authoress 发音
英:[ˈɔːθəres] 美:[ˈɔːθəres]
英: 美:
authoress 中文意思翻译
authoress 反义词
authoress 词性/词形变化,authoress变形
动词过去分词: authored |动词过去式: authored |动词第三人称单数: authors |形容词: authorial |动词现在分词: authoring |
authoress 同义词
storyteller | framer | father | parent | comedist | journalist | biographer | inventor |writer | pamphleteer | generator | beginner | dramaturge | librettist | composer | source | screenwriter | wordsmith | annalist | architect | novelist | scenarist | scribbler | originator | founder | fictioneer | historiographer | historian | lyricist | hack | fabulist | chronicler | penman | poet | tragedian | romancer | playwright | dramatist | bard | epistoler | designer | essayist | belletrist | elegist | creator
authoress 相似词语短语
1、authorless ─── adj.作者不详的;匿名的
2、authorise ─── vt.授权;批准;允许;委任(等于authorize)
3、authoresses ─── n.女作家,女作者
4、authorises ─── vt.授权;批准;允许;委任(等于authorize)
5、authors ─── [图情]作者
6、authored ─── vt.授权;任命(author过去式)
7、anchoress ─── n.女隐士;女修道者
8、authorish ─── 作者
9、authorism ─── 授权
authoress 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Even the authoress of the Pageant cannot grasp its symbolism as for her 'another play always lay behind the play she had just written'. ─── 即便是叙述这个演变的作者也不能确切把握此象征,以至于“她常常因为这部小说而不得不搁置其它的作品”。
2、This topic reminds me the book wrote by famous American blind authoress Helen Keller ,Today`s topic is indeed extremely meaningfull that I should mull it over well. ─── 开始看到题目的时候让我想到了美国盲人女作家海伦凯勒写的这本书.今天的主题是非常的有意义,我得好好的想想.
3、In our country National Day 40 during anniversary is coming, han Suyin of flower book authoress comes to the old friend of Chinese people to Beijing. ─── 在我国国庆40周年即将到来之际,中国人民的老朋友英籍女作家韩素音来到了北京。
4、The authoress is used to using these words to strengthen the tone and language strength. ─── 女性惯于用这些词语来加强语气,增加语言力度。
5、He bowed to the authoress. ─── 他向这位女作家点点头。
6、These strategy cause calm and objective narrative style, and make her a particular authoress. ─── 这些叙事策略促成冷静客观的叙事风格,使之成为独树一帜的女作家。
7、On the aesthetic tendency on creating of Chinese contemporary authoress ─── 浅论当代中国女作家创作的审美走向
8、The third ill-starred pair is a married couple, a doctor (Li-li Chong) and an authoress (Chou Yufen). ─── 结果孩子没生成,周郁芬日子变得无聊,开始写作。
9、Helen Keller was a famous blind and deaf American authoress and educator. ─── 海伦凯勒是美国著名的盲聋女作家、教育家。
10、The authoress, passing vinegary judgments on current literature, said that one famous author was obscene, another sloppy, a third superficial ─── 这位女作家对当代文学作了一番刻薄的评论,说某一位著名作家淫秽,另一位懒散,第三位又肤浅。
11、What this thesis studies is a remarkable authoress of America Jewish Isaac Bashevis Singer. ─── 论文所要研究的是一位杰出的美国犹太作家辛格。
12、The Summary of Authoress in Yuan Song ─── 元曲女作家述略
13、The authoress is used to using these words to strengthen the tone and language strength. ─── 女性惯于用这些词语来加强语气,增加语言力度。
14、Ding Ling is an authoress with a strong hope of self-renewal. ─── 丁玲是一位有着强烈自我更新愿望的女作家。
15、Ding Ling is an important authoress in modern literature history, destiny rises and falls, the unique experience has influenced her creation greatly. ─── 丁玲是现代文学史上一位重要的女作家,命运起起落落,独特的经历极大地影响了她的创作。
16、Therefore, we through Shan Shili of sight of gazing, in order to watch how she accept the authoress since Ming and Qing dynasty and writing the building and constructing of the pedigree. ─── 由此,我们透过单士厘凝视的目光,以观看她如何接受明清以来的女作家及其书写谱系的建构。
17、The friend says, he was frightened by the authoress' cry jump, the heart thinks, celebrity also is met cry in fear ah. ─── 朋友说,他被女作家的叫声吓了一跳,心想,名人也会惊叫啊。
18、Subjective Consciousness and the Pursuing of Artistic Creation of the Authoress in Modern China ─── 主体意识与中国现代女作家的创作追求
19、Thawing ice to spring water, liking a gentle and refined orchid--Poetry life of authoress Bing Ren ─── 冰融春水人静如兰--谈女作家冰人的诗意人生
20、These strategy cause calm and objective narrative style, and make her a particular authoress. ─── 这些叙事策略促成冷静客观的叙事风格,使之成为独树一帜的女作家。
21、Introduction of Chinese Authoress in Modem Times ─── 中国现代女作家评介
22、Su Qing was an authoress of Shanghai-School in 1940’s who was full of feminine consciousness. ─── 苏青是上海沦陷时期一位极富有女性现代意识的海派女作家,也是一个自食其力的上海女性市民。
23、Lin Huiyin was the famous authoress in the thirties of the 20th century. ─── 林徽因是20世纪30年代著名的女作家。
