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08-09 投稿


predominant 发音

英:[prɪ'dɒmɪnənt]  美:[prɪ'dɑmənənt]

英:  美:

predominant 中文意思翻译



predominant 短语词组

1、predominant smell ─── 主要气味

2、predominant wind ─── 主要风向

3、predominant condition ─── 主要条件

4、erythroid predominant ─── 红系优势

5、predominant goods ─── 大宗货物

6、predominant feature ─── 主要特征

7、predominant value ─── 最众值(即众数)

8、predominant species ─── [医]超优势种

9、predominant tree ─── 占主导地位的树

10、predominant partner ─── [经] 优先合伙人

predominant 词性/词形变化,predominant变形

副词: predominantly |

predominant 相似词语短语

1、predominating ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

2、predominantly ─── adv.主要地;显著地

3、predominates ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

4、overdominant ─── adj.超显性的

5、predominance ─── n.优势;卓越

6、predominancy ─── 优势

7、predominator ─── 支配者

8、predominate ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

9、predominated ─── vt.支配,主宰;在…中占优势;vi.占主导(或支配)地位;占优势

predominant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Which country is the predominant member of the alliance? ─── 哪个国家在联盟中居于支配地位?

2、The predominant routes of transmission vary according to the endemicity of the HBV infection. ─── 其主要传播途径根据HBV感染的毒力不同而不同。

3、TPR-tree is more predominant than other indices in predictive spatio-temporal database indexing. ─── TPR-树在对未来预测的时空索引中显示了很好的优越性。

4、Infiltration of adjacent pericardium is more predominant in predicting thymic carcinoma than is encasement of great vessels. ─── 其中又以心包膜被侵犯及增厚因素较大血管被包覆因素有更高的预测率。

5、In Greece, rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant sources of nectar. ─── 在希腊,杜鹃花和夹竹桃只在春天开花,那时它们是花蜜的主要来源。

6、The predominant feature of him was pride. ─── 他的主要特征是骄傲。

7、Sulphur, a ubiquitous element in the lower atmosphere was identified from the outset as a predominant component in the stratospheric aerosol. ─── 在底层大气中处处存在的元素硫从一开始就被认为是平流层气溶胶的主要成分。

8、The center of the neoplasm is predominant sarcoma component, the surface and pedicle is carcinoma component. ─── 具有特殊生长方式、低侵袭性和低淋巴转移率;

9、Create at least three planes. Each should have a predominant value. Usually known as foreground, middle ground, and background. ─── 创建至少三个平面,每一面都有其重要性,一般来说如前景,中景,背景。

10、The predominant quality and elegant environment make “Chenguang” cate more famous in Yuncheng. ─── 卓越品质,高雅环境令“晨光”美食名扬云城。

11、Man has been predominant over other species for a long time. ─── 人类长久以来一直在支配其他物种。

12、China, in short, will not become the predominant power that the US has been, at least over the next few decades. ─── 简言之,至少在未来几十年内,中国不会成为美国那样占据着绝对主导地位的强国。

13、The services sector (45%) and trade (30%) are largely predominant, followed by construction and industry. ─── 主要经济领域为服务行业(占45%)和商业(30%),其次是建筑行业和工业。

14、Imported and custom furniture and upholