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08-09 投稿


repugnancy 发音

英:[[rɪ'pʌgnənsɪ]]  美:[[rɪ'pʌgnənsɪ]]

英:  美:

repugnancy 中文意思翻译



repugnancy 词性/词形变化,repugnancy变形

名词复数: repugnancies |

repugnancy 相似词语短语

1、repugnant ─── adj.使人极度反感的,难以接受的;与……矛盾,与……不相一致

2、repugnantly ─── 令人厌恶地

3、pregnancy ─── n.怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长

4、oppugnancy ─── 质疑

5、regnancy ─── 统治,支配,流行

6、redundancy ─── n.[计][数]冗余(等于redundance);裁员;人浮于事

7、benignancy ─── n.仁慈;良性;亲切

8、recusancy ─── n.不服从;不服国教

9、repugnance ─── n.反感;厌恶;不一致,抵触

repugnancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My repugnant present, ten points repugnancy! ─── 我讨厌现在的自我,十分的讨厌!

2、Long and repugn, a few more pardonable also the old couple is carried do not have sexual interest. ─── 久而生厌,也难怪一些老夫老妻提不起性趣。

3、Walk into slow class classroom, discovery learns repugn, violate discipline, lack the phenomenon such as due civilized and courteous accomplishment and clear life ideal makes me disturbed. ─── 从而也更深切地体会到,为实施科教兴国而必须尽快加大教育投人和从多方面进行支教扶贫的紧迫性。

4、Right, he was taken away those who let your repugn is individual, also took away a male body that makes you contented however. ─── 没错,他带走了让你生厌的个体,却也带走了一个让你满足的男性身体。

5、Tangerine a long time, although feel spirited, have warm feeling very much, but overmuch orange, also can make popular feeling repugn irritated. ─── 橘红色多时,虽然感觉生气勃勃,很有暖和的感觉,但是过多的橘色,也会使人心生厌烦。

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