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hypochondria 发音

英:[ˌhaɪpəˈkɑːndriə]  美:[ˌhaɪpəˈkɒndriə]

英:  美:

hypochondria 中文意思翻译



hypochondria 网络释义

n. 忧郁症;臆想病(hypochondrium的复数)

hypochondria 相似词语短语

1、hypochondrium ─── n.季肋部;忧郁症;疑病症

2、hypochondriacal ─── adj.过分担心自己健康的;忧郁症的

3、hypochondriast ─── 下丘脑

4、hypochondriasts ─── 疑病症

5、hypochondriasm ─── 疑病

6、hypochondriacs ─── n.疑病症

7、hypophonia ─── n.发音过弱

8、hypochondriasis ─── n.[医]疑病症

9、hypochondriac ─── n.疑病症

hypochondria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、80 Cases of Cold Hypochondrium Protrusion Treated by Applying Chinese Medications to Acupuncture points and Smoking and Washing ─── 三伏天穴位贴敷配合熏洗治疗寒痹80例

2、left hypochondria ─── 左季肋部

3、Warhol seems to predict the fate of the figure that best exemplifies the hypochondria at the heart of contemporary celebrity. ─── 沃霍尔似乎预示了一位当代最耀眼明星的命运,这位明星也是强迫症的典型代表。

4、hypochondrium abscess ─── 胁痈

5、left hypochondrium pain ─── 左胁痛

6、menstrual hypochondrium pain ─── 经来胁痛

7、In the 18th century, hypochondria became almost fashionable, and was thought to be a symptom of excess luxury and ease. ─── 在18世纪,强迫症几乎成为了时尚,而且被认为是过度奢华和舒适的一个表现。

8、hepatoasthenia hypochondrium pain ─── 肝虚胁痛

9、Clinical Experience in Treatment of 120 Cases of Contund of Chest and Hypochondrium With Adjusting SanlengHeshang Decoction ─── 三棱和伤汤加减治疗胸胁迸挫伤120例体会

10、frightened hypochondrium pain ─── 惊伤胁痛

11、hypochondrium mass ─── 癖气, 藏结, 肝气, 肥气

12、hypochondrium pain with summer-heat ─── 暑热胁痛

13、clustered hypochondrium mass ─── 悬癖

14、Relating to or located in the hypochondrium. ─── 季肋部的与季肋部有关的或位于季肋部的

15、hypochondrium pain with blood stagnation ─── 死血胁痛

16、hypochondrium fluid retention ─── 癖饮

17、W, Sacrifice Hypochondria: Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to target creature or player this turn. ─── 白,牺牲忧郁症:于本回合中,防止接下来将对目标生物或玩家造成的3点伤害。

18、a person affected with hypochondria ─── 疑病症患者

19、But I nearby a person all have no, I would get hypochondria of. ─── 可是我身边一个人都没有,我会得忧郁症的。

20、Leslie just celebrated his birthday not long ago and was apparently in good mood.It’s unbelievable that he has hypochondria. ─── 张国荣早前才庆祝生日,心情开朗,竟传出他患忧郁症,大家都有点意外。

21、liver-depressed hypochondrium pain ─── 肝郁胁痛

22、hypochondrium pain with damp-heat pathogen ─── 湿热胁痛

23、hypochondrium fullness and rigidity ─── 胁下痞鞭

24、hypochondrium (hypochondria) ─── 季肋部

25、hypochondrium pain with liver stagnation ─── 肝气胁痛

26、For the Greeks, hypochondria had been an unambiguous disease, located in the "hypochondrium" region of the abdomen. ─── 在古希腊时代,忧郁症就已经是一种明确的疾病了,它被定位于腹部季肋区。

27、hypererosic hypochondrium pain ─── 房劳胁痛

28、Anxiety about the risks of life is a bit like hypochondria;in both, the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information. ─── 对生活中风险的担忧与疑病症有相似之处:二者的恐惧或忧虑皆起因于信息不全面。

