acanthus 发音
英:[ə'kænθəs] 美:[ə'kænθəs]
英: 美:
acanthus 中文意思翻译
acanthus 网络释义
n. 爵床属;莨苕叶形的装饰;叶形装饰
acanthus 词性/词形变化,acanthus变形
名词复数: acanthuses |
acanthus 短语词组
1、acanthus onlay ─── 棘刺
2、acanthus family ─── [植物]爵床科(Acanthaceae)
3、Acanthus mollis un. ─── 阔叶装饰 [网络] 茛艻花;虾蟆花;叶蓟
4、acanthus spinosus ─── 棘 ─── 棘皮
5、acanthus frieze ─── 雕画带
6、acanthus scroll ─── 棘皮卷轴
7、acanthus ilicifolius ─── 老鼠簕
8、acanthus design ─── 刺花图案
9、acanthus leaf wallpaper ─── 刺五加叶壁纸
10、acanthus leaf ─── 尖叶
11、genus Acanthus ─── [网络] Acanthus属
12、acanthus leaves ─── 尖叶
13、acanthus nigricans elbows ─── 黑棘皮
acanthus 相似词语短语
1、Xanthus ─── n.克桑托斯(土耳其古城)
2、acanthuses ─── n.爵床属;莨苕叶形的装饰;叶形装饰
3、amianthus ─── n.石绒(等于amiantus)
4、ailanthus ─── n.臭椿;臭椿属
5、acanthas ─── n.[生物]刺;脊椎
6、acanths ─── 刺
7、Zacynthus ─── 扎辛瑟斯。
8、acanthous ─── 棘的
9、canthus ─── n.眼睛的两端,[解剖]眼角;[解剖]眦
acanthus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Keywords mangrove plant;Acanthus ilicifolius;chemical constituents;2-benzoxazolinone; ─── 红树植物;老鼠簕;化学成分;2-苯并恶唑啉酮;
2、Any of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genus Acanthus, native to the Mediterranean and having pinnately lobed basal leaves with spiny margins and showy spikes of white or purplish flowers. ─── 爵床,茛苕一种常年生爵床属草本植物或小灌木,生长于地中海地区,有叶边带刺的羽状裂片基叶,及由白色或紫红色花朵构成的艳丽穗状花序
3、Acanthus Leaves, Wild Rose on Crimson Background, William, Morris. ─── 蕨类叶片,野玫瑰的深红背景,威廉,莫里斯。
4、The only carved decoration is the single acanthus leaf found on the hips that serve as a classical counterpoint to the shiny brass caps opposite. ─── 唯一的雕刻装饰是单叶上发现老鼠的髋部,作为一个经典的旋律向闪亮的黄铜帽相反。
5、Study on Extraction and Physiological Activities of Flavonoids from Acanthus ilicifolius L. ─── 老鼠簕类黄酮的提取及生理活性研究。
6、CONCLUSION Acanthus ilicifolius L. has activity of antioxdant. ─── 结论老鼠簕具有抗氧化活性。
7、Study on Extraction and Physiological Activities of Flavonoids from Acanthus ilicifolius L . ─── 老鼠簕类黄酮的提取及生理活性研究。
8、One pierced the other with guardroom and acanthus patterns. ─── 一个穿其他与警卫室和老鼠模式。
9、A new species of Acanthus L. from Fujian (family Acanthaceae). ─── 福建老鼠__属一新种(爵床科).