24、The new pretty authoress animadverts the fifth age directors ─── 新美女作家批判
25、Body writing refers to the authoress' intuitive, subconscious, inherent feeling of the outside world. ─── 摘要身体写作指的是作者对外在世界的,来自身体直觉的、内在的、潜意思的、女性自己的感受。
26、Hong Ying is a controversial authoress lived in England. ─── 虹影是近年来文坛内外备受争议的一位旅英华文作家。
27、Because the linguistic context is approximate of the background last era when modernism was born, so it determined the nature of the contemporary bestseller authoress" works to a certain extent. ─── 由经济发展和信息时代等建构了这一系列作品的物质语境,在这些作家作品中的女性主义元素,也与后现代主义有着密切的关联,它构成了这一系列作品的性别语境。
28、Basic process of metal matrix composite was reviewed.Some metal matrix composite and production technology developed by the authoress were introduced. ─── 概述了金属基复合材料的主要制造方法,介绍了笔者所研制的几种金属复合材料及生产过程。
29、Some people believe that there are some words for the authoress in language that the author is unwilling to use, such as strong words. ─── 摘要有人认为语言中有一些属于女性专用的词汇是男性不愿意使用的,如强势词。
30、I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress ─── 我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最孤陋寡闻,最不学无术的女人。
31、Ding Ling is an authoress with a strong hope of self-renewal. ─── 丁玲是一位有着强烈自我更新愿望的女作家。
32、Luo Shu is one extremely successful authoress is the respect of the novel in the l930s, though her creation before death is not much. ─── 摘要罗淑是20世纪30年代在小说创作方面极有成就的女作家。
33、The whole book teems with authoress' wit and insight.And this inclination and intention cannot escape from the reach of her living circle and reveal some of her points about worldly life. ─── 整本书的机智,以及盛产女作家洞察力和这种倾向和意图无法逃避的生活圈子,揭示她,她的一些观点世间的生活。
34、Keywords Chinese-European/American authoress;existential value of individual;autobiography;spiritual pursuit;survival breakthrough; ─── 欧美华人女作家;个体生存观;自我书写;精神追寻;生存突围;
35、guige authoress ─── 闺阁作家
36、The novels of the famous Taiwan authoress Shi Shuqing are deeply influenced by the western literature, and have apparent modernism color, which is maily revealed in her ideology purport and her art of narrative. ─── 摘要台湾著名女作家施叔青的小说深受西方文学的影响,具有明显的现代主义色彩,这主要表现在其思想主旨和叙事艺术方面。
37、Ann of Green Gables is a masterpiece by Canadian authoress L. M. Montgomery. ─── 《绿山墙的安妮》是加拿大女作家露西·蒙哥玛利的代表作。
38、Xiao Hong is an authoress with unique style and outstanding talent in the history of China’s Contemporary literature. ─── 萧红是中国现代文学史上一位风格独特、极富才情的女作家。
39、authoress' authority ─── 作者权威
40、"The room that sees so that see a landscape " , this is very popular nowadays fine house standard, the person that says this word is England famous authoress Wu Erfu. ─── “看得见风景的房间”,这是如今非常流行的好房子标准,说这话的人是英国闻名女作家伍尔芙。
41、Even the authoress of the Pageant cannot grasp its symbolism as for her ‘another play always lay behind the play she had just written’. ─── 即便是叙述这个演变的作者也不能确切把握此象征,以至于“她常常因为这部小说而不得不搁置其它的作品”。
42、nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp]Kate was an authoress . ─── 凯特是一名女作家。
43、Writing and Reconstruction of Female Identity --Commenting on Identity of Overseas Chinese Authoress ─── 女性身份的书写与重构--试论当代海外华人女作家的身份书写
44、In fact, the embryonic form of authoress" egos or personality is wholly portrayed, to a great extent, by western literature. ─── 事实上,作家自我或个性的雏形,很大程度上是由西方文学在总体上加以塑造而成。
45、Such a brilliant accomplishment is remarkable for a young authoress. ─── 如此斐然的成就对于一位年轻的女作家来说是不多见的。
46、What this thesis studies is a remarkable authoress of British Victoria era. ─── 本篇论文所要研究的是英国维多利亚时代一名杰出的女作家。
47、The authoress has edited out all references to her own family. ─── 女作家将所有涉及其家族的内容全删掉。
48、The Cultural Advantage and Quandary of Multi-Visual Angle-About the Writing of Kazak Authoress Kayxa and Erkesh ─── 多元视角的文化优势与困惑--从哈萨克女作家哈依霞、叶尔克西的创作谈起
49、ZONG Pu is a famous authoress of the present time.Her prose is completed with the finished artistic form: charming and lyric,fluent and graceful. ─── 宗璞是当代著名的女作家,她的散文写得细腻又抒情,流畅而又有韵味。
50、The famous contemporary authoress Chili always pay attention to the series changes in life and the tendency of the contemporary culture tide. ─── 当代著名女作家池莉,一直密切关注时代文化潮流的走向和社会生活的变化。
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