mounting 发音
英:[ˈmaʊntɪŋ] 美:[ˈmaʊntɪŋ]
英: 美:
mounting 中文意思翻译
mounting 短语词组
1、angle mounting ─── [化] 带角度安装
2、mounting groove ─── 安装槽
3、mounting medium ─── [医] 封固剂
4、mounting clip ─── 装配夹
5、mounting shop ─── 装配车间
6、mounting bolt ─── 装配螺栓
7、frame mounting ─── [电] 框架装置
8、mounting horn ─── 安装喇叭
9、mounting height ─── [化] 安装高度
10、mounting plate ─── [化] 安装板; 固定台; 紧固板; 装配平台
11、Plug-in Unit Mounting Panel ─── 插入式单元安装面板
12、mounting hole ─── [化] 安装孔
13、mounting ceramics ─── [化] 装置陶瓷
14、surface mounting technology ─── [计] 表面安装技术
15、deck-mounting n. ─── 上甲板装备
16、apex to mounting surface ─── [机] 装配面距离
17、mounting panel ─── [计] 安装板, 接线板
18、mounting screw ─── 安装螺钉
19、mounting pad ─── [化] 安装垫片
mounting 词性/词形变化,mounting变形
动词过去式: mountebanked |动词第三人称单数: mountebanks |动词过去分词: mountebanked |动词现在分词: mountebanking |
mounting 常用词组
surface mounting ─── 表面安装;盘面安装;表面装配
mounting bracket ─── 安装支架;固定架
mounting machine ─── 卷绕针布机;包针布机
mounting 相似词语短语
1、unmounting ─── 正在解除挂载
2、mountings ─── n.配件,装置件
3、moulting ─── n.(动物)脱毛;(毛、羽)脱去(moult的现在分词);n.脱毛,蜕皮
4、mounding ─── n.肌耸起;v.把…拢成堆(mound的现在分词形式)
5、demounting ─── n.拆卸;分解;v.分解(demount的ing形式)
6、amounting ─── n.数量,数额;总数;(感情、特质的)程度;v.总计,合计;等于,相当于;发展成,变成
7、mountains ─── n.山脉;山区;山岳(mountain的复数)
8、counting ─── n.[数]计算,计数
9、remounting ─── 再上
mounting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Preserve existing volume mount points. ─── 保留现有卷的装入点。
2、Easy to install - Can be installed in or beside openings. Hardware included for mounting onto different surfaces. ─── 便于安装,可以安装在门口或一旁,安装包括的一些五金器具用于不同的表面。
3、His debts are beginning to mount up. ─── 他的债务开始越欠越多。
4、It looked like a big man mounting on a black horse. ─── 他看起来就像一个巨人骑在黑马上。
5、Can you feel the pressure begin to mount? ─── 你是否感到压力加剧了?
6、His death is weighter than Mount Tai. ─── 他的死比泰山还重。
7、Patented in-the-roller motor mounting system for quiet operation. ─── 专利滚筒式发动机系统使操作宁静。
8、Concern is mounting over the fate of the lose expedition. ─── 对失踪探险队命运的担心与时俱增。
9、Only gods can live on Mount Olympus. ─── 只有天神才可以住在奥林匹斯山。
10、It's possible, and the evidence seems to be mounting that this is the case, but I'm not willing to throw them out yet. ─── 这很有可能,而且相关证据越来越多。不过,我目前并不想彻底对他们放弃希望。
11、Connect the engine with the engine mount. ─── 发动机-与机身连接。
12、You can use a third-party DVD Drive mounting software. ─── 使用第三方DVD驱动器装入软件。
13、He decided to climb the mount with others. ─── 他决定和别人一起爬山。
14、Afterwards, Prometheus returned to Mount Olympus. ─── 后来普罗米修斯重返奥林帕斯山。
15、What happened when the Pope went to Mount Olive? ─── 如果教皇到奥利弗山会怎样?
