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n. 指痉病;[内科] 手足徐动症
athetosis 短语词组
1、choreo-athetosis ─── [医] 舞蹈病手足徐动症
2、mono-athetosis ─── [医] 单肢 ─── [手足]徐动症
3、double athetosis ─── [医] 两侧手足徐动症
4、chorea athetosis ─── 舞蹈病
5、double congenital athetosis ─── [医] 先天性两侧手足徐动症
6、pupillary athetosis ─── [医] 瞳孔痉搦, 虹膜震颤
athetosis 相似词语短语
1、athetosic ─── adj.手足徐动性的;指痉病的
2、athetoid ─── adj.[医]指痉病的;[内科]手足徐动症的
3、athetises ─── 无神论者
4、asbestosis ─── n.[医]石棉肺;石棉沉滞症
5、athetoses ─── n.指痉病;手足徐动症(athetosis的变形)
6、atheteses ─── 无神论者
7、athetesis ─── 无神论
8、athetotic ─── 手足徐动症的
9、apotheosis ─── n.神化;崇拜,颂扬;尊奉为神
athetosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、athetosis pupillary ─── 瞳孔痉搦
2、Double athetosis syndrome ─── 双侧手足徐动症综合征
3、Athetosis with spastic paraplegia ─── 手足徐动症伴痉挛性截瘫
4、Results Abortion, low birth weight, dystocia, asphyxiation were the main risk factors for cerebral palsy. Driscoll was important risk factor for mixed and athetosis type cerebral palsy. ─── 结果早产低出生体重、难产窒息缺氧是各型脑瘫的主要患病相关因素;新生儿黄疸是手足徐动型和混合型脑瘫的重要患病相关因素。
5、The second stage is comprised of tremors or myoclonus, chorea and athetosis, and pyramidal tract signs. ─── 第二期有震颤、肌痉挛、舞蹈症和手足徐动症以及椎体束征。
6、Athetosis: Twisting, squirming movement (usu. fingers &toes). ─── 指痉病;
7、Athetosis with rigidity ─── 手足徐动症伴僵直
8、Approach is different between the children with diplegia and athetosis. ─── 不同智力水平的脑瘫患儿未见气质差异。
9、pupillary athetosis ─── [医] 瞳孔痉搦, 虹膜震颤
10、Comprehensive manual treatment of cerebral palsy with spasm and athetosis ─── 综合手法治疗痉挛及手足徐动型脑性瘫痪的初探
11、Keywords Athetosis;Cervical vertebrae;Spinal fusion; ─── 关键词手足徐动症;颈椎;脊柱融合术;
12、Keywords Movement disorders;Athetosis;Choreatic disorders; ─── 运动障碍;手足徐动症;舞蹈症性障碍;
13、Posthemiplegic athetosis ─── 偏瘫后手足徐动症
14、double congenital athetosis ─── [医] 先天性两侧手足徐动症
15、Result:In the 615 cases the main reasons were immature spastic diplegia(77.3%),and the jaundice is athetosis(70.3%). ─── 未成熟是痉挛型双瘫主要高危因素,占77。3%。黄胆病史患儿中,主要脑瘫类型为手足徐动型,占75。3%。
16、Comprehensive manual treatment of cerebral palsy with spasm and athetosis ─── 综合手法治疗痉挛及手足徐动型脑性瘫痪的初探
17、double athetosis ─── 两侧手足徐动症
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