pacify 发音
英:[['pæsɪfaɪ]] 美:[['pæsə'fai]]
英: 美:
pacify 中文意思翻译
pacify 词性/词形变化,pacify变形
动词第三人称单数: pacifies | 动词过去分词: pacified | 动词现在分词: pacifying | 形容词: pacifiable | 动词过去式: pacified |
pacify 短语词组
1、Protectorate General to Pacify the West ─── 保护将军以安抚西方
2、Protectorate General to Pacify the East ─── 保护将军安抚东方
3、Protectorate General to Pacify Beit ─── 保护将军和平拜特
4、Protectorate General to Pacify the ─── 保护将军以安抚
5、Protectorate General to Pacify the North ─── 保护将军安抚北方
6、Protectorate General to Pacify Beiting ─── 保护将军安抚贝汀
pacify 相似词语短语
1、opacity ─── n.不透明;不传导;暧昧
2、opacify ─── vt.使…不透明;vi.变为不透明
3、calcify ─── vi.钙化;变成石灰质;vt.使钙化;使思想僵化
4、fancify ─── v.奇思异想;花哨地装饰
5、pacific ─── adj.和平的;温和的;平静的;n.太平洋;adj.太平洋的
6、specify ─── vt.指定;详细说明;列举;把…列入说明书
7、farcify ─── 闹剧
8、Nazify ─── vt.使纳粹化
9、repacify ─── vt.再平定;再安抚
pacify 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Tension pacify anxiety, fear, will sleep peacefully. ─── 安抚焦虑紧张,恐惧,有助安眠。
2、Pacifi c Monolithics, Richardson Electronics, Spectrum Microwave, UMS, WJ Communications/Triquint. Antennas, Active - Richardson Electronics ... ─── 1111人力银行-徵才厂商:美商理查森国际股份有限公司台湾分公司<公司...
3、Treatment The Front-Mu point of the stomach and the points of Stomach Meridian are selected with reducing manipulation to remove retention, pacify the stomach and relieve pain. ─── 取胃之募穴,足阳明经穴为主。针刺用泻法。以消食化滞,和胃止痛。
4、But giving the jihadists another victory over another superpower would boost their ambitions to the skies, making it even harder for Pakistan to pacify its tribal regions. ─── 但是如果圣战分子再一次战胜另一个超级大国的话,将使他们的气焰嚣张到极点,这对巴基斯坦而言将更加难以平息其部落地区。
5、But Prime Minister Cameron would doubtless want to flourish some sort of concession to pacify the Eurosceptics in his own party and beyond. ─── 但卡梅隆首相无疑将会想要在平息党内对欧盟的质疑方面有所作为,或许他想要的不仅于此。
6、The main products pacifier pacify, pacifiers and other animals. ─── 主要产品为安抚奶嘴,动物奶嘴等。
7、In its early years, the Han Dynasty was not strong enough to repel the Huns, so the Han rulers resorted to the policy of heqin to pacify the borders. ─── 在早期,汉朝没有足够的力量去击退匈奴,所以汉朝的统治者凭借“和亲”的政策去抚慰边疆。
8、To pacify the child, realize his dream, parents did a ligneous pseudopod for red general contest, so that make,it puts on tailor-made sufficient gym shoes. ─── 为了安抚孩子,实现他的梦想,父母为丹普赛做了一只木制的假足,以便使它穿上特制的足球鞋。丹普赛付出了数倍于常人的努力,天天用他的木足练习踢足球。
9、tending or intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions. ─── 倾向于或者有意于通过同意要求或者作出让步来平息、抚慰。
10、That decision rattled many economists, who feared that Mr Obama would backtrack on his free trade promises in an attempt to pacify the politically important US unions. ─── 上述决定令许多经济学家感到不安,他们担心,奥巴马会为了安抚政治上重要的美国工会,而放弃自由贸易的承诺。
11、' " For he thought, "I will pacify him with these gifts I am sending on ahead;later, when I see him, perhaps he will receive me. ─── 因雅各心里说,我藉着在我前头去的礼物解他的恨,然后再见他的面,或者他容纳我。
12、Pacifies all enemies near the templar, preventing them from making normal combat attacks, and reduces their hate towards the templar.Any hostile actions taken on them will break the pacify effect. ─── 平静术,安抚敌对目标,减少他们的警戒攻击范围,任何针对牧师的攻击将被打断(貌似是个减仇恨的技能,实用!!!)