16、With mounting enthusiasm, they continued planning. ─── 他们继续筹划着,情绪越来越高。
17、Mounting plate formed from a single steel sheet with epoxy finish. ─── 安装板由一片环氧树脂涂层钢板屈摺制成。
18、She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk. ─── 她惶恐地望着桌子上堆积如山的信函。
19、Outside the town the road commenced to mount . ─── 出了镇子这条路开始上坡。
20、Remove a drive letter or mount point assignment. ─── 删除驱动器号或装载点分配。
21、Back panel is inserted in grooves; easy to mount. ─── 后面板插在沟槽中,易于安装。
22、It will cost a lot of money to mount this play. ─── 上演这个剧本要花许多钱。
23、tension was mounting perceptibly. ─── 紧张状况明显在加剧。
24、What are the attractions of Mount Huangshan? ─── 外宾: 那么黄山有什么迷人的地方呢?
25、The benefits are mounting and the costs are coming down. ─── 好处不断增加而费用则在不断降低。
26、Properly mount your ignition to avoid overheating? ─── 地安?您的?子?火器避免?
27、In the surface mounting technology, the result of the solder printing is very big to the product quantity. ─── 在电子装联技术中,焊膏印刷的效果对产品质量关系极大。
28、Tap into blade for mounting. ─── 在刃口上攻牙固定。
29、Visit Mount Washington Alpine Resort for details. ─── 为细节访问山华盛顿高山的胜地。
30、NU-MATE mounting pattern is standard. ─── 努队友安装模式为标准。
31、DESPITE mounting world pressure for an early end to the fighting, Hamas, like Israel, appears to be holding out for political gains. ─── 尽管要求尽早结束战争的国际压力不断增强,像以色列一样,哈马斯显示出为了政治筹码而在故意拖延(硬挺着?)
32、The population is mounting up steadily. ─── 人口在不断增长。
33、Awareness of the cost of this economic stand-off is mounting. ─── 人们越来越意识到该地区经济僵局带来的损失。
34、Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous. ─── 古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。
35、Sales were mounting after prices were lowered. ─── 价格降低后,销售量就上去了。
36、What about the house in Mount Kisco? ─── 在mount Kisco的房子呢
37、Did you say that you went to Mount Emei? ─── 你是说你去了峨嵋山吗?
38、Such mounting portion receives and secures a corresponding one of the at least one accessory, without a number of separate fasteners. ─── 这种安装部分接收并固定所述至少一个附件中相应的一个,而不需要一定数量的单独的紧固件。
39、A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information. ─── 匾额,铭碑,饰板被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料
40、Install caliper over rotor and into mounting bracket. ─── 在转子上方安装夹制器至固定托架中。
41、Wall Mounting Bracket Makes installation quick and easy. ─── 墙上安装支架使得安装迅速容易。
42、Hardware meets mounting torque requirements if specified. ─── 如果有规定,部件满足安装的转距要求。
43、She felt the anger mounting up within her. ─── 她感到怒火从心头燃起。
44、His winnings continued to mount up. ─── 他的赢款继续增加。
45、The mounting position is accurately determined by the support ring. ─── 安装位置根据支撑环来精确决定。
46、If legs were supplied, unpack the legs and mounting hardware. ─── 如果有配置支架,先打开包装,并安装五金构件。
47、There was mounting pressure in Congress to force him to step aside. ─── 国会里迫使他离职的压力不断增加。
48、How to access network folders without mounting? ─── 如何不先挂载就读取网络共享目录?
49、TS: pre-grooved stem for supervisory switch mounting. ─── 与开槽阀杆用于安装监控开关。
50、Well, we have an office in Mount Kisco. ─── 好, 我们在mount Kisco有个办事处。
51、On the other, they were moving toward the mount. ─── 在另一边,他们往那座“山”而去。
52、Is Confucius the paragon of Mount Tai? ─── 孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?
53、Do you have any idea what the Gnome mount will be? ─── 你知道侏儒的坐骑将会是什么么?
