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08-09 投稿


incorporeal 发音

英:[ˌɪnkɔːrˈpɔːriəl]  美:[ˌɪnkɔːˈpɔːriəl]

英:  美:

incorporeal 中文意思翻译



incorporeal 短语词组

1、incorporeal capital ─── [经] 无形资本

2、incorporeal right ─── 无形的权利

3、incorporeal interests ─── 无形的利益

4、incorporeal hereditament ─── [法] 无形遗产

5、chattel incorporeal ─── 无形的动产

6、things incorporeal ─── [法] 无体物

7、chattels incorporeal ─── [法] 无形动产

8、incorporeal hereditaments ─── [经] 无形遗产

9、incorporeal possession ─── [法] 无形占有

10、incorporeal property ─── [经] 无形财产

11、incorporeal chattel ─── [法] 无形动产

incorporeal 同义词

spiritual |aerial | disembodied | ghostly | unreal | intangible | ethereal | immaterial

incorporeal 反义词


incorporeal 词性/词形变化,incorporeal变形

副词: incorporeally |名词: incorporeality |

incorporeal 相似词语短语

1、incorporal ─── 合并

2、bicorporeal ─── 双色

3、incorporable ─── adj.可包含的;可结合的

4、incorporeally ─── 无形的

5、incorporeality ─── 虚体

6、incorporall ─── 下士

7、corporeal ─── adj.物质的,有形的;肉体的

8、corporal ─── n.下士;(舰艇的)纠察长助理;圣餐布;adj.肉体的,身体的

9、incorporeity ─── n.无形体;无实体;非物质性

incorporeal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The vital principle or animating force in living beings; incorporeal consciousness; supernatural being. ─── 所有生物,重大的原理或者有生气的力量:灵魂的意识;超自然存在。

2、On the Incorporeal Capital of an Enterprise and its Management ─── 企业无形资产及其管理

3、Since Defensive Roll is a declared immediate ability, the target generally declares and resolves it after seeing the results of any Conceal and Incorporeal rolls. ─── 由于防御掷骰是即时宣告技能,所以目标一般会在隐藏、虚体掷骰结果后再宣布和解除。

4、Evaluation of Value of University Incorporeal Property ─── 大学无形资产的价值评估

5、in order to avoid the error of Manes, who held that Christ had not a true body, nor truly suffered, but we must say, with a qualification, that Christ was incorporeal and impassible "in His Godhead. ─── 亚流的错误,就是将‘被造’从基督的‘人(性)’移到基督的‘神(性)’上面去了。而斑马的错误,则是相反。路得对于这种错误,给了一个名称:在‘属性相通’上犯了错!

6、incorporeal right ─── 无形权利

7、A creature must have an appropriate physical surface on which to scribe the pattern (thus, incorporeal creatures cannot use psionic tattoos). ─── 生物必须有适合绘制图案的物理表面(因而虚体生物不能使用灵纹)。

8、The lurks next attack can strike incorporeal creatures, as if her weapon had the ghost touch special ability. ─── 潜伏者的下一次攻击可以伤害虚体生物,仿佛她的武器有幽影打击的能力。

9、Incorporeal >>>This creature is incorporeal so any non-magical attack against it has only 50% chance of inflicting damage. ─── 具有该技能的兵种有50%的机会躲避非魔法攻击。

10、Course of Li river travel is world-famous " gold aqueduct " , also be the incorporeal place of Guilin landscape. ─── 漓江旅游航线是举世闻名的“黄金水道”,也是桂林山水的灵魂所在。

11、material bodies and incorporeal minds ─── 有形的实体和无形的精神

12、Probe on the Basic Theory of Competitive Sports'Incorporeal Capital ─── 竞技体育无形资产基本理论的探讨

13、it remains therefore that the cause of Ideas is an incorporeal active substance or Spirit. ─── 因此,我们只得说,观念的原因乃是一个无形体的、能动的实体或精神。

