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08-09 投稿


concentrates 发音

英:[ˈkɒnsntreɪts]  美:[ˈkɑːnsntreɪts]

英:  美:

concentrates 中文意思翻译



concentrates 词性/词形变化,concentrates变形

形容词: concentrative |副词: concentratively |动词第三人称单数: concentrates |名词: concentrator |动词现在分词: concentrating |动词过去分词: concentrated |动词过去式: concentrated |

concentrates 短语词组

1、concentrates on the essential ─── 专注于本质

2、concentrates on meaning ─── 专注于意义

3、colour concentrates for plastics ─── [化] 塑料平料

4、magnetite concentrates ─── 磁铁精矿

5、emulsifiable concentrates ─── [化] 乳油

6、concentrates nw ─── 浓缩物nw

7、concentrates on ─── 集中精力于;全神贯注于

8、concentrates on examining ─── 专注于检查

9、color concentrates for plastics ─── [化] 塑料平料

10、emulsion concentrates of petroleum products ─── [化] 石油乳剂

11、concentrates marijuana vapes ─── 浓缩大麻

concentrates 同义词

pore | centralise | aggrandize | think | centralize | rivet | strengthen | come together | compress | consolidate | distill | boil down | thicken | extract | converge | decoct | reduce | stronger | about | center | digest | condense | intensify | centre |focus | make | essence | contract | think about | quintessence | distillate

concentrates 反义词

deconcentrate | distract

concentrates 相似词语短语

1、concentrator ─── n.[通信][计]集中器;[电][通信]集线器;集中者

2、concentrate ─── vi.集中;浓缩;全神贯注;聚集;vt.集中;浓缩;n.浓缩,精选;浓缩液

3、deconcentrated ─── v.分散,下放(权力);(使)(大型组织的)部门下放(deconcentrate的过去式及过去分词)

4、deconcentrates ─── v.分散,下放(权力);(使)(大型组织的)部门下放

5、concentrated ─── adj.集中的;浓缩的;全神贯注的;v.集中(concentrate的过去分词)

6、reconcentrates ─── vt.再集中;vi.集中于某一点

7、concentratedly ─── 集中地

8、concentrations ─── n.关注点;[土壤]浓聚物(concentration的复数)

9、concentres ─── v.集中于一点;聚集;会聚

concentrates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Company not only concentrates on the exploration of products, but also delicates to establishing the total quality tracking system. ─── 公司不仅潜心于产品的开发,更致力于全程质量跟踪体系的建立。

2、Plastic deformation concentrates at the ferrite area under the tensile stresses. ─── 在拉应力作用下,塑性变形集中在铁素体区.

3、There must be something that concentrates the mind even more wonderfully than the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight. ─── 他心中一定有件比两周后被绞死还要令他专注的事。

4、While conducting a general retail business, some agencies may have a branch or division that concentrates on one form of travel or on services to a special group of travelers. ─── 在普通的旅游零售业运行过程中,一些旅行社会有这样的一些分支,他们专门从事一类旅游或服务于特定的游客群体。

5、As the participant concentrates on the photograph, their thoughts slowly appear in the photo like the image of a ghost captured on unholy ground. ─── 当参加者集中相片,他们的想法慢慢地出现于相片像在邪恶的地面夺取的鬼魂的图像。

6、Concentrates on the mechanism experiments,mathematical model and numerical simulation of TLP diffusion bonding were reviewed.Problems e... ─── 对同种或异种金属材料复合机理的研究是材料连接领域重要研究内容。

7、The company mainly concentrates on the construction project contracting, and makes full use of the national and international resources. ─── 公司以工程承包为主业,充分利用国内外两种资源。

8、In near three hours, entire province presented the precipitation generally, mainly concentrates in the coastal area. ─── 在近三小时里,全省普遍出现了降水,主要集中在沿海地区。

9、Currently SDH/SONET is the major transmission technique, and network application concentrates on IP service, so how to transfer IP data over SDH/SONET becomes an important issue. ─── SDH/SONET是目前最主要的传输技术,网络应用则以IP业务为中心,IP在SDH/SONET上的传送是 一个重要问题。

10、Sometimes in new white overlaps repeatedly with repeatedly also concentrates in together, synergism. ─── 在新白中有时重叠重复与反复还集中在一起,协同作用。

11、Concentrates on structure, structure formation, and structure-properties relationships. ─── 主要著重在结构、结构形成和性质结构关系。

12、processing technologies of strawberry juice concentrates and strawberry yoghourt were also studied. ─── 的草莓混汁加工成草莓浓缩汁和草莓酸奶的方法。

13、The kinetics of sulfide gas evolution curve of NX8 coal and its maceral concentrates on the fixed bed carbonization were also investigated. ─── 同时对NX8原煤及其担载添加剂煤样,在固定床干馏过程中硫化物析出曲线进行动力学处理。

14、Animal experiments showed that the concentrates of whey protein also exhibit anticancer activity. ─── 动物试验显示了这种乳浆蛋白浓缩物也具有抗癌的能力。

15、The locked cycle tests mainly based on collector H-4 and activator NS-6 demonstrate that silver concentrates grade are 0.45% at 84.5% Ag recovery. ─── 以H-4为捕收剂、NS-6活化剂为主的用药制度下的闭路实验结果表明,银回收率达84.5%,银精矿品位为0.46%。 浮选指标超过合同规定的银回收率为75%的要求。

16、As a seaside business hotel, each service offered by Gulangwan Hotel concentrates on building a professional and cozy convergence location. ─── 作为滨海商务酒店,鼓浪湾酒店的每一项服务都专注于为客人打造一个专业且温馨的会聚之所。

17、The conception of titanium concentrates,titaniferous slag,high titaniferous slag,synthetic rutile and natural rutile are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了富钛料、钛渣、高钛渣、人造金红石、金红石的基本概念和富钛料的主要用途。

18、Barry's TESOL International program concentrates on English as an International Language (EIL). ─── 其提供学生最新资讯、现代化教学、全球现代知识和经验为主要目标之学府;

19、The engineering department concentrates on maintenance and quality control. ─── 工程部负责修护和质量管理。

20、Formaldehyde and ethylene were a lso observed in the products,and their rel-ative concentr ations were partially controlled by reaction conditions. ─── 在反应产物中还可观察到甲醛和乙烯,通过改变反应条件可以控制它们的相对浓度.

21、In 1988, it was taken over by a trio of club promoters and now concentrates on spectacular late night parties. ─── 1988年,三位俱乐部活动组织者接管了这家酒吧。目前该酒吧专注于举办精彩的夜间派对。

22、The state of production and export of molybdenum concentrates,ferromolybdenum and molybdenum oxide were presented. ─── 介绍了近几年来我国钼精矿、钼铁、氧化钼的生产及出口情况。

23、ChuangTze's death concept concentrates on three aspects: life relativity, natural ontology and spiritual transcent. ─── 庄子的死亡观集中体现在生命相对论,自然本体论和精神超越论三个层面。

24、A spotlight from the ceiling concentrates its solemn beam on a suit of full-length armor of Phillip II, which sits highly on the back of the horse armor of Charles V. ─── 展厅顶部的射灯放射着肃穆的光芒,投射在高高座驾上飞利浦二世的全身铠甲上,其胯下战马盔甲为查理五世的珍藏。

25、Handles matters the rich fervor and the imagination, the efficiency is very high, handles the matter specially concentrates. ─── 办事富有激情和想像力,效率很高,做事情特别专注。

26、Animal experiments showed that the concentrates of whey proteins also exhibit anti-carcinogenesis and anticancer activity. ─── 动物实验的结果显示:怡妙康还具有抗致癌作用和抗肿瘤的活性。

27、The second resolution concentrates on the need to preserve the genetic diversity of European forests. ─── 第二项决议集中讨论了保护欧洲森林基因多样性的必要性。

28、It's not the policeman's fault that the world press concentrates on the few bad apples, they are the ones that make the interesting story. ─── 全世界新闻集中报导为数不多的几个坏蛋,这并非是警察的过错,而是这些坏蛋为新闻界提供了吸引人的素材。

