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08-09 投稿


subordinate 发音

英:[səˈbɔːrdɪnət]  美:[səˈbɔːdɪnət]

英:  美:

subordinate 中文意思翻译





subordinate 常用词组

subordinate body ─── 下属机构;附属机构

subordinate clause ─── 从句

subordinate staff ─── 下属人员;从属人员

subordinate 词性/词形变化,subordinate变形


subordinate 短语词组

1、subordinate debenture ─── [经] 附属信用公司债, 次等信用债券

2、subordinate ledger ─── [经] 补助分类帐, 附属分类帐

3、subordinate operating ratios ─── [经] 附属业务的经营比率

4、be in a subordinate position ─── 处于从属地位

5、subordinate fold ─── 从属褶皱

6、subordinate chunk ─── 从属块

7、subordinate complement ─── [医] 从属补体

8、subordinate magistrate ─── [法] 助理裁判官, 助理治安官

9、subordinate matrix norm ─── [计] 从属矩阵模

10、subordinate procedure ─── [计] 从属过程

11、subordinate debt ─── [经] 资要债务

12、subordinate body ─── [法] 下属机构

13、subordinate officer ─── [法] 下属官员

14、subordinate conjunction ─── 从属连词

15、subordinate item ─── [计] 从属项

16、be subordinate to ─── 次于..., 从属于...

17、subordinate clause n. ─── 从句

18、subordinate relationship ─── [法] 从属关系

19、subordinate word ─── [网络] 下级字

subordinate 反义词

dominant | co-ordinate |insubordinate

subordinate 同义词

subservient | minion | inferior | foot soldier | secondary | lesser | hyponym | junior | subdue | low-level | minor |dependent | assistant | lower | aide | underling | subsidiary | attendant

subordinate 习惯用语

1、be subordinated to ─── 被纳入; 服从

subordinate 相似词语短语

1、subordinacy ─── n.下级地位;隶属度

2、insubordinate ─── adj.不听话的;不顺从的

3、subordinated ─── adj.次级债券的;v.把…列入下级;使居次要地位(subordinate的过去分词)

4、subordinal ─── 心下

5、subordinary ─── n.(纹章的)次普通图记

6、subordinator ─── n.主从连词

7、subordinates ─── 下级;属下

8、subordinative ─── adj.表示从属关系的;从属的

9、subordinately ─── 从属地

subordinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once we recognize that grammar is subordinate to rhetoric we are in the realm of interpretive decisions. ─── 一旦我们意识到语法对修辞的从属性地位,我们就进入了解释性的王国。

2、Every subordinate sensed his contemptuousness and hated him in return. ─── 他的每一位下属都感受到了他对人的蔑视态度,所以大家把厌恶作为对此的回应。

3、Should not ask about or interfere in the lawsuits being handled by the subordinate courts without authorisation. ─── 不得擅自过问或者干预下级人民法院正在审理的案件;

4、To send out branches or subordinate branchlike parts. ─── 分枝生出枝杈或象枝杈一样的次级部分的

5、To keep his job, he had to subordinate his interests to the objectives of his company. ─── 为保住他的工作,他不得不以公司的目标为主,自己的利益其次。

6、March 2001 Subordinate professional company Hangzhou BODA Design and Consulting Co. LTD. was set up. ─── 2001年03月学科性公司“杭州博达设计咨询有限公司成立;

7、In many societies women are subordinate to men. ─── 在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。

8、Lower in rank, power, or authority; subordinate. ─── 从属的,下级的等级、权力或威望低的; 附属的

9、The latter must dominate and the former must subordinate. ─── 后者应该更占具支配地位,前者只是辅助的。

10、Pleasure should be subordinate to duty. ─── 与工作相比,娱乐应是第二位的。

11、The lower level is subordinate to the higher level. ─── 下级服从上级。

12、"You have to realize that dubbing is not an independent art, it is subordinate to movie and TV shows. ─── “你要意识到配音并非一门独立的艺术,它是电影电视的佐料。

13、An assistant or other subordinate, as of a sheriff. ─── 助理助手或其它下属,如行政司法长官的助手

14、He found it hard to be subordinate to a man he thought to be intellectually inferior to himself. ─── 他发现要服从比他智商低的人,真是太困难了。

15、A subordinate member of an organization who performs necessary but usually minor or routine functions. ─── 从属地位的人或物组织的从属组成部分,实行必要的但通常是次要的或常规的功能

16、The CIA Director is subordinate to the Secretary of Defense. ─── 中央情报局局长是国防部长的下级.

