promotion 发音
英:[prə'məʊʃn] 美:[prə'moʃən]
英: 美:
promotion 中文意思翻译
promotion 反义词
promotion 短语词组
1、promotion process ─── 促销流程
2、promotion policy ─── [经] 推销政策
3、cross-promotion ─── 交叉推销(同时推销两种商品或两公司相互推销产品或服务)
4、promotion through examination ─── [法] 考试晋升制
5、below-the-line promotion ─── [经] 线下推销
6、advertising promotion ─── [经] 广告推广
7、above-the-line promotion ─── [经] 线上推销
8、continuity promotion ─── [经] 连续推销, 连续宣传
9、hard sales promotion ─── [经] 硬推销法
10、promotion share ─── [经] 发起人股份
11、promotion money ─── [经] 发起酬金
12、promotion expenses ─── [经] 开办费, 发起费用, 推广费用
13、product promotion ─── [经] 产品的宣传, 产品的推销
14、channel promotion ─── [经] 推销渠道
15、direct response promotion ─── [经] 直接反应推销
16、sale promotion ─── [法] 推销
17、promotion system ─── 升迁制度; 晋 ─── 升制度
18、chain promotion ─── [经] 连锁提升
19、promotion selling by display ─── [经] 以展览方式促进销售
promotion 词性/词形变化,promotion变形
形容词: promotional |副词: promotionally |
promotion 同义词
furtherance | upgrade | progress | publicity | preferment | marketing | development | encouragement | advertisement |advancement | elevation | promotional material | forwarding | support | betterment | endorsement | rise | offer | raise | service | help | accession | campaign | propaganda | stimulation | lift | advertising | improvement | packaging | sponsorship
promotion 相似词语短语
1、promoting ─── 促进;晋升;促销
2、prolation ─── 生产
3、proaction ─── 先发制人;前瞻
4、promotions ─── n.促销;升职(promotion复数)
5、promotional ─── adj.促销的;增进的;奖励的
6、prenotion ─── n.先见之明;先入之见
7、probation ─── n.试用;缓刑;查验
8、premotion ─── 预先行动
9、proportion ─── n.比例,占比;部分;面积;均衡;vt.使成比例;使均衡;分摊
promotion 特殊用法
1、student promotion ─── 升级
2、flexible promotion ─── 弹性升级
3、demand promotion ─── 刺激需求
4、export promotion ─── 促进出口, 奖励输出
5、foreign trade promotion ─── 促进对外贸易
6、conditional promotion ─── 暂准升级
7、social promotion ─── 社会晋升
8、business promotion ─── 创办企业, 业务促进
9、semi-annual promotion ─── 半年升级制
10、investment promotion ─── 促进投资
11、trade promotion ─── 贸易促进
12、sales promotion ─── 打开销路的活动, 推销活动
13、contact promotion ─── 接触促进
14、reaction promotion ─── 反应促进
promotion 习惯用语
1、be on one's promotion ─── 有希望提升 ─── 为提升而小心谨慎 ─── [口]为找对象而洁身自爱
promotion 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A special promotion to boost their new product. ─── 为推销他们的新产品而展开的宣传活动。
2、Don't keep us all on pins and needles. Did you get promotion or didn't you? ─── 不要让我们焦急了,你到底被提升了没有?
3、He's intent on getting promotion, and no one's going to stop him! ─── 他一心一意想得到晋升,谁也劝阻不了他。
4、World Trade Metro Promotion Spot. ─── 世贸美联外场推广点。
5、The promotion of Russell instead of Sarah really made the sparks fly. ─── 因为提升了拉塞尔没提升萨拉,这件事竟惹起了轩然大波。
6、All his hopes are riding on getting that promotion. ─── 他的一切希望都取决于这次提升。
7、Let us congratulate Tommy for his promotion. ─── 咱们去恭喜汤姆获得升迁。
8、She's due for promotion soon. ─── 她很快该晋升了。
9、He failed of promotion. ─── 他未能得到提升。
10、They tried to tempt her with offers of promotion. ─── 他们提出给她晋级来劝说她.
