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08-09 投稿


gesticulation 发音

[dʒə,stɪkjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n; dʒe,stɪkjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

gesticulation 中文意思翻译



gesticulation 词性/词形变化,gesticulation变形

动词过去式: gesticulated |动词现在分词: gesticulating |形容词: gesticulative |动词第三人称单数: gesticulates |动词过去分词: gesticulated |名词: gesticulator |

gesticulation 短语词组

1、gesticulation define ─── 手势定义

2、gesticulation meaning ─── 手势意义

3、gesticulation in a sentence ─── 句子中的手势

4、gesticulation definition ─── 手势定义

5、gesticulation tfd ─── 手势tfd

6、gesticulation f ─── 手势

7、gesticulation meme ─── 手势模因

gesticulation 相似词语短语

1、gesticulative ─── adj.做手势的;姿势的

2、denticulation ─── n.小齿;小齿状突起

3、restimulation ─── 再激发;重复刺激

4、gesticulations ─── n.手势;姿势;示意动作

5、lenticulation ─── n.透镜光栅;透镜光栅膜制造方法;双凸透镜形成

6、graticulation ─── 方格画法

7、gesticulating ─── 打手势

8、gesticulator ─── 手势器

9、geniculation ─── n.膝状弯曲;膝状部分

gesticulation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the meaning that can understand others to talk, commonly used gesticulation or nod to answer question back and forth problem. ─── 但能理解别人说话的意思,常用手势或点头来回答问题。

2、Must choose downy without excitant discharge makeup water, ability avoids to stab eye ministry all round the skin.It is when discharge makeup, gesticulation must meticulous gentleness. ─── 这样才能避免刺激眼部周围皮肤,防止水分流失,让肌肤在细心的呵护下,变得紧绷有弹力。

3、When people Zai undertakes searching an activity, can key in a keyword already, also can use picture of 、 of speech 、 gesticulation even song Lai refers search question. ─── 人们在进行搜索活动时,既可键入关键词,也可使用语音、手势、图片甚至歌曲来提交搜索问题。

4、Look! Follow my gesticulation, it's just right next to the mansion! The western sunset! How amazing it is! ─── 喏!顺着我的手指瞧,就在那大厦的背后,落日正在西沉,多么动人的景色。

5、He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a gesticulation I did not understand. ─── 然后他笑了笑,朝上扔出了瓶子,我不知道他是什么意思。

6、Allusive method, use a language more commonly, also can use gesticulation, expression, or use cipher of etc of allusive sex medicaments to undertake. ─── 暗示的方法,一般多采用语言,也可采用手势、表情,或采用暗示性药物及其他暗号来进行。

7、Microsoft hopes to achieve such result, future can use speech or gesticulation will visit a website, get information, this will be a revolutionary breakthrough. ─── 微软希望达到这样的效果,未来能够用语音或者手势来访问网站,获取信息,这将是一个革命性的突破。

8、The true history is beyond our gesticulation in deed. ─── 真正的历史,实际上是不由我们来指指点点的。

9、When dancing, he sees I raise triumphal gesticulation to my classmate by chance.He asks instantly: "Are you to playing ' ugly person game ' ? ─── 正跳舞时,他恰巧看到我向我的同学举起胜利的手势。

10、When be together with him, do not make too tender gesticulation and motion. ─── 和他在一起时,不要做过于温柔的手势和动作。

11、Aphonia, the patient maintains not language, commonly used gesticulation or book write the opinion that expresses his. ─── 失音,患者保持不语,常用手势或书写表达自己的意见。

12、To get in this queue, you need to catch the barman's eye, without making any noise or too much gesticulation. ─── 要排队,只要用眼神和服务人员照会一下,不必发出太大声响或手势。

13、Due to hearing, gesticulation was no longer necessary, and the hands became available for other purposes. ─── 由于听证会上,手势不再是必要的,而手成了其他用途。

14、The language of acme deserves to go up exaggerated expression and gesticulation, had made the impression that a lot of people shop to TV it seems that. ─── 极致的语言配上夸张的表情与手势,似乎已经成为很多人对电视购物的印象。

15、In fact, the eyes, gesticulation or appearance potential energy transmit more information than utterance. ─── 你必须时时刻刻谨慎注重、观察你的对手,并不断地思考如何影响对方接受你的看法。

16、When washing a face, in order to circle the gesticulation of circle, with show the abdomen is massaged gently clean. ─── 洗脸的时候,以绕圆圈的手势,用指腹轻轻地按摩清洗。

17、And the gem that twinkles on wrist is expressed criterion more answer eye to laugh at elegant perhaps gesticulation as theirs, and make their amorous feelings 10 thousand kinds. ─── 而腕上闪烁的珠宝表则更随着她们的回眸一笑或者优雅手势,而使她们风情万种。

18、Student very great compared a gesticulation to the teacher " OK " , the teacher also was compared to the student " OK " . ─── 学生很自得地对老师比了个手势“OK”,老师也对学生比了“OK”。

19、Tom Sawyer stepped forward with conceited confidence and soared into the unquenchable and indestructible "Give me liberty or give me death" speech, with fine fury and frantic gesticulation, and broke down in the middle of it. ─── 汤姆 - 索亚十分自信地走上前去,背起了那千古名篇《不自由,毋宁死》。 他慷慨陈词,不时还大幅度地做着手势,可背着背着中途就接不上了。

20、The 3rd pace: Place with forefinger and middle finger " V " triumphal gesticulation. ─── 第三步:用食指和中指摆出“V”的胜利手势。

21、When washing a face, in order to circle the gesticulation of circle, with show the abdomen is massaged gently clean. ─── 洗脸的时候,以绕圆圈的手势,用指腹轻轻地按摩清洗。

22、We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation, and mime. ─── 我们主要通过信号、手势和哑剧动作来交流。

23、He emptied it at a breath. His eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a gesticulation I did not understand. ─── 他一口气喝光了,眼睛里顿时杀气腾腾,呵呵直笑,把酒瓶往上一扔,那个手势,我可不明白是什么意思。

24、Can be 3 Zhou Zhi hind, the choice that he makes makes this one " self-confident " declare, the instant becomes empty " gesticulation " , appear pathos and but. ─── 可是三周之后,他做出的抉择使这一“自信”的宣告,瞬间成为一个空洞的“手势”,显得悲情而无奈。

25、cue thumbs-up tip-off go-ahead indication nod gesture tip gesticulation ─── 做手势,暗示,警告

26、Is gesticulation easier said than done? ─── 用手势表达意思做起来很难吗?

27、A typical example of gesticulation is the movement of the head, namely, the Head Nod and the Head Shake. ─── “我为盲人所做的工作,”她写到,“从未在我的人生中(我身上)占据中心地位。

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