29、Stromasys concentrates on:Virtualization of PDP-11, VAX and Alpha systems. ─── Stromasys专注于:虚拟化 PDP-11, VAX和Alpha系统。

30、The speciation of silver in the lead concentrates were analyzed by means of optical microscope and electron probe micro-analyser (EPMA). ─── 摘要利用光学显微镜、电子探针对铅精矿中银的赋存状态进行了分析。

31、In this work, super-pure magnetite concentrates are used to substitute for ferric oxide to produce a high-grade Strontium ferrite powder. ─── 因此,本研究提出用超级磁铁精矿代替铁红和铁鳞来制备高性能永磁锶铁氧体预烧料。

32、He concentrates on the bone and muscle of his tale. ─── 他集中全力构思故事的结构和内容。

33、It concentrates on operator movements and identifies the best and the most efficient sequence for each manufacturing and assembly process. ─── 它集中关注于操作员在制造和装配过程中如何达到动作的最优化和最有效率的顺序。

34、It concentrates on the writing skills needed for assignments in the Departments of Economics and Social Sciences. ─── 它专注于经济和社会科学系作业所需的写作技巧。

35、Tranquillity comes when the mind concentrates. ─── 心不散乱就是定。

36、He concentrates on his work. ─── 他全力以赴地工作。

37、Reduced overhang behind the rear diff further concentrates mass. ─── 减少过剩背后的后方差异进一步集中群众。

38、Fragmented development concentrates or polarizes the distribution of wealth whereas integral development tends to promote economic equity. ─── “破碎期”的发展侧重或使社会财富分配两极分化,而“完整期”则促进经济发展的均衡性。

39、The test results show that a rare-earth concentr... ─── 同时,对试验流程的改进和优化提出了建议。

40、Northern Edge concentrates on joint multiservice employment and is limited to US forces. ─── 北部边疆演习是多军种运用联合演习,仅限于美国军队参加。

41、Their export concentrates on labor intensive products. ─── 他们的出口商品主要是劳动密集型商品。

42、The bulk of the population concentrates in the cities. ─── 大部分人口集中在城市里。

43、WISI Germany was founded in 1926 and always concentrates its activities exclusively on antennas, SMATV, HFC, CATV systems and other related equipment. ─── 德国WISI公司成立于1926年,发展至今已成为全欧洲首屈一指之电视通讯设备系统器材制造厂,其产品行销全球九十余国。

44、It is applied for leaching of ores or concentrates and for the precipitation of metal s or oxides from leach solutions. ─── 它用于矿石或精矿的浸出,以及金属或氧化物从浸出液中沉淀出来。

45、Perfect soil conditions and a balanced ecology enable Nutrilite to grow the healthiest, most natural plants for producing nutrient-rich plant concentrates. ─── 健康的土壤,健康的生态环境,培植出最天然、最优质的植物,提炼成营养丰富的植物浓缩素。

46、Abstract The annual nominal capacity of Jianahan Iron Mine of TISC is 1.6 Mt magnetite concentrates. ─── 太钢尖山磁铁精矿属高铁、高硅、超细粒度铁精矿。

47、This method concentrates on the topology of tensegrity,and it adapt for the initial process of the form find process of tensegrity. ─── 从一切未知到初具雏形,此方法可以有效的解决这一问题。

48、Trying to remedy this imbalance, the author concentrates on what he judges to be the essentials of monetary theory. ─── 要纠正这种不平衡,作者集中成为货币理论的要点什么,他的法官。

49、But this new technique concentrates the rays using a mixture of dyes that can be painted on panes of clear glass of plastic. ─── 但这种新的技术将使用一种可以涂到方格上的混合染料将光线聚焦。

50、Brandon concentrates more on Wollstonecraft's achievements and adventures than on her work in the schoolroom. ─── 布兰登聚焦于沃斯通克拉夫特的成就和冒险而不是其在教室的工作。