11、It's a pleasure to see more and more people are taking up a foreign language in an attempt to find a better job or to get kind of promotion. ─── 看到今天越来越多的朋友正在学习外语以求谋到一份更好的工作或得到职位的升迁,我非常欣慰。
12、His promotion is bound to cause much heartburning. ─── 他被提升肯定会招致许多妒忌。
13、Promotion The fourth element in the marketing mix is promotion. ─── 促销营销组合中的第四个要素是促销。
14、Doyle was passed over for promotion. ─── 多伊尔未被考虑提升。
15、His long absence from work delayed his promotion. ─── 他长期不上班,把他的提升给耽误了。
16、Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care Ltd. ─── 善终服务会有限公司
17、He was passed over by the Army Promotion Board . ─── 他遭到陆军晋级委员会的忽视。
18、He had reached the outer limits of promotion. ─── 他已经到了高升无望的地步。
19、He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ability. ─── 他不久就得到了提升,因为她的上司意识到他是一个很有能力的人。
20、Tell me when your promotion comes through. ─── 告诉我你的计划何时能通过。
21、He pulled strings to get a promotion. ─── 他靠关系晋升。
22、His promotion means a raise in salary. ─── 他的提升意味着要增加薪水。
23、He was on top of the world when he got a promotion. ─── 他获得提升后极其高兴。
24、Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion. ─── 等你的个人生活化为乌有的时候,记得告诉我一声。那意味着你要高升了。
25、Zhongyi Int'l Quality Products Promotion Co., Ltd. ─── 中艺国际精品推广有限公司。
26、my hopes of promotion. ─── 我晋升的希望破灭了。
27、Your hopes of promotion are a mere delusion. ─── 你提升的希望只不过是一种幻想.
28、Delighted to hear that you were given a promotion. ─── 听说你晋升了,非常高兴。
29、He did not get the promotion for want of judgment. ─── 他因缺乏判断力而未获提升。
30、Coming to work drunk put paid to her hopes of promotion. ─── 她上班总是醉醺醺的,把晋升的希望都失去了。
31、If you are successful, you can expect promotion. ─── 你只要做出成绩, 就能指望获得提升.
32、He is a lion in the way for me to the promotion. ─── 他是我升职路上的拦路虎。
33、He was willing to bow and scrape for promotion. ─── 为了升官,他情愿卑躬屈膝,奉承拍马。
34、Haven't you heard that he'll get a promotion soon? ─── 你没听说他不久就要晋升了吗?
35、He crowed about his promotion. ─── 他因获得晋升而自鸣得意。
36、He has filled all requirements for promotion. ─── 他已具备晋升的一切条件。
37、Bang went his hopes of promotion. ─── 他获得晋升的希望突然破灭了.
38、Oh,you must mean the new sale promotion plan. ─── 噢,你一定是说有关新的促销计划。
39、He hustled for a promotion for years without success. ─── 多年来他费尽了力气想得到提升,但未成功。
40、His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues. ─── 他获迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不满。
41、I rejoice to hear of your promotion. ─── 听说你高升我非常高兴。
42、He came up with good ideas for the product promotion. ─── 他想出一个推广产品的好方法。
43、Features of brands promotion in Russia. ─── 在俄罗斯推广品牌。
44、Barra came from GM's manufacturing organization rather than product development, which would have been a more conventional promotion. ─── 如果芭拉来自产品开发部门的话,这属于常规升迁,可她原本效力于通用汽车的生产部门。
45、He has missed a chance of promotion again. ─── 他又一次失掉了晋升的机会。
46、A lot of money has been spent on promotion. ─── 在促销方面花了许多财力。
47、Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion. ─── 两年的资历使他有资格获得升迁。
48、Capricorn wish for a promotion at work. ─── “摩羯”的生日愿望是希望升职。
49、By working hard he gained rapid promotion. ─── 他工作努力因而晋级很快。
50、But your product is still new to our market, and we need to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money on sales promotion. ─── 但我们市场对你们产品仍然不太了解,我们在推销过程中需要做很多工作,花很多钱。
51、Sales promotion is temporary in nature. ─── 从本质上说,促销活动具有时间短暂的特点。
52、His continual lateness was a black mark against his promotion. ─── 他连续的迟到是不利于升职的一个污点。
53、He was still hoping for this hinted-at promotion. ─── 他还是在指望这一已经暗示了的提升。
54、He loused up my promotion chances. ─── 他使我失去了晋升的机会。
55、His appreciation of her chances of getting the promotion was correct. ─── 他对她晋升机会所作的估计是对的。
56、Beijing Sport Lottery Information Promotion Ltd. ─── 北京体彩信息推广有限公司。
57、They're planning a big promotion for their new washing powder. ─── 他们正筹划举办一次新款式洗衣粉的大促销行动。
58、Your hope of promotion is a mere delusion. ─── 你提升的希望只不过是一种幻觉。
59、No matter how hard he works, he can not get a promotion. ─── 不管他工作多努力,他就是得不到提升。
60、They are at the pub celebrating his promotion. ─── 他们在小酒馆庆贺他的升职。
61、Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion. ─── 做广告往往是最有效的推销方法。
62、Could we have some subsidy for sales promotion? ─── 可以给我们一些津贴作为促销费用吗?
