entangle 发音
英:[ɪnˈtæŋɡl] 美:[ɪn'tæŋɡl]
英: 美:
entangle 中文意思翻译
entangle 词性/词形变化,entangle变形
动词现在分词: entangling |动词过去分词: entangled |动词第三人称单数: entangles |名词: entanglement |动词过去式: entangled |
entangle 反义词
dissolve |disentangle
entangle 短语词组
1、evil spirit entangle ─── 恶鬼缠身
2、entangle with ─── 卷入;被……缠住,与……缠在一起;与……有纠葛
entangle 同义词
mire | ensnare | snarl | entrap | catch | engage | embarrass | involve | tangle | interweave | enmesh | trap | mat | catch up |snare | knot | confuse | complicate
entangle 习惯用语
1、be entangled with ─── 陷入(困境) ─── 卷入; 牵连 ─── 缠住
2、get entangled in ─── 陷入(困境) ─── 卷入; 牵连 ─── 缠住
3、be entangled in ─── 陷入(困境) ─── 卷入; 牵连 ─── 缠住
4、get entangled with ─── 陷入(困境) ─── 卷入; 牵连 ─── 缠住
entangle 相似词语短语
1、untangled ─── v.解开(绳、线等)的结;(对复杂难解的事物)整顿(untangle的过去式及过去分词)
2、pentangles ─── 五边形
3、untangles ─── vt.清理;整顿;解开…纠结
4、entangled ─── adj.卷入的;被缠住的;v.卷入;使…混乱;使…纠缠
5、untangle ─── vt.清理;整顿;解开…纠结
6、entangler ─── 纠缠器
7、pentangle ─── n.五角形(等于pentagram)
8、entangles ─── vt.使纠缠;卷入;使混乱
9、rectangle ─── n.矩形;长方形
entangle 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、a rope with weights attached to the ends; is thrown to entangle the legs of an animal; of South American origin ─── 一种头上有重物的强子;用来投掷来缠绕动物的腿部;起源于南非
2、four-particle arbitrary entangle state ─── 四粒子任意纠缠态
3、Could I but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast my breast! ─── 我多希望能用自己的心缠住你的双脚,并把它们紧抱在胸前.
4、Could I but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast to my breast! ─── 我多希望能用自己的心缠住你的双脚,并把它们紧抱在胸前。
5、Insulating casing entangle the entangled parts of the wire, as shown in Figure 5. ─── 用绝缘套管套住缠绕部位的导线,如图5所示。
6、I told him that such a proposal could be of no signification, but to entangle us both in great difficulties. ─── 我告诉他这样一个建议没有什么意义,只是使我们两人都陷入很大的困难。
7、In the new study, researchers used a microwave pulse to attempt to entangle the electrical currents of the two superconductors. ─── 在这项新型研究中,研究人员使用微波脉冲,尝试对两个超导体中电流进行缠绕。
8、Mining equipment of mineral products: Send, entangle and break to pieces, elute, press one, improve compositions. ─── 矿产开采设备:输送、绞碎、洗脱、压粒、提高成份。
9、In the paper, technology property of spunlaced nonwovens is introduced.Using water as media, fibermay entangle each other in the fiber web through the conversion of energy. ─── 介绍了水刺法非织造布技术的特征,它以水为介质,通过能量的转换实现纤网中纤维的相互缠结。
10、a flat net suspended vertically in the water to entangle fish by their gills. ─── 在水中垂直悬浮的能缠住鱼鳃的平网。
11、The idea is not to entangle the readers mind in obtuse inquiry, but to enable him to shed the weight of the self, sharpen the mind and lead him to the light of “non I”. ─── 我们的意图是不要让读者卷入迂腐的探究,而是要让他能够卸下自我的重负,让心变得敏锐,把他引向“非我”的光明。
12、Bureaucracy can entangle applications for months. ─── 官僚主义会使申请耽搁数月之久。
13、Youfu as well.Very soon, the two entangle and flop onto the ground. ─── 两个人很快嘻嘻哈哈地纠扯在一起,扑通一声倒在了地上。
14、The quantum properties of light in the system of three entangle atoms in the W-type states interacting with radiation fields in binomial states were studied by means of quantum theory. ─── 摘要采用全量子理论,研究处于W类态的三纠缠原子与二项式光场相互作用过程中光场的量子特性;
15、10.The difficult problem present by him entangle the conferee. ─── 他所提出的问题使与会人士感到困惑。
16、To throw into confusion or disorder;entangle. ─── 使陷入使陷入混淆或混乱;使纠缠不清
17、To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire. ─── 好像在泥潭中一样被陷入或者受到阻碍。
18、Of course, before you can do either a Bell inequality experiment or a quantum teleportation experiment, you need to somehow entangle the states of two atoms. ─── 对于位于日食带上两个不同地点的观测者有更好的观测方案。
19、2. How did Mary manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles? ─── 玛丽的头发缠紧在荆棘上了,她是怎么搞的?