14、A. Yes in both situations. Both Conceal and Incorporeal can protect a helpless creature from being hit by or taking damage from a melee attack. ─── 是的,这两种情况都有失误的机会,无论是在隐蔽的情况下,或是生物本身是属于无实质的生物,都可以保护此无助的生物不被近距攻击击中,或是遭受伤害。

15、body, form, or substance; incorporeal. ─── 身体、形式或者实质。

16、incorporeal hereditament ─── [法] 无形遗产

17、incorporeal capital ─── 无形资本

18、Theory of Incorporeal Capital and System Innovation of the Stale-owned Enterprises ─── 无形资本理论与国有企业的制度创新

19、Notable is, numerous Cheng science and technology is incorporeal company, its and east are broadband " copyright cooperates " also reflect finally in PPS in managing. ─── 值得注意的是,众程科技并无实体公司,其与东方宽频的“版权合作”最终亦体现在PPS的经营中。

20、The real life is guided by our incorporeal intellection. ─── 这表示我们无形的思想导引着真实的人生。

21、Having no body or form; incorporeal. ─── 无形体的没有身体或形状的;无实体的

22、The incorporeal character of illicit collect fund often holds dominant action in the company, of small shareholder fluctuant relatively lesser to the influence of the company. ─── 私募基金的灵魂人物往往在公司中占据主导作用,小股东的变动对公司的影响相对较小。

23、chattels incorporeal ─── [法] 无形动产

24、The core that the technology is Microsoft and incorporeal Microsoft are known deeply, the technology is Microsoft what existence and development expand is essential. ─── 技术是微软的核心和灵魂微软深深懂得,技术是微软存在和发展壮大的根本。

25、Having no body, form, or substance; incorporeal. ─── 无躯体的,无形的无躯体的,无形的,无实体的;脱离肉体的

26、Yes, long ago I discovered the power to resurrect the dead, but I never dreamed that I could actually SPEAK with their incorporeal souls! ─── 是,在很久以前我就掌握了起死回生的力量,但是我万万没有想到自己竟然能够亲自和灵魂面对面的沟通!

27、Brand--the important incorporeal property of an enterprise ─── 品牌--企业重要的无形资产

28、But really I think Nietzsche rejects both sides of the duality. There's no merely material body any more than there's an incorporeal mind. ─── 但我认为尼采反对两元论,的两方,已无物质实体,胜于非物质的心灵。

29、things incorporeal ─── [法] 无体物

30、The market, the incorporeal north that is an enterprise leaves ever was the whole nation is defeated change of electric industry " 5 tigers " one of. ─── 市场,是企业的灵魂北开曾是全国输变电行业的“五虎”之一。

31、The current situation of SWA incorporeal assets management was deeply investigated and analyzed in the paper,the troubles in the current management and running modes were analyzed in detail. ─── 结合西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司的实际情况,对该公司无形资产管理现状进行了深入的调查与分析,分析了公司现行的无形资产管理模式及其运作中存在的问题。

32、incorporeal hereditaments ─── 无形遗产

33、as an incorporeal property , goodwill or reputation of business influences even decides the operator ' s achievements and profits. ─── 商誉作为经营者的一项重要无形财产,影响甚至决定了其经营业绩和财产收益。

34、The incorporeal joy that how lets sadness rises? ? Incorporeal sadness, how to do! ─── 怎样让悲伤的灵魂快乐起来??灵魂悲伤了,怎么办!

35、Thoughts Of The Tax Policy On Raising Up The Incorporeal Property Resources ─── 培育无形资产资源的税收政策思考

36、How does emotionless incorporeal life continue? ─── 没有情感的灵魂生活如何继续?