51、CASEY concentrates, and suddenly all the pages from DEAN's book fly around the room. Then the entrance to the basement caves in. ─── 凯西集中精神,忽然间迪恩手上的书,一页页飞了起来,然后地下室的入口被堵住。

52、The sterilizer takes advantage of high temperature disinfection principle, which destroys cell bioplasm, denatures protein, and concentrates electrolyte to kill microorganisms. ─── 利用高温干热对微生物有氧化、蛋白质变性、电介质浓缩引起中毒等作用。

53、He has an area of expertise which concentrates only on knee injuries. ─── 他有一个专门致力于膝关节伤病的技术部门。

54、If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time. As a result, time seems to drag. ─── 倘若大脑不是很兴奋,它就会用全部精力监测时间的流逝。结果,时间就好像过得很慢。

55、Fanny: I want to buy a new Naruto caricature. The stoic concentrates 5 greatly sells from today. ─── 我想要买一本新的火影忍者漫画.忍者大集结5决战今天开始卖.

56、The laboratory test and the industrial experiment of applicating Brazilian MBR concentrates for pelletizing production was conducted. ─── 介绍了宣钢使用巴西MBR精矿进行造球试验及工业试验的情况。

57、If we say that Nussbaum concentrates on Epicures as an urgent need for the treatment of the therapeutic model of such philosophy. ─── 如果说纽斯邦抓住了伊壁鸠鲁作为人生本体疾病治疗的急切需要,那麽尼采的解读就突出,了对于这种哲学治疗模式的副作用的质疑。

58、Timothy Hester is a partner who concentrates in the field of antitrust litigation and antitrust counseling matters. ─── 提摩希·赫斯特是本律所的一名合伙人,他主要集中于反托拉斯诉讼和反托拉斯咨询服务领域的业务。

59、The application of mesenchymal stem cells in the posterior eye mostly concentrates in seeking for the feasible treatment of retinitis pigmentosa. ─── 在眼后节的应用重点集中于寻找治疗视网膜色素变性可行的治疗方法上。

60、This paper concentrates on the philosophy implied by Deng Xiao-pings thinking method and working method and its operation and development in practice. ─── 坚持“两点论”与唯物辩证法、抓主要矛盾,并重视意识的能动作用是邓小平的思想方法和工作方法在哲学思想上的转化形态以及在实践工作中的运用与发挥。

61、Compared with emulsifiable concentrates, micro-emulsions have higher security, more environment-friendly performance, lower cost and better effic... ─── 与乳油相比,微乳剂安全性更高,对环境更友好,且成本低、药效好。

62、This paper concentrates on the question of Customer Relationship Management strategy about Beijing Amethyst Century Technology Co. ─── 本文重点研究北京紫晶世纪科技有限公司客户关系管理策略问题。

63、Our company concentrates on the quality of goods. We have set a high standard of quality approval to ensure our customers'benefits. ─── 我们的工作,在于保护客户利益,注重质量,打造卓越,也为自身的经营衡定了高的标准。

64、Dongguan local electronics factory which concentrates ah? Come to Dongguan live many days yet to be found! Hope Bang Bang? ? ─── 广东东莞的哪个地方电子厂比较密集啊?来东莞多天了还没找到活!希望大家帮帮??

65、The threat of going bankrupt is very unpleasant but it certainly concentrates the mind. ─── 即将破产的威胁虽令人极烦恼,但确也能逼迫人开动脑筋。

66、Especially in dairy production, a judicious use of concentrates will pay dividends. ─── 尤其是在牛奶生产中,审慎使用精饲料将是有利的。

67、Of fruit juices concentrates, the quality of the products can reach Germany RSK standard. ─── 全封闭杀菌、无菌灌装,保证了产品不会产生二次污染。

68、Samples of water and heavy mineral concentrates are also taken at the same sites. ─── 在这些地点也提取了水和重矿物质浓缩物的样本。

69、Diuresis action: Through one nightMorpheus, uric juice concentrates to also form crystallization of uric acerbity salt. ─── 利尿作用:经过一夜睡眠,尿液浓缩亦形成尿酸盐结晶。

