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08-09 投稿


thallus 发音

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thallus 中文意思翻译



thallus 词性/词形变化,thallus变形


thallus 短语词组

1、foliaceous thallus ─── 叶状地衣体

2、thallus jesus ─── 叶状体耶稣

3、thallus kelp ─── 海带

4、crustose thallus ─── [网络] 地壳沙拉

5、thallus mean ─── 叶状体平均值

6、thallus def ─── 叶状体定义

7、thallus group ─── 叶状体群

8、thallus moss ─── 叶状苔藓

9、marchantia thallus ─── 粘质叶状体

10、cetraria islandica thallus ─── 叶状体属。

thallus 相似词语短语

1、thallium ─── n.[化学]铊

2、thalamus ─── n.[解剖]丘脑;花托

3、thalluses ─── n.菌体,[植]叶状体;叶状植物

4、thallious ─── 丘脑

5、hallux ─── n.(人的)大拇趾;(脊椎动物的)后趾

6、thallous ─── 一价铊的

7、gallus ─── n.背带;吊裤带;n.(Gallus)人名;(俄、德、意)加卢斯

8、phallus ─── n.阴茎;阳物之图像;[胚]交接器原基(分化后则成为阴蒂或阴茎)

9、callus ─── n.[皮肤]胼胝;愈合组织;老茧;vt.使生老茧;使变硬;使结痂;vi.变硬;结痂;生老茧;n.(Callus)人名;(法)卡吕;(意)卡卢斯

thallus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nematoparenchymatous thallus ─── 线形薄壁组织叶状体

2、thallus removing rate ─── 菌体去除率

3、type genus of Sphaerocarpaceae; liverworts with small many-lobed usually orbicular thallus ─── 球蒴苔科的模式属;地钱,具有小的多数情况下呈叶状环形叶状体

4、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flatand leafy. ─── 叶状地衣的属于或关于其叶状体是扁平且多叶的苔藓的。

5、The total content of fatty acids in porphyra filamentous generation is above that of thallus generation, but the EPA quantity contained is much below that of thallus generation. ─── 紫菜丝状体世代总脂肪酸含量均高于叶状体世代,但EPA含量远低于叶状体世代。

6、Composed of filaments or plates of cells, a thallus ranges in size from a single-celled structure to a complex treelike form. ─── 原植体为丝状或片状,大小不一,小的仅数个细胞,大的形态复杂如树状。

7、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin,crusty,and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. ─── 地衣的地衣的或与之有关的,它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。

8、Abstract: Jaoaceae is an endemic group in China .T he thallus of Jaoa is disc-shaped and with more or less uneven surface. ─── 摘 要 :饶氏藻是我国绿藻门中的特有类群 , 藻体盘状,表面不平整。

9、Technique of High-production Planting in Agaricus blazei and Research on Main Hybrid Thallus and Integrate Control ─── 姬松茸高产栽培技术及主要杂菌、害虫发生与防治研究

10、Thallus Laminariae; ─── 名称 昆布;

11、Antibiotics sensitivities of somatic cells of Porphyra haitanensis thallus ─── 坛紫菜叶状体体细胞对抗生素敏感性的研究

12、Advancement in research on the chemical components and pharmacological effects of Thallus Laminariae ─── 昆布化学成分与药理作用研究进展

13、genus of the family ulvaceae; green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick: sea lettuce. ─── 科的模式属;绿色海藻具有两个细胞厚度的叶状体;海莴苣。

14、any of a group of cryptogamic organisms consisting principally of a thallus and thus showing no differentiation into stem and root and leaf ─── 任何种类的隐花有机体,主要由叶状体组成,根茎叶无区别

15、Thallus morphological diversity of the apple sooty blotch and flyspeck ─── 苹果煤污病与蝇粪病菌体形态类型的多样性研究

16、of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy ─── 叶状地衣的;属于或关于其叶状体是扁平且多叶的苔藓

17、Cultivation of Porphyra haitanensis of pure lineage: thallus formation using somatic cell cloning approach and field mariculture ─── 坛紫菜体细胞单克隆叶状体途径及海上养殖

18、crstaceous thallus ─── 壳状地衣体

19、In appearance it is similar to Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca, but the upper side of the thallus is pale grayish brown and the usnic acid is absent in it. ─── 这个新种类似红脐鳞,但地衣体上表面为灰褐色并且不合松萝酸。

20、Methods: Mushroom samples were collected with walking lines and mushroom samples were identified by the thallus、spore and mycelium character of the mushrooms. ─── 方法:对保护区内大型菌类的调查主要采用走样线法采集菌类标本,以子实体形态为主,孢子、菌丝形态鉴别为辅进行菌种鉴定。

21、3.A tubular extension of the thallus of hornworts that rises up and surrounds the base of the sporophyte. ─── 3是金鱼藻叶状体中的管状结构,环绕孢子体基部。

