adopter 发音
英:[əˈdɒptə(r)] 美:[əˈdɑːptər]
英: 美:
adopter 中文意思翻译
adopter 短语词组
1、early adopter ─── 早期采用者
2、late adopter ─── 晚采纳者
adopter 同义词
adopter 反义词
adopter 词性/词形变化,adopter变形
adopter 相似词语短语
1、adopters ─── n.养父母;(新技术)应用者;接受管
2、adopts ─── 收养;采用
3、adopt ─── vt.采取;接受;收养;正式通过;vi.采取;过继
4、adapters ─── n.[通信]适配器;连接物(adapter的复数)
5、adoptees ─── n.被收养者;被立嗣者
6、'copter ─── “直升机
7、adoptee ─── n.被收养者;被立嗣者
8、adapter ─── n.适配器;改编者;接合器;适应者
9、adopted ─── adj.收养的,领养的;所选择居住的,移居的;v.收养;采用,采纳;迁居,选择定居于;把……选为公职候选人;正式批准,接受;选(教材)作为课程范本;承担(道路)维修保养责任(adopt的过去式和过去分词)
adopter 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、So it's preferable for us to adopt D/P or D/A. ─── 因此,最好是采用付款交单办法或承兑交单办法。
2、We adopt "payment by installments" for some special import items. ─── 在一些特殊项目的进口中,我们采用“分期付款”方式。
3、It is hard to make him adopt your idea. ─── 很难让他采纳你的意见。
4、Usually, we adopt pinion drive for large mills. ─── 大型磨机我们通常采用边缘驱动。
5、She persuaded Shelley to adopt a new job. ─── 她劝告雪莉接受新的工作。
6、Don't adopt his unconsidered idea! ─── 不要听他那考虑不周全(详)的主意!
7、You should adopt standard operating procedures. ─── 你应该采用标准的操作程序。
8、The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. ─── 学校决定采取另外一种方式解决纪律问题。
9、They adopt it today and explore that partial field. ─── 学生完全接受知识并会开发这些特定的领域。
10、If you can't procreat,why don't you adopt one ? ─── 假如你自己不能生育,何不考虑收养一个呢?
11、My dad is a bit of a geek. He's an early adopter when it comes to new technology. So it is not hard to figure out what he likes. ─── 我爸爸是个极客,他是个追求新科技的新人类,想晓得他喜爱什么其实不难。
12、They adopt new techniques in raising sheep. ─── 他们采用新的养羊技术。
13、They adopt a strong attitude towards this matter . ─── 他们对这件事采取强硬态度。
14、They adopt franco wagon Shenzhen in their consignment contract . ─── 他们在寄售合同中采用的是深圳目地的交货价。
15、He has not make up his mind what attitude to adopt toward her. ─── 他没有下定决心对她采取何种态度。
16、Both adopt a sort of angular, outsider's perspective. ─── 两者都吸纳了某种外来者的观点与角度。
17、The method that can adopt grand bazoo will achieve. ─── 怎么才能让自己鼻子更挺?
18、He urged the State to adopt accident compensation system. ─── 他力促各州实行事故赔偿制度。
19、Here are some tips one can adopt to save energy. ─── 你省下的一分一毫都能惠及大自然。
20、Adopt Japanese special gumwater,leak-proof. 3. ─── 2.采用日本特制胶水,专业防漏;
21、He earnestly recommended us to adopt his plan. ─── 他热切地建议我们采取这个计划。
22、Can three-layer floors, adopt the freight elevator for lifting. ─── 可三层楼面,采用货梯升降。
23、They had to adopt varying tactics. ─── 他们得采取有变化的战术。
24、And you could still count yourself as an early adopter of this historic development in automotive propulsion systems. ─── 此外,驾驶者还藉此成了历史上第一批采用新型汽车动力系统的人之一。
25、Thermal meter adopt PID control and SCR output. ─── 可连接多种功能之附属设备.
26、He expressed (a) great readiness to adopt the reform bill. ─── 他表示非常愿意采用那改革方案。
27、You mean you are going to adopt me? ─── 你的意思是你要收养我吗?
28、The State shall adopt the International System of Units (SI). ─── 国家采用国际单位制。
29、They were discussing which system to adopt. ─── 他们在讨论应采用哪个体系。
30、For example, suppose the Early Adopter found a tool intended to help database administrators recover from catastrophic failures. ─── 比如,假设早期采用者找到了一种帮助数据库管理员从突发失效中恢复的工具。
31、Becoming not only an early adopter but an early discarder, you will realize greater status rewards than you ever imagined. ─── 不仅成为早期采用者,而且成为早期丢弃者,您将获得比想象中更大的地位奖励。
32、UGEFP cable adopt black chloroprene rubber sheath. ─── 型电缆采用黑色氯丁橡皮护套。
33、All originals adopt the high quality product. ─── 全部原件均采用优质产品。
34、She was an early adopter of plant-floor Ethernet, automation network segregation, and web-based data access. ─── 她是早期工厂以太网、自动化网络隔离、数字存取网络的培育者。
35、You cannot understand my point of view. I could not possibly adopt yours. ─── 你不能够了解我的观点。我也不可能采取你的观点。
36、To have or adopt German customs or attitudes. ─── 德意志化具有或接受德意志的习惯或态度
37、So it's better for us to adopt D / P or D / A. ─── 因此,最好是采用付款交单方式或承兑交单方式。
38、As one of the oldest of my Digital Native generation, I can probably be called an 'early adopter' as regards technological innovations. ─── 作为我们数字一代的元老人物,我或许可以被称作技术发明的“早期养父”。
39、So we adopt a data packing transfer technology. ─── 为此采用了数据打包传递技术。
40、Honey, how would you like to adopt a baby? ─── 先生,你想我们来收养一个婴孩,怎样?