54、The mount piont xxx does not exist! ─── 原因是没有建立挂载点。
55、Fittings for wall mounting included. ─── 包含墙壁安装配件。
56、A telescope having such a mounting. ─── 地平经纬仪有这种底座的望远镜
57、Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up. ─── 同时,我的债务还在不断增加。
58、He is a bit too fond of mounting the high horse. ─── 他这个人有点喜欢摆架子。
59、They often go potholing on Mount Huashan. ─── 他们常在华山探索洞穴。
60、He admITted that the mounting cost was a matter of serious concern. ─── 他承认不断上涨的成本是一件需要认真关注的事情。
61、"You remember, Fleur? The young Englishman I met at Mount Vernon." "Ships that pass in the night!" said Fleur. ─── "芙勒,你记得我在维农山遇见的那位英国青年吗?"芙勒回答道:"是偶然相遇罢了!"
62、Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. ─── 于是各人都回家去了。耶稣却往橄榄山去。
63、Have you ever visited Mount Desert? ─── 你游览过德泽特山吗?
64、The company faced with mounting debt. ─── 公司债台高筑。
65、He managed to subdue his mounting anger. ─── 他设法克制住了阵阵愤怒。
66、The library is mounting a display of old photographs of the city. ─── 图书馆在举办一次城市旧照片的展览。
67、Install the rear transmission mount. ─── 安装后部变速箱装置。
68、The price has been mounting. ─── 价格正在上涨。
69、His debts continued to mount up. ─── 他的债务在不断增长。
70、Place the new pump in position and tighten mounting bolts. ─── 使水泵就位,拧紧装配螺栓。
71、Invalid option for the mount command. ─── 安装命令的无效选项。
72、Brief mounting instructions are supplied with the washers. ─── 与垫圈一起提供有简明的安装说明。
73、Arwen: Okay. Let's get this bitch to Mount Doom. ─── 好了!让我们戒指送到末日火山去吧!
74、In China, the positive serum is mounting up in swine population. ─── 在我国,其血清阳性率呈上升趋势。
75、Mounting instructions are also included. ─── 安装说明也包括在内。
76、Five men in a twin-forty mount had been hit. ─── 双管四十毫米火炮装置上的五名炮手被打中了。
77、Regretfully, mounting costs have forced the museum to close. ─── 遗憾的是,费用不断增加,博物馆不得不关门。
78、They were deeply concerned over the mounting tension. ─── 他们深深关怀日益加剧的紧张局势。
79、Maximum number of mount failure retries allowed. ─── 允许的加载失败重试次数。
80、In computer security, any weakness or flaw existing in a system, the susceptibility of a system to a specific threat attack or harmful event, or the opportunity available to a threat agent to mount that attack. ─── 在计算机安全学中,存在于一个系统内的弱点或缺陷,系统对一个特定的威胁攻击或危险事件的敏感性,或进行攻击的威胁作用的可能性。
81、Gene's Wife, Mount Holly, Vermont. ─── 吉恩的妻子,于佛蒙特州霍利山
82、It costs a great deal of money to mount this play. ─── 上演这出戏要花很多钱。
83、Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up. ─── 同时,我的债务在不断增加。
84、The costs are mounting prodigiously. ─── 价格扶摇直上,令人吃惊.
85、PH-neutral mount; will not discolour the picture. ─── PH值中性装裱纸;不会使图片褪色。
86、To remove from a support, setting, or mounting. ─── 从支撑物、底板、底座取下,卸下
87、Mounting sales augur a profitable year. ─── 不断增加的销售量预示着好年景。
88、A small party is planning to ascend Mount Everest . ─── 一小伙人正计划攀登珠穆朗玛峰。
89、The bracket has a pair of mounting portions for securing to an outlet box and a modular receiving portion for receiving a modular connector. ─── 托架有一对用以固定到接口盒的安装部分和用以接收模块连接器的模块接收部分。
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