manages 发音
英:[ˈmænɪdʒɪz] 美:[ˈmænɪdʒɪz]
英: 美:
manages 中文意思翻译
manages 同义词
handle | actualize | finagle | discipline | accomplish | succeed | direct | grapple | contend | operate | manipulate | conduct | govern | make do | cope with | use | supervise | get by | work | oversee | dominate | boss | ride | guide | superintend | carry off | regulate | deal with | pull off | dispose of | run | steer | master | fare | control | wangle | engineer | deal | make out | cope | negociate | rule | achieve | head | do | care | wield | bring off | get on | administer | lead | drive
manages 短语词组
1、stage-manages v. ─── 指挥, 监督( stage-manage的第三人称单数 )
2、project-manages (project-manage ─── 的第三人称 -s形式) 项目管理
manages 反义词
manages 词性/词形变化,manages变形
动词现在分词: managing |动词过去分词: managed |动词过去式: managed |动词第三人称单数: manages |
manages 常用词组
manage with ─── 用…设法对付
manage to do ─── 挣扎做某事;设法完成某事
can manage it ─── 可以设法帮这个忙
manages 相似词语短语
1、managed ─── v.管理;掌管;主管;当……的经理人;调教;经营管理(土地);设法继续生存;对付过去;设法做到;处理;承受;腾出时间参加;明智地使用;(在某一时间)能办到;控制住;把……保持得井井有条;能吃(喝);竟做出(manage的过去式及过去分词);adj.妥善照看的,受监督的
2、ménages ─── 家庭
3、managers ─── n.管理者,经理(manager复数)
4、manage ─── vt.管理;经营;控制;设法;vi.处理;应付过去
5、apanages ─── n.属地;封地
6、manager ─── n.经理;管理人员
7、menages ─── n.(法)家庭,家务;n.(Menage)人名;(英)梅纳热
8、amenages ─── 补偿
9、bandages ─── n.绷带;vt.用绷带包扎
manages 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She manages to hold down two jobs. ─── 她设法保有两份工作。
2、In his job he manages to appear honest,but is,in fact,as ready as the nest man to treat colleagues ruthlessly. ─── 在工作中,他极力表现得诚实可靠。实际上,他像其他人一样,毫不留情地待他的同僚们。
3、Despite the pressure of work, he manages to find time to study English. ─── 他工作很忙, 可是还抽空学习英语。
4、How he manages to live is more than I can tell. ─── 他是怎样生活的,我简直猜不透。
5、He never covers his mistakes and manages to correct them instead. ─── 他从不掩盖自己的错误,而是努力改正。
6、Trustee - The person or institution that manages the property put in trust. ─── 保管人:管理受托财产的自然人或者机构。
7、He manages to hang on to a piece of rock protrude from the cliff face. ─── 他设法抓住悬崖表面向外伸出的岩石。
8、If he manages to stop this, then just grab some Buzzers and clear his garrison. ─── 如果对方成功阻止了你,那么只要带些蜂群清空地堡就行了。
9、Al-Ghunaim's Kuwait-based investment fund manages about $5 billion. ─── 埃尔-古奈姆位于科威特的投资基金管理着大约50亿美元资金。
10、Fortunately, OSGi manages such transitive dependencies for you, and ensures that you never have problems due to incompatible classes. ─── 好在OSGi为你管理起这种依赖传递,确保不再出现不兼容类引发的问题。
11、A man who owns or manages a dairy. ─── 乳牛场主拥有或经营牛奶公司或乳牛场的男子
12、She manages to let criticism just wash over her. ─── 她沒有让別人的批评影响到自己。
13、Only thrifty child manages to fill up a money-box. ─── 只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。
14、The company manages all direct customer contact for their Business Units. ─── 公司负责管理其事业单位所有客户的直接接洽。
15、The company manages to keep all the expenses to a minimum. ─── 公司设法最低限度减少开支。
16、"Every time she needs to reinvent herself, she manages to do it. ─── “每次她需要彻底改造自己的形象,她都成功的做到了。
17、He manages to swallow a little soup and dry toast. ─── 他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。
18、He manages a hotel for his father. ─── 他替他父亲经营一家旅馆。
19、She manages to wriggle out of answering all the questions . ─── 她支吾其词避免回答一切问题。
20、Literally, the first "inanimate character." This ancient mammal is frozen in ice but manages to get around the block. ─── 基本上来说是第一个’没有生命的主’.这只远古的哺乳动物呈冰封状,却又努力地想要走出束缚。
21、The kernel manages memory, connect I/O devices and parcels out processor time. ─── 内核管理存储器和文件,把应用程序与输入/输出设备相连以及划分处理器时间等。
