affectively 中文意思翻译
affectively 短语词组
1、affectively based method ─── 基于情感的方法
2、affectively toned ─── 情调
affectively 相似词语短语
1、effectively ─── adv.有效地,生效地;有力地;实际上
2、affectivity ─── n.情感作用;[心理]感情敏感
3、defectively ─── adv.有缺陷地;缺乏地
4、afflictively ─── 痛苦地
5、affective ─── adj.情感的;表达感情的
6、infectively ─── 传染性
7、adjectively ─── 形容词的
8、affectingly ─── adv.令人感动地;令人伤心地
9、ineffectively ─── adv.无效地;无用地;无能地
affectively 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Your thoughts affect your well-being. ─── 你的思想将影响到你的幸福。
2、And he say as he did in the case of Mubarak in Egypt Gadaffi are living very affectively. ─── 他说他对于在埃及卡扎菲的穆巴拉克的言论行之有效。
3、Clear natural, anti-impact, affectively stopping ultraviolet radiation, scattered light. ─── 清晰自然,抗冲击,有效阻拦紫外线,眩光及散射光。
4、To affect with paralysis; cause to be paralytic. ─── 使瘫痪;引起瘫痪
5、Bad weather can change / affect our moods . ─── 坏的天气能影响我们的情绪。
6、The slight change of weather can affect her health. ─── 天气稍有变化就会影响她的身体。
7、The dream may depict affectively revived memories, facilitating the clarification and organization of other analytic material. ─── 梦可从情感上描绘复活的记忆,促进对其它分析材料的澄清和组织。
8、Can the definition of PONV affect its incidence? ─── PONV的定义是否影响其发病率?
9、Do not affect pay taxes total anyway. ─── 反正不影响纳税总额。
10、To overpower, as with emotion; affect deeply. ─── 征服如以感情征服;使深受影响
11、How does a seat belt law affect auto safety? ─── 安全带法律是怎样影响汽车安全的?
12、Why Does Alcohol Affect Women More? ─── 为什么酒精对女性的影响更大?
13、Will menopause affect my diabetes? ─── 下面是绝经对糖尿病的影响。
14、H: Do grammar and spelling errors affect scores? ─── 亨利:文法和拼字错误会影响分数吗?
15、Loud music can affect your hearing. ─── 喧噪的音乐会影响你的听力。
16、How does congestive heart failure affect the body? ─── 充血性心力衰竭怎样影响心脏?
17、No. Quiet operation, and does not affect your life. ─── 不会。静音运行,不影响您的生活。
18、How Do Interest Rates Affect Bond Prices? ─── 债券价格是如何受利息影响的?
19、What you say will affect her any more. ─── 你说的根本打动不了她。
20、Help filters do not affect the Dynamic Help window. ─── 帮助筛选器不会影响“动态帮助”窗口。
21、Will the changes in taxation affect you personally? ─── 征税的变更将会影响到你个人吗?
22、Backdraft - Any plans to make this affect the GCD? ─── 反噬-有打算让它影响公共CD吗?
23、How does acute bronchitis affect the bronchi? ─── 急性支气管炎是如何影响支气管?
24、How does your faith in God affect your life? ─── 您对神的信心,如何影响您的生活?
25、The teeming time and height affect flow field too. ─── 并分析了流体注入时间、注入高度对流场的影响。
26、Some of these mistakes affect performance. ─── 其中某些错误会影响性能。
27、Affect the melt flow rate and the cooling speed. ─── 会影响熔体的流动性和冷却速度。
28、Can stress affect my blood glucose levels? ─── 压力能影响我的血糖水平吗?
29、Druid AoEs will no longer affect the group. ─── 德鲁伊的群魔不再伤害队友了。
30、The heart rectify operation can improve the heart effect affectively. ─── 心脏矫正手术能有效改善心功能;
31、Will the Kyoto Protocol Affect Growth in Russia? ─── 京都议定书》是否会影响俄国的增长?
32、To affect the appearance or possession of;feign. ─── 假装镇静的样子;冒充
33、His health condition is bound to affect hia work. ─── 他的病况一定会影响工作。
34、Their opinion will not affect my decision. ─── 他们的意见不会影响我的决定。
35、How Does Down Syndrome Affect a Child? ─── 唐氏症会影响孩子什么地方?
36、Have you ever wondered how TVs affect you? ─── 你是否很想知道电视是怎么影响你的?
37、Try to keep your grip, or it will affect our work. ─── 尽量控制自己,否则会影响我们的工作。
38、Did the maps affect the outcome of the maps? ─── 地图因素对比赛结果的影响?
39、heart rectify operation can improve the heart effect affectively. ─── 心脏矫正手术能有效改善心功能;
40、How did Recording at Home affect IMAGINE? ─── 在家录音对《想象》专辑有什么样的影响?
41、This will allow us to affectively manage the cricket product to be consistent with the changing demand of today's world. ─── 这将允许我们有效的使板球产业与现今世界变化着的需求保持一致。
42、Don't let this trifling matter affect our harmonious relations. ─── 别为小事伤了和气。
43、In what way does it affect the world? ─── 它以什么方式影响世间?
44、To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence. ─── 使受神灵的感召使受神灵启示的影响、指导或唤醒
45、KATE MCKENNA: Will it affect their sales? ─── 凯特.麦凯纳:这会影响他们的销售吗?
46、To affect with great wonder;astonish. ─── 使大为惊奇;使惊异感到非常好奇;吃惊
47、A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors. ─── 寡头卖主垄断一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力
48、Can fringe voters affect the Pairwise result? ─── 可以附带影响选民配对结果如何呢?
49、An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour. ─── 不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为。
50、The fairy saw Sam affectively and said “I just come to visit you. ─── 仙女深情地望着山姆说:“我是来看你的。
51、Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affectively. ─── 冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。
52、Prednisone withdrawal did not affect the Hb level. ─── 强的松逐渐停药,没有影响。
53、Does the weather affect your pains and aches? ─── 天气会影响你的疼痛吗?
54、You choose how people will affect your mood. ─── 你选择他人会怎样影响你的情绪。
55、To affect with or as if with cold. ─── 患感冒,遭受风寒
56、Frequent failures did not affect his morale. ─── 屡次失败都没有使他泄气。
57、It does not really affect me, I am afraid. ─── 恐怕这其实对我没有关系。
58、KD-SNFS does not affect the use of normal NFS. ─── KD-SNFS不影响一般的NFS的使用。
59、A connective device designed to affect operative capability between different parts of one or more systems and/or subsystems. ─── 一种连接装置,用来实现一个或多个系统(和/或子系统)的不同部分之间的连接,从而使其获得协同工作的能力。
60、Women: Drink coffee will affect my sleep. ─── 女:喝咖啡影响睡眠。
61、The affect of detuning was discussed in detail. ─── 并着重对失谐量的作用进行讨论。
62、How does interest rate affect the price of bonds? ─── 利率如何影响债券的价格?
63、Drinking coffee does not affect my sleep at all. ─── 喝咖啡完全不影响我的睡眠。
64、Failures did not affect him at all. ─── 失败未对他造成影响。
65、Your opinion will not affect my decision. ─── 你的意见不会影响我的决定。
66、Emotional states can affect our hormone levels. ─── 情绪会影响激素水平。
67、How Does Vulnerability Affect Weak Two Bids? ─── 局况是怎样影响弱二开叫的?
68、Lack of vitamin A affect the body's growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. ─── 体内缺乏维生素A,会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,并可导致夜盲症。
69、Does the weather affect your mood? ─── 天气会影响你的情绪吗?
70、It will not affect my business at all. ─── 它对我的生意没有任何影响。
71、Too much smoking may affect your lungs. ─── 吸烟过多会影响你的肺。
72、Many other diseases can affect the hoof. ─── 其它疾病的影响。
73、This is the table they affect in the dining room. ─── 在食堂里他们一般总在这张桌上吃饭。
74、She adores you, and does not affect to conceal it. ─── 她很喜欢你,而且也不掩饰她的感情。
75、How will globalisation affect your business? ─── 全球化将怎样影响你的生意?
76、I wish he wouldn't affect that ridiculous accent. ─── 但愿他别故意装出那种可笑的腔调。
77、A market condition in which purchasers are so few that the actions of any one of them can materially affect price and the costs that competitors must pay. ─── 寡头买主垄断一种由少量买方控制的市场状况,由于买主极少,以至于任一买主的行为都有可能极大地影响价格及竞买者所必须偿付的费用
78、To affect with or as if with a cramp. ─── 使引起痉挛;装作引起痉挛
79、Do not sleep midday sleep affect health? ─── 中午不睡觉睡觉影响健康吗?
80、Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affectively. ─── 木贼对心脏功能的影响。
81、They look at each other affectively . During this time, phone rings. It lasts for quite a while till Francesca reaches for it. ─── 他们深情地凝视着双方,这时,电话响了,响了好久,弗朗西斯卡才去拿听筒。
82、Does Directed Forgetting Affect Delayed Test? ─── 定向遗忘影响延时测验吗?
83、Which will affect the safety of the flight. ─── 因为那会影响飞机安全。
84、Emotionally valenced faces were hypothesized to be more directly evaluated affectively than valenced words. ─── 带有情感效价的脸孔,被假设为比起带情感效价化的文字,具有更直接的情感性评价。
85、Locus of control could affect loneliness. ─── 大学生的社交孤独和情感孤独与人际信任有关。
86、The pay cuts will affect everyone across-the-board. ─── 工资的缩减一个不拉地影响到每一个人。
87、Geithner says it's crucial for the United States and China to work together to affectively combat the global economic downturn. ─── 其实早在1981年,盖纳特就来过北京大学。盖纳特说,中美两国有效合作共同应对经济衰退至关重要。
88、To affect with great wonder; astonish. ─── 使大为惊奇;使惊异感到非常好奇;吃惊。
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