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08-09 投稿


orator 发音

英:[ˈɔːrətər]  美:[ˈɒrətə(r)]

英:  美:

orator 中文意思翻译



orator 短语词组

1、Boy Orator of the Platte ─── [网络] 普拉特的男主角

2、do think byran a good orator ─── 你认为拜伦是个好演说家吗

3、super orator ─── 超级健谈者

orator 词性/词形变化,orator变形


orator 相似词语短语

1、oratory ─── n.雄辩;演讲术

2、curator ─── n.馆长;监护人;管理者

3、operator ─── n.经营者;操作员;运营商;话务员;行家;接线员

4、aerator ─── n.通风装置

5、moratory ─── adj.延期偿付的

6、orators ─── n.演说家;演讲者(orator的复数)

7、ovator ─── 卵子

8、oratorio ─── n.清唱剧;宗教剧

9、Creator ─── n.上帝;造物主

orator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、hear [listen to] an orator ─── 听演讲者演讲

2、Before teeing off at the Vineyard Golf Club, for example, the noted orator couldn't resist offering a snap address to 400 people penned in on the deck of the club house. ─── 例如,在葡萄园岛高尔夫俱乐部开球前,这位有名的演说家禁不住对挤在俱乐部露台上的400人发表了一番即兴演讲。

3、At that time Aesopus the orator was in his flower. ─── 当时演说家伊索帕正处于其声誉最高时期。

4、A man never become an orator if He has anything to say. ─── 一个人如果真有些什么东西要讲的话,就决不会成为雄辩家。

5、You are an expert demagogue, or an orator that appeals to the passions and frenzies of a large audience that has more faith than reason on a matter. ─── 你还是一个蛊惑煽动专家,一个能让缺乏理性的听众激动和狂热的演说家。

6、He is also an energetic orator who can hold the interest of his audience with little effort. ─── 他也是个精力充沛的演讲者,能够不费力地牢牢地把握住听众的情绪。

7、He or she may be an orator, or a bragger, and those listening to the person may believe him or her for a while. ─── 他或她可能是一位演说家,也可能是一个吹牛人士,听此人谈话的那些人可能会在短时间内相信他或她。

8、In one narrow, dark, and dirty street through which they passed, an excited orator, mounted on a stool, was addressing an excited audience on the crimes against the people, of the king and the royal family. ─── 在他们经过的一条狭窄、黑暗和肮脏的街道上,有一个激动的演说家站在板凳上向激动的听众讲述国王和王族对人民犯下的罪恶。

9、Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food for the body.--Cicero, Ancient Roman state4sman and orator ─── 学习对于头脑,如同食物对于身体一样不可缺少。古罗马政治家、演说家西塞罗

10、We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves. (Henry Ward Beecher, american clergyman and orator) ─── 不养儿不知父母恩(美国牧师、演说家比沏.)

11、Perhaps Churchill's greatest asset was his skill as an orator. ─── 也许丘吉尔最宝贵的财富是他拥有的作为一位演说家的技巧。

12、And they enable the orator to sway his audience And dictate its decisions. ─── 它能使演讲者左右他的听众,并强行代他们作出决定。

13、He acted every part of an orator. ─── 他表现十足了的演说家的气派。

14、He is a writer, a poet and an orator, but above all, he is an outstanding political leader . ─── 他是位作家、诗人和演说家,但最重要的是,他是一位杰出的政治领袖。

15、Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great orator. ─── 飞在鸟儿中间,陆龟非常高兴;因为是一个很了不起的演说家,他不久就被公推为他们一行的代言人。

16、An increased oil content ensures t hat the electrostatic-induced viscosity perk occurs at a higher moisture level a nd at a grater distance from the dryer outlet in a vertical scraped surface evap orator. ─── 在水化油脚进入浓缩器前,添加油脂,可以使由静电引起的粘度高峰提前出现,并远离浓缩器出口。

17、He is a marvellous orator. ─── 他是一位了不起的演说家。

18、Her eloquence is so good that she cuts down the best orator. ─── 她的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

