constrict 发音
英:[kənˈstrɪkt] 美:[kənˈstrɪkt]
英: 美:
constrict 中文意思翻译
constrict 短语词组
1、constrict in a sentence ─── 缩进句子
2、constrict ion n. ─── 收缩;压缩;紧窄感;压缩物
3、constrict define ─── 收缩定义
4、constrict vs restrict ─── 收缩vs限制
5、constrict def ─── 收缩def
constrict 反义词
liberate |free
constrict 同义词
stem | pressure | hold back | constrict | restrain | check | restrict | urge | shame | encumber | stiffen | hinder | make | press | tighten up | compel | inhibit | oblige | hamper | conscript |force | limit | cumber | localize | confine | tighten | coerce
constrict 词性/词形变化,constrict变形
constrict 相似词语短语
1、constraint ─── n.[数]约束;局促,态度不自然;强制
2、constructs ─── n.构念(construct的复数);建筑物;构图;v.设计(construct的三单形式);建造
3、constricts ─── vt.压缩;束紧
4、construct ─── v.建造,修建(某物,尤指建筑物,公路,机器);组成,创建;(按照数学规则)编制,绘制;形成(观念,理论);n.构想,概念;编造,杜撰;(短语的)结构成分,结构体;建造物,构筑物
5、constricted ─── adj.收缩的;狭隘的;受限制的;v.使…收缩;抑制(constrict的过去分词)
6、constriction ─── n.收缩;压缩;紧窄感;压缩物
7、conscript ─── n.应征士兵,被征召者;v.征召,征募;adj.被征召的
8、constrictor ─── n.大蟒;括约肌;使压缩之物
9、constricting ─── v.压缩(constrict的ing形式)
constrict 常见例句(双语使用场景)
2、Corset : Article of clothing worn to shape or constrict the torso. ─── 紧身健美装:一种贴身内衣或外部装饰,使体形美观或紧束身躯用的衣物。
3、A network of blood vessels along the surface of the beak helps dissipate extra heat, and the vessels constrict when temperatures drop. ─── 在这个大鸟嘴的表面有一些血管,可以散发多余的热量,而当体温下降后,血管又会收缩。
4、Together, they make the muscles tense up, the digestive tract slow down, blood vessels constrict and the heart beat faster. ─── 这些化学物质共同作用,让肌肉紧张,消化系统减缓,血管收缩,心跳加速。
5、20. constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air. ─── 压缩一个中空器官或导管使血液或气体停止流动。
6、Are you sure to constrict the picture database? ─── 您确定要压缩当前的图像数据库吗?
7、astringent: tending to draw together or constrict tissues styptic. ─── 有助于聚集或收缩有机组织的;收缩性的.
8、tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue ─── 倾向于集中在一起或者收缩成柔软的有机组织
9、That could further constrict North Korea's impoverished economy, which has endured strict international sanctions since Pyongyang tested its first nuclear weapon in 2006. ─── 而这将使北韩贫困的经济进一步受到挤压。平壤2006年试验第一枚核武器以后,国际社会对北韩采取了制裁行动。
10、The blood vessels that supply the lungs constrict and their walls thicken, so they can't carry as much blood. ─── 肺血管收缩、管壁变厚,因此他们不能运送大量的血液。
11、But China has been willing in the past to constrict Pyongyang's banking activities, particularly when they risked infecting Beijing's own financial system.U. ─── 不过中国过去一直愿意遏制平壤的银行业活动,特别是在这类活动可能影响北京自身的金融体系的时候。
12、to constrict; to bind up ─── 束紧
13、Any melee hit or constrict attack deals acid damage; ─── 任何近战伤害或压缩攻击都会造成酸液伤害;
14、Angiographic Manifestation of Lower Extremity After Operation of Ring Constrict on Femur Vein ─── 股浅静脉带戒环缩术后的血管造影表现
15、Oxidative stress can also cause arteries to constrict by destroying nitric oxide," Prof Griffith warned. ─── 格里菲斯教授警告说:“氧化应激也会因摧毁一氧化氮而导致动脉收缩。”
16、Corset: Article of clothing worn to shape or constrict the torso. ─── 紧身健美装: 一种贴身内衣或外部装饰,使体形美观或紧束身躯用的衣物。
17、(cause sth to)become tighter or narrower;constrict ─── (使某物)紧缩或收缩;缩
