古老的殖民城镇之一,从马那瓜走公路即可到达。

46、These scientists from Granada determined that the use of olie-pomace oil can produce an 80% slowing down in AIDS spreading in the body. ─── 格拉纳达的研究者们确信橄榄果渣油能减缓艾滋病80%的传播速度。

47、It was certainly in a mood of exultation that the "reyes Catolicos" set about the reconquest of Granada. ─── “天主教国王”开始重新征服格拉纳达,他们当然欢欣鼓舞。

48、A photograph of the Granada man shows a striking resemblance to a juxtaposed image of Himmler, whom he believes is his maternal grandfather. ─── 当他将自己的照片与希姆莱的照片放在一起时,人们惊讶地发现二者确实很像。

49、One of the oldest colonial towns in Central America, Granada is accessible by road from Managua. ─── 格拉纳达是中美洲最古老的殖民城镇之一,从马那瓜走公路即可到达。

50、As it turned out, Francisca was something of a history buff and explained how in 1492 Granada became the last Muslim realm in Spain to fall to the Christians. ─── 想不到法兰西丝卡竟然是个历史迷,她解释著一四九二年的时候,格拉那达是怎麽成为西班牙最后一块陷入基督徒手里的穆斯林领土。

51、Comuneros' Uprising in New Granada ─── 新格拉纳达城市公社起义(1781)

52、It was settled by the Spanish in 50 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 740. ─── 西班牙人于50年在此定居,并于740年后组成了新格拉纳达总督的辖地。

53、He continued his career in Sevilla, Granada, Real Oviedo and Albacete. ─── 他在塞维利亚,格拉纳达,皇家奥维多和阿尔瓦塞特继续着职业生涯。

54、Well, that was until Wednesday, when she confirmed that she had canned Granada, owned by the giant British ITV network. ─── 好了,到星期三,当她确认她已罐头格拉纳达,由英国ITV巨人网络拥有。

55、Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte. ─── 格兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。

56、A few days later, to the astonishment of everyone the city suddenly surrendered, and with it the rest of the moorish kingdom--except for Granada ─── 几天之后,令大家惊奇不已的是巴萨城投降了。除格拉纳达外,摩尔王国的其余城市也纷纷投降。

57、A few days later, to the astonishment of everyone the city suddenly surrendered, and with it the rest of the Moorish kingdom--except for Granada. ─── 几天之后,令大家惊奇不已的是巴萨城投降了。 除格拉纳达外,摩尔王国的其余城市也纷纷投降。

58、The Conquest of Granada ─── 格拉纳达的征服

59、The Spanish luthier Antonio Raya Pardo was born in 1950 in Huelva (Jaen), but his family moved to Granada when he was ten. ─── 西班牙吉他制作家安东尼奥 拉亚 帕多1950年出生在Huelva (Jaen),10岁时随家迁往格那纳达。

60、"We are not happy with that decision [the issue of Granada 74] which goes against the principles of our game where promotion and relegation is the essence," he said. ─── 关于特维斯的个案布拉特还说:“科林希安俱乐部的所有权鉴定和转会费从这家俱乐部转移到英格兰的问题已经部分解决了。

61、The discovery of America and the fall of Granada were contemporaneous. ─── 发现美洲和格拉那达王国的衰落是在。

62、A citadel and palace on a hill overlooking Granada,Spain. Built by Moorish kings in the12th and13th centuries,the Alhambra is the finest example of Moorish architecture in Spain. ─── 爱尔罕布拉宫建在山顶俯视西班牙格拉纳达的一座堡垒及宫殿。由摩尔国王于12和13世纪修建。爱尔罕布拉宫为西班牙摩尔建筑的典范。

63、After seeing Granada, we said goodbye to andalusia. It had definitely treated us to treasures of Spanish culture. We just wish we could have stayed longer! ─── 参观格兰纳特后,我们忍不住说声再见,安达鲁西亚!这绝对是一趟西班牙文化珍品的享受。我们希望能逗留更长时间、欣尝更多的西班牙文化。

64、In Granada he was fairly caught. ─── 在格兰那达时,他就老老实实被捉着了。

65、The crossbow is a favourite weapon of the men of Granada , being both easy to use, and effective against the armour of their Christian fors. ─── 风传格兰纳达但有人烟处,皆现弩弓,因为这种武器易学易精,破甲能力出色,尤为适合对抗基督教士兵盔甲。

66、CSIC, PT Ciencias Salud, Inst Parasitol &Biomed Lopez Neyra, Dept Mol Biol, Granada, Spain ─── 病毒基因工程国家重点实验室,北京,100052;卫生部微生物基因组研究中心,北京,100052

67、Guillermo: En el restaurante "El agua". Es el mejor de Granada. ─── 在“清水”饭店。那是格林纳达最好的饭店。

68、Siege of Granada ─── 格拉纳达包围战(1491-1492)

69、Camino de Granada Hotel : Great Deals Available Now! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

70、It was the hottest day during our 5-day holiday in south of Spain, but it did not affect our good mood. Today we chose Granada for sightseeing. ─── 此次西班牙五日游期间,就属今天最热,尽管如此,我们愉悦的心情依旧没有受此影响。这次选择了格拉纳达作为观光之地。

71、The Uniersity of Granada has already registered almost ten other patents related to this compound's properties. ─── 而且,研究者还注册了其余十项与山楂酸功效相关的专利。

72、Boabdil, always unlucky, was taken prisoner, but the Catholic kings realized that he was far more useful making trouble in Granada than as a Spanish prisoner. ─── 鲍伯狄尔始终是个不幸的人,他成了战俘,但天主教的君主们认为他在格拉纳达制造事端所起到的作用要远远超过一个西班牙战俘。

73、Book online the cheapest hotels in Granada Hills - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Granada Hills 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

74、Standing halfway between the East and West is the Alhambra of Granada. ─── 东西园林之间的是theAlhambraofGranada

75、The alhambra in granada provides a historical model. ─── 西班牙格拉纳达的阿尔罕布拉宫就为我们提供了一个历史模型。

76、the choirs burst into the Te Deum, and the heralds raised a new cry for their masters: "Granada for the King don Ferdinand and the Queen dona Isabella!" ─── 唱诗班突然放声咏歌,传令官为他们的君主提高嗓门大喊:“格拉纳达拥护国王费迪南和王后伊莎贝拉!

77、"The area contains magnificent Moorish architecture, including the historic towns of Seville, Granada, and Córdoba." ─── 这个地区有壮观的摩尔式建筑,包括塞维利亚、格拉纳达和科尔多瓦等一些历史古镇。

78、To Granada, those new calves look like a step in the right direction. ─── 对格拉纳达公司来说,这些小牛犊似乎正在向正确的方向迈出了关键的一步。

79、Townspeople Uprision in New Granada ─── 新格拉纳达市民起义

80、One of the oldest colonial towns in Central America, Granada is accessible by road from Managua. ─── 拉纳达是中美洲最古老的殖民城镇之一,从马那瓜走公路即可到达。

81、He made his television debut in the 1998 Granada Television production of 'Wuthering Heights' in the role of Hareton Earnshaw, Heathcliffe's nephew and heir to the the Linton fortune. ─── 他在电视上亮相,在1998年格拉纳达电视制作'呼啸山庄'中的作用哈里顿,大卫的侄子和继承人向林顿的财富.

82、Al mejor restaurante de todo Granada, por favor. ─── 请到全格林纳达最好的饭店去。

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