19、When Mary found this garden it looked quite dead," the orator proceeded. ─── 玛丽发现这个花园时,它看上去死气沉沉。”演说者接着说。

20、another orator who used the senator's identical words.See Synonyms at bsame ─── 另一个发言者使用了与这个参议员完全相同的措词参见

21、an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience. ─── 利用听众的偏见煸动听众的演讲者。

22、He's a natural orator,ie is very good at making speeches. ─── 他是天生的演说家(很善于演讲)。

23、He fancies himself as an orator . ─── 他自命为演说家。

24、British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League (1839). ─── 布赖特,约翰:(1811-1889)英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)

25、As he stood there, trying to quench his fiery face with his drink of water, the comparison between the orator and the crowd of attentive faces turned towards him, was extremely to his disadvantage. ─── 当他站在那儿喝水想使他那火红的脸冷静下来时,我们把这个演说者跟那一群抬着头静听他的讲话的人进行比较,是对他极不利的。

26、Her eloquenceis so good that she cuts down the best orator. ─── 她的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

27、She excels as a orator. ─── 她擅长演说。

28、He also shone as an orator in Parliament. ─── 他在议会中也以演说家的身份大放异彩。

29、English statesman,orator,and writer. A Jacobite,he spent much of his life in exile and wrote influential political treatises,notably The Idea of a Patriot King(1749). ─── 博林布鲁克英国政治家、演说家和作家。英王詹姆斯二世的追随者,一生中许多时间被流放,写了一些很有影响的政治论著,其中以爱国者国王的思想(1749年)最为著名。

30、A sudden question often throws out an orator ─── 对一位演说者突然提问经常会弄得他不知所措。

31、babbitt promised to become a recognized orator ─── 巴比特很有希望成为公认的演说家。

32、The company is paying the rent orat least contributing to it. ─── 公司在付房租,或者至少在付一部分房租。

33、of,relating to,or characteristic of an orator or oratory ─── 属于、关于演说家或演讲术的,或以之为特征的

34、He was an old Roman, who lived eighteen hundred years ago, a man of great genius, and the most celebrated orator that ever was ─── 他生活在一千八百年前,是古罗马的天才雄辩家,卓尔不群,前无古人。

35、a fine political orator ─── 优秀的政治演说家.

36、An orator reacts to applause . ─── 一个演说家对于鼓掌有反应。

37、His eloquence is so good that he cuts dowm the best orator. ─── 他的口才如此只好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

38、He lived twenty years as a slave and nearly nine as a fugitive slave, then achieved international fame as an abolitionist, editor, orator, and the author of three autobiographies. ─── 他当了二十年奴隶和将近九年的逃亡奴隶,后来成为国际知名的废奴主义者、编辑、演说家和三本自传的作者。

39、And an orator said, "Speak to us of Freedom. ─── 于是一个辩士说,请给我们谈自由。

40、English statesman, orator, and writer. A Jacobite, he spent much of his life in exile and wrote influential political treatises, notably The Idea of a Patriot King (1749). ─── 博林布鲁克:英国政治家、演说家和作家。英王詹姆斯二世的追随者,一生中许多时间被流放,写了一些很有影响的政治论著,其中以爱国者国王的思想(1749年)最为著名

41、A sufferer of polio, Goebbels had a club foot, but this did not effect his standing as the second best orator in The Reich. ─── 作为一个小儿麻痹症患者,戈培尔有一只木腿,但是这不影响他成为德意志排名第二的演讲家。

42、His speech torrential convincing argument, the aphorism repeat leaves, is recognized as the big orator who stands out. ─── 他的演说滔滔雄辩,警句迭出,被公认为出类拔萃的大演说家。

43、The monetary historian is giving a lecture today in which he will reveal how Cicero, the Roman orator, gave a speech in 66BC in which he alluded to the credit crunch. ─── 今天,这位货币历史学家在做演讲,他将披露罗马演说家西塞罗,在公元前66年的一次演说中,是如何提到那场信贷紧缩的。