63、Did you hear that he had got a promotion? ─── 你听说他得到提升了吗?
64、Congratulations again on your promotion. ─── 再度恭喜你高升。
65、Prepare sales kits and promotion flyer, etc. ─── 准备销售小册子和销售推广宣传单。
66、Workers who work hard can get promotion. ─── 努力工作的工人可能得到提升。
67、He was held back from further promotion. ─── 他没得到进一步的升级。
68、The promotion of merchandise sales, as by coordinating production and marketing and developing advertising, display, and sales strategies. ─── 商品促销商品销售的促销,如通过协调生产与销售以及做广告、办展览和制订销售战略
69、China Merchant's Bank Credit Card Promotion. ─── 中国招商银行。
70、Had all of his recommendations for promotion gone through he would have had not only his commission, but probably the rank of captain. ─── 如果举荐他提升的信件都能递上去,那么他本来不仅会受了军衔,而且可能是上尉的头衔。
71、However, promotion is not always easy to achieve, as I found out when I first returned to work in 1977 after my degree course. ─── 但是,进步并不是那么简单就能实现,正如我在1977年拿到学位首次重返工作时(遇到的那样)。
72、How did the news of his promotion get about? ─── 他晋升的消息是怎么传出去的?
73、They tried to tempt her (into staying) with offers of promotion. ─── 他们提出给她晋级来劝说她(留下).
74、His fidelity and industry brought him speedy promotion. ─── 他的忠于职守和勤于工作使他得到迅速晋级。
75、Shanghai International Trade Promotion Co., Ltd. ─── 上海外经贸商务展览有限公司。
76、It is great to hear about your recent promotion. ─── 听说你近来得到了提升,这好极了。
77、She works in sales and promotion. ─── 她从事销售和推广工作。
78、He is in line for the next promotion. ─── 下次轮到他升级。
79、He toadied to his boss for promotion. ─── 他为升职向老板献殷勤。
80、Oh, may I congratulate you on your promotion? ─── 啊,我可以祝贺你的晋升吗?
81、He can kiss off that promotion. ─── 他被迫放弃那次提升
82、What are the prospects of promotion in this job? ─── 做这份工作有多少晋升的机会?
83、He was passed over by the Army Promotion Board. ─── 他遭到陆军晋级委员会的忽视(他该升级而未获晋升)。
84、She's been overlooked for promotion several times. ─── 几次提职时都没有考虑她。
85、His hard work paid off when he got the promotion. ─── 他得到了提升,他的努力没有白费。
86、He's moved very rapidly up the promotion ladder. ─── 他步步高升。
87、He muffed a good opportunity for a promotion. ─── 他错过一个晋升的大好机会。
88、He is picked out for promotion by the chairman. ─── 他被董事长选中晋升。
89、His blunder would certainly queer his chances of promotion. ─── 他犯的大错肯定会毁了他晋升的机会。
píng dì qīng yún平:平稳;青云:高空。比喻境遇突然变好,顺利无阻地一下子达到很高的地位。金·元好问《送端甫西行》:“渭城朝雨三年别,平地青云万里程。”典故出处
rapid promotion
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