18、The target organs of stress hormones likewise dance to the beat: blood pressure climbs and drops, the heart races and slows, the intestines constrict and relax. ─── 压力荷尔蒙的目标器官类似于和着节拍起舞:血压升高和降低,心脏跳得快跳得慢,肠胃紧缩和放松。
19、Objective To study angiographic manifestation of femur vein after operation of ring constrict on the venous valve. ─── 目的探讨下肢股浅静脉[1]瓣膜带戒环缩术后的血管造影表现。
20、Arrester is one kind of protevtin apparatus.It can constrict high voltage on the electric equipment. ─── 避雷器是一种保护电器,用来限制电器设备上承受的瞬态过电压,它广泛应用于电力系统等领域。
21、constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing. ─── 压缩(某人)的喉部使不能呼吸。
22、In a plan to constrict British trade routes by invading Egypt, Napoleon ordered the French fleet to sail from its port of Toulon to Alexandria. ─── 拿破仑计画入侵埃及以限制英国的贸易路线,他下令让法国舰队从它的土伦港出发远赴亚历山大里亚。
23、Avoid styles that constrict you and your students to a specific teaching facility environment (hot rooms or facilities with too many yoga gadgets). ─── 避开那些只有在特定教学设施(热的房间或过多的瑜伽辅助物品)条件下才能练习的瑜伽风格。
24、Nerves constrict the blood vessels in the extremities of the body. ─── 神经促使人手脚处的血管开始收缩。
25、Capacitance vessels constrict, increasing the back flow of venous blood. ─── 容量血管收缩,静脉回流量增加.
26、It's not so much psychological, it's vascular, and nicotine makes your arteries constrict. ─── 它治疗的不是心理问题,而是血管的问题尼古丁让你的血管收缩。
27、Tight shoes constrict the feet. ─── 鞋子太紧会挤脚。
28、Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart. ─── 恐慌会使血管收缩,增加心脏负担。
29、Anytime you wear shoes that are tight or constrict the natural shape of your foot, doctors say it's bound to cause foot pain. ─── 只要你穿的鞋子是紧张或收缩的自然形状你的脚,医生说这势必导致足部疼痛。
30、Brain cell activity increases and blood vessels constrict. ─── 脑细胞活动的增加和血管收缩。
31、constrict the money supply ─── 紧缩资金投放
32、5) Don't constrict your hair with tight hair bands and hats. ─── 不要用紧绷绷的皮筋或帽子来固定头发。
33、Maxilla expansion is usual measure that applied to correct arch constrict, nasal cave constrict, "V" arch shape, provide arch space and active maxillary suture for assisting anterior traction . ─── 上颌扩弓是临床正畸常用的一种措施,用来矫治牙弓狭窄、“V”形牙弓、提供牙列间隙、激活上颌骨缝辅助上颌前牵引。
34、constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air ─── 压缩一个中空器官或导管使血液或气体停止流动
35、If we depend on metaphors to create user interfaces, we encounter not only the minor problems already mentioned, but also two more major problems: Metaphors are hard to find, and they constrict our thinking. ─── 如果依赖隐喻含义来创建用户界面,我们面对的不仅有前面提到的小问题。 而且有两个大问题,即很难找到恰当的隐喻,并限制了我们的思维。
36、Indomethacin is related to aspirin and ibuprofen and works by stimulating the muscles inside the PDA to constrict thereby closing the connection. ─── 消炎痛(的作用)与阿司匹林和布洛芬有关,可刺激动脉导管壁的肌肉收缩,(促进)导管闭合。
37、So if you have high triglycerides and a fat belly, it is a warning - you have high blood insulin levels.High blood levels of insulin can constrict your arteries and cause heart attacks. ─── 所以如果你有高甘油三酸脂和一个肥胖的腹部,它对你将是一个警告--你有高血液胰岛素水平。
38、Together, they make the muscles tense up, the digestive tract slow down, blood vessels constrict and the heart beat faster. ─── 这些化学物质共同作用,让肌肉紧张,消化系统减缓,血管收缩,心跳加速。
39、relating to the nerves and muscles that cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate. ─── 与引起血管缩小或扩张的神经和肌肉有关的。
