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08-09 投稿


accumbent 发音

英:[[ə'kʌmbənt]]  美:[[ə'kʌmbənt]]

英:  美:

accumbent 中文意思翻译



accumbent 短语词组

1、accumbent meaning ─── 依义

2、accumbent candidate ─── 候补 ─── 候选人

3、accumbent exercise bikes ─── 卧姿健身车

4、radicle accumbent ─── [医]倚缘胚根

5、accumbent definition ─── 卧位定义

accumbent 相似词语短语

1、recumbent ─── adj.斜倚的;休息的

2、incumbents ─── 在位者(incumbent的名词复数)

3、accumbency ─── 横卧

4、cumbent ─── 康本特

5、procumbent ─── adj.[植]匍匐的;平伏的;伏卧的

6、incumbent ─── adj.现任的;依靠的;负有职责的;n.在职者;现任者;领圣俸者

7、accruement ─── n.自然增长;获利;利息

8、accusement ─── 准确度

9、decumbent ─── adj.平躺的;(植物或其枝条)外倾的

accumbent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It was shown that the energy of interaction between the polyoxyethylene and the noncrystalline SiO2 surface was below than hexadecyl accumbent benzene sulfonate. ─── 据此分析,聚氧化乙烯能在非晶质SiO2表面形成稳定吸附且部分替换十六烷基对苯磺酸钠。

2、accumbent cotyledon ─── 缘倚子叶

3、Red Dragon Waterfall: Due to crustal movement, the former parallel and accumbent red terrain rose up vertically and formed red valley about 100m high. ─── 每逢暴雨季节,山洪奔腾,犹如红色巨龙訇然而下。

4、cotyledons incumbent, oblique, or accumbent. ─── 子叶现任,偏斜,或者依着。

5、an accumbent cotyledon ─── 侧倚子叶, 缘倚子叶

6、Keywords ethanol;evoked potential;brain slice;nucleus accumbent; ─── 酒精;传入电位;脑片;伏核;

7、cotyledons incumbent or accumbent. ─── 子叶现任的或依着。

8、cotyledons obliquely accumbent or obliquely incumbent. ─── 子叶斜依着的或斜现任。

9、radicle accumbent ─── 倚缘胚根

10、cotyledons accumbent. ─── 子叶依着。

11、cotyledons accumbent or very rarely incumbent. ─── 极少的子叶依着的或现任。

12、cotyledons incumbent or rarely accumbent. ─── 子叶现任的或很少依着。

13、cotyledons accumbent or rarely incumbent. ─── 子叶依着的或很少现任。

14、cotyledons incumbent, rarely accumbent or diplecolobal. ─── 子叶现任,很少依着或。

15、cotyledons incumbent or rarely accumbent. ─── 子叶现任的或很少依着。

16、The glacier was accumbent between the two mountains, from east to west, the length is under 10 KM. ─── 冰川横卧在两山之间,由东而来,依山而行,向西走出不过几公里,猛然一个急转奔南绝尘而去。

17、cotyledons accumbent or obliquely so. ─── 如此的子叶依着的或斜。

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