agential 发音
英:[[eɪ'dʒenʃəl]] 美:[[eɪ'dʒenʃəl]]
英: 美:
agential 中文意思翻译
agential 短语词组
1、agential nouns ─── 代理名词
agential 相似词语短语
1、cadential ─── adj.节奏的
2、agentials ─── 代理
3、agrestial ─── 乡土的
4、sapiential ─── adj.智慧的;明智的;赋予智慧的
5、gentian ─── n.龙胆属的植物;龙胆根
6、agentive ─── adj.施事的;施事格的
7、agentival ─── adj.施事的;施事格的(agentive的变形)
8、tangential ─── adj.[数]切线的,[数]正切的;离题的,扯远的;n.正切,切线
9、agentives ─── adj.施事的;施事格的
agential 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A lungo termine agenti di vendita e pomelo, agrumi, frutta di banane, come quattro stagioni. ─── 长期代理及销售蜜柚、芦柑、香蕉等四季水果。
2、Effective agential management tarry is outstanding agent, if string together; 3 of money management system strictly. ─── 有效的代理商管理留住优秀代理商,如严格的串货管理制度;3。
3、Although lesser pine is much,Xiaosongyi begins the agential number with respect to big house of; ─── 小松一开始就选定独家代理;
4、The text discusses variety domination principle and control means depends on the furnace temperature and variety agential. ─── 本文从退火炉温度和各种介质的控制出发,讨论分析了各种控制原理和控制方法。
5、Recupero agenti e vernice conduttiva, vernice conduttiva dei fanghi, si prega di chiamare la consultazione. ─── 代理及回收导电漆,废渣导电漆,欢迎来电咨询。
6、The results show that the model can be used to judge agential channel risk grade and analyze risk composition. ─── 结果表明,该模型在判断社会渠道风险状况和分析社会渠道风险来源方面有实际应用价值。
7、Through agential pass on, its price often card of expensive product going abroad is multiple count even decuple. ─── 经过代理商的转手,其价格往往高出国产品牌数倍甚至数十倍。
8、Additional, because major client is old client and agential client, because this is receivable, Zhang money won't decrease. ─── 另外,由于大部分客户都是老客户和代理商客户,因此应收账款不会减少。
9、The agential study of degradation periodontal compound controlled release drug ─── 可降解性牙周复方控释药物的剂型研究
10、Preliminary Research on the Agent Incentive Based on the Status Quo of Agential Cost ─── 基于代建项目取费现状的代建人激励初探
11、Make agential website publicizes cost to become tall, and the result is very bad, hard gain. ─── 使代理商网站宣传成本变高,且效果很不好,难以盈利。
12、The Patent Agential System in China ─── 中国专利代理制度
13、It adopts the league chain, the popularization of utterly isolated environment-protecting equipment and the regional agential branch-sales for its market operation. ─── 市场运作分别采用加盟连锁及推广全封闭环保设备、区域代理商渠道分销的方式。
14、Researched geology data, I found the borehole enlargement rate is large when some complicated agential is contained in formation. ─── 统计数据表明,包含这些复杂因素的地层井眼扩大率都比较大。
15、F_lli_Benzon_S_a_s_ [Negrar, VR] Importazione e commercializzazione di articoli per fumatori e da regalo. Descrizione degli articoli in catalogo, agenti di zona e contatti. ─── 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/深圳/商业与经济/制造业-深圳建鸿来实业有限公司生产塑胶制品、弹簧及系列五金制品,含公司简介及厂房介绍。
16、In charge of import brand sales project; Establish agential clients network in china Utilizes agency distribution chann...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海伯格人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-25
17、Researched geology data, I found the borehole enlargement rate is large when some complicated agential is contained in formation. ─── 统计数据表明,包含这些复杂因素的地层井眼扩大率都比较大。
18、materiali elettronici business, come ad esempio agenti di vendita.PCB patch al tempo stesso impresa, bonding, e altre voci. ─── 电子原料的代理销售等业务.同时承接PCB贴片,邦定等项目.
19、We are just starting up to develop the agential hiring in China which accounts for to 10% in the human resource outsourcing services in foreign countries. ─── 代理招聘在国外人力资源外包业务量中占10%以上,而在这方面国内只是刚刚起步。
20、"Substitute accredit expires, blizzard from commercial interest the biggest turn a consideration, choose new agential give no cause for more criticism. ─── “当代理授权到期,暴雪从商业利益最大化考虑,选择新的代理商无可厚非。”
21、Additional, because major client is old client and agential client, because this is receivable,Zhang money won't decrease. ─── 另外,由于大部分客户都是老客户和代理商客户,因此应收账款不会减少。
22、Adopt this system, those who maintain technician to be able to decide component instantly is optimal supply a place, and the time that supplies a dot to nod a need to agential delivery by every. ─── 通过这个系统,维修技师可以立即确定零部件的最佳供给地点,以及由每个供给点到代理商交货点所需要的时间。
23、Agential depend on is worn an advertisement such as these resource advocate come to come deal, make ad what sexual ground sends customer close to Yu Jiang before. ─── 代理商依仗着这些资源等着广告主上门来做生意,并把广告近乎于强制性地送到消费者的面前。
24、A research for a method of QoS improvement in flow media transport with using additional agential cache ─── 附加缓存改善流媒体传输中QoS的方法研究
25、Through agential pass on, its price often card of expensive product going abroad is multiple count even decuple. ─── 经过代理商的转手,其价格往往高出国产品牌数倍甚至数十倍。
26、are just starting up to develop the agential hiring in China which accounts for to 10% in the human resource outsourcing services in foreign countries. ─── 招聘在国外人力资源外包业务量中占10%以上,而在这方面国内只是刚刚起步。
27、The results show that the model can be used to judge agential channel risk grade and analyze risk composition. ─── 结果表明,该模型在判断社会渠道风险状况和分析社会渠道风险来源方面有实际应用价值。
28、I principali prodotti che fanno commercio di agenti, sono ora maturi mercati e canali di vendita. ─── 贸易主要做产品代理,目前已有成熟的销售渠道及市场。
29、Agenti di vendita di sistemi di video conferenza, apparecchiature di rete e attrezzature per computer, e le imprese, la causa di una gestione moderna di fornire soluzioni complete. ─── 销售代理视频会议系统、网络设备及计算机设备,并为企、事业的现代化管理提供完整的解决方案。
30、Agenti ora sono i prodotti: TP-LINK prodotti di networking su tutta la linea, la casella di TV, TV tessera prodotti. ─── 公司现在代理的产品有:TP-LINK网络全线产品、天敏电视盒、电视卡系列产品。
31、agential realism ─── 作用实在论
32、Ma Gang expresses, "Agential means is used in Japan, because it is close,be, culture is closer also, of course we are very lucky also, have soft silver such partner. ─── 马刚表示,“在日本用代理商的方式,是因为它近,文化也比较近,当然我们也很幸运,有软银这样的合作伙伴。
33、Will reduce cost through reducing product quality, cater to agential need blindly, although can temporarily.. ─── 通过降低产品质量来减少成本,一味迎合代理商的需要,虽然能一时...