37、incorporeal interests ─── 无形利益

38、incorporeal property ─── 无形财产

39、incorporeal object ─── 无形物

40、And on the basis of analyzing existing problems of stock financing,the innovation way of enterprise financing such as money-captial finance and incorporeal capital finance etc was proposed. ─── 在分析股权融资存在问题的基础上,提出了企业融资方式的创新,如货币资本融资、无形资本融资,等等。

41、A ghostly, incorporeal swordfighter appears in each square covered by this spell's area. A swordfighter can share a space with another creature or object. ─── 一整队的剑兵出现在你面前,所有士兵的剑皆已出鞘,并准备进行攻击。

42、5.The state or quality of being incorporeal;immateriality. ─── 实实在在存在的特性,具有物质性。

43、Of the space differentiate have use particular demand, what have incorporeal place pursuit more is cheerful experience. ─── 空间的划分有使用的具体要求,更有灵魂所追求的愉悦感受。

44、render immaterial or incorporeal. ─── 使变得非实质的或非实体的。

45、They seemed to have the power to touch the incorporeal and see the invisible. ─── 他们似乎有一种力量能触摸到无形的和看到不可见的东西。

46、A Exploration on the Management of the Incorporeal Property of the Enterprises ─── 企业无形资产管理初探

47、incorporeal property rights ─── 无形财产权

48、incorporeal capital; ─── 无形资本;

49、The state or quality of being incorporeal;immateriality. ─── 无形体,无实质非形体的情况或品质;

50、In this strewn at random have the space that devote inside, blue, yellow is become main tonal, the color with deep light depth becomes incorporeal carrier. ─── 在这个错落有致的空间里面,蓝色、黄色成为主要的色调,深深浅浅的色彩成为灵魂的载体。

51、incorporeal possession ─── [法] 无形占有

52、Abilities such as Fly, Incorporeal, and Burrow allow the enemy to pass right through your blocking creatures. ─── 能力(例如苍蝇),非物质,和窑允许敌人让右边透过你堵塞的动物。

53、Spirit beasts are the embodied spirits of the natural world.These creatures are naturally incorporeal, but may take a true physical form to fight for the druid or shaman who called them. ─── 幽灵巨兽是自然世界的实体幽灵.这些生物是自然的精神,但是能够从召唤它们的德鲁伊或萨满的战斗中获得一个真实肉体.

54、On a result of 11 or higher, the Incorporeal creature takes damage normally. ─── 关于一个11或者更高的结果,非物质的动物通常参加损害。

55、Conduct propaganda is the incorporeal theme of operation of a website, no matter be big door or small website, wear in the conduct propaganda of the all the time oneself. ─── 宣传是一个网站运营的灵魂主题,不管是大门户还是小网站,都在无时无刻的宣传着自己。

56、Dang Jiansai thinks politics works, it is the job that be an upright person, reason has thought politics worker is incorporeal engineer to say construction of; ─── 党建思想政治工作,是做人的工作,故有思想政治工作者是灵魂工程师之说;

57、The Challenge of Knowledge Economy to Incorporeal Capital Accounting ─── 知识经济对无形资产会计的挑战

58、Several Problems of Evaluating Incorporeal Capital During Enterprises Annexing ─── 企业并购中无形资产评估有关问题探讨

59、Strengthening the Management of Enterprises'Incorporeal Property, Meeting the Challenge of Knowledge Economy ─── 加强企业无形资产管理迎接知识经济挑战

60、Dweller resource dominion is the primitive impetus that economy grows, it is the incorporeal place of the market. ─── 居民资源主权是经济增长的原始推动力,是市场的灵魂所在。

61、Q. If a creature makes a melee attack against a helpless enemy that has Conceal, does the attack have a chance of missing? What if the enemy is Incorporeal? ─── 如果有个生物对一个隐蔽的无助生物进行近距攻击,有可能会失误吗?若对象是无实质的无助生物呢,会失误吗?