13、To pacify people and settle matters ─── 宁人息事
14、You see we were quite right to pacify that country. ─── 你瞧,我们平定那个国家是很对的。
15、So being treated unequally might seem natural for Indian or even it is a humiliation or suffering, Indians can pacify themselves with the Buddhism ways of thinking. ─── 同时四川生活节奏相对较慢,当地人在吃上花的功夫自然就多些。
16、Shiva restored life to the dead boy, but this could not pacify the outraged sage Kashyapa, who was one of the seven great Rishis . ─── 湿婆把生命储存在死亡的男孩里,但这并不能平静圣人卡斯雅帕的暴行,他是七位伟大圣者之一。
17、During the period 1933, in that year Roosevelt becoming the President ofAmerica, to March 1938, when Germany annexed Austria, America?s policy wasto pacify Germany. ─── 从1933年罗斯福成为美国总统到1938年3月德国吞并奥地利前,美国对德国奉行安抚政策。
18、To soothe,as by stroking;pacify. ─── 安抚,使温和受打击时安慰;使平静
19、He brought with him several slices of meat in order to pacify the Housedog, so that he would not alarm his master by barking. ─── 为了防止狗吠叫喊醒主人和追咬自己,贼特意随身带了几块肉。
20、He tried to pacify his creditors by repaying part of the money ─── 他为安抚债权人偿还了部分借款.
21、pacify the interior ─── 安内
22、The secular party that governs the North-West Frontier Province, the Awami National Party, is trying to pacify its own area. ─── 掌管西北前线省的世俗党派Awami国家党试图让自己的区域保持平静。
23、The only answer, in his view, is to“ engage” the population in the district to pacify the area. ─── 以他的观点,唯一的答案即,与当地人“接触”,安抚该地区。
24、pacify the riot ─── 平定骚动
25、pacify a crying child ─── 使哭着的孩子平静下来。
26、tending or intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions ─── 倾向于或者有意于通过同意要求或者作出让步来平息、抚慰
27、When we are bored or exhausted from work, listening to music will slowly pacify our minds. ─── 当我们工作很劳累或心情很烦闷时听听音乐,心境也会渐渐平静下来。
28、The speech was designed to pacify the irate crowd. ─── 讲话的目的是安抚愤怒的群众。
29、Efficacy on spirit:relax body and mind,nerve soothing, nervousness, pacify anger, augment patience, relieve anxiety and pacify soul. ─── 心灵功效:松弛身心、平缓神经、神经过敏、平静愤怒、增强耐性、减轻忧虑,让心灵平静。
30、The Front-Mu point of the stomach and the point of Stomach Meridian are treated with reducing manipulation to remove food retention to pacify the stomach and relieve pain. ─── 取胃之募穴和足阳明经穴为主,针用泻法,以消食化滞,和胃止痛。
31、In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry/continued crying. ─── 尽管我已尽力哄这婴儿,可是他还是哭个不停。
32、To pacify Brigands ─── 安抚土匪
33、He tried to pacify the mob. ─── 他试图安抚暴民。
34、The kind and most tolerant Jade Emperor was advised to pacify you. ─── 仁慈宽厚的玉皇大帝听从了别人的建议去安抚你。
35、Dozens of articles of the Geneva Convention were allegedly breached during the American bid to "re-establish control and pacify" this Sunni stronghold in central Iraq. ─── 在美国尝试重掌控制权和平定这个伊拉克中部逊尼派要塞的过程中,《日内瓦公约》的不少条款据说被践踏了。
36、In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued crying. ─── 尽管我尽力哄这个婴儿,可是他还是哭个不停。
37、In March, they were transferred to Tibetan regions of western Sichuan to pacify antigovernment protesters. ─── 三月份,他们被派遣到四川西部的藏族地区以平息反政府示威;
38、In exceptional circumstances, when concern, a major family event, special things, the organization in a timely manner to help pacify do to help solve their worries. ─── 在特殊情况时关心,遇有家庭出现重大、特殊事情时,组织上要及时帮助,做好安抚工作,帮助解决他们的后顾之忧。
39、To pacify this before premier, british workingwoman decides to award his Ba Saixun chapter. ─── 为了安抚这位前首相,英国女工决定授于他一枚巴思勋章。
40、* Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them. ─── *牙医批评的做法,让挑剔的儿童糖果安抚他们。
41、Perhaps in their anxiety to pacify these supernatural beings lies in the origin of the annual ceremonies based around the gravesite at the “rebirth” of nature. ─── 人们认为死者的佑戒之力强于人和自然。或许人们心情焦虑,于万物复苏之际,在墓地举行他们的悼念仪式以慰犒先灵。
42、To pacify public opinion ─── 和缓舆论
43、A good government will pacify the masses ─── 德政安民
44、pacify a woman ─── 安慰一位妇女
45、baby pacify of rubber ─── 婴儿用橡皮奶头
46、He knew it would be hard to pacify her and was prepared to coax her with all sorts of blandishments and kind words. ─── "宝玉见了这样,知难挽回,打叠起千百样的款语温言来劝慰."