17、When a subordinate finishes a first assignment quickly, the unimaginative manager often is at a loss for a next assignment. ─── 当一个下属很迅速的完成了领导安排的任务,一个缺乏想象力的德主管会不知所措,不知道接下来应该安排什么任务给你。

18、Shanghai Kehuan Electric Manostat Co., Ltd. Is a domestic joint venture subordinate to State Committee of Science. ─── 上海科焕电力稳压器有限公司,是国家科委下属的一家国内合资企业,雄厚的技术力量

19、One or a very few species must be clearly separated from the subordinate species . ─── 一个物种或极少数的几个物种必须明显地与次要的物种区分开来。

20、He did not mean that there was no room for imagination, but that it should be a whimsical subordinate to science. ─── 他并不是说他不容一点想象,他认为想象应该附属于科学的幻想。

21、He is two-faced subordinate and knows how to butter up the president! ─── 他是个两面派的下属,他懂得如何向总裁阿谀谄媚。

22、Ensures punctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by all subordinate supervisor. ─── 保证所有下属主管都能准时参加并严格遵守职责安排时间表。

23、If you had a subordinate who failed to delegate authority in his department, what would you do? ─── 假如你有一个部属在他的部门中授权失败,你应该怎么办?

24、All this analysis and theorizing was used to explain the fact that the elements of religion was subordinate to the link of belief. ─── 这一切分析与理论的研究,都是为了说明宗教因素纯属于信仰的环节。

25、He contented himself with a subordinate job. ─── 他对自己不起眼的工作感到满足。

26、So, instead of life in prison, de Molay and his subordinate Geoffroy de Charnay were burned alive three days later. ─── 于是,取代德莫莱和他的下属格洛费德加内的牢狱生涯的是他们将再三天后被执行火刑。

27、The best way to get on your good side is to work with you as a team member and partner, not as a peer or subordinate. ─── 得到你支援的最好方法是和你并肩工作,成为你的伙伴,而不是同辈或同事。

28、A subordinate part extending from a main body; a branch. ─── 分枝从主体上分出来的次级部分;枝杈

29、You can't do all the jobs yourself---you can delegate a task to your subordinate. ─── 你不能包揽所有的工作---你可以把任务委派给下属。

30、The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened. ─── 研究小组决定做一个实验,他们尽量喂大一些低级鱼,看看会有什么事情发生。

31、If she could subordinate her ambition to the service of her new president and her country, then she could make a fine secretary of state. ─── 如果她真的能放下她的总统梦,心甘情愿地为她的国家与她的总统做出贡献的话,她会是一个称职的国务卿。

32、You are a delinquent subordinate. ─── 你是一个失职的部下。

33、A sales commission collected by an executive in addition to the commission received by a subordinate salesperson. ─── 佣金除下属推销员收取的佣金之外管理人员收取的佣金

34、To contain as a secondary or subordinate element. ─── 含有作为次要的、附属的成分而包含

35、Their parents typically endeavors to keep them subordinate, conforming, and dependent. ─── 他们的父母一般都极力使他们处于附属、顺从和依赖的地位。

36、The subordinate officials in the government offices to which he had been successively attached feared and hated him. ─── 在他先后呆过的政府机关中,下属们对他既怕又恨。

37、Within the economy they occupy a subordinate position. They ought not to expect the tail to wag the dog. ─── 在这一经济体制中,他们占据次要的地位,他们不该指望本末倒置来左右局面。

38、Subordinate claims shall further define the quoted claim with additional technical features. ─── 从属权利要求应当用附加的技术特征,对引用的权利要求作进一步限定。

39、There are major and minor principles in everything, and the minor principles are all subordinate to the major. ─── 事情有大道理, 有小道理, 一切小道理都归大道理管着。

40、In consequence he could not really grasp that in the new relationship he was clearly subordinate position. ─── 因此他不能真正懂得,在新的关系中,他显然处于下属地位。

41、There are no subordinate relations between notaries' offices. ─── 公证处之间没有隶属关系。

42、There are many subordinate courts all over the country. ─── 全国有许多初级的法院。

43、One of lesser rank or authority than another; a subordinate. ─── 下属,属下等级或权力小于他者的人;下属

44、Sixty of his subordinate officers followed his example. ─── 他的60个下级官员都以他为榜样。

45、If you had a subordinate who failed to delegete authority in his department, what would you do? ─── 假如你有一个部属在他的部门中授权失败,你应该怎么办?