20、A snare shall entangle the wicked man when he sinneth: and the just shall praise and rejoice. ─── 正义的人,载欣载奔。
21、In addition to that, the cup has a smooth surface unlike a tampon, so the wires of the IUD cannot entangle itself to the cup in a similar way. ─── 另外月事杯的表面很平滑,不像棉条,不会有避孕器的金属线勾到棉条絮的状况发生。
22、To interweave or entangle; entwine. ─── 混杂或卷入;使缠绕
23、Entangle properties ─── 纠缠特性
24、Increased the system flexibility and the accuracy, caused the entire PWM pulse to entangle the process to obtain the big simplification. ─── 增加了系统的灵活性和精确性,使整个PWM脉冲的缠成过程得到了大大的简化。
25、To entangle; embroil. ─── 使陷入;使混乱
26、Negotiations were treated less as a means of reconciling our ideals with our interests than as a trap to entangle us in the endless quarrels of a morally questionable world. ─── 谈判不被当作是调和我们的理想和我们的利益的方法,而被看作是把我们拖进一个道德成问题的世界上的无休止的争吵的陷井中去。
27、umbilical cord entangle neck ─── 脐带绕颈
28、Influence of a virtual photon field on the entangle properties in a system of two mode squeezed vaccum field interacting with atoms ─── 虚光场对双模压缩真空场与原子相互作用系统纠缠特性的影响
29、The thieves, often acting in concert, entangle the unsuspecting with impassioned pleas for help or unassuming offers of assistance, the police say. ─── 警方说,他们往往联合行动,通过恳切求助或热心帮忙使没有戒心的路人陷入圈套。
30、How did Mary manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles ─── 玛丽的头发缠紧在荆棘上了,她是怎么搞的?
31、I can be not looked down on spring late, can go up spring it is the issue that fetch involves a dream to entangle to each actor late, can make fame bigger, but my ability not equal to one's ambition. ─── 我可没看不起春晚,能上春晚对每一个演员来说都是魂牵梦萦的事,会让名气更大,但我力不从心了。”
32、Desert Hunters are trained to scour the sands for prey and enemies. They can quickly entangle others with their bolas and then finish them off with their swords. ─── 特别提示:本单位的'减速'攻击能够减缓敌人的行动,使其移动速度和攻击输出减半,直到本回合结束。
33、We entangle into that case . ─── 我们卷入了那起案件.
34、Xie Hai: OK. Please never entangle our dialogue with academic affairs. We only want to know things about you except painting. ─── 谢海:可以。我们对话千万不要纠缠于学术,我们只要知道你绘画以外的事情。
35、And researchers could entangle one string with another to transfer data and perform processing tasks that require the action of many logic gates. ─── 而且研究人员可以让短链彼此缠结以传递资料,并且执行需要用到许多逻辑闸的运算。
36、Each main line of trenches was fronted by fields of barbed wire intended to slow down and entangle attacking infantry. ─── 每一条主堑壕前方都配布了一片铁丝网,旨在减慢和分散进攻部队。
37、Metaphor of the entangle again and again for achive some goal ─── 转动磨子,反复不停。比喻向人有所要求,一再纠缠
38、Military observer fear that the U.S. can get entangle in another Vietnam. ─── 军事观察家们担心,美国有可能陷入又一次越南战争中。
39、After seeing surface, I crazily entangle to u. ─── 见了一次面后,我却对你痴痴缠。
40、He will Entangle enemies he attacks 4% of the time, dealing 40 damage per second over 3 seconds and forbidding movement. ─── 熊灵在攻击时有4%的几率缠绕目标,被缠绕的目标受到40点/秒的伤害,不能移动和攻击,持续3秒。
41、To entangle or catch(a rope,for example. ─── 纠结使缠住或绊住(如绳子)
42、Shall we entangle ourselves at all, in European politics. . . on the side of any power? ─── 我们是否要添加欧洲政治…与其他强权站在一边?
