abysmally 发音
英:[əˈbɪzməli] 美:[əˈbɪzməli]
英: 美:
abysmally 中文意思翻译
abysmally 词性/词形变化,abysmally变形
副词: abysmally |
abysmally 相似词语短语
1、aborally ─── adv.离口地
2、hypabyssally ─── 催眠
3、basally ─── 基础地(basal的变体);根本地(basal的变体)
4、aneurysmally ─── 动脉瘤性
5、abysmal ─── adj.深不可测的;糟透的;极度的
6、animally ─── adv.肉体上(等于physically)
7、abnormally ─── adv.反常地;变态地;不规则地
8、dismally ─── adv.沉闷地;阴暗地
9、abyssal ─── adj.深渊的,深海的;深不可测的
abysmally 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Considering the huge population, abysmally low public awareness about HIV/ AIDS and the frail public health system, China faces an uphill battle against this fatal disease. ─── 由于人口众多,爱滋病知识普及率极低,加之脆弱的公共卫生系统,中国在防治爱滋病上正面临着巨大的挑战。
2、man looks itto abysm,he could not see his back reflection.at that moment he can find his character,and that makes him leave the abysm. ─── 人往深渊里看,他看不到自己的倒影,人在此刻才能够了解自己的个性.而这也使他能离开深渊
3、Considering the huge population, abysmally low public awareness about HIV/AIDS and the frail public health system, China faces an uphill battle against this fatal disease. ─── 考虑到人口之众多,公众对爱滋病病毒和爱滋病的认识之极度缺乏,以及公共卫生系统之脆弱,中国面临一场艰巨的抗击这一绝症的战斗。
4、Each state has its own standards (some are tight, others abysmally lax) on what that must be taught. ─── 每个州对于必须教学的内容都有它自己的标准(一些要求比较严格,一些又非常松懈)。
5、There was a lot of baffle or difficulties in all this way, I stayed in a dark abysm, but I’ve seen hope when persist in writing. ─── 这一路走来,数不清的阻扰和困惑,我在那黑暗的深渊,因为文字而看见继续坚持的希望。
6、They start to train soldiers and magicians to defend the attack from the Abysm. ─── 虽然能活着毕业的人并不多,但足以提高一个国家的军事水平。
7、Being drunk, the comedian performed abysmally. ─── 由於喝醉了酒,这个喜剧演员的表演极坏。
8、The skin texture rendering of the characters is abysmally done. ─── 翻译:(动画角色的表情质感看上去好像还未完工。
9、I continued reminding myself that it was not a fact but a illusion that I crashed through the guardrail into the abysm. ─── 我一温遍地提醒自己:冲出护栏坠入深渊只是幻觉,不是事实。
10、Argentina is trying to redeem itself after the 2002 World Cup when it played abysmally and was eliminated in the first round. ─── 自从02世界杯小组未出线惨遭羞辱后,阿根廷一直期待着能够振奋士气,走出霉运。
11、When Fidelity was doing badly and some of its funds were performing abysmally, people didn't drop them because they had trust in the brand. ─── 在富达(Fidelity)投资失利、旗下一些基金业绩糟糕透顶的时候,投资者并没有抛弃它们,因为他们相信这个品牌。
12、However, if BMW continues tobe irresponsible to itself and to the society, it can only drivetoward cliff, falling into abysm and destroying both the driver anditself !! ─── 如果宝马公司继续这样对自己及社会不负责任,驾驭宝马只会驶向悬崖,坠入深渊,车毁人亡!!