47、She knew that he had become delirious, and tried to pacify him. ─── 她知道他已经神志昏迷起来了,极力想使他镇静下来。
48、More troops were needed to pacify the area. ─── 使该地区恢复和平,需要更多的军队。
49、It has been used to pacify people suffering from mental disorders. ─── 它一直被用作安抚精神失调病人的情绪。
50、"In Pearl's young beauty, as in the wrinkled witch, it has a preternatural effect. Pacify her, if thou lovest me!" ─── 在年幼、美丽的珠儿身上,和那满脸皱纹的老妖婆一样,准有一种超自然的力量。要是你爱我,就让她安静下来吧!"
51、Most times I was able to rectify the problem and pacify the customer, but I remember one incident in particular in which the caller became verbally abusive. ─── 不过我印象特别深的是一次顾客在**里用脏话骂人,我尽力保持平静且不让我个人的感受融入这种情景,我不理会那些粗言秽语,我只是对之作了一些记录,继续尽力地帮助他。
52、To pacify the calamity stricken masses ─── 安抚灾黎
53、Government forces have found it difficult to pacify the rebels. ─── 政府军发现难以平定叛乱分子。
54、this a serious step, or is this just something to pacify the critics? ─── 这是个严肃的步骤呢,还是仅仅用来取悦批评者的?
55、It will take more than just a lateral move to pacify Bryant but a Marion/Odom swap might be a step towards repairing the relationship between the team and its star. ─── 仅仅一些侧面的交易是不能安抚科比的,但是马里昂和奥多姆的互换也许是修复球队与他的球星之间关系关键的一步。
56、Being of calm mystical quality it senses the desire attached with that event or thought& to pacify that, it arranges the fulfillment of that desire. ─── 出于它平静的神秘特质,它感知到与这个事件或思想相关的欲望,为了满足它,它帮助实现这个欲望。
57、Pacify possibly to know Tom's address. ─── 安可能知道汤姆地址。
58、He speaks to pacify that the best to hurrying up. ─── 他说安最好快一点。
59、 advise and help someone to get over worries, etc.; mediate and pacify ─── 劝解
60、Can't you pacify that screaming Baby ─── 你能让那个婴孩别尖叫吗?
61、Moreover, it was suggested that he should be elected mayor of the city as he was the only one who could pacify his crime partners. ─── 此外,还有人提议将他选为市长。因为他是唯一一个能安抚他的犯罪同伙的人。
62、Try to pacify the child, he's been crying for hours. ─── 快哄哄孩子,他哭了好几个钟头了。
63、To soothe, as by stroking; pacify. ─── 安抚,使温和受打击时安慰;使平静
64、 calm down; to pacify; suppress; to put down; to quell; to squash ─── 平定
65、To repress the Bandits and pacify the good people ─── 弭盗安良
66、At midnight, you will find, from long or short life experiences, something can pacify you only are those past happy or sorrow, black or white worries as well as ever ignorant and frivolous you making those worry. ─── 子夜时分,你会发现,或长或短的人生经历里,能抚慰你的,只是那些过往、喜或忧,或黑或白的心事,以及制造那些心事的曾经懵懂、狂的你。
67、pacify bureau ─── 善后局
68、2、Have slow, pacify the nervous system function, strengthen the immunity function with blood circulation, have virussafe with prevent to catch cold the function. ─── 2号功效:具消炎镇静,改善血液循环,刺激毛发细胞再生调节生理期不适状况,减少日常忧郁神情,平衡油脂。
69、He tried to pacify the protesters with promise of reform ─── 他试图以改革的承诺安抚抗议者
70、And be sure to say, 'Your servant Jacob is coming behind us.'" For he thought, "I will pacify him with these gifts I am sending on ahead;later, when I see him, perhaps he will receive me. ─── 并且你们要说、你仆人雅各在我们后边.因雅各心里说、我藉著在我前头去的礼物解他的恨、然后再见他的面、或者他容纳我。
71、They sent Prahlada to pacify the Deity. The boy sang a hymn to Him in words of love, and the Man-lion, moved by affection, licked Prahlada's body. ─── 他们派遣帕拉达去安抚这位神。男孩唱了一首赞美歌给他听,歌词充满了爱,那罗辛哈被这种友爱感动了,舔了帕拉达的身体。