44、She knows a fair look is but a dumb orator to commend virtue, therefore minds it not. ─── 她知道美丽的容颜只是品德的无言体现,因此不加留意。

45、The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. ─── 3五十夫长,和尊贵人。谋士,和有巧艺的,以及妙行法术的。

46、another orator who used the senator's identical words. ─── 另一个发言者使用了与这个参议员完全相同的措词。

47、He was a natural politician, a gifted orator who knew how to work a crowd. ─── 他曾是位天生的政治家,是位有天赋且知道如何凝集民众的演说家。

48、Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, told VOA the president is "a great orator", but he had this response to the economic points in President Obama's speech. ─── 国会众议院共和党人大多重申了对奥巴马总统经济刺激计划的反对和批评,坚持认为奥巴马总统和国会多数党民主党人想要大幅度扩大政府规模。

49、Churchill is a famous author,talent orator,statement man who work for the peace,and the legendary hero in the strggles/defencence. ─── 丘吉尔是著作等身的作家、雄才大略的演说家、安邦治国的政治家、战争中的传奇英雄。

50、He is known as a gifted orator. ─── 众所周知,他是一位天才演说家。

51、He excels as an orator. ─── 他是个出类拔萃的演说家。

52、He might prove to be the next great orator in American politics after Ronald Reagan. ─── 他可能会证明自己是继里根之后美国政坛下一位伟大的演说家。

53、He is something like an orator. ─── 他象是位讲演家。

54、“You were a great orator in a past life,” he says. ─── “在过去世,你曾是伟大的演说家,”他说。

55、He is a writer,a poet and an orator,but above all,he is an outstanding political leader. ─── 他是位作家、诗人和演说家,但最重要的是他是一位杰出的政治领袖。

56、A brilliant orator,he was a tireless source of strength to people experiencing the sufferings of the German bombin g campaign. ─── 作为一名出色的演说者,他是那些在德国轰炸战役中顽强斗争的人民永不枯竭的力量泉源。

57、That Jose Mourinho chose this week to emerge from the shadows and remind everyone what a gifted and Machiavellian orator he is can be viewed as both ironic and unnerving. ─── 何塞-穆里尼奥选择在本周走入大家的视线,他再一次提醒众人他是多么的才能出众、老谋深算。

58、He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator. ─── 他能言善辩, 胜过最好的演说家。

59、In Ohio, if you ignore an orator on Decoration day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speaker's stand, you can be fined $25.00. ─── 在俄亥俄州,如果你在阵亡将士纪念日当天忽视演说者到公然在该演说者的讲台方圆一英里(=1.609344公里)内打槌球或玩掷马蹄铁游戏的程度,那麽你可能被处以25美元的罚款。

60、He was first and foremost a fiery orator in the 19th century mold . ─── 他却是19世纪中期首屈一指的富于热情的雄辩家。

61、He is also noted as a fiery and emotional orator with audiences sympathetic to his cause. ─── 他也因能对同情他事业的广大民众发表言辞激烈并充满感情的演讲而受人瞩目。

62、They shouted down the orator. ─── 他们大叫把演讲者轰下台来。

63、Of course, Thucydides utilizes rhetoric as a historian, not as an orator. ─── 当然,修昔底德利用修辞是作为一位史家的身份,而不是作为一个演说者的身份。

64、For a politician whose rise to prominence was largely built upon his powers as an orator, Obama is well versed in the arts of speech-making. ─── 对一个政客来说,声望的提高很大程度上建立在他的演说能力上,而奥巴马更是深谙此道。

65、This ability to bring harmony out of hostility is one of the admirable traits of Hermes and it aided the god's reputation as a persuasive orator and bringer of good fortune. ─── 为敌对双方带来协调的能力是赫尔墨斯令人钦佩的本领之一,这也为这个神带来了一个能言善辩的演说家和带来好运的人的名声。