46、Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and governments should not be subordinate to decentralize government. ─── 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府不得将审批权下放到下级人民政府。

47、It can also act as an absolute structure,functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement. ─── 也可以作为独立结构,在句子中具有副句或情景补语的功能。

48、The army should subordinate itself to the general interest,which is to develop the country. ─── 军队要服从整个国家建设大局。

49、The subordinate coordinates are in accordance with that set by the cordial chorus. ─── 从属坐标与热心的合唱团的设定值一致。

50、In the army a captain is subordinate to a major. ─── 在军队中大尉比少校地位低。

51、A private is subordinate to a corporal. ─── 列兵的级别低于下士。

52、A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate. ─── 亲信忠心而受信任的随从或部属

53、Those in subordinate positions will follow the example set by their superiors. ─── 上行下效。

54、Having goal-orientded a strong creative ability and be able to indentify and maximite the talent of subordinate. ─── 做事有目标,有较强的创造力能认识下属的能力并使之得到最大限度的发挥的人。

55、Subordinate positions to the established one and fill the number of persons in each position. ─── 下属职位的名称,并填入各职位的具体人数。

56、To keep his job,he has to subordinate his interest to the objective of his company. ─── 为保住他的工作,他不得不以公司的目标为主,自己的利益其次。

57、A subordinate claim may only quote the preceding claim or claims. ─── 从属权利要求只能引用在前的权利要求。

58、In the navy, the lieutenants are subordinate to captains. ─── 在海军中,中尉比上尉的地位低。

59、He was always friendly to his subordinate officers. ─── 他对下级官员一向和蔼可亲。

60、Otherwise,a subordinate might have to cope with conflicting demands or priorities from several managers. ─── 否则,他可能要应付来自不同上级互相冲突的要求或优先处理的命令。

61、In many societies women are subordinate to men. ─── 在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。

62、Q:How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style? ─── 66问:以前的同事或部属如何描述你的领导风格?

63、A sentence can consist of a major clauseone or more subordinate clauses. ─── 一个句子可能包含一个主句以及一个或多个从句。

64、His subordinate find him difficult to work with. ─── 他的部下发现难于和他一起工作。

65、Order the subordinate (troops) to act immediately! ─── 命令所属(部队)立即行动!

66、A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general. ─── 上校级别低于准将。

67、A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity. ─── 助手,副手以从属或辅助身份与他人发生联系的人

68、He is not satisfied with his subordinate status. ─── 他不满意自己的从属地位。

69、The subordinate officials in the government offices to which he had been successively attached feared and hated him. ─── 在他先后呆过的政府机关中,下属们对他既怕又恨。

70、He was both willing and able to subordinate all else to this aim. ─── 他既愿意也能够让别的一切从属于这个目标。

71、Never misrepresent a subordinate's performance during performance appraisals. ─── 在评估绩效时,千万不要错估了部属的表现。

72、There are major and minor principles in everything,and the minor principles are all subordinate to the major. ─── 事情有大道理,有小道理,一切小道理都归大道理管着。

73、A captain is subordinate to a major. ─── 上尉比少校的级别低。

74、Boss and subordinate are equal on character. ─── 上司和下属在人格上是平等的。

75、You must subordinate other considerations to the necessity of observing the terms agreed. ─── 你方必须使其他考虑服从遵守约定条款的需要。

76、A subordinate clause: A clause depends on the main clause in a sentence. ─── 一个从句: 条目取决于主句在句子。

77、He always liked to subordinate others' effect. ─── 他总爱贬低他人的作用。

78、At the climax of his glories Solomon was only a little subordinate king in a little city. ─── 在他荣耀的颠峰期,所罗门只不过是个小城邦的附属国王。

79、Holding an auxiliary position; subordinate. ─── 从属的处于从属地位的;从属的

80、Interacts frequently with subordinate supervisors and functional peer group managers. ─── 与下级主管和其他部门经理密切沟通。

81、The creation of Anna also shows culture subordinate relationship. ─── 从托尔斯泰对安娜的塑造中也流露出他的文化效忠从属关系。

82、The overall corporate strategy will have several subordinate and interrelated strategies. ─── 公司的总战略通常有好几个从属的、相互有关的战略。

83、In Nazism, everyone is subordinate to the race war;in Bolshevism, to the class struggle. ─── 在纳粹政权里,每个人都从属于种族战争,在布尔什维克政权下,他们从属于一个阶级斗争。

84、Chase only subordinate referrals which are a subordinate naming context in a directory tree. ─── 只跟踪作为目录树中的从属命名上下文的从属检索。

85、To divide into or cause to extend in branches or subordinate branchlike parts. ─── 使分枝,使分杈分成或使成枝杈伸展或象枝杈的次级部分的。

86、Mistrust a subordinate who never finds fault with his superior.----John Churton Collins. ─── 不要相信从不指示上司缺点的下属.

87、Subordinate controller parallelled with principal one is used to reduce further system's tracking error. ─── 与主控制器并联的从控制器用来进一步减少系统的跟踪误差。

88、At 2 strands of DNA, this creates a machismo man and a subordinate woman. ─── 在2股DNA,这创造了一个阳刚的男人和一个顺从的女人。

89、Communicate and achieve sales target together with subordinate . ─── 协同下属共同完成销售指标。

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