agonizing 发音
英:[ˈæɡənaɪzɪŋ] 美:[ˈæɡənaɪzɪŋ]
英: 美:
agonizing 中文意思翻译
agonizing 网络释义
adj. 苦恼的;痛苦难忍的vt. 使极度痛苦;折磨(agonize的ing形式)vi. 感到极度痛苦(agonize的ing形式)
agonizing 短语词组
1、agonizing toil ─── 苦工
2、agonizing dullness ─── 苦闷
3、agonizing over whether to ─── 为是否
4、agonizing bliss ─── 苦乐
5、agonizing over ─── 受……折磨为……苦恼
agonizing 反义词
console |solace | comfort | relieve
agonizing 同义词
dwell on | struggle | moan | harrow | torment | wrestle | agonise | strive | torture | suffer | writhe | distress |worry | brood | vacillate | rack
agonizing 词性/词形变化,agonizing变形
动词过去式: agonized |副词: agonizingly |动词现在分词: agonizing |动词第三人称单数: agonizes |动词过去分词: agonized |
agonizing 相似词语短语
1、agenizing ─── 三氯化氮处理
2、caponizing ─── v.去势;[禽]阉鸡(caponize的ing形式)
3、agnizing ─── 磁化
4、jargonizing ─── vt.使成行话或术语;vi.讲难懂的话
5、canonizing ─── 推崇(canonize的现在分词);将…封为圣徒(canonize的现在分词)
6、adonizing ─── vt.装饰,打扮(常指男人);vi.变美(常指男人)
7、agonizingly ─── adv.使人烦恼地;苦闷地
8、agonising ─── adj.烦恼的;苦闷的
9、dragonizing ─── 龙化
agonizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Strategies: Patients can face agonizing choices. ─── 对策:病人可能面对非常痛苦的选择。
2、1 For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. ─── 在令人忐忑不安的瞬间,盘子晃晃悠悠地上了岸,但它突然失去了平衡,又跌回水中。
3、It may not be lethal but the agonizing pain and disfigured appearance brought by the condition are almost worse than death for some people. ─── 今天,我们要为您介绍两个为神经性纤维瘤所苦的家庭;
4、Intensely painful; agonizing. ─── 使苦恼的使人极痛苦的;烦恼的
5、Agonizing physical or mental pain;torment. ─── 剧痛身体上或精神上的剧痛;极度痛苦
6、Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted. ─── 把时间折腾在这上面,是浪费时间。
7、This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone. ─── 这是个折磨人、让人痛苦难当的杀人方法。
8、Don't waste time agonizing over what might or might not work. Instead, invest your time in effort that will enable you to know exactly what works. ─── 不要在"这是否能够起作用"的问题上忍受煎熬浪费时间.相反,将你的时间投入到那些能让你确切地知道"什么会起作用"的努力中.
9、Agon, assembly at games contest for a prize ─── 为获奖进行的竞赛集会
10、Another kind of waiting is more agonizing when the cause usually does not quickly go away. ─── 另一类等待就更痛苦,因为造成等待的原因通常不会很快消失。
11、Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted.Even if (miracle of miracles! ─── 下面有几点是我很久以前就希望自己能够了解的。
12、Segregated from the rest of society, students turn obsessively toward each other, forming cliques and agonizing over who is most popular or beautiful or cool. ─── 与社会隔离的学生相互之间抱着很大成见,他们结成小团体,为了谁人缘最好、谁最漂亮、谁最酷之类的问题耿耿于怀。
13、His wife died after an agonizing three-year siege of cancer. ─── 他的妻子和癌症抟斗三年后辞世。
14、Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew,a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! I am your hostess,Rhapsodia. ─── 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采,庆祝VOE第一届诗歌创作比赛晚会现场。
15、The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results. ─── 她对我说,最令人痛苦的折磨就是苦苦等待测试结果的那一周时间。
16、They have to suffer agonizing to line up at the airport. ─── 他们在机场必须忍受排队之苦。
17、Having to reading the message was an extremely agonizing and heartbreaking experience for me, as I really could not accept that death was happening to TM. ─── 念这指示对我而言,是场痛苦难忍,且心碎的过程,因为我实在无法接受TM即将死去的事。
18、The reason why one becomes monk is that he is agonizing; the reason why monk feels agonizing is that he saw the other's agony. ─── 佛陀为什么出家?因为他苦闷。佛陀为什么苦闷?因他看到了别人的苦闷。
19、It was feared that this agonizing energy of a suffering mass would cause havoc if God did not bless the world with peace! ─── 恐怕如果上帝不给世界和平,苦难大众的愤怒力量会引起巨变。
20、It is agonizing for America to lose our young men and women. ─── 失去我国青年男女的生命是美国十分痛苦的事。