22、calcified thallus ─── (复calcified thalli)钙化原植体

23、paschal stereocanlon thallus ─── 石寄生

24、The stipe of the mushroom and the thallus of red algae (e.g.Porphyra) are pseudoparenchymatous tissues. ─── 蘑菇的菌柄与红藻的叶状体(紫菜属)是典型的拟薄壁组织。

25、Fragments of the thallus containing both phycobiont and mycobiont cells may also grow into new lichens, a from of asexual reproduction. ─── 地衣的碎裂片中,如含有藻类和真菌共生时,也可长成独立植株,这是一种无性的生殖形式。

26、Keywords reversal;multidrug resistance;thallus laminariae PE;tumor cells;chinese drug therapy (TCD); ─── 逆转;多药耐药性;昆布水提物;肿瘤细胞;中药疗法;

27、Thallus A plant body undifferentiated into stem, root, or leaf. ─── 无根、茎、叶分化的植物体。

28、Homothallism A condition found in some algae and fungi in which each thallus is self-compatible. ─── 同宗配合:这是一种在藻类和真菌中常见的现象,每一个叶状体具有自交亲和性。

29、a stalklike outgrowth of the thallus of certain lichens,bearing the apothecium ─── 某些地衣叶状体的茎状衍生物,长有子囊盘

30、stellate cladonia fruticose thallus ─── 太白花

31、Advances in Researches on Pharmacology of Thallus Japonica ─── 昆布的药理研究进展

32、Most fungi have the same basic body structure consisting of a main body or thallus composed of filaments called hyphae. ─── 大多数真菌有同样的基本结构,即由菌丝组成的菌体。

33、thallus concentration ─── 菌体浓度

34、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. ─── 地衣的地衣的或与之有关的,它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面

35、The whole develop process of E. prolifera kept polarity, the villi-form protuberances and meshwork structures in the internal cavum of pipelike thallus conduced to the morphological development. ─── 浒苔的发育具有极性,其叶状体管腔内部结构对于藻体的形态发育有作用;

36、Any of various widely distributed lichens of the genus Usnea, characterized by a gray pendulous thallus. ─── 松萝一种遍布很广的松萝属地衣,特征为灰色悬垂菌体

37、Homothallism A condition found in some algae and fungi in which each thallus is self-compatible. ─── 这是一种在藻类和真菌中常见的现象,每一个叶状体具有自交亲和性。

38、Some cells of the lesion part of the thallus of P.yezoensis could be divide into several ring clearly because of different color. ─── 条斑紫菜叶状体病变部分细胞由于颜色不同,清晰地分为几轮。

39、an algal cell filled with chlorophyll,formed in the thallus of a lichen ─── 共生藻细胞,在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞

40、Most thallus plants are currently classified as complex protists. ─── 大部分的原植体现在被归属为复杂的原生生物。

41、kelp thallus ─── 昆布

42、thallus laminariae PE ─── 昆布提取物

43、Keywords glutinous corn;fermented lactic beverage;technological condition for fermentation;RSA;thallus concentration;optimization; ─── 糯玉米;发酵乳饮料;发酵工艺条件;响应面法;菌体浓度;优化;

44、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. ─── (属于地衣的)它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。

45、A leaflike thallus, as of a seaweed or lichen. ─── 叶状体例如海藻或苔藓的叶状体

46、exogenous thallus ─── 外生叶状体

47、The plant form of the thallophytes is an undifferentiated thallus lacking true roots, stems, and leaves. ─── 凡植物不具维管束(输导组织),没有真正的根、茎和叶等构造,属于无维管束植物。

48、endogenous thallus ─── 内生叶状体

49、type genus of the family Ulvaceae; green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick: sea lettuce. ─── 石莼科的模式属;绿色海藻具有两个细胞厚度的叶状体;海莴苣。

50、vermiculate thamnolia thallus ─── 雪茶

51、1. green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick: sea lettuce. ─── 绿色海藻具有两个细胞厚度的叶状体;海莴苣。

52、divaricate gelidium thallus ─── 小石花菜

53、a leaflike thallus,as of a seaweed or lichen ─── 叶状体,例如海藻或苔藓的叶状体

54、foliaceous thallus ─── 叶状地衣体

55、After centrifugation, broth culture precipitates were smeared and stained with fuchsin to observe the morphology change in thallus under optical microscope. ─── 离心肉汤培养物,取沉淀涂片复红染色,光镜下观察菌体形态变化。

56、Most thallus plants are currently classified as complex protists. ─── 大部分的原植体现在被归属为复杂的原生生物。

57、thallus sargassi ─── 海藻

58、type genus of Sphaerocarpaceae; liverworts with small many-lobed usually orbicular thallus. ─── 球蒴苔科的模式属;地钱,具有小的多数情况下呈叶状环形叶状体。