72、For most people, the depression will ease within the first two months but some may need longer time to pacify their emotions. ─── 大多数人的不安情绪都会在头两个月内有所改善,但有些人却需要更长的时间才可慢慢平复哀伤心情。
73、I grew up to like Medieval religious sounds, and chants for me retain that charm.Chants soothe, pacify, and calm one's mind. ─── 吟诵是似唱歌的念唱,或是吟唱般的说话,由于音律的波动微和,听上去叫人怒气平息,骤然间谦柔起来。
74、Russia's reliance on force and repression to pacify the region steadily undermined the legitimacy of its rule. ─── 俄罗斯依靠武力和压制来保持该地区安定的策略使它逐渐丧失了在该地区实施统治的法理正当性。
75、Two communities in order to pacify the war, she can be said to be fully back and with the maintenance of peace mission. ─── 为了平息两族的战争,她可说是全力以赴义无反顾,具有维护和平的使命感。
76、The ANC government's determination to follow an orthodox economic policy could be under threat if it feels pressured to pacify the black population with far-reaching and expensive social measures. ─── 如果非国大政府感到压力很大而必须采取更加深远、更加开支浩大的社会措施来安抚黑人群众,那么它奉行正统经济政策的决心就完全可能会动
77、to pacify anger ─── 平息愤怒
78、As the dire ct victims of the plague and the " intermediary" to pacify God's anger, the poor were sympathized and cared for by the public. ─── 作为瘟疫的直接受害者与平息神怒的“中介者”,穷人为社会同情与关爱;
79、But he recognises that it will not allow America to pacify the whole country, or even the whole of Baghdad,“ simultaneously”. ─── 但他承认,美国无力“同时”平息伊拉克全国,甚或整个巴格达的局势。
80、They agreed to marry only to pacify her parents, who thought it inappropriate for two young people to be travelling the country unescorted. ─── 他俩同意结合仅仅是为了安慰女方的双亲,因为两位长者认为,两个年轻人单独闯荡美国是不合适的。
81、It is nervous, anxious to pacify, calm mood, lighten the angry and drained feeling, and purify the efficiency with loaded skin too. Fragrant smell is fragrant and pleasant. ─── 安抚神经紧张、焦虑,镇静情绪,减轻愤怒和精疲力竭的感觉,也有净化皮肤阻塞的功效。香味芬芳迷人。
82、He tried to pacify his creditor by repay part of the money. ─── 他为安抚债权人偿还了部分借款。
83、At Shantarakshita's suggestion, the King of Tibet invited Padmasambhava to Tibet, requesting him to pacify the negative and obstructing forces. ─── 在静命大师的建议下,藏王邀请莲花生大师入藏,请大师平息各种阻力。
84、He tried to pacify the protesters with promise of reform. ─── 他试图以改革的承诺安抚抗议者。
85、To pacify the good and do away the cruel ─── 安良除暴
86、Bond vigilantes, however, are not easy to pacify. ─── “债券市场保卫团”却不容易上钩。
87、aid and comfort (or console); reassure and pacify; appease ─── 安抚
88、Function: contain various valuable ethereal oil, pacify a damaged skin, prevent itch, swollen and inflamed, alleviate the skin allergic phenomenon. ─── 作用:蕴涵多种名贵精油,安抚受损皮肤,预防皮肤瘙痒、红肿,缓解皮肤过敏现象。
89、reassure and pacify the public ─── 安抚人心
1、Resident Evil 2 Remake《生化危机2重制版》逼真又惊人的视效、音效打造恐怖之境游戏分为两条剧情线
2、《白**人节:名为校园的迷宫》White Day: A Labyrinth Named School游戏是以充满各种神秘传说的’高中校园‘为背景,由于某种原因被关在学校里的主人公和女高校生们遇到了诡秘且恐怖事件的故事…
4、Resident Evil 7:Biohazard《生化危机7》游戏中的故事主要发生在美国南部的一间被废置的农舍,这里腐烂的墙身渗透着一股恐怖及孤独的氛围。《生化危机7》的到来标志着全新的恐怖求生体验,玩家的视觉切换为更骇人的虚拟实境“隔离视觉”模式。
5、Home Sweet Home《甜蜜之家》这款结合了泰国鬼神文化的恐怖游戏一经上线就获得了不错的评价,在黑暗压抑的走廊、破旧凌乱的房间潜行、躲藏并寻找出路
7、Dread Out《小镇惊魂》恐怖风格的冒险解谜游戏。时不时出现的幽灵也会考验你的小心脏。
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《The Evil Within 2》(恶灵附身2)三上真司的恐怖生存游戏巨作!主角是赛巴斯汀·卡司特拉诺警官,他一无所有了,但面对拯救女儿的一线希望,他还是潜入了STEM梦魇般的世界。剧情感人,声音带感,另外不介意半夜玩。原价199,打折65可入。
《7 Days to Die》七日杀是一款集合第一人称射击、恐怖生存、塔防与角色扮演要素于一身的新开放世界僵尸游戏。官方也有汉化了,就是翻译的不怎样,建造堡垒抵抗尸潮还是很有意思的,原价78,打折时买26。
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