10、The most ornate of the three classical orders, characterized by a slender fluted column having an ornate bell-shaped capital decorated with acanthus leaves. ─── 科林斯式:三种古典式样中最华丽的一种,特点是柱子细长,有凹槽,柱头华丽,钟状,饰有叶板
11、bear's-breech (Acanthus illicifolius) ─── 老鼠簕
12、Corinthian order, a later development, introduced lonic capitals detailed with acanthus leaves. ─── 科林斯式柱型风格,较晚出现,采用带叶形饰的钟状柱顶。
13、Arcadia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm. ─── 阿卡迪亚:主导奥秘为命运和时间的上域。行于阿坎萨斯之道的法师们控制着该领域的守望塔。
14、The acanthus leaves stood out prominently and above the spiral scrolls (volutes) some kind of design was carved, probably a cross. ─── Acanthus叶子尤其明显,上面的螺旋状是雕工可能刻成十字型。
15、Keywords Acanthus ilicifolius L;Reducing capability;Free radicals;Antioxidant activity; ─── 老鼠簕多糖;还原力;自由基;抗氧化;
16、Acanthus ebracteatus ─── n. 小花老鼠簕
17、The combination of the heart motif, the scallop shell, floral sprigs and acanthus leaves is seen on a sofa in the Metropolitan Museum, New York. ─── 相结合的核心主题,扇贝贝壳,花卉开和老鼠叶看到沙发上的大都会博物馆,纽约。
18、Objective: In order to prove a basis for rational exploitation and utilization of the herb, the charaeteristic feature for Acanthus iliciflius was studied. ─── 摘要目的:研究药用红树植物老鼠簕的生药学,为开发和利用红树资源提供科学的理论依据。
19、sighed Joannes de Molendino, still perched among the acanthus leaves of his capital. ─── 磨坊的约翰叹道,他一直高踞在拱顶的叶板上。
20、Keywords acanthus ilicifolius polysaccharide;extract;purify; ─── 老鼠簕多糖;提取;纯化;
21、In the centre of the top rails are stylised scallop shells, from which acanthus leaves and floral sprigs overflow across the shoulders. ─── 在该中心的最铁轨风格扇贝贝壳,从老鼠叶和花开溢出的肩膀上。
22、Antioxidant activity of extracts from Acanthus ilicifolius L. ─── 老鼠簕提取成分的抗氧化活性。
23、Acanthus leucostachyus ─── n. 刺苞老鼠簕
24、Sighed Joannes de Molendino,still perched among the acanthus leaves of his capital. ─── Joannes de Molendino叹道,他一直高踞在拱顶的叶板上。
25、Its legs are curvy and, in the words of the catalogue, are “headed by cabochon and acanthus cast mounts trailing to pierced leaf sabots”. ─── 桌腿呈曲线型,按目录上的描述,“顶端衬有凸圆状叶形铸铁雕饰,一直延伸至桌脚处包裹的镂空金属饰件”。
26、Parorchis acanthus ─── n. 有棘平睾吸虫
27、Keywords bear s-breech(Acanthus illicifolius);mangrove forest;symbiotic microbe;bioactivity assessment; ─── 老鼠簕;红树林;附生微生物;活性评价;
28、The book, released in September by Acanthus Press, follows a line of works about the first family's home. ─── 这本书,在九月于阿坎·萨斯出版社发行,以下工作是关于第一家庭的住宅。
30、acanthus scroll ─── 涡卷形装饰
31、Acanthus: A mage whose Path leads to Arcadia. Acanthus epitomize the tarot card of “The Fool.” ─── 阿坎萨斯:道途通向阿卡迪亚的法师。阿坎萨斯代表着塔罗牌中的“愚者”。
32、any of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genus Acanthus,native to the Mediterranean and having pinnately lobed basal leaves with spiny margins and showy spikes of white or purplish flowers ─── 任一种常年生爵床属草本植物或小灌木,生长于地中海地区,有叶边带刺的羽状裂片基叶,及由白色或紫红色花朵构成的艳丽穗状花序
33、Arcadia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm. ─── 阿卡迪亚:主导奥秘为命运和时间的上域。行于阿坎萨斯之道的法师们控制着该领域的守望塔。