34、agential cost ─── 代建取费
35、As a principal-agent mechanism is designed, if incentive for managers in an enterprise is considered the risk costs and agential costs of principal are smaller than that if not considered. ─── 在设计企业的委托-代理激励合同时,若考虑了对经营者的激励,则政府的风险成本、代理成本均比没有考虑对经营者的激励时的要小。
36、The study is to set up an effective agential hiring system for enterprises. ─── 本文研究的目的是为企业建立一套具有实效性的代理招聘体系。
37、And see more in profit space compress while, bind " client to beg " , the materiality that agential place needs to offer and aeriform service are increasing however. ─── 而在利润空间越见压缩的同时,为求"绑住"客户,代理商所需提供的有形及无形服务却越来越多。
38、Swim with the domestic network of agential identity build up company, pure the optimal period that depends on 9 game to make money has gone. ─── 以代理商身份起家的国内网游公司,单纯依赖一两款游戏赚钱的最佳时期已经过去。
39、Silicon Valley headquarters still worries, whether can the agential team that so rapid development rises assure quality, groom wait for back end support to whether can catch up with. ─── 硅谷总部依然担心,这样迅速发展起来的代理商队伍是否能够保证质量,培训等后端支持是否能跟上。
40、Accogliendo con favore il processo degli ordini, della distribuzione di agenti, di cooperazione comune. ─── 欢迎试用订货、经销代理、合资合作。
41、The text discusses variety domination principle and control means depends on the furnace temperature and variety agential. ─── 本文从退火炉温度和各种介质的控制出发,讨论分析了各种控制原理和控制方法。
42、Gu Ge makes the agent that gave clarity groom course, the profession that arrived accurately even to make agential stuff develops a plan. ─── 谷歌制定出了清晰的代理商培训课程,甚至精确到了制定代理商员工的职业发展图。
43、The article introduced Kang Mingsi company to develop agential experience and administrative idea in China. ─── 本文介绍了康明斯公司在中国发展代理商的经验及管理办法。
44、I principali tipi di smart imprese ad intraprendere la costruzione di progettazione, costruzione, agenti di vendita Alcatel apparecchiature di comunicazione. ─── 公司主要承接各类智能建筑工程的设计、施工,代理销售阿尔卡特通信设备。
45、Corea del Sud ad alta cucina cinese beni agenti. ─── 韩国喜厨家居用品中国代理商。
46、Agential realism: beyond scientific realism and social constructivism ─── 作用实在论:超越科学实在论与社会建构论
47、Of agential network build at that time it is the most important. ─── 效果马上显现。
48、Fondata nel 2000, i principali agenti operativi di olio e spezie.Commercializzazione del personale esistente di 20 persone, ha operazioni in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Huizhou e in altri luoghi. ─── 公司成立于2000年,主要代理经营食用油及调味品.现有营销人员20多人,业务遍及深圳、东莞、惠州等地。
49、Le vendite di questo prodotto per il pieno diritto di Liuyijingli agenti, altri prodotti ha portato in contatto telefonico con il Liuyijingli. ─── 本产品销售由刘毅经理权全代理,如需产品请来电话与刘毅经理联系.
50、La domanda per il chip sulla misurazione degli agenti, abbiamo una vasta fonte. ─── 需求关于计量方面的芯片代理,我们有广阔的客源。
51、Rohm and Haas agenti di Pechino. ─── 罗门哈斯公司北京代理人。
52、Look for original agential channel, what there are you on their hand is new article, do not be willing so so do; ─── 找原有的代理商渠道,他们手上有你的新品,所以不愿意这么做;
53、Again Talking about Client's Project Management My Humble Opinion on Agential Construction System Design ─── 再谈业主工程项目管理刍议代建制度设计
54、The study is to set up an effective agential hiring system for enterprises. ─── 本文研究的目的是为企业建立一套具有实效性的代理招聘体系。
55、So how to develop an effective agential hiring system which can meet the needs of organizations and has a good reliability and validity, is the point of this study. ─── 如何构建出一套比较适合企业需求、具有较好的信度和效度的代理招聘体系,成为本文研究的意义所在。
56、Fondata nel 2003, principalmente impegnata nello sviluppo di software, system integration, agenti software o progetti di sviluppo congiunti; ─── 公司成立于2003年,主要从事软件开发、系统集成、软件产品代理或项目合作开发;
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