41、"If you are an early adopter, that is the risk you run," he says. ─── 他说,如果你是先行者,那么多少都要承担一些风险。
42、Toward this we must adopt a critical attitude. ─── 对此我们应采取批判态度。
43、He trifled with the idea and would not adopt it . ─── 他轻视那个主张,不愿意加以采纳。
44、In appraising, adopt" observing the law wholly". ─── 在评价上,采用“整体考察法”。
45、To what extent do you want your company to adopt E-Commerce? ─── 你希望公司应用电子商贸的程度?
46、Try to adopt a greener lifestyle. ─── 尽量采取更有利于保护环境的生活方式。
47、They are trying to adopt a more cooperative posture. ─── 他们正试图采取更为合作的态度。
48、After much deliberation, the president decide to adopt her suggestion. ─── 总经理再三考虑之後,决定采纳她的建议。
49、Early adopter buyers tend to be picky consumers. ─── 早期的购买者倾向于是吹毛求疵的消费者。
50、He asked leave to adopt the boy as his son. ─── 他请求许可收养那少年为他的儿子。
51、She was in the humour both to admire and adopt the art. ─── 她现在正好有心情欣赏和仿效这种艺术。
52、After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. ─── 总经理再三考虑之後,决定采纳她的建议。
53、He adopt the rough "kill or cure" method. ─── 他用了“死里求生”的激烈治疗法。
54、We should adopt flexible strategy and tactics in a war. ─── 在战争中应运用灵活机动的战略战术。
55、The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages . ─── 学校应采用新的外语教学法。
56、So maybe this is just a sign of the times, even if four years of age is perhaps a bit early to be an early adopter. ─── 所以这是时代的象征,即使四岁小孩也许有点早。
57、He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans. ─── 他能说服资方采纳他的计划。
58、Most countries adopt metric system. ─── 大多数国家采用米制。
59、Almost all government adopt totalitarian measures in time of war. ─── 几乎所有的政府在战时都采取极权主义的措施。
60、What term of payment will you like to adopt ? ─── 你们采用哪种付款方式?
61、We should also adopt a correct policy for industry and commerce. ─── 再拿工商业来说,也要有正确的政策。
62、He resolved to adopt their regulations. ─── 他决定采用他们的规则。
63、To adopt Greek ways and speech; become Greek. ─── 使希腊化在方式和语言上希腊化;成为希腊人
64、If our efforts fail,we shall then adopt further measures. ─── 如果做了工作以后不行,那我们将采取进一步的措施。
65、The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget. ─── 国民议会已表决通过预算。
66、They wish to adopt more radical methods. ─── 他们希望采取更激烈的方法。
67、Actually, it would be a good idea to adopt Xiangzi as your son. ─── 其实有祥子这么个干儿子也不坏!
68、Her first move was to adopt a new vision for Avon. ─── 她的第一项改革是改变雅芳的模式。
69、They decided to adopt a baby girl. ─── 他们决定收养一个女婴。
70、Wed adopt a floating rate loan for your company. ─── 对贵公司我们将采用浮动利率贷款。
71、We cannot adopt the practice of the West. ─── 不能搞西方那一套。
72、You must adopt at least a piece of a southern principle. ─── 你至少得遵守一点南方的规矩吧。
73、Early adopter interaction model. ─── 早期采用者的交互模型。
74、We need to adopt a different attitude towards each of the three. ─── 对于这三种人需要有三种态度。
75、Adopt wartime financial and economic policies. ─── 六、战时的财政经济政策:
76、The State shall adopt measures to ban coke making by indigenous methods. ─── 国家采取措施取缔土法炼焦。
77、But if they don't, I'll adopt her. ─── 如果找不到,我就收养 。
78、Circumstances force us to adopt this policy. ─── 形势迫使我们采取这项政策。
79、They can adopt conformations which lead to maximum entropy. ─── 他们可以采取有最大熵值的构象。
80、They are prepared to adopt a tougher policy. ─── 他们准备采取更强硬的政策。
81、It occurred to her that she could adopt a homeless child. ─── 她想到自己可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。
82、It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child . ─── 她想到她可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。
83、He tried to persuade us to adopt the same attitude. ─── 他劝我们也采取同样态度。
84、The Iowa statute allowed cities over 25, 000 to adopt the commission form. ─── 依阿华法令允许25000人以上的城市采用委员会体制。
85、He refused to adopt the plan on the grounds of its high cost. ─── 他拒绝采纳这个计划,原因是成本太高。
86、Don't adopt that righteous tone of voice! ─── 别用那种一本正经的腔调说话!
87、How to determine what reporting timeframe to adopt? ─── 如何决定制作和发表报告的时间表?
88、It can adopt saw cutting or epicyclic cutting type. ─── 它可以通过看到切割或行星切割型。
89、He earnestly recommended us to adopt this plan. ─── 他热切地建议我们采那计划。
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