70、The fore-clinic research concentrates on pharmacology, pharmic, and toxicology of JMS resisting HBV. ─── JMS临床前抗乙型病毒性肝炎药理药效学、毒理学以及一般药理学的研究。

71、He concentrates therefore on the early unsettled years, up to 1838 when, at 26, Dickens decided to sign himself "Charles Dickens" . ─── 为此,他把目光放在狄更斯早年不安稳的日子上,1838年之前。那一年狄更斯26岁,最终选定以“查尔斯·狄更斯”作为笔名。

72、Beijing AOK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is an integrated circuit agent, which concentrates selling Simulation Device, Digital Integrated Circuit. ─── 北京胜佳同创电子技术有限公司为一家集成电路通路商。

73、For a few days after getting into the water the toad concentrates on building up his strength by eating small insects. ─── 接下来的日子,蟾蜍守在水中专心致志地捕食小虫子,籍以养精蓄锐。

74、Relaxing in a bathtub concentrates the mind wonderfully. ─── 在浴缸中放松可以很好地使人理清思路。

75、The paper introduces the developem ent of oxygen leaching and zinc concentrates oxygen leaching process. ─── 介绍了氧压浸出技术的发展及锌精矿氧压浸出工艺。

76、The uncertainty of measurement in the successive HG-AFS determination of As Sb Bi and Sn in zinc concentrates was analyzed. ─── 摘要对HG-AFS法连续测定锌精磺中砷、锑、铋、锡的不确定度进行了分析。

77、An experienced business enterprise 1 which concentrates on brand sense of vision a design solidifies a creative brand service a team. ─── 一家致力于品牌视觉设计的资深企业、一个团结创新的品牌服务团队。

78、My professional sports career concentrates on dancing and acting and began by practicing ballet at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School in Canada. ─── 我最初是在加拿大的皇家温尼伯芭蕾舞学校学练芭蕾舞的,并从此开始了以舞蹈和表演为主的职业体育运动生涯。

79、If girl concentrates her full attention on her clothes she can't study hard. ─── 如果一个姑娘把全部精力集中在她的穿戴上,她不会努力学习的。

80、He concentrates on the tradition, but can " change the hair clucked ", stores quintessence alone . ─── 他潜心钻研传统,却能“换去毛咕”,独存精华。

81、Hatha Yoga concentrates on the third (Asana) and fourth (Pranayama) steps in the Eight Limbs of Yoga. ─── 哈达瑜伽在八支分法瑜伽强调的是第三部(身体姿势)和第四步(呼吸技巧)。

82、The article includes three parts:Tlie first part concentrates on the reasons for documental - study"s flour-ish in the Song Dynasty . ─── 全文共分三部分:第一部分:论述了文献学繁荣的原因。

83、Once you can envisage concerned muscle how to be operated, that concentrates mind when you at can feel when a certain muscle relatively handy. ─── 一旦您能想像有关肌肉如何操作,那当你把精神集中于某个肌肉时便会觉得较得心应手。

84、The inkstone that our company long range concentrates efforts on CCTV product sends out, creates and sells a job. ─── 公司自成立以来,始终坚持“质量第一、客户至上、”的质量方针,以良好的售前、售后服务体系来适应市场发展的需要。

85、It concentrates on exploring the tactics and methods of how to develop cyber marketing in an emporium. ─── 同时,对商业企业开展网络营销的策略和方法进行了探索。

86、Twilight concentrates much more on a. . . kind of, you know, like vampirism being a sort of disease. ─── 暮光之城更多地集中于一种,你知道的,像吸血的一种疾病。

87、Regarding this, young Manqini said: “I resurface for him feel happy, but concentrates most importantly the Chinese rice, and wins. ─── 对此,小曼奇尼说:“我为他的复出感到高兴,但最重要的是专注于国米,并且取胜。”

88、At the upper-division (the final two years) level, an undergraduate student concentrates on a particular field of study called a "major". ─── 在高年级(后两年),大学本科生集中学习一个特别的领域,叫作“主修”。

89、He concentrates his attention on his training. ─── 他专心锻炼。

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