40、The manufacturing evaluation based on resource constrict ─── 基于资源约束的工艺评价的实现
41、To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate ─── 为了保存肌肉所需要的血液,皮肤血管收缩,而肌肉血管舒张。
42、"n addition, the dust stimulates histamine release; air passages constrict, making Breathing difficult. Over time the dust accumulates in the lung, producing a typical Brown discoloration." ─── 吸入棉尘等后,组织胺释放,引起气道痉挛而致呼吸困难,久之,肺部沉积棉尘,呈现一种特殊的颜色,故俗名棕色肺。I
43、Prolactin causes milk to be produced and oxytocin causes muscle fibers that surround the alveoli to constrict, as well as the muscles of the uterus ─── 催乳素促使产奶,催产素使乳腺周围的肌肉纤维收缩,同时也会使子宫的肌肉收缩。
44、The blood vessels that supply the lungs constrict and their walls thicken, so they can’t carry as much blood. ─── 缩窄可以通过外科手术切除,也可以通过非外科的球囊扩张术来解除狭窄。
45、used by surgeons to bind a vessel (as to constrict the flow of blood) ─── 被外科医生用来捆扎血管(以控制血液的流动)
46、The whole idea behind the squeezing material is to constrict the human body into a smaller space than gravity would allow. ─── 在挤压的材料背后,把人体压缩到重力不允许的更小的空间。
47、But China's finances are deteriorating more quickly than the government expected, fueling a rise in the stock of both explicit and disguised debt that will constrict its wriggle room. ─── 但是,中国财政状况恶化的速度比政府预期的更快,明显刺激了股价的上涨,并且变相债务也将限制其蠕动空间.
48、Pathology To compress, constrict, or obstruct (an organ, a duct, or other body part) so as to cut off the flow of blood or other fluid: ─── 使绞窄:紧压、压缩或阻断(某一器官、导管或身体其他部分)以阻断血液或其他液体的流动:
49、16. When flesh is exposed to prolonged or severe cold, it causes blood vessels to constrict; ─── 肉体一旦长时间暴露在严寒中,或接触的温度太低,就会造成血管收缩;
50、So like the Americans, they began rushing troops and vehicles to this site, to constrict and then eliminate the bridgehead, and made the last great commitment for the Luftwaffe to destroy it. ─── 与美军一样,德军也往这里投入部队、战车,以压缩并消除这个桥头堡,纳粹空军进行了其最后一次重大行动,以破坏大桥。
51、A meal high in fat, sugar and calories may cause arteries to constrict, reducing blood flow. ─── 食用高脂肪,高糖份,高卡路里的食品将会导致我们的动脉紧缩,减慢血液循环。
52、The cone would then float up into the concave funnel and constrict the water passage, thus throttling its flow. ─── 这时,浮子会浮起来进入倒扣的漏斗将水道收窄,以此限制水的流量。
53、Think before you drink: Alcohol can dilate small blood vessels, which may lose their ability to constrict. ─── 饮酒须三思:酒精会扩张细小的血管。这样就会使血管丧失收缩的能力。
54、Constrict factors and countermeasure of island tourism development ─── 发展海岛旅游业的制约因素及对策
55、In an asthma attack the bronchioles( tiny airways in the lungs) constrict, triggering the release of histamine and other chemicals that, in turn, cause inflammation, swelling and the production of extra mucus, making it hard to breathe. ─── 在哮喘发作的时,支气管(部的小气道)缩,触发释放组胺和其他化学物质,从而引起炎症、肿胀和产生特别的粘液,导致呼吸困难。
56、If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. ─── 如果它通过了擒抱鉴定,它确定抓住并能够使用压缩。
57、At the same time, blood vessels constrict in the nose and throat, where bacteria and viruses often lurk. ─── 同时,鼻子和喉咙——这里是细菌和病毒常常潜伏的地方——的血管收缩。
58、Corset: Article of clothing worn to shape or constrict the torso. ─── 紧身健美装:一种贴身内衣或外部装饰,使体形美观或紧束身躯用的衣物。
