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08-09 投稿


mythically 中文意思翻译



mythically 相似词语短语

1、mythical ─── adj.神话的;虚构的

2、lytically ─── 淋漓尽致地

3、empathically ─── adv.移情作用地;感情移入地

4、mystically ─── adv.神秘地

5、myopically ─── 目光短浅地

6、ethically ─── adv.伦理上

7、metrically ─── adv.韵律地;计量地

8、rhythmically ─── adv.有节奏地

9、Gothically ─── 哥蒂卡利

mythically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Production Technique of Orally Liquid of Mythic Fungus Dark Chicken ─── 灵芝乌鸡口服液的生产方法

2、mythic archetype ─── 神话原型

3、He has made the mythic records including most wins with 27 victories, winning 10 events in one season, 6 wins in a row, winning a rally by winning every single stage. ─── 他所创造的纪录包括27个拉力分站冠军,一个赛季获得10个分站的冠军,连续获得6个分站的冠军,一次分站中获得每个赛段的胜利。

4、A mythic rare card is approximately twice as rare as a rare card from the same set. Mythic rare cards have red-orange expansion symbols. ─── 秘稀牌稀少的程度正好是同系列中其他稀有牌的两倍。秘稀牌的系列符号为橘红色。

5、And like Camelot, Akhenaten's once bustling capital became only a mythic memory. ─── 正如卡蒙洛一样,阿肯纳坦时曾经繁华熙攘的首都现在只是神话中的记忆罢了。

6、It was miles off, visible only through binoculars: leggy in an ice mirage, loping, sloth-like, mythically remote. ─── 在一英里以外,只有用望远镜才能看到,它在冰雾中懒散地行走,像神话那样遥远。

7、mythic culture ─── 神话文化

8、In mythic legends,the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos . ─── 在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。

9、The birthplace of modern civilisation;a land of myth and mystery where quarrelsome, elemental gods shook the earth and boiled the seas;a land whose history is peopled with mythic superheroes. ─── 古希腊,一处充满神秘的地方,那里产生不少神话传说和英雄人物,当中以大自然的四大原素(水、火、土、气)传说最为人津津乐道。

10、Recent events that seem to correspond to the predictions of the mythic kingdom add strength to their belief. ─── 像是符合神话王国预言的最近的事件强加入他们的信念里。

11、success mythic isn't much better than happiness and glory. ─── 成功的神话,远没有一份快乐的光荣来的实在,

12、Stewed Pigeon with Mythic Fungus (Per) ─── 灵芝炖乳鸽(位)

13、Among the many legends told by bards, a few mythic figures appear with some regularity, including the mysterious Seven. ─── 在由吟游诗人传诵的传说中,有一些身影规律性地出现,其中包括了神秘的七贤。

14、Evaluation on the Food Safety and Toxicology of Mythic Fungus Spore Powder ─── 灵芝孢子粉食品毒理学安全性评价

15、Each shard has a Herald that allows you to search your library for a specific mythic rare card and put it into play. ─── 各断片都有一名传令,可以让在你自己的牌库搜寻某张特定的秘稀牌并放置进场。

16、And often criticized on the Internet responsive developer Mythic has not yet made any comment so far. ─── 内窥镜假体隆胸法,创伤小,避免了纤维挛缩,乳房硬化等特点。

17、And what is more, the player will discover gradually the History of this mythic character whose courage has made him remain unforgotten through the years and still be known as KNIGHT OF THE SKIES. ─── 当然还不止,游戏将使玩家慢慢地了解那位传说中的人物。

18、This interactive work creates a mythic and dreamy atmosphere by the lights and shadows of the orchids. ─── 本作品以兰花光影及互动设计营造一个奇特神秘如梦般的兰花幽境。

19、Once a believer has learned to think historically and critically, it is impossible any longer to think mythically. ─── 一旦一个信徒学会历史地、批判地思考,他就再也不可能神秘地思考了。

20、But the big fight is not nearly as mythic as it should have been, giving the movie an ending that felt more anti- than climactic. ─── 电影没有出现应该有的恶战,在影片结尾给人更多抵抗而非高潮的感觉。

21、Mythic has never quite been fully against players selling their currencies, at least not for Dark Age of Camelot plats. ─── 经广大客户使用证明:机器振动小、无污染、噪音低、产量高、用电省、投资小、见效快,维修率极反击式破碎机 ,是国内最理想的摆式磨粉机。