21、As a man whose roots go deeply into Southern soil, I know how agonizing racial feelings are ─── 我来自南方,我的家庭与南方有着深刻的渊源,因此我了解种族情绪是如何的痛苦。
22、Watching this patient suffer, not from his disease but because of what we did to him in the name of helping him, was agonizing. ─── 看着他所受的痛苦,我们也及其痛心,特别是这样的疼痛来自我们对他的治疗而不是病的本身。
23、Almost all winners will exhale a sigh of his agonizing story when he recollect his past time and prides himself on being tried in the furnace . ─── 几乎所有的成功者回过头来,都会对曾经的艰苦发出感叹,对磨练出的坚韧精神感到自豪。
24、He made the agonizing decision at the eleventh hour. ─── 他在最后一刻作出了痛苦的决定。
25、They will be the James Merediths, courageously and with a majestic sense of purpose, facing jeering and hostile mobs and the agonizing loneliness that characterizes the life of the pioneer. ─── 他们将是年老的、饱受压迫欺淩的黑人妇女,以阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市一位72岁的老妇人为典型。
26、But Breetai was in high spirits, and no amount of agonizing could change what Exedore read from his instruments. The sizing chamber would never work again. ─── 可布里泰兴致高昂。不管爱克西多多么痛苦,他从仪器上看到的结果也还是无法改变。身形调整室再也不可能工作了。
27、2.For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. ─── 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然而它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。
28、They had received a $100,000 windfall and were agonizing about how to spend it. ─── 他们得到了10万美元的意外之财,不知道该怎么花。
29、2. For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. ─── 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然而它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。收藏指正
30、Agonizing physical or mental pain; torment. ─── 剧痛身体上或精神上的剧痛; 极度痛苦
31、"Freud's originality stemmed from his aggression and ambition in his agon with biology" (Harold Bloom) ─── “弗洛伊德的独创性来源于他对生物学挑战的信心和抱负”(哈罗德·布卢姆)
32、Aware of my presence she turned towards me her agonizing stare ─── 察觉到了我的存在,她极度痛苦的目光转向我
33、The process is never more important than when a social enterprise is developing its strategic marketing plan -- and it can be agonizing because it demands that Board members and senior managers practice triage. ─── 当一个社会企业开始发展它们的市场战略计划重要时,这个艰难的决定过程就不再重要,这会引起一定的烦恼,因为它需要董事会成员与高级管理者们对此进行资源的分流。
34、Finally, after much meditation, and agonizing over my lack of resolve and faith, I decided to go see Master. ─── 打坐许久后,仍找不到答案也仍缺乏信心,我觉得很困扰,所以我决定去见师父。
35、He squatted down on his heels, and found that with agonizing pains in thigh and calf he could just lift himself to a standing position ─── 他蹲下来以后要费很大的劲才能站立起来,大腿小腿感到非常酸痛。
36、It was an agonizing death for the Lord Jesus, but He loved you and knew His suffering would pay for your sin. ─── 对主耶稣来讲,那是一个极度痛苦的死亡,但他爱你,知道他所受的痛苦能赎你的罪。
37、Beckham had been in tears after being substituted due to injury early in the second half of Saturday's agonizing defeat by Portugal in a penalty shootout. ─── 但在和我的家人还有那些和我最亲密的人商量过之后,我觉得现在是正确的时候这么做了。
38、Freud's originality stemmed from his aggression and ambition in his agon with biology(Harold Bloom) ─── 弗洛伊德的独创性来源于他对生物学挑战的信心和抱负(哈罗德 布卢姆)
39、That they would be spared the agonizing experience which they went through. ─── 他们就不需要经历那些痛苦。
40、Lingjun has been agonizing over the expectation that the search for an effective way to reduce promotional costs. ─── 凌峻一直在苦苦思索,期望寻求一种有效降低推广成本的方法。
41、Instead of agonizing over what might or might not happen, get busy creating value that will be there no matter what happens. ─── 与其杞人忧天,备受熬煎,还不如让自己忙碌起来,创造出任何事情都无法改变的恒久价值。
42、Now, after three long, agonizing years, he has released his followup, "After School," which is similar to "Unmei Ja Nai Hito" in its twisty story line. ─── 不过,正如N.
