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08-09 投稿


antediluvian 发音

英:[ˌæntidɪˈluːviən]  美:[ˌæntidɪˈluːviən]

英:  美:

antediluvian 中文意思翻译




antediluvian 反义词


antediluvian 同义词

forgo | hasten | antecede |predate | foredate | precede | anticipate | speed up | go before | forerun | come first | come | forego | hurry | precipitate | speed | first | up | accelerate

antediluvian 词性/词形变化,antediluvian变形

动词过去分词: antedated |动词现在分词: antedating |动词第三人称单数: antedates |动词过去式: antedated |

antediluvian 相似词语短语

1、antediluvians ─── adj.大洪水前的;远古的;陈旧的;旧式的;n.大洪水以前的人;年迈的人;不合时宜的人

2、antelopian ─── 前足

3、antidilution ─── 反妄想

4、antediluvially ─── 前冲剂

5、interfluvial ─── 河间的

6、antediluvial ─── n.[地质]前洪积世

7、diluvian ─── adj.大洪水的;洪积的;n.洪积层(等于diluvial)

8、antelucan ─── adj.黎明前的

9、interpluvial ─── 间雨期;[地质]间雨期的

antediluvian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Antediluvian Phytology was published in 1825. ─── 上古植物学》在1825年出版。

2、Babylonian King List, or List of the Antediluvian Patriarchs ─── 巴比伦王表

3、About mammary complex, there is account early in antediluvian period. ─── 关于乳房情结,早在上古时期就有记载。

4、In the meantime, this area is antediluvian distributinging range of layer of unripe bound coal measures is very wide also, coal becomes gas natural resources very rich also. ─── 同时,本区上古生界煤系地层分布范围也很广,煤成气资源也十分丰富。

5、5. She was more than old-fashioned,she was an antediluvian. ─── 她不只是守旧,她就是个老古董.

6、"a branch of one of your antediluvian families" (William Congreve). ─── “你们那些快老掉牙的家族中的一支”(威廉·康格里夫)。

7、His ideas are positively antediluvian! ─── 他的思想是纯粹的老古董!

8、Colourful county has long culture history, there is my late father early in antediluvian period haunt. ─── 蔚县具有悠久的文化历史,早在上古时期就有先人生息。

9、The libraries of the world are doomed to become museums, storage facilities for a form as antediluvian as cave paintings. ─── 世上的图书馆注定要成为博物馆,里面陈列的书籍就像洞穴壁画一样被列为古董了。

10、It's not a nice mess, I'll allow.But it's been a-brewing and swallow it you must.You are antediluvian anyway, with your Nietzsche ideas. ─── 我承认那种混乱不能算好,可它已经在酝酿,你只好把它囫囵吞下去。

11、His ideas are positively antediluvian! ─── 他的思想是纯粹的老古董!

12、She was more than old - fashioned, she was antediluvian. ─── 她何止是过时, 简直就是老古董。

13、Antediluvian contest Yu Daode, mediaeval chase Yu Zhimou, contend for now at effort, plant in this fight hand-in-hand, life-and-death when, the hero was born! ─── 英雄生于乱世,而今,物业管理行业正是战国时代。上古竞于道德,中古逐于智谋,当今争于气力,就在这种短兵相接、你死我活的时候,英雄诞生了!

14、The mutation of Chinese style style maintained antediluvian Gu Yun already, added comfortable sense again. ─── 中式风格的变异既保持了古风古韵,又增加了舒适的感觉。

15、Of style restoring ancient ways sit chair matchs word of antediluvian Dong Dian, postmeridian days escapes slowly here. ─── 复古式样的坐椅配上古董电话,午后的时光就在这里慢慢溜走。

16、lived in a ramshackle, antediluvian tenement; ─── 住在一间摇摇欲坠,太过于陈旧的廉价公寓里;

17、Lived in a ramshackle, antediluvian tenement ─── 住在一间摇摇欲坠,太过于陈旧的廉价公寓里

18、a ramshackle antediluvian tenement ─── 摇摇欲坠的古老的房屋

19、She was more than old-fashioned,she was an antediluvian. ─── 她不只是守旧,她就是个老古董。

20、You are antediluvian anyway, with your Nietzsche ideas.The past is past, and the man who says history repeats itself is a liar. ─── 你那尼采思想早过了时,那位硬说历史会重演的人是个骗子。

21、"a branch of one of your antediluvian families" (William Congreve). ─── “你们那些快老掉牙的家族中的一支” (威廉·康格里夫)。

22、One of the antediluvian progenitors of the human race, from Adam to Noah. ─── 祖先在太古时代的从亚当到诺亚的人类祖先之一

23、I have touched a complete Book in the tomb of an Antediluvian, and watched it crumble to dust. ─── 我摸到了一个完整的图书在墓穴中的一个古老,并看着它崩溃了灰尘。

24、For love? What antediluvian notions you have! Can one talk of love in these days? ─── 爱?多么古老的字眼!现在还有人谈论爱情吗?