22、Though statistically they are far less dangerous than say, a poorly wired christmas tree, sharks lurk in the vast, mysterious ocean, where mythic fear easily stirs. ─── 尽管从统计上看,这种鲨鱼甚至没有电线头外露的圣诞树来得危险,但它们潜伏在广阔而又神秘的海洋深处,即使不袭人,人们对它的恐惧也会由油然而生。

23、Writing Tall takes readers on a high-flying journey into mythic realms of fantasy and imagination. ─── 本书带领读者进入一场高空飞行的旅程,进入想像的神话领土。

24、Spiritual leaders gather in Wesak Valley, a mythic place high in the Himalayas. ─── 精神领导者聚集在卫塞谷,一块喜马拉雅山高地的神秘地方。

25、Mythic will act as a fully-fledged production company which develops and finances its projects. ─── 神话将作为一个完全成熟的生产公司的发展和财政状况,其项目。

26、"Failures are more finely etched in our minds than triumphs, and success is an elusive, if not mythic, goal in our demanding society" (Hugh Drummond) ─── “失败比胜利更容易刻在我们脑中,成功在我们这个需求的社会是一个难于描述的,如果不是神秘的话,目的在我们的社会需求中”(休·德拉蒙德)

27、Keywords Mythic fungus;Spore powder;Health food;Poison; ─── 灵芝;孢子粉;保健食品;毒理;

28、Symbolic Thinking and the Occurrance of the Mythic Diagrams in The Book of Changes ─── 符号思维与易图发生

29、worship to mythic creature ─── 玉神灵崇拜

30、Most other observers have long accepted that Puccini's work takes place in that hazy, mythic Orient that has for centuries existed only in the mind of the West. ─── 其他多数观察者形成了一种先入之见,就是说普契尼的作品只发生在西方人眼里的东方,模模糊糊,颇具神话色彩。

31、While claiming mythic significance, Star Wars portrays no admirable religious or ethical beliefs. ─── 在主张神话的重要性的同时,它并没有描绘出宗教精神和民族信仰的神圣性。

32、It was miles off, visible only through binoculars: leggy in an ice mirage, loping, sloth-like, mythically remote. ─── 北极熊在一英里以外,只有用望远镜才能看到,它在冰雾中懒散地行走,像神话那样遥远。

33、Mythos-The Shaping of Our Mythic Tradition ─── 神话的诞生

34、Rather than achieving the grand synthesis of tragedy and humble domestic drama that O’Neill envisioned, the play sometimes comes across as melodrama overblown to mythic proportions. ─── 在奥尼尔可以预想到的那些光辉的悲剧和粗制滥造的戏剧里,有些戏的虚构部分看来更像是情节剧。

35、Mythic has always promoted their Tome of Knowledge as a truly revolutionary feature that uses information about the world and data about your performance as a major wow gold component of gameplay. ─── 李商隐词中写到:“芭蕉不展丁香结,同向春风各自然。”也许大家都不好过,只是身受某种束缚,不能自拔或不忍放下,才有多时无奈春风过,欲展风流心已冷。

36、Icons for Mythic Dawn Armour - Fix ─── 神话黎明装备图标

37、The images carved and painted on the ground narrate mythic stories among the Nakhi minority in southwest China under the influence of Dongba culture. ─── 地面上雕刻并上色的图像讲述着纳西族古老的神话故事。

38、Interested in all was happening at the time,Herge collected a century's worth of mythic andhistoric imagery. ─── 凭借对那个时代发生的大事的浓厚兴趣,埃尔热将历史时间和虚构情节巧妙结合。

39、Li Luo Neng is a mythic source figure with many students. ─── 李罗能是一个神话般的有许多学生的源头。

40、The director weaves a mythic, self-contained universe that riffs on biology, cinema, architecture and American history. ─── 导演编织了一个穿插着生物学、电影、建筑和美国历史的神话般的万象世界。

41、The name Bora Bora evokes images of a mythic paradise.This pearl of the pacific is one of the group of Leeward Islands and is the northernmost. ─── 也有人叫它加拉斯可海岸,由于它那不寻常的地理位置和美不胜收景色,是英格兰最棒的自然遗产。