22、This is just our storage system, however; we still need a retrieval system that manages all those tokens for us. ─── 但这只是我们的存储系统,还需要一个为我们管理令牌的检索系统。
23、A woman who owns or owns and manages a business or other such establishment. ─── 女业主占有或占有且经营一家公司或其它这样的机构的妇女
24、The Provisional Urban Council provides and manages sports and recreational facilities. ─── 临时市政局提供和管理体育及康乐设施。
25、"It is a marvel how Louisa manages to do it," is the general verdict. ─── “路易莎竟然做成了这事,真是奇迹,”人们都这样议论说。
26、His translation manages to be faithful to the spirit of the original. ─── 他的译文做到了忠于原文的精神。
27、She manages to escape, reappearing in a few days later. ─── 她成功的逃脱了,几天之后又重新出现。
28、Still half asleep, he gropes for the clock, manages to turn off the alarm. ─── 他半醒半睡地去摸那个钟,设法把响铃关
29、He always manages to dig up a fresh excuse for being late. ─── 他总能为他的迟到找到这样那样的新借口。
30、Manages diligently, explores and develops. ─── 努力经营,开拓进取。
31、He manages to finish the task without the help of a deputy. ─── 在没有代理的帮助下他设法完成了工作。
32、He also manages a company and made his first ever bungee jump in Australia in 1994. ─── 1994年,他在澳大利亚第一次体验了蹦极。
33、Oh, Ed always manages a box of candy on Valentine's Day. And I get a card, too. ─── 喔,埃德总在情人节那天送给我一盒糖和一张贺卡。
34、He manages a livestock farm. ─── 他经营着一个牧场。
35、She manages despite everything to preserve her sense of humour. ─── 她不管遇到什么情况都竭力保持著幽默感。
36、His income is not much, but he manages to live quite well on it. ─── 他收入不多, 但很会过日子。
37、He always manages to obtain what he wants. ─── 他总是有办法得到他想要的东西。
38、He always manages to dodge doing the housework. ─── 他总是千方百计避免做家务.
39、He manages to get along without much money. ─── 他设法在钱不多的情况下活下去。
40、She manages the house very well . ─── 她家务管理得很好。
41、An object to relational database mapping framework, using the new JDK1.5 annotations, that fully manages the database. ─── 一个对象到关系数据库映射框架,使用新的JDK1.5注释,其完全管理数据库。
42、Just how Graff manages to carry an inventory worth many hundreds of millions is one of the great puzzles of the diamond market. ─── 只是格拉芙准备如何进行一个值数百万美元的库存周转对钻石行业仍是巨大的谜团。
43、If he manages to stay alive for just a while longer, that pilot could be a worthy opponent. ─── 如果那个飞行员能想办法把存活时间再拖长那么一点点,那就是个有资格跟我对抗的人了。
44、A programmable arbiter manages the priorities between the bus masters. ─── 可编程判优器用于管理总线控制器间的优先级。
45、Do good fountainhead protection, water hose manages and disinfect. ─── 做好水源保护,饮水管理和消毒。
46、Manages a pressure of up to 10 bar. ─── 可经受高达10巴的压力。
47、He isn't a trained accountant, but he manages to keep simple accounts. ─── 他没有学过会计,但还能凑合着记记账。
48、She works as a nurse, while dad manages the family's finances. ─── 妈妈是一个护士,爸爸经营着自己家族的事业。
49、She always manages to winkle secrets out of people. ─── 她总是能从别人那里探听出秘密。
50、The JVM has a memory space that it manages. ─── JVM有一片它自己管理的内存空间。
51、He manages several portfolios on behalf of a pension fund. ─── 他代表一家退休基金经营多项投资组合。
52、He always manages to say the wrong thing. ─── 他总是哪壶不开提哪壶。
53、And he manages to merge the two beautifully in his music. ─── 他想要使这两种美妙的音乐完美地结合。
54、JPL manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. ─── JPL为NASA科学任务董事会管理“卡西尼-惠更斯”项目。
55、He always manages to obtain what he want. ─── 他总有办法得到他想要的东西。
56、Goal of manpower resources development in first, the class manages. ─── 一是班级管理中人力资源开发的目标。
57、he always manages to outwit his opponents. ─── 他反正总能设法智胜对手。
58、One that owns or manages a ranch. ─── 大牧场主拥有或经营牧场的人
59、Library network Information resource Organization manages. ─── 图书馆网络信息资源的组织管理。
60、Hotaru Amami is a private investigator, also manages her own office. ─── 天海萤是经营天海侦探社的女侦探。
61、You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months. ─── 你或许会觉得奇怪,它好几个月不吃东西,怎么活下来的呢?