43、Influence of Kerr-medium on the Entangle Properties of the Atom Interacting with Two-mode Squeezed Vacuum Field ─── 类克尔介质对双模压缩真空场与原子相互作用系统纠缠特性的影响
44、Military observer fear that the us can get entangle In another vietnam ─── 军事观察家们担心,美国有可能陷入又一次越南战争中
45、I frequently engaged him in play, and contrived, with the gambler's usual art, to let him win considerable sums, the more effectually to entangle him in my snares. ─── 我常常怂恿他玩牌,还用赌棍的老一套诡计,让他赢得相当可观的一笔钱,手到擒来地引他上钩。
46、IAD group have a higher score in lack of maternal love, lack of fatherly love, father's rejection, parent's passive entangle, angry with parent (P
47、The caster shoots a storm of enchanted Vine Arrows against his enemies.The arrows will come alive and entangle anyone who is hit. ─── 法师向自己的敌人射出一大群充满魔力的藤箭,藤箭会在落地击中敌人时自动获得生命并将对方缠绕。
48、The more we struggle to resist, the more hopelessly do we entangle ourselves at the mental or physical or material or emotional level, and sometimes on all four levels simultaneously. ─── 我们越是奋力抗争,我们越是在心理或生理、物质或情感的层面上陷入绝望,有时四种情形会同时出现。
49、to involve (others) in a criminal case; to entangle; to implicate ─── 株连
50、Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. ─── 当时,法利赛人出去商议,怎样就着耶稣的话陷害他。
51、In the vicinity of this line, will be appropriate to entangle the unwinding of short positions may take bold intervention rebound. ─── 在此线附近,套牢者可适当补仓,空仓者可大胆介入抢反弹。
52、entangle a subject ─── 使一件事情复杂化
53、entangle this issue ─── 纠缠这个问题
54、Because of the life rule, the guzzleing storm does not drink, stays up late, each kind of stomach disease is very easy to entangle the metropolis white-collar. ─── 因生活不规律,暴食暴饮、熬夜,各种肠胃疾病很容易缠上都市白领。
55、Could 1 but entangle your feet with my heart and hold them fast to my breast! ─── 但愿我能用我的心系住你的双足,紧抱在胸前!
56、Quadripartite Entangle ─── 四量子纠缠
57、entangle in ─── vt. 缠住(被牵连, 使陷入)
58、Entangle now interrupts channeling spells such as Starfall and Blizzard. ─── 纠缠现在可以打断持续性魔法了,例如流星雨和暴风雪。
59、If only a man would never seek passing joys or entangle himself with worldly affairs, what a good conscience he would have. ─── 唉!人若不贪瞬息的安乐,同世俗断绝来往,他的良心是多麽平安啊!
60、4. How did Alice manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles? ─── 爱丽丝是怎么把头发死死地缠在野生灌木上的?