62、Keywords hospital;incorporeal assets;managment.; ─── 医院;无形资产;管理;

63、Something that exists, especially a spiritual or incorporeal entity. ─── 精神存在的某物,尤指精神的或无形的存在

64、Strengthen the Management of Incorporeal Capital and Enhance the Competitiveness of Enterprises ─── 加强无形资产管理提高企业竞争力

65、"Interior space " the mainest essential factor in the 3 element that element is interior design, it is the incorporeal place of interior design. ─── “室内空间”要素是室内设计的三要素中最基本的要素,是室内设计的灵魂所在。

66、Thought of Merging Human Resources with Incorporeal Property to Make Accounting Treatment ─── 将人力资源并入无形资产进行会计处理的思考

67、Keywords Textile industry,Famous-brand,Incorporeal asset.,Quality,Benefit.; ─── 纺织行业;名牌;无形资产;质量;效益;

68、Study on the Development Stratagem of the Incorporeal Capital of China Competitive Sports ─── 中国竞技体育无形资产发展战略研究

69、An intelligent, incorporeal being, especially an angel. ─── 智力人格化智慧的无形生命体,尤其是天使

70、conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter: the world of spirit. ─── 如果不是人,就不知。当然要看看其他的形容。

71、As an incorporeal property right, the intellectual property is a kind of very important economic resources. ─── 知识产权作为一种无形财产权,是一种十分重要的经济费源。

72、On Incorporeal Capital Accounting Under New Economy Conditions ─── 浅谈新经济条件下的无形资产会计

73、Manichaeism could also teach that there is invincible source of evil which could be incorporeal as well. ─── 摩尼教也训导说恶有一种不能征服的来源,它也是非物质的。

74、The Word of God, incorporeal, incorruptible and immaterial, entered our world. ─── 天主圣言是无形的、不朽而非物质的,祂来到了我们人间。

75、(d)contracts for the donation of other forms of incorporeal property, including rights to the performance of obligations, industrial and intellectual property rights and other transferable rights; ─── 其他形式的无体财产包括请求债务履行的权利、工业产权和知识产权以及其它可转让权利的赠与合同;

76、Included in the definition of real property are such incorporeal rights as easements and rights of profit a prendre. ─── 在不动产概念中还包括地役权、先占权这样的无形权利。

77、Only a Necromancer's army has incorporeal creatures who can avoid damage in melee combat. ─── 只有亡灵的部队拥有可以躲避肉搏伤害的虚无单位。

78、Innovate from academic innovation, system innovation and strategy 3 respects, announced " 3 delegates " the incorporeal; ─── 从理论创新、体系创新和战略创新三个方面,揭示了“三个代表”重要思想所蕴涵的创新精神;

79、The succession CEO interiorly of the company cannot get the self-identity of old stuff again, "Incorporeal character left, dispatch of the cruel after last year November is lost gradually. ─── 公司的继任CEO在内部又不能得到老员工的认同,“灵魂人物都离开了,去年11月后酷讯就渐渐迷失。”

80、(4) in order to groom to support deficient system is a city the incorporeal; ─── ( 4)创新扶贫制度是城市扶贫战略的灵魂 ;

81、incorporeal voices ─── 无形的声音

82、It is human society progress inside drive force and incorporeal place. ─── 它是人类社会发展的内驱力和灵魂所在。

83、chattel incorporeal ─── 无形动产

84、The state or quality of being incorporeal; immateriality. ─── 无形体,无实质非形体的情况或品质;非物质性

85、The corresponding inco poreal assets management mode and running mode were put forward in the aspect of the development and education,management and operation of incorporeal assets in SWA. ─── 在此基础上在无形资产开发与培育、无形资产管理与经营等方面,提出了适应新形势的无形资产管理模式和运作方式,并已应用于西南铝。

86、In the interior construction spacing,various element of incorporeal spacing design plays important role,and it includes space form,color element,light work,scenic decoration and so on. ─── 在建筑内部空间中,各种非实体空间要素的设计具有极为重要的作用,它们包括空间构成、色彩要素、采光照明、景观配饰等方面。

87、Person, wade all one's life, it is to searching actually " incorporeal home " . ─── 人,一生跋涉,其实是在寻找一个“灵魂的家园”。

88、must emphasize Marxism theory to arm, this is Party member cadre " leader force " the system that incorporeal; ─── 必须强调马克思主义理论的武装,这是党员干部“领导力”的灵魂;

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