62、A woman who manages an inn or a hotel. ─── 女老板经营客栈或旅馆的女性
63、He takes several learned journals and manages to be abreast of developments in his field. ─── 他订阅了几本学术刊物,对本行最新的发展非常清楚。
64、Mr. Smith manages a big shop. ─── 史密斯先生经营一家大商店。
65、It always amazes me how Tom manages to muddle through. ─── 令我惊奇的是汤姆不知怎么总能混下去。
66、He's tight with this guy who manages an electronics stroe in Washington . ─── 他和华盛顿一个电子设备商店的经理关系很密切。
67、By steadfastly manages throughout ploughs the enterprise foundation deeply. ─── 始终以踏实经营来深耕事业基础。
68、And this will certainly apply to any other firm that manages to build a similarly crucial and long-lasting digital monopoly. ─── 并且这肯定也会适用于其他企图建立类似的关键性、长期性数码寡头的公司。
69、She manages the money very well. ─── 她理财有方。
70、For example, his doctor daughter Erika manages projects in Chicago, Illinois. ─── 举个例子,他的女儿刚刚在啊啊,并不设计项目。
71、How manages the customer the feedback information? ─── 如何管理客户的反馈信息?
72、Mr Combs, whose fund manages about $400m, is likely to be given a relatively small amount of money to invest to ease him in, Mr Gelb adds. ─── 盖尔布还表示,巴菲特可能会先给康姆斯相对少量的资金进行投资,以便让他慢慢适应。康姆斯现在所在的基金管理着大约4亿美元的资产。
73、How Carlos Ghosn Manages Two Multinational Companies At Same Time? ─── 卡洛斯·戈恩演绎双城记
74、He manages a large business for his mother. ─── 他替他的妈妈管理一家大买卖。
75、One that manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library. ─── 主任管理人或监督人,作为某一收藏品展览或图书馆的行政主管
76、Somehow he always manages to outwit his opponents. ─── 他反正总能设法智胜对手。
77、Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble. ─── 什么时候只要有他在,他就总要挑起点事来。
78、He manages to save some of his investment from the wreck of the company. ─── 他投资公司破产中投资者损失了上万英镑。
79、She works full-time and still manages to run a home. ─── 她做全职工作,仍能照管好家庭。
80、He manages to worm into an important position in the government. ─── 他设法钻进政府窃据要职。
81、She manages to let criticism just wash over her. ─── 她克服了别人批评所造成的影响。
82、An Integration Competency center manages SOA in the company and a dedicated budget is associated to it. ─── 公司内有一个集成能力中心来管理SOA,并有相关的专门预算。
83、He manages to knock down a guard and grab a knife. ─── 他设法击倒了一个警卫,抓起了一把刀。
84、The plenary session manages by Central Political Bureau. ─── 全会由中央政治局主持。
85、You know he always manages to get out of a tight situation . ─── 你知道他总是能设法死里逃生的。
86、Insurance is a risk financing activity that manages insurable risks. ─── 保险是一种管理可保风险的风险融资行为。
87、The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer. ─── 公司总裁从来没有打算在夏天出去避暑。
88、Someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else. ─── 为其它人管理财产或处理其它事务的人员。
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