43、No, the agonizing part of the decision was putting a brand he'd spent years building in someone else's hands. ─── 不,让他做决定时真正苦恼的是把一个他用了好几年的品牌建立在别人的手上。
44、I occasionally doze off, only to be awakened by the agonizing pain of another collapsed vein and infiltrating fluids. ─── 我时不时地会打一会瞌睡,但每次都被静脉萎缩和输液的液体漏出引起难忍的痛苦弄醒。
45、All the Chinese people are yearning for an early end to this agonizing situation. ─── 所有中国人无不殷切盼望早日结束这种令人痛心的局面。
46、The tortoise crept along at an agonizing slow speed. ─── 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度向前爬着。
47、For one agonizing moment,the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal,but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water ─── 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸上,然而它突然失去了平衡,结果滑回水中。
48、"In the stricken faces of mothers -- Palestinian mothers and Israeli mothers -- the entire world is witnessing the agonizing cost of this conflict, "President Bush said. ─── 布什总统说:"从受害双方母亲的脸上(巴勒斯坦母亲和以色列母亲),全世界都可以看到这场冲突给双方带来的令人痛心的代价。"
49、After agonizing over the pros and cons, he decided recently to stop making loan payments, even though he can afford them. ─── 在利与弊之间痛苦地权衡后,他最近决定停止偿还贷款,虽然要还还是还得起的。
50、14.When it comes to blatant lies, there are none more egregious than budget figures.Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted. ─── 14.谈到公众谎言,没有比预算数字更令人震惊的把时间折腾在这上面,是浪费时间。
51、It was the most agonizing decision of her life. ─── 这是她一生中最痛苦的决定。
52、his father's agonizing death ─── 他父亲极度痛苦的死
53、Together, they vividly acted out this agonizing and heartbreaking epic love tale. ─── 她们一起刻画了这段痛苦心碎的又如史诗般的浪漫史。
54、De facto,hardships or sufferings,which almost all of us mortals could hardly steer clear of, could be very frustrating and agonizing. ─── 可要是苦难旷日持久,延绵多年甚或一生,那苦难还算是人生的财富吗?
55、To combat his agonizing sweats and trembling, Wynn embarked on a routine of climbing into the shower, then returning to bed. ─── 为了抵抗痛苦淋漓的汗水及浑身颤抖,韦恩爬起来冲个澡,然后又回到床上。
56、I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not. ─── 我用了好些天苦苦思考是否接受这个工作。
57、Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved. ─── 或许他正在为牵涉到的道德问题伤脑筋。
58、In their cruelty, his opponents had left him ensnared in the trap to die a slow and agonizing death from his wounds. ─── 因为他们的残忍天性,他的敌人把他留在陷阱之中让他因为创伤缓慢而痛苦地死去。
59、Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew, a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! ─── 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。热烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采
60、Throes: n. A condition of agonizing struggle or effort; upheaval ─── 处于极为痛苦的斗争或苦恼中;挣扎
61、It was an agonizing ordeal for her, and someone asked her how she managed to be at every service. ─── 对她来说,这是一个痛苦、严酷的考验;有人问她:在这种情况之下,她为何仍要参与各种事奉。
62、One year agon I also got trap into a case. ─── 另一个问题是如何评判某个律师的能力,也只能就事论事而言。
63、Cryoablation Offers Relief When All Else Fails Doctors are freezing the pain out of agonizing tumors. ─── 在所有其他疗法都无法缓解癌痛时,冷冻消融却可以做到。医生正在冻结令人绝望的肿瘤疼痛。
64、Her agonizing stare, one last breath and She whispered ─── 她苦恼的凝视,只留下最后一丝呼吸和轻声细语
65、I ask you the same question that the princess asked herself for all those long agonizing hours of the final night. ─── 就像在最后一夜的漫长难熬的数小时之中公主反复问自己一样,我将要问你同样的问题。
66、The huge choice of colors and painted effects may leave you agonizing over the simplest decisions. ─── 大量可选择的色彩油漆方案可能会使你难以作出最简单的判断。
67、I don't know why I slept so well after agonizing all weekend over the question of home, if I had one anymore, where it was. ─── 可是不知道为什么这次我却睡得很好,尽管我整个周末都在苦苦思考一个问题如果我有家的话,那么我的家到底在哪里?