59、Poor posture can constrict or put pressure on organs, restricting blood flow to them and inhibiting their proper functioning. ─── 不良体态会使你的器官收缩或对它们施加压力,就限制了血液流入和器官正常运作。
60、The fall in blood pressure reflexly causes blood vessels to constrict with some rise in pressure (15 to 20 seconds). ─── 而血压降低的现象导致血管再度收缩又呈现血压升高的现象(15到20秒)。
61、to restrain or constrict by tightening laces,especially of a corset ─── 用系束带固定或束缚,尤指妇女穿的紧身胸衣
62、In severe cases, the airway can constrict. ─── 重症患者会出现气管痉挛。
63、tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue. ─── 倾向于集中在一起或者收缩成柔软的有机组织。
64、Blood that is poor in nitric oxide will scavenge the gas from other tissues, causing the vessels in those tissues to constrict. ─── 一氧化氮含量低的血液将会把其他组织中的气体一扫而空,从而导致这些组织中的血管收缩。
65、Methods Strips of autogenous saphenous vein, autogenous fascia lata and Gore-Tex vas-cuear graft were respectively used to constrict the femoral vein valves in the dogs of the three groups. ─── 方法将自体大隐静脉、阔筋膜和人造血管片分组环包于犬股静脉上,术后不同时期观察长、宽及厚度变化。
66、Constrict (Ex): A black ooze deals automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple check. ─── 压缩(Ex):一只黑色淤泥通过一个成功的擒抱鉴定来造成无意识的挥击和酸液伤害。
67、Cold, white hands and feet (as the blood vessels in the skin constrict) are the first signs of blood being shunted away from the body's extremities. ─── 冰冷的、发白的手和脚(因为皮肤下的血管收缩)是肢体的血流放慢的第一个征兆。
68、To restrain or constrict by tightening laces, especially of a corset. ─── 用系带绑紧用系束带固定或束缚,尤指妇女穿的紧身胸衣
69、constrict factors ─── 制约因素
70、Certain conditions and special abilities, such as Stun, Paralysis, and Constrict, prevent a creature from acting on its next turn. ─── 某些条件和特殊技能,如震慑、麻痹和压缩,可以阻止生物下一轮的行动。
71、relating to the nerves and muscles that cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate ─── 与引起血管缩小或扩张的神经和肌肉有关的
72、Lotus seeds are classified as astringents, which constrict body tissues, and are considered beneficial for the spleen, kidney, and heart. ─── 荷花的种子有涩味是收敛剂,有益于人体的器官脾,肾,和心脏。
73、Doesn't that tight bracelet constrict your arm? ─── 那个手镯那么紧不会压迫你的手臂吗?
74、used by surgeons to bind a vessel (as to constrict the flow of blood). ─── 被外科医生用来捆扎血管(以控制血液的流动)。
75、Well, this is a Python and they're extremely aggressive and have a few teeth that they use to hold their prey while they wrap around them and then constrict. ─── 然而,这是一条极具侵略性的大蟒蛇,只需几颗牙齿就可以咬住它的捕获物,同时紧紧地缠绕住它的猎物使其窒息而死。
76、To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate. ─── 为了保存肌肉所需要的血液,皮肤血管收缩,而肌肉血管舒张。
77、Tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic. ─── 收缩性的有助于聚集或收缩有机组织的;收缩性的
78、"Orthostatic hypotension-drop in blood pressure on standing-results from failure of the reflexes that contract muscles and constrict blood vessels in the legs to offset gravity as one rises. ─── 直立性低血压--因站立过久而造成血压降低--是因站立无法使肌肉和血管可反射性地收缩以抵消重力造成的。
79、to constrict a muscle ─── 压缩肌肉
80、Eg.17 Sometimes the vessels of the kidney or the liver can constrict, in which case the organ shrinks. ─── 有时肾和肝的血管能收缩,在此情况下这些器官就皱缩起来。
81、Eg. Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart. ─── 恐慌会使血管收缩,增加心脏负担。
82、(of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom. ─── (有关环境)倾向于压缩自由的。
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