59、The central portion of a thallus in certain lichens and red or brown algae. ─── 菌髓某些地衣和红色或棕色藻类之叶状体的中心部分

60、heterotrichous thallus ─── 异丝体的叶状体

61、A stalklike outgrowth of the thallus of certain lichens, bearing the apothecium. ─── 子囊果柄某些地衣叶状体的茎状衍生物,长有子囊盘

62、Agardh 1854): Hemitrema, in which the network is composed of a single zone within the thallus margin, and Mesotrema, in which the network consists of one to several zones separated by solid membrane. ─── 过去藻种分类上的依据主要以叶片的形态及生殖构造产生的位置为主。

63、any of a group of cryptogamic organisms consisting principally of a thallus and thus showing no differentiation into stem and root and leaf. ─── 任何种类的隐花有机体,主要由叶状体组成,根茎叶无区别。

64、Ultrastructural and molecular evidence for monospore formation in the thallus of Porphyra yezoensis ─── 条斑紫菜单孢子形成的超微结构及分子生物学证据

65、"Composed of filaments or plates of cells, a thallus ranges in size from a single-celled structure to a complex treelike form." ─── 原植体为丝状或片状,大小不一,小的仅数个细胞,大的形态复杂如树状。

66、gracile cladonia thallus ─── 太白鹿角

67、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy. ─── 叶状地衣的属于或关于其叶状体是扁平且多叶的苔藓的

68、Thallus (pl. thalli ) A simple plant body showing no differentiation into root, leaf, and stem and lacking a true vascular system. ─── 没有向根、茎和叶方向发生分化而且不具有真正的维管系统的简单植物体。

69、On germination, the zygospore undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells that give rise to a new thallus. ─── 在萌发期,接合孢子经历减数分裂形成单倍体细胞再产生新的植物体。

70、type genus of the family Ulvaceae; green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick: sea lettuce ─── 石莼科的模式属;绿色海藻具有两个细胞厚度的叶状体;海莴苣

71、Forming hormogonium is a main reproductive way of Nostoc flagelliforme by thallus. ─── 形成藻殖段是发菜原植体繁殖的主要方式。

72、primary thallus","thallus primarius"," ─── 初生地衣体"


74、One is the gamete diffused from gametangia of gametophytes that succeeds in developing into new thallus,the other is the undiffused gamete that develops into new thallus directly. ─── 另一种是配子体配子囊中最后一个或几个配子不放散直接在原藻体上发育成新个体。

75、An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen. ─── 共生藻细胞在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞

76、On germination, the zygospore undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells that give rise to a new thallus. ─── 在萌发期,接合孢子经历减数分裂形成单倍体细胞再产生新的植物体。

77、cell of thallus ─── 叶状体细胞

78、Thallus (pl. thalli) A simple plant body showing no differentiation into root, leaf, and stem and lacking a true vascular system. ─── 叶状体:没有向根、茎和叶方向发生分化而且不具有真正的维管系统的简单植物体。

79、Objective: To study effect of Laurate alcohol ester phenylacetate as precursor on thallus itself and fermentation unit in penicillin fermentation process. ─── 目的:研究苯乙酸月桂醇酯作为前体对青霉素发酵过程中菌体本身和发酵单位的影响。

80、thallus laminariae ─── 海带, 昆布

81、Preliminary studies on the discoloration of Porphyra yezoensis thallus ─── 条斑紫菜叶状体色落症的初步研究

82、alpine mycoblastus thallus ─── 石霜

83、Definition: Fragmented dried thallus of Fucus vesiculosus L. or F. serratus L. or Ascophyllum nodosum Le Jolis. ─── 本品为墨角藻科植物墨角藻Fucus vesiculosus L.,齿缘墨角藻F. serratus L.或泡叶藻Ascophyllum nodosum Le Jolis.的干燥破碎的叶状体。

84、Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus, as in some fungi and algae. ─── 同宗配合的在同一菌体上有雌雄两种生殖结构的,如某些真菌和藻类

85、A preliminary study on cultivation of the crossbred Porphyra haitanensis thallus and their economic characteristics ─── 坛紫菜品系间杂交藻体选育及经济性状的初步研究

86、"The photosynthetic and supportive cells tend to be organized linearly, But a thallus lacks such differentiated specialized structures as stem, leaves, and conducting tissue." ─── 那些可进行光合作用和所维生的细胞呈线形结构,但原植体则无根、茎、叶的分化,无输导组织。

87、fruticose thallus ─── 枝状地衣体

88、The invention belongs to the technical field of forage, in particular to a thallus fermenting forage. ─── 本发明属于一种饲料的技术领域,尤其涉及一种菌体发酵饲料。

89、stratified thallus ─── 迭生叶状体

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