61、Don't entangle the fishing lines. ─── 不要让钓鱼线缠在一起。
62、Reach and come out and analyse width of drawing synthetically, wet to divide and entangle, keep thick liquid roller pressure, thick liquid yarn speed to divide into yarn strength size influence . ─── 综合分析得出了幅宽、湿分绞有无、压浆辊压力、浆纱速度对分纱力大小的影响,并用直方图形式表达出来。
63、I told him that such a proposal could be of no signification, but to entangle us both in great difficulties ─── 我告诉他这样一个建议没有什么意义,只是使我们两人都陷入很大的困难。
64、to entangle a subject ─── 把问题弄得复杂化
65、Non-toxic, slippery chemicals, designed to prevent the wheels of a vehicle from gaining traction, are also in development, as are spiked nets which can be laid flat on roads to entangle wheels. ─── 旨在防止运载工具的车轮获得牵引的无毒光滑的化学试剂也在发展中,按现状,道钉网可以设置在路上用来使车轮爆胎。
66、Now has been good, I will not be entangling you again, before I will entangle your you to feel am very bothersome, will be very repugnant I., All will not stop now. ─── 现在一直很好,我不会纠缠你了,然后我将缠绕您觉得您感到非常困扰,将是非常反感的一,一切将不会立即停止。
67、“They probably do not have the chance to entangle like a ‘card-carrying’ polymer would do,” Jaeger said.“The molecules are anchored to the gold particles, but only on one end. ─── “它们可能没有机会象正规聚合体那样缠在一起,”林晓敏说:“分子被固定在黄金粒子上,但仅仅是一端固定。
68、To entangle or catch(a rope, for example). ─── 纠结使缠住或绊住(如绳子)
69、You're involved in a relationship with a man who comes with a nine-year-old daughter and an ex-girlfriend who has had many years to entangle herself in his family. ─── 你不要忘记,你是跟一个有9岁女儿的男人建立了关系,而多年以来她的前女友就一直跟他们一家掺和在一起;
70、To importune or entangle a person incessantly ─── 死缠活缠
71、Make no friends with those given to anger, and do not associate with hotheads, or you may learn their ways and entangle yourself in a snare. ─── 好生气的人,不可与他结交;暴怒的人,,不可与他来往,恐怕你效法他的行为,自己就陷在网罗里。
72、entangle a person in an evil scheme ─── 使人陷入邪恶的阴谋中
73、To snarl or entangle. ─── 使缠结或纠缠
74、He will Entangle enemies he attacks 16% of the time, dealing 40 damage per second over 3 seconds and forbidding movement. ─── 它会随你死去而死去,当它单独死去时,你将失去235点的生命。
75、To entangle, involve, or catch in or as if in a mesh. ─── 缠住、使卷入或捕在网里
76、Elephants sometimes entangle their noses together as a hug, showing greetings and admiration. ─── 大象有时会一起用鼻子互相缠绕作为拥抱,表示问候和爱慕之情。
77、To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire. ─── 使受困扰使阻碍、牵绊或纠缠如陷入泥沼一般
78、How did Alice manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles ─── 爱丽丝是怎么把头发死死地缠在野生灌木上的?
79、entangle or catch in in or as if in a mesh ─── 被纠缠或捕住或好像进入陷阱
80、Entangle burst have efficiency to lower the fat of blood whi. ─── 原文:有降血脂的功效。
81、To throw into confusion or disorder; entangle. ─── 使陷入使陷入混淆或混乱;使纠缠不清。
82、That the glory, fortune, love and the eternal ideal entangle the realistic disappointment results in the leaden disillusionment. ─── 荣誉、财富、情爱及永恒的梦想却与现时的失落促就了沉重的迷茫。
83、a rope with weights attached to the ends; is thrown to entangle the legs of an animal; of South American origin. ─── 一种头上有重物的强子;用来投掷来缠绕动物的腿部;起源于南非。
84、entangle or catch in in or as if in a mesh. ─── 被纠缠或捕住或好像进入陷阱。
85、He will Entangle enemies he attacks 8% of the time, dealing 40 damage per second over 3 seconds and forbidding movement. ─── 熊灵在攻击时有8%的几率缠绕目标,被缠绕的目标受到40点/秒的伤害,不能移动和攻击,持续3秒。
86、Feed the Web First.As network entangle all commerce, a firm's primary focus shifts from maximizing the firms value to maximizing the network's value. ─── 网路比公司重要--当网路吸纳进所有的商业,一家公司的主要焦点从尽可能扩大公司本身的价值,转移到尽可能扩大网路的价值。
87、He doesn't hide the web of scars that entangle his ankle or the thick gouge on his arm. ─── 他并没有特意去掩盖他的整个脚踝上面网状的伤疤和他手臂上面的深色的沟。
88、other parts to entangle. ─── 导电部位缠好。
求这东西的英文翻译。 出处谢谢
The trees entangle their arms.
And stretch upward into the sky
The budding leaves devour the light .
Add depth to the forest's darkness.
The hunter does not notice.
The glare not the claws of the beast hiding in the darkness.
Tonight is the night when the hunter will be hunted.
This is the sleeping forest.
这首诗好像是出自一部名为"Air Gear"的漫画,中文名《飞轮少年》
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