68、So after much agonizing we acted on two fronts, he said. ─── 因此,经过一轮挣扎后,我们决定在两个范畴上采取行动。
69、He made a desperate, agonizing effort to wrench the top half of his body free ─── 他忍着剧痛拼命想坐了起来。
70、At the very sight of it, one felt the agonizing suffering in the immense faubourg, which had reached that point of extremity when a distress may become a catastrophe. ─── 只要望见这母垒,人们便会感到在这郊区,遍及民间的疾苦已经到了绝望的程度,即将转化为一场灾难。
71、What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight. ─── 我所指的是完整的和痛苦的丑陋,纯粹的反抗残暴,每看到的房子。
72、It was feared that this agonizing energy of a suffering mass would cause havoc if God did not bless the world with peace! ─── 恐怕如果上帝不给世界和平,苦难大众的愤怒力量会引起巨变。
73、For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. ─── 在令人坐卧不安的一瞬间,馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停在运河岸边,然而它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。
74、I can destroy and solve my agonizing grief only by drinking the nectar of your love. ─── 我能摧毁和解决我的悲伤仅仅通过喝你的爱情的玉浆玉液。
75、The draft-lottery season after the Shaquille O Neal trade came next, followed by the return of Phil Jackson as coach and an agonizing seven-game loss to Phoenix in the first round of the playoffs last spring. ─── 奥尼尔被交易后,一个抽奖式的赛季来了,紧接着是菲尔-杰克逊的回归担当教练和上个春季在季后赛第1轮和太阳痛苦的大战7场。
76、What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight. ─── 我指的是所看到的房子没有一幢不是丑陋得令人难受,畸形古怪得让人作呕的。
77、I'm definitely an agonizing maximizer.But there's hope.In Prof.Schwartz's book, 'The Paradox of Choice,' he offers a chapter of advice on how to control my indecisive tendencies. ─── 不过,我这种优柔寡断的性格总的来说不会在工作或大的生活选择上折磨我(我大概只考虑了一秒钟就决定买下我们的房子)。
78、I don't know why I slept so well after agonizing all weekend over the question of home, if I had one anymore, where it was. ─── 可是不知道为什么这次我却睡得很好,尽管我整个周末都在苦苦思考一个问题如果我有家的话,那么我的家到底在哪里?
79、Why?Because deep in the root of Ishmael is that tragic sense of fatherless-ness and the agonizing cry for love. ─── 为什麽呢?因为在以实玛利的根中,仍然存有那种无父的悲哀,以及在情绪上对爱的痛苦呼求。
80、Because deep in the root of Ishmael is that tragic sense of fatherless-ness and the agonizing cry for love. ─── 因为在以实玛利的根中,仍然存有那种无父的悲哀,以及在情绪上对爱的痛苦呼求。
81、It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop! ─── 也许我们命中注定要遭厄运,也许我们当中没有一个人有希望活下去。
82、For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, ─── 在令人忐忑不安的瞬间,盘子晃晃悠悠地上了岸
83、I'm definitely an agonizing maximizer. ─── 我当然属于让人苦恼的最大化者。
84、He therefore recoiled from the prospect of agonizing crucifixion and the ordeal of having the world's sin heaped on His sinless soul. ─── 因此,在面对十字架的酷刑,要以无罪之躯担当世人罪恶时,祂也不禁却步。
85、He had been five weeks on the road, agonizing weeks for Scarlett. But she did not upbraid him on his return, for she was happy that he had made the trip successfully and pleased that he brought back so much of the money she had given him. ─── 在路上他耽搁了五个星期,这也是思嘉最为焦急不安的日子:不过他到家后,思嘉并没责备他,因为他这一趟跑得很成功,而且还剩下那么多钱带回来了。
86、We know that our decision will open certain doors, but we often cannot know which ones it will close.We agonize over the decision, but sometimes agonizing does not help. ─── 我们知道,我们的决定将开启某些大门,却往往无法知道同样的决定会关闭哪些大门。
87、We had a whole summer of agonizing over that one. ─── 我们整个夏天都为之困扰。
88、an agonizing pain [feeling ─── 令人坐立不安的痛苦[感觉]
89、She had not noticed it before because of the other pain, the agonizing pain that was tearing deep into her bowels ─── 她先前没有注意到,因为她正被另一种使她五脏俱裂的痛楚所缠绕。
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