antitype 发音
英:[ˌæntiˌtaɪp] 美:[ˈæntɪˌtaɪp]
英: 美:
antitype 中文意思翻译
antitype 网络释义
n. 原型;相反的类型
antitype 词性/词形变化,antitype变形
形容词: antitypical |
antitype 反义词
antitype 同义词
antitype 相似词语短语
1、antistyle ─── n.前尾片
2、antitypes ─── n.原型;相反的类型
3、antirape ─── 反类人猿
4、autotype ─── n.复写;碳印法;单色版;vt.用单色照相版复写
5、antipope ─── n.伪教皇;对立教皇;僭称的罗马教皇
6、antitypal ─── 抗伤寒
7、antitypic ─── 反式的
8、artotype ─── n.明胶版,珂罗版
9、antetype ─── n.原型;前型
antitype 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The prototype-antitype theory and the transfer of literary style ─── 风格传译研究的原型-模型理论视角
2、The antitype of ranny Zhao is the Fuhen's nannie,the South tour of inspection she saw can simply be the one conducted by Emperor Qianlong. ─── 赵嬷嬷的原型是傅恒的乳母,她能看到的南巡,只能是乾隆年间的乾隆帝南巡。
3、Pingyao Ancient City (Shanxi) is a large building composed of complete city walls, lanes and residences, the most complete antitype of county of Ming and Qing Dynasty. ─── 平遥古城是由完整的城墙、街巷和民居组成的大型古城建筑群,是中国境内迄今保存最完整的明清时期的县城原型。
4、His job was an antitype to his personality. ─── 他的工作与他的个性是相对的类型。
5、New songs are rung out upon the anvil by the hammer of affliction, till we see in the spiritual world the antitype of "the Harmonious Blacksmith. ─── 的确,葡萄不经压榨,不能成美酒,橄榄不经破碎,就无香气。
6、developed an antitype software for modeling, assessment and optimization of BEP successfully. ─── 在以上工作基础上,建立了建筑环境性能模拟、评价和优化系统框架模型,并以建筑围护结构和空调系统能耗的环境性能为重点,开发了原型软件;
7、Pingyao Ancient City( Shanxi) is a large building composed of complete city walls, lanes and residences, the most complete antitype of county of Ming and Qing Dynasty. ─── 平遥古城是由完整的城墙、巷和民居组成的大型古城建筑群,是中国境内迄今保存最完整的明清时期的县城原型。
8、The demonstration part is made up of the corporation general situation,system plan, function antitype, logical modules, and network topology. ─── 实证分析包括企业概况、系统规划、业务功能原型、逻辑模块、网络拓扑结构等。
9、In the end, the paper designs antitype system for ontology management based on frame. ─── 最后,本文详细设计了基于框架的本体管理原型系统。
10、He who finds his antitype, enjoys a love perfect and enduring; ─── 一个人一旦找到了他的另一个自我,他所体验到的爱将是完美的,永恒的;
11、antitype image ─── 原型意象
12、antitype observation ─── 原型观测
13、They were not conscious that type had met antitype, that an infinite sacrifice had been made for the sins of the world. ─── 但有些敬拜者为罪奉献公牛和山羊的血时,心里却得不到平安。
14、It is the antitype of "mazu" in his novels that performs the special function of aesthetics. ─── 妈祖从一个真实普通的女性演化为特异的神灵,并在长期流传中浸染上宗教色彩。
15、We have completed the antitype of the intelligent design system, and we have achieved the method of intelligent design. ─── 同时,对数控机床的进给系统设计方法的研究也取得一定的效果。
16、This antitype has perfect preprocess function. ─── 此原型具有完善的前处理功能;
17、He who finds his antitype, enjoys a love perfect and enduring; time cannot change it, distance cannot remove it; the sympathy is complete. ─── 一个人一旦找到了他的另一个自我,他所体验到的爱将是完美的,永恒的;时间无法改变它,距离无法消除它;那是一种彻底的融合。
18、biblical antitype ─── 圣经原型人物
19、How to take in the advantage from different models and compare to human antitype are most important to myopia. ─── 汲取不同类型的模型优点,并同人类原型予以比较,对解读近视本质和病因治疗有深远意义。
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