13、Government schools perform abysmally and the system has been set up for failure. ─── 公立学校的表现也很糟糕,制度设计注定要失败。
14、No symphony was more appropriately named than this melancholy rnasterpiece, the Pathetic symphony, the brooding phrases of which sound truly like the Swan song of a tired and abysmally disillusioned man of genius. ─── 没有一部交响曲能比这部伤感的作品更恰当地起名为《悲怆交响曲》,这几个抑郁的措词听起来确像是一位疲惫的、幻想彻底破灭了的天才的“天鹅之歌”。
15、Government schools perform abysmally and the system has been set up for failure. ─── 公立学校的表现也很糟糕,制度设计注定要失败。
16、The group for the most part found the standard of education abysmally low. ─── 这个小组总体上认为这里的教育水准低得可怜。
17、As I can no longer feel the other end of the abysm ,conscientiously I shall arise form the dullish darkness . ─── 如今再也无法触摸到深渊的另一端,于是在一片浑黑之中便要自觉上升了。
18、In local polls in Milan and Naples last month Mr Berlusconi's party performed abysmally. ─── 在米兰和那不勒斯的当地选举中老贝的政党表现糟糕。
19、I often hided myself out in a quiet corner, facing the bright moon in the sky, allowing sorrow being pulled into a bottomless abysm and gradually spreading into deep-felt miss. ─── 我常常一个人静静地躲藏在寂静的角落,面对天空中的明月,任由悲伤被扯进无底的深渊,徐徐地蔓延进深切的思念里。
20、Yet in international maths, science and reading tests it performs abysmally. ─── 然而,在国际数学、科学、阅读测试中南非表现糟糕。
21、Also through here passes a spiral stairway, which sinks abysmally and soars upwards to remote distances ─── 从这里也可以登上一道螺旋形 楼梯,上达至高无上的天宇,下能深邃无底的九渊。
22、I dare not to say that I saved them and I pulled them out of the abysm. ─── 一个女孩亲口告诉我,她担心,回去后,留恋中国的亲情,感情和生活,就再也不想回来了。
23、distance; stage; track; abysm; corridor; ─── 迷宫、漫漫长路、最长的距离。
24、4.Unknow:What seest you else in the dark backward and abysm of time? ─── 这句话的中文翻译:你在过去时光的幽暗的深渊里,还看不看得见其余的影子?
25、Unknow:What seest you else in the dark backward and abysm of time? ─── 这句话的中文翻译:你在过去时光的幽暗的深渊里,还看不看得见其余的影子?
26、In so profound abysm I throw all careOf others voices, that my adders senseTo critic and to flatterer stopped are. ─── 别人的意见我全扔入了深渊,那么干净,我简直像聋蛇一般,凭他奉承或诽谤都充耳不闻。
27、These strata, lying apparently in contact, are in fact abysmally separated. ─── 这些表面上相触的地层实际上相隔很远。
28、The club was near to the abysm but a last minute goal against Racing Santander saved the situation. ─── 球队当时处于悬崖边上,但对阵桑坦德竞技时一个最后时刻的进球挽救了局势。
29、But the two-and-a-half-year-olds, much to my and their parents' surprise, failed abysmally. ─── 但是两岁半的孩子根本不会找,我们与孩子的父母都很意外。
30、yet in international maths, science and reading tests it performs abysmally. ─── 然而,在国际数学、科学、阅读测试中南非表现糟糕。
31、Though it was too American for audiences in China (where it performed abysmally), Disney's Mulan was a smash hit in the rest of the world, where it reeled in $300 million. ─── 尽管对中国观众来说太过美国化(在中国电影的表现很糟糕),迪斯尼的Mulan却横扫全世界,席卷3亿美元。
32、Service in the restaurant was abysmally slow. My husband was starting to flip out, so I tried to distract him with small talk. ─── 我跟老公去餐馆吃饭,上菜出奇的慢。老公开始有点抓狂了,所以我跟他谈论些不疼不痒的话题以转移他的注意力。
33、What seest thou else In the dark backward and abysm of time? ─── 这好像已经不是第一次有人提意见了。
34、" Each state has its own standards (some are tight, others abysmally lax) on what that must be taught. ─── 每个州对于必须教学的内容都有它自己的标准(一些要求比较严格,一些又非常松懈)。
35、Yet the average standard of language learning is abysmally low, particularly for such a highly literate and educated society. ─── 但其国民平均外语水平低得可怜,这与其高度文明、教育发达的社会极不相称。
36、The capital-rich Gulf states score abysmally on launching new products or starting new companies. ─── 海湾各国资本雄厚,但在开发新产品和创办新公司方面,表现极端之差。
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