42、Thus the initial costs of green building have attained a sort of mythic status in building circles, and it’s a reputation that feeds on itself. ─── 所以,绿色建筑的初期成本在建筑界还是一个想象和虚幻的状况,业内人士说它成本高,它也就因成本高而出名。

43、Mythic Creature leveled lists are modified so that there is a chance that lower level critters will spawn even at high levels. ─── 神秘生物也被修改了等级列表,使他们能够在玩家高等级时还以低等级出现。

44、And they are performing increasingly complex tasks from home, from reading MRIs to helping clients search for Bigfoot, the mythic wilderness creature. ─── 此外,他们可以在家里从事越来越复杂的工作,从解读磁共振影像到帮助客户寻找传说中的野生动物“大脚怪”。

45、Antioxidation of mythic fungus broth on senile rat models induced by D-galactose ─── 灵芝发酵液对衰老大鼠抗氧化作用及其性功能的研究

46、Keywords Mythic fungus;Cysteine;Chloasma; ─── 关键词灵芝;半胱氨酸;黄褐斑;

47、The semidivine king of Erech, a city of southern Babylonia, and hero of an epic collection of mythic tales, one of which tells of a flood that covered the earth. ─── 吉尔伽美什埃雷克半神的国王,也是巴比伦尼亚南部的一个城市的名字,这个国王是神话传说的史诗集成中的英雄人物。其中一个故事讲叙了覆盖地球的一次水灾

48、As the most natural basic factor of mythic narration , motif has rich content.The custom of many nations has its origin of motif of mythologies. ─── 成果内容提要 神话母题作为神话叙事过程中最自然的基本元素,蕴涵着非常丰富的内容,许多民族的习俗往往都有相应的神话母题来源。

49、Main composition brief introduction] The mythic fungus germ-entity implies various compositions with live sugar, alkaloid, inside the ester, fragrant bean vegetable, water-soluble protein and various cymes. ─── [主要成份简介]灵芝子实体含有多种糖类活性成分,生物碱,内酯,香豆素,水溶性蛋白质和多种酶类。

50、The Wang Du Studio mischievously pits itself against the symbolic strongholds of the news business and the mythic zed, endemic enclosures dotting the hills of Hollywood. ─── 王度工作室在狡诘地跟具有强烈象征性的新闻交易场所,如好莱坞那样神秘和封闭的伊甸园。

51、The _Conflux_ set contains 145 cards (60 common, 40 uncommon, 35 rare, 10 mythic rare). ─── 聚流_系列包括145张牌(60张普通牌,40张非普通牌,35张稀有牌,10张秘稀)。

52、What if Plato made up the story for mythic purposes? ─── 如果柏拉图所写的只是个神话故事呢?

53、EA Mythic has announced that the first 50,000 SE pre-orders to enter their Beta codes will be able to participate in the special Preview Weekend; ─── 环境神话已经宣布,第一50000硒前的命令,以进入他们的测试代码将能够参加在特别预览周末;

54、The mythic fungus germ-entity implies various compositions with live sugar, alkaloid, inside the ester, fragrant bean vegetable, water-soluble protein and various cymes. ─── 灵芝子实体含有多种糖类活性成分,生物碱,内酯,香豆素,水溶性蛋白质和多种酶类。

55、[TWQ3]: In choosing your mythic governing control, how do you go thither making your decree? ─── [TWQ3]. 在选择你理想的执政领导时,你如何全面考虑自己的决定?

56、(3) the mythic Swede; ─── (3)虚化的瑞典人;

57、mythic patterns ─── 神话形式

58、7.With its poignant airs and brilliant dances, celtic twilight transports you to a mythic world where fiddle, bagpipe, and tin whistle play with elegant electronic harmonies. ─── 在充满激情的空气及优美的舞蹈中,凯尔特曙光将把你带入一个由小提琴、风笛及口哨组成的上等电子旋律的神秘世界。

59、Mythic Allusions in John Keats'Poetry ─── 济慈诗歌中的神话典故

60、A new rarity is introduced in the _Shards of Alara_ set: mythic rare. ─── 而在_阿拉若断片_系列中,则引进了新的稀有度:秘稀。

