aweigh 发音
英:[ə'weɪ] 美:[ə'we]
英: 美:
aweigh 中文意思翻译
aweigh 网络释义
adv. 离开海底adj. (锚)刚离开海底的
aweigh 短语词组
1、come aweigh ─── 走吧, ─── 走吧
2、anchors aweigh movie ─── 主播aweigh电影
3、anchors aweigh ─── [电影]起锚
4、anchors aweigh on a journey ─── 在旅途中抛锚
5、anchors aweigh score ─── 锚定高分
aweigh 相似词语短语
1、reweigh ─── v.重新称量
2、neigh ─── v.(马)嘶鸣;(人)发马嘶般的声音;n.马嘶声
3、weigh ─── vt.权衡;考虑;称…重量;vi.重量为…;具有重要性;成为…的重荷;起锚;n.权衡;称重量
4、Leigh ─── n.利(男子名,等于Lee)
5、abeigh ─── 位置
6、skeigh ─── adj.倨傲的;易惊的
7、Raleigh ─── n.罗利(美国北卡罗来纳州首府);罗利(英国的探险家、航海家及作家)
8、heigh ─── int.(表示注意、质问或鼓励等)嗨
9、dreigh ─── 方向
aweigh 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Anchor is aweigh. ─── 锚已离底!
2、1123anchor aweigh ,1130pit boarded ,hoisted H fiag,1205 BW ab'm . ─── (航海日志)1125锚离底1130引航员上船升H旗,1205右正横防波提。
3、anchor being aweigh, the anchor being lowered, under the guidance of the pilot, the ship sailed to berth. ─── 锚离底, 降下锚球, 在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位,大副和木匠在船首了头。
4、Columbus ordered anchors aweigh and course set thither ─── 哥伦布下令起锚,把船队开往那里。
5、Anchor is aweigh. ─── 锚已离底!
6、aweigh :Hanging clear of the bottom. Used of an anchor. ─── 起锚的:在远离海底处垂悬,用于指锚。
7、Anchors aweigh! ─── 起锚喽!
8、"Anchor Aweigh" ─── 启航歌
9、The anchor being aweigh, the anchor being lowered, under the guidance of the pilot, the ship sailed to berth. ─── 锚离底,降下锚球,在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位,大副和木匠在船首了头。
10、Port anchor was aweigh, lowered the anchor ball. ─── 左锚已离底,降下锚球。
11、In the movie "Anchors Aweigh " , he appeared to dance with a cartoon mouse. ─── 在影片《翠风艳曲》中,他和一只卡通老鼠共舞。
12、PARROT: Anchors aweigh! ─── |鹦鹉:下锚!
13、Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh. ─── 起锚吧!我的伙伴们,启锚!
14、anchor being aweigh, the anchor being lowered, under the guidance of the pilot, the ship sailed to berth. The chief mate and carpenter outlooked on the bow. (logbook). ─── 锚离底,降下锚球,在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位,大副和木匠在船首了头。(航海日志)。
15、At 1514 the port anchor was heaved aweigh and the tug "EVA",while butting the vessel to help her turn round hit the starboard side of the vessel abreast No.5 hold. ─── 1514时,猫被卷离海底(没处海面),拖轮"EVA"在在船尾顶船帮助转向时,撞击到右舷5号舱上方.
16、Anchor aweigh! ─── 锚离底!
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