29、right hypochondrium ─── 右季肋部

30、Psychological Analysis and Nursing Care of 40 Cases of Hypochondria Psyche With Venereal Disease ─── 40例有疑病心理的性病病人的心理分析及护理

31、Finally I got hypochondrium. ─── 最终我得了忧郁症。

32、puerperal hypochondrium pain ─── 产后胁痛

33、The Function of Singing Treatment to Hypochondrium during Aged Period ─── 歌唱疗法对轻度老年期抑郁症的干预作用

34、Yet even here a species of hypochondria is at work. ─── 然而即使在这种情况下,某种类型的强迫症仍然脱不开干系。

35、subaxillary and hypochondrium pain ─── 胠胁肋痛, 胠胁痛

36、hypochondrium accumulation ─── 癖积

37、raged hypochondrium pain ─── 怒气肋痛

38、Relating to or affected with hypochondria. ─── 疑病症的有疑病症有关或受其影响的

39、Hypochondria is the only illness that I don't have. ─── 臆想症是我唯一没有得的病。

40、discomfort and dragging sensation in the hypochondrium ─── 两胁拘急

41、In the 18th century, hypochondria became almost fashionable, and was thought to be a symptom of excess luxury and ease. ─── 在18世纪,强迫症几乎成为了时尚,而且被认为是过度奢华和舒适的一个表现。

42、nephrasthenia thoracic and hypochondrium pain ─── 肾虚胸胁痛

43、Any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria or neurasthenia, arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears. ─── 神经官能症各种精神或情绪紊乱,如臆想病或神经衰弱,并不是由明显的器官损害或改变引起。表现为无安全感、焦虑、忧郁和无理智的恐惧感等症状

44、Differentiation of Symptom-complex and Medication Experience in Treating Carbuncle of the Hypochondrium due to Liver Ailment ─── 肝病胁痛的辨证思路与用药经验

45、His biographers have conjectured that Hughes's hypochondria began in childhood, with his mother's excessive concern for his health. ─── 他的传记作家们猜测说,休斯的强迫症从孩童时代母亲对他的健康过份关注的时候就已经开始了。

46、It seems that for some sufferers hypochondria is a way of guaranteeing inviolable privacy; ─── 对于某些患者来说,强迫症似乎是保证隐私不受侵犯的一种方式;

47、exogenous hypochondrium pain ─── 外感胁痛

48、hypochondrium distention ─── 胁下肢满

49、Clinical main symptoms is the stiffness and pain of the lumbar, sacro, ack, cervical spine and hip, even affect to the hypochondria and anterior part of thorax. ─── 临床主要表现为腰、骶、背、颈、脊柱和髋部僵硬疼痛,甚至影响到胁肋及胸前部。

50、The chondira part of hypochondria means “cartilage.” ─── 而单词hypochondria中chondria的部分则有“软骨(cartilage)”的意思。

51、dyspneal hypochondrium mass ─── 息积

52、hypochondrium pain due to blood stasis ─── 污血胁痛

53、If Jackson's problem was a sort of hypochondria, it was on an ambitious and Gothic scale. ─── 如果说杰克逊的问题是因为某种强迫症所致,那么其程度无疑是极其严重、骇人听闻的。

54、The incidence of tuberculous pleurisy is infected with TB bug due to water metabolism disorders,drink evil stay in the chest and hypochondrium. ─── 结核性胸膜炎的发生在于感染痨虫而致水液代谢失常,饮邪停留于胸胁。

55、When English academics first adopted the word hypochondria the meaning was not of imagined medical conditions. ─── 当英格兰的学究们最初采纳单词hypochondria的时候,它还并不是指“凭空想象出来的医学症状”。

56、We tend to think of hypochondria as a kind of selfishness. ─── 我们倾向于将强迫症视为某种自私的表现。

57、pregnant hypochondrium pain ─── 妊娠胁痛

58、phlegmatic hypochondrium pain ─── 痰饮胁痛

59、hypochondrium retntion ─── 癖结

60、hydraulic hypochondrium distention ─── 水癖

61、hypochondrium pain with internal injury ─── 内伤胁痛

62、pulmonogenic hypochondrium pain ─── 肺邪胁痛

63、Open wound of hypochondrium with complication ─── 季肋部开放性伤伴并发症

64、The major problem of new towns in the first stage is "new city hypochondria". ─── 第一代新城面临的主要问题是“新城忧郁症”。

65、A person affected with hypochondria. ─── 疑病症患者一个患有疑病症的人

66、hepatopyretic hypochondrium pain ─── 肝火胁痛

67、hypochondrium fullness ─── 胁下满, 胁满

68、depressed hypochondrium pain ─── 气郁胁痛

69、Indications: alternate fever and chills, fullness of chest and hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, dry throath, dizziness. ─── 本法适用于少阳郁热证。所以有人认为小柴胡汤的适应症有往来寒热,胸胁苦满,嘿嘿不欲饮食,心烦喜呕四大症,或加口苦,咽干,目眩共七大症。

70、On examination the main physical sign is tenderness in the epigastrium or right hypochondria, but between attacks this may be absent. ─── 检查时,患者主要的体征为;上腹部和右季肋部有压痛,但在缓解期可无上述体征表现。

71、The STD patients are discriminated in our society and some of them feel shameful,guilty,pessimistic or indulge in carnal pleasure.Some of them have hypochondria or phobia. ─── 社会对性病患者歧视,性病患者有羞耻、负罪、悲观、放纵心理和行为以及疑病症、神经症的表现。

72、Open wound of hypochondrium without complication ─── 季肋部开放性伤不伴并发症

73、First took action, for eight or nine months of shooting, difficult degree makes him nearly collapse hypochondria. ─── 第一次拍动作片,长达八九个月的拍摄,艰难程度令他几乎崩溃患上忧郁症。

74、hypochondrium furuncle ─── 胁疔

75、Experience of Dr. Chai Pengnian on treating hypochondria and refractory disease ─── 柴彭年教授诊治疑难病症的经验

76、chronic hypochondrium pain ─── 干胁痛

77、it's good to have a pet for the sake of your mental health.However, for the sake of pets' mental health, you're suggested not to have one as pets will get hypochondria if they are too lonely. ─── 为了你的身心健康可样一只宠物,为了宠物的身心健康,则不要养----据说她们太孤独了也会有忧郁症.

78、Every time when I tidy up the things, my hypochondria before new term goes into action of peak time.So did yesterday, but with a very dramatic ending. ─── 每次收拾东西的时候都是开学忧郁症发作的巅峰时刻,昨天也不例外,但是最后极其戏剧性的收场。

79、cold hypochondrium protrusion ─── 寒痹

80、In one of his last letters White defends his hypochondria: "I don't regret the time I spent worrying about myself. " ─── 在最后那几年的某一封信中,怀特还为自己的忧郁症做了一下辩护:“花在忧郁上面的时间,我一点都不后悔。”

81、It is characterized by alternating episodes of chills and fever, feeling of fullness and oppression in the chest and hypochondria, loss of appetite, dysphoria and nausea. ─── 主症为往来寒热,胸胁苦满,嘿嘿不欲饮食,心烦喜呕;病机为“正邪分争”于半表半里部位;用法可以遵“有柴胡证,但见一证便是,不必悉具”之旨。

82、malnutritional hypochondrium mass ─── 疳癖

83、stabbing hypochondrium pain ─── 两胁刺痛

84、His biographers have conjectured that Hughes's hypochondria began in childhood, with his mother's excessive concern for his health. ─── 他的传记作家们猜测说,休斯的强迫症从孩童时代母亲对他的健康过份关注的时候就已经开始了。

85、hypochondrium pain with fluid retention ─── 停饮胁痛

86、right hypochondrium pain ─── 右胁下痛

87、Warhol seems to predict the fate of the figure that best exemplifies the hypochondria at the heart of contemporary celebrity. ─── 沃霍尔似乎预示了一位当代最耀眼明星的命运,这位明星也是强迫症的典型代表。

88、pain in the right hypochondrium ─── 右胁痛

89、cold hypochondrium pain ─── 感冒胁痛

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