34、Pharmacognostic studies on mangrove Acanthus ilicifolius ─── 药用红树植物老鼠簕的生药学研究
35、"The Ionic, distinguished by the scrolls, or volutes, on its capital, resembles a capital I. The Corinthian capital is more ornate, with carved acanthus leaves and scrolls." ─── 爱奥尼亚柱式形似字母I,最显着之处在于柱头上方有涡形或涡卷形装饰。科林斯柱式的柱头装饰更加华丽,刻有爵床叶饰和涡卷。
36、Acanthus ilicifolius L. ─── 老鼠筋
37、The progress of research on the chemical constituents, pharmacologic activities, as well as the traditional uses as folk medicines of Acanthus were reviewed in this article. ─── 综述国内外有关老鼠簕属植物研究的概况,包括化学成分、药理作用与民间应用等。
38、Keywords Acanthus ilicifolius L.;Flow-injection chemiluminescence;Hydrogen peroxide;Antioxdant; ─── 老鼠簕;流动注射化学发光法;过氧化氢;抗氧化;
39、Study on chemical constituents of mangrove Acanthus ilicifolius ─── 红树林植物老鼠筋化学成分的研究
40、acanthus frieze ─── 雕画带
41、Acanthus ilicifolius ─── n. 老鼠簕, 老鼠筋
42、One pierced the other with guardroom and acanthus patterns. ─── 一个穿其他与警卫室和老鼠模式。
43、METHODS The antioxidant of 75% ethanolic extract and organic solvent extracts, water extracts and polysaccharids from Acanthus ilicifolins L. was detected by Flow-injection chemiluminescence, to evaluate the ability of scavenge H2O2. ─── 方法采用流动注射化学发光法,研究该植物75%乙醇提取物及其有机溶剂萃取分离部分、水提取物及多糖对过氧化氢(H2O2)的清除作用。
44、Its legs are curvy and, in the words of the catalogue, are "headed by cabochon and acanthus cast mounts trailing to pierced leaf sabots" . ─── 桌腿呈曲线型,按目录上的描述,“顶端衬有凸圆状叶形铸铁雕饰,一直延伸至桌脚处包裹的镂空金属饰件”。
45、Acanthus ilicifolius L. has activity of antioxdant. ─── 老鼠?具有抗氧化活性。
46、Pharmacognostic studies on mangrove Acanthus ilicifolius ─── 药用红树植物老鼠簕的生药学研究
47、OBJECTIVE To search antioxidant compounds from Acanthus ilicifolius L. ─── 摘要目的从药用红树植物老鼠?中寻找具有抗氧化的活性成分。
48、Chemical constituents in stem of Acanthus ilicifolius ─── 老鼠簕的化学成分研究
49、and Patrick Blanchard’s intricately carved Acanthus table lamps made of translucent lime wood. ─── 和帕特里克布兰查德的错综复杂雕刻老鼠台灯了半透明的石灰木材。
50、acanthus ilicifolius polysaccharide ─── 老鼠鲂多糖
51、Each table carved in mahogany and tulipwood veneers, fitted with an ivory-hautacam marble top, gilt-bronze leafs and acanthus frieze, the legs with rings and sabots. ─── 在红木雕刻和鹅掌楸单板每个表,用象牙欧塔坎大理石外,金铜叶子楣和老鼠装,弹托与环和腿部。
52、acanthus leaf ─── 叶板
53、Studies on chemical constituents in herbs of Acanthus ilicifolius ─── 老鼠簕化学成分的研究
54、Acanthus Linn. ─── 老鼠簕属
55、Three important acanthus consoles, on low and top part, support the central stem. ─── 三个重要的老鼠控制台,对低收入和顶端的一部分,支持中央干。
56、Acanthus ilicifolius L ─── 老鼠簕多糖
57、Keywords Acanthus ilicifolius;exterior character;macroscopic identification;TLC; ─── 老鼠簕;药材性状;显微特征;TLC;
58、Keywords Acanthus ilicifolius polysaccharides;purification;structure analysis; ─── 老鼠簕多糖;纯化;结构分析;
59、There is an entrance in an arched shape, on the inner surface of which is decorated with an acanthus design. ─── 窟门为圆拱型,内饰茛苕叶形装饰。
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