66、On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of the Inner Party, a small lean man with disproportionately long arms and a large bald skull over which a few lank locks straggled, was haranguing the crowd. ─── 在用红布装饰的台上,一个核心党的党员在发表演讲,他是个瘦小的人,胳臂却长得出奇,与身材不合比例,光秃的大脑袋上只有少数几绺头发。

67、He attempts to show that it is not enough merely to win support and persuade people to take one's side.The true orator possesses moral knowledge, knowledge of virtue and right and wrong. ─── 他试图证明,作为一个真正的演说家,仅仅赢得别人支持或赞同是远远不够的,他还必须要有伦理知识、美德知识以及是非知识;

68、English statesman, orator, and writer. A Jacobite, he spent much of his life in exile and wrote influential political treatises, notably The Idea of a Patriot King(1749). ─── 博林布鲁克英国政治家、演说家和作家。英王詹姆斯二世的追随者,一生中许多时间被流放,写了一些很有影响的政治论著,其中以爱国者国王的思想(1749年)最为著名

69、He' s a natural orator, ie is very good at making speeches. ─── 他是天生的演说家(很善於演讲).

70、The orator whipped the crowd up to a state of frenzy . ─── 演讲者把听众的情绪煽动到了疯狂的程度。

71、an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience ─── 利用听众的偏见煸动听众的演讲者

72、As he stood there, trying to quench his fiery face with his drink of water, the comparison between the orator and the crowd of attentive faces turned towards him was extremely to his disadvantage. ─── 当他站在那儿喝水想使他那火红的脸冷静下来时,我们把这个演说者跟那一群抬着头静听他的讲话的人进行比较,是对他极不利的。

73、A bigot is a stone-deaf orator. ─── 一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。

74、His eloquence is so good that he cuts down the best orator. ─── 他的口才如此之好,连最优秀的考(试大演说家也会相形见绌。

75、An honest God is the noblest work of man.--Robert G.Ingersoll, American orator ─── 一个正直的上帝是人类最崇高的作品。美国演说家英格索尔

76、A bigot is a stone-leaf orator. ─── 偏执狂是极聋的演说家。

77、As an original contributor to socialist thinking, and as a spell-binding orator, he towered above other members of the party. ─── 作为一个给社会主义思想带来独创观念的人,作为一个使听众入迷的演说家,他是该党党员中出类拔萃的人物。

78、He cuts down the finest orator ─── 他胜过最佳的演说家。

79、Bacon said: "Reading history will inspire wisdom, mathematics makes careful, logic and rhetoric makes an orator. ─── 培根说:“读史使人明智,数学使人周密,逻辑和修辞使人善辩。”

80、For a moment he had the orator's knowledge that the audience belonged to him. ─── 在这一瞬间他就象个演说家那么知机,看出听众的心已被他抓住了。

81、3 The captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator. ─── 五十夫长、和尊贵人.谋士、和有巧艺的、以及妙行法术的。

82、He was an old RoMan, who lived eighteen hundred years ago, a Man of great genius, and the most celebrated orator that ever was. ─── 他生活在一千八百年前,是古罗马的天才雄辩家,卓尔不群,前无古人。

83、He is a good orator who convinces himself ─── 好的演说家必能说服自己

84、British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839). ─── 布赖特,约翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)

85、He was noted for his ability as an orator and was also a gifted writer. ─── 他因为善于雄辩而著名,他同样也是一个有天赋的作家。

86、Athenian orator and rhetorician whose letters and pamphlets are a valuable source of ancient Greek political thought. ─── 伊索克拉底雅典雄辩家和修辞学家,他的信件和小册子是古代希腊政治思想的一个宝贵源泉。

87、Everyone knows that Demosthenes was a famous Greek orator. ─── 大家都知道德摩斯梯尼斯是一位著名的古希腊雄辩家。

88、He has a so good eloquence that even the best orator would be dwarfed by him. ─── 他的口才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。

89、characteristic of an orator or oratory. ─── 具有演说和讲演的特点。

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