61、The top section portrays the sun, moon, stars, a big tree of a mythic island, celestial beings, heavenly gate guards, etc. ─── 舞俑面部丰腻,涂脂抹粉,身体稍微向前倾斜,两膝略微弯曲,身着短褂长裙,体态轻盈,好像伴随着歌声翩翩起舞。

62、Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions. ─── 南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。

63、Decoding the Christian Mythic Mode in Faulkner's Works ─── 福克纳作品中的基督教神话模式解读

64、Failures are more finely etched in our minds than triumphs,and success is an elusive,if not mythic,goal in our demanding society(Hugh Drummond) ─── 失败比胜利更容易刻在我们脑中,成功在我们这个需求的社会是一个难于描述的,如果不是神秘的话,目的在我们的社会需求中(休·德拉蒙德)

65、a novel of profound, almost mythic consequence. ─── 一本具有深奥的、几乎是神话般结局的小说

66、In literature, Goethe's Faust is a mythic German alchemist who made a deal with the devil. ─── 在文学作品中,歌德的浮士德是一名德国炼金术士,他与魔鬼交易。

67、The decoration patterns of Miao batiks record the social history, totem worship, mythic legend and religious culture of the nationality. ─── 苗族蜡染所用的装饰图案,记载了本民族的社会历史、图腾崇拜、神话传说、宗教文化。

68、Research of Mythic Fungus GAP Organic Plant and it's Environment Quality ─── 灵芝GAP有机栽培及其环境质量的研究

69、The semidivine king of Erech,a city of southern Babylonia,and hero of an epic collection of mythic tales,one of which tells of a flood that covered the earth. ─── 吉尔伽美什埃雷克半神的国王,也是巴比伦尼亚南部的一个城市的名字,这个国王是神话传说的史诗集成中的英雄人物。其中一个故事讲叙了覆盖地球的一次水灾。

70、the author has pinpointed the potentially mythic elements in our frenzied, plastic twentieth-century world and uses ancient symbols to comment wryly on what we have become. ─── 作者精确的揭示了我们狂热,不稳定的二十世纪世界中的潜在的神话元素,用古代的符号对我们现在的样子进行讽刺挖苦。

71、Nestled in a rocky crevice at Poor Knights, an octopus can also claim a special spot in New Zealand's mythic history. ─── 一只在岩石上休息的章鱼。在新西兰充满离奇的历史中章鱼占有特殊的地位。

72、"Revered enough by Hindus to roam the streets of Jodhpur, a bull is still not as sacred as a cow, which is surrounded by a great mythic aura. ─── 由于受到印度教徒的崇敬,公牛在焦特布尔的街上肆意漫步,不过公牛仍没有母牛那么神圣,母牛被巨大的神话氛围所环绕。

73、Therefore, the development of aesthetic ideas in prehistoric jades is divided into threephases: the initial stage, the stage of worship to mythic creature, and the final stage of worship to god. ─── 据此,史前玉器寓意性功能的发展可以分为三个阶段:史前玉器寓意性功能发展的滥觞期、玉神灵崇拜寓意性功能阶段、玉“神人”崇拜寓意美阶段。

74、But first, what is this mythic Rat Park? ─── 但是首先,这个虚构的”老鼠乐园“到底是什么?

75、Knowledge does not enrich us; it removes us more and more from the mythic world in which we were once at home by right of birth. ─── 知识不会使我们更丰富;它使我们越来越远离神话世界??这个我们曾经的天然家园。

76、Mythic Pearls The Legend of Tirnanog ─── 神话珍珠之不老传说

77、A heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization. ─── 一度强大的玛雅文明在暴烈统治即将结束时,上演了一场动人心魄的冒险行动。

78、mythic fungus broth ─── 灵芝发酵液

79、We usually consider success of others is come because some special mythic or some chances. ─── 我们常常相信别人的成功是由于某种特殊的奥秘或是由于某种机遇。

80、Mythic force from the darkest ocean depths has suddenly been unleashed - on land. ─── 甲神话部队从黑暗的海洋深处突然释放-在陆地上。

81、The Mythic Complex of Li Bai ─── 李白的神话情结

82、Just when things look hopeless, Jack and Annie get some unexpected help from a certain mythic hero - and the rest, as they say, is history. ─── 当读者阅读第十三集的故事时,保证会一看就著迷。

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