25、Hair ribbon is really " antediluvian " , but in this glaring season, showed its particular fascination however. ─── 发带真是一个“老古董”了,但在这个炫目的季节,却显示出了它的独有魅力。

26、antediluvian ideas ─── 陈旧的思想

27、The relation of fairness and efficiency: The concern issue of fairness of a kind of new wave of academic explanation pleasant and efficiency is human history antediluvian old and Chang Xin's topic. ─── 公平与效率的关系:一种新的理论解说甘波公平与效率的关系问题是人类历史上古老而常新的话题。

28、a ramshackle antediluvian tenement; antediluvian ideas; archaic laws. ─── 一间摇摇欲坠的古老的房屋;陈旧的思想;古代法律。

29、The changes to the judiciary mean that antediluvian judges and prosecutors no longer stand in his way. ─── 对司法部的改动意味着旧式的法官和检察官不在站在他这一边。

30、These were the keys which unlocked the treasures of the antediluvian world for me. ─── 这些钥池,为我打开了上古世界的宝藏。有几种可怕的动物,名字很粗野很难念;

31、A Branch of one of your antediluvian families ─── 你们那些快老掉牙的家族中的一支

32、Host is dignified and calm, humanness has antediluvian, still have in the home two years old of piquant boys, so whole space very simple but elegant. ─── 主人端庄沉静,为人有古风,家里还有个调皮的两岁男孩儿,所以整个空间很素雅。

33、Instead, all my efforts did was teach me exactly why the proud, antediluvian print-journalism companies are in financial trouble. ─── 相反,我付出的所有努力确切地让我明白为什么辉煌而古老的新闻出版公司会陷入金融困境。

34、an antediluvian automobile ─── 古老的汽车

35、The furniture of of primitive simplicity, elegant modelling, a meditate on the past mixes domestic outfit bound advocate of antediluvian Gu Yun " do old " wind is in popular. ─── 古朴的家具、典雅的造型,家装界一股怀古和崇尚古风古韵的“做旧”风正在流行。

36、The mystery surrounding these antediluvian creatures is one of the many attributes that inspires human interest and compassion for their well-being. ─── 许多关于这些古老创造物的谜团正是激发人类兴趣和同情的力量之一。

37、This antediluvian monetary system has now been replaced by the up-to-date monetary system of Japan. ─── 这种旧式的金融体系也已经被现代化的日本系统所取代。

38、This antediluvian shows boundless glamour in change modelling respect. ─── 这个老古董在改变造型方面显示出无穷魅力。

39、Add practical a variety of beautiful function designs, can show Chinese style to reside antediluvian Gu Yun of the home, if the lamp is acted the role of, lie between screen to wait. ─── 加上实用又美观的多种功能设计,可以表现出中式居家的古风古韵,如灯饰、隔屏等。

40、1. His ideas are positively antediluvian ! ─── 他的思想是纯粹的老古董!

41、Its navy was antediluvian: mandarins tried to emulate Western paddle-steamers with junks propelled by coolies turning treadmills. ─── 它的海军落后西方:洋务官员提出纷纷效仿西方有帆的桨轮船的推动力由苦力变成了踏步机。

42、172. antediluvian : antiquated; ─── 172 。过时的:陈旧的;

43、It's not a nice mess, I'll allow. But it's been a-brewing and swallow it you must. You are antediluvian anyway, with your Nietzsche ideas. ─── 我承认那种混乱不能算好,可它已经在酝酿,你只好把它囫囵吞下去。

44、But from antediluvian to Song Yuan previously the agricultural circumstance of this one area, no matter archaeology discovers or it is document account very few. ─── 但自上古至宋元以前这一地区的农业情况,无论考古发现或是文献记载都很少。




















第3代吸血鬼名称(也就是13个氏族的头领):布鲁赫冈格罗迈卡维诺菲勒托瑞多辛摩尔梵卓勒森巴吉密魑乔凡尼 雷伏诺阿萨迈希太十三个氏族的创立者--Antediluvian

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