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08-09 投稿


apprenticing 发音

英:[əˈprentɪsɪŋ]  美:[əˈprentɪsɪŋ]

英:  美:

apprenticing 中文意思翻译




apprenticing 短语词组

1、apprenticing jesus ─── 讨人喜欢的耶稣

2、apprenticing elicitation ─── 诱导 ─── 诱导

3、apprenticing himself to ─── 向…示好

4、apprenticing in business analysis ─── 商业分析中的鉴赏

apprenticing 词性/词形变化,apprenticing变形

动词过去分词: apprenticed |动词现在分词: apprenticing |动词第三人称单数: apprentices |名词: apprenticeship |动词过去式: apprenticed |

apprenticing 相似词语短语

1、appointing ─── v.任命;指定;约定;装备(appoint的ing形式);adj.委任的

2、apprenticement ─── 学徒制

3、apprentice ─── n.学徒;生手;vt.使…当学徒;vi.当学徒

4、apprentices ─── [劳经]学徒

5、apprehending ─── v.领会理解;逮捕;忐忑不安地期待(apprehend的现在分词)

6、appreciating ─── v.欣赏(appreciate的ing形式);感激;使增值;鉴别

7、apparent wind ─── [气象]视风;相对风;感觉风

8、appraising ─── v.鉴定;估价;评价

9、apprenticed ─── v.使……当学徒;当学徒(apprentice的过去式和过去分词)

apprenticing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Boy, and to think I once daydreamed about apprenticing with him! ─── 男孩,和认为I曾经作了白日梦关于当学徒与他!

2、apprent position ─── [医] 显然位置

3、In popular Christian tradition Mary Magdalene is a prostitute who finds redemption by apprenticing herself to Jesus. ─── 普遍的基督教传统上,玛丽亚抹大拉是一个妓女,通过让自己当了耶稣的学徒而找到救赎。

4、You can develop your personal skills inventory by apprenticing yourself to a master. ─── 你可以通过拜大师当学徒来增加自己的技能储备。

5、After a brief 1 stint 2 apprenticing at department stores, Field opened her own 3 boutique in Greenwich Village at the age of 24. ─── 在百货公司当了很短一段时间学徒后,24岁的菲尔德就在格林威治村开设了自己的时装店。

6、Keywords General practice;Trainer;Standard;Training;Apprenticing model; ─── 全科医学;师资;标准;培训;学徒式;

7、Wigglytuff: Yup. But you're only apprenticing right now. So do your best...to train! ─── 胖可丁:恩。不过现在你们还只是实习生而已,所以现在的首要任务是...努力训练!

8、You can develop your personal skills inventory by apprenticing yourself to a master. ─── 你可以通过老板的帮助来培养现有的个人技能。

9、In popular Christian tradition Mary Magdalene is a prostitute who finds redemption by apprenticing herself to Jesus. ─── 普遍的基督教传统上,玛丽亚抹大拉是一个妓女,通过让自己当了耶稣的学徒而找到救赎。

10、Boy, and to think I once daydreamed about apprenticing with him! ─── 男孩, 和认为I 曾经作了白日梦关于当学徒与他!

11、dental apprentic ─── 牙科见习生

12、apprent agent ─── 表见代理

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