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08-09 投稿


allotropic 发音

英:[ˌæləˈtrɑːpɪk]  美:[ˌæləˈtrɒpɪk]

英:  美:

allotropic 中文意思翻译



allotropic 短语词组

1、allotropic change ─── [化] 同素异形变化

2、allotropic substance ─── [化] 同素异形体

3、allotropic transition ─── 各向异性转变

4、allotropic metal ─── 同素异形金属

5、allotropic modification ─── [机] 同素异形变态

6、allotropic transformation ─── [机] 同素变态

7、allotropic type ─── [医] 异我关怀型(一种非自我中心的人格)

allotropic 词性/词形变化,allotropic变形

动词过去分词: allotransplanted |动词过去式: allotransplanted |动词现在分词: allotransplanting |名词: allotransplantation |动词第三人称单数: allotransplants |

allotropic 相似词语短语

1、aerotropic ─── adj.向气性的

2、allotropes ─── n.[物化]同素异形体(allotrope的复数形式)

3、allotrope ─── n.[物化]同素异形体

4、allotropism ─── n.同素异形性,[物化]同素异形现象(等于allotropy)

5、allotypic ─── adj.异型的

6、allotropies ─── n.(化学)同素异形

7、allotropical ─── 同素异形的

8、aeolotropic ─── adj.[物]各向异性的;有方向性的;非均质的

9、allotropy ─── n.(化学)同素异形

allotropic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Symbol As A highly poisonous metallic element having three allotropic forms, yellow, black, and gray, of which the brittle, crystalline gray is the most common. ─── See table at element 符号 As 砷:一种有剧毒的金属元素,有黄、黑、灰三种同素异形体,其中质脆,结晶体的灰色形体最为常见。

2、A having four allotropic forms used in a wide variety of alloys found in stibnite. ─── 有四种同异性体的元素用于多种合金中见于辉锑矿。

3、allotropic change ─── 同素异形变化

4、An element such as carbon has several allotropic forms. ─── 一种化学元素具有几种同素异形体,比如碳元素。

5、Keywords neodymium metal;composition;microstructure;properties;allotropic transformation; ─── 金属钕;成分;显微组织;性能;同素异晶转变;

6、an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds ─── 一种丰富的非金属四价元素,有三种同素异形体:无定形碳、石墨、金刚石

7、41. The structures of the principal allotropic forms of all the elements will be discussed in detail as the chemistry of each element is treated. ─── 各种元素的主要的同素异性体的结构,在研究各种元素的化学时再详细地讨论。

8、specific gravity 6.80 or 7.004 (depending on allotropic form); ─── 比重6.80或7.004(视同素异形体而不同);

9、allotropic phase ─── 同素异形相

10、Carbon and sulfur and phosphorus are allotropic elements. ─── 碳、硫磺和磷是同素异形元素。

11、allotrope; allotropic substance ─── 同素异形体

12、an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds. ─── 一种丰富的非金属四价元素,有三种同素异形体:无定形碳、石墨、金刚石。

13、a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar. ─── 一种极具毒性的金属元素,有三种同素异性体,砷和砷的化合物用作除草剂、杀虫剂和各种合金,见于毒砂、雌黄、雄黄中。

14、element having allotropic forms used in a wide variety of alloys found in stibnite. ─── 元素用于多种合金中见于辉锑矿。

15、allotropic transition ─── 同素异形转变

16、Titanium in the pure state can exist in either of two allotropic forms. ─── 纯钛以两种同素异形的形式存在。

17、Beta titanium alloys exhibit the BCC allotropic form of titanium (called beta). ─── 钛是体型立方晶格同素异形体钛和金。

18、Keywords mitochondria;allotropic expression;gene therapy; ─── 线粒体;错义表达;基因治疗;

19、Ozone (O3) is an allotropic form of oxygen (O2) with three atoms in each molecule. ─── 氧气和臭氧都是由氧原子组成。

20、allotropic transformation ─── 同素异形转变同素异晶变化同素异形变化同素异形变换同素异形变态

21、allotropic modification ─── 同素异形变态同素变态同素异形体

22、a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as organic phosphates in all living cells; is highly reactive and occurs in several allotropic forms. ─── 一种多价的氮族非金属元素,通常见于无机磷酸盐岩石中或作为有机磷酸盐存在于活细胞中,极其活跃,有多种同素异形体。

23、allotropic type ─── [医] 异我关怀型(一种非自我中心的人格)

24、Keywords the iron-carbon alloy phase diagram;ferrite;austenite;carburizing;allotropic transformation; ─── 铁碳合金相图;铁素体;奥氏体;渗碳体;同素异晶转变;

25、titanium in the pure state can exist in either of two allotropic forms ─── 纯钛以两种同素异形的形式存在。

26、1.a metallic element having four allotropic forms;used in a wide variety of alloys;found in stibnite. ─── 有四种同素异性体的金属元素,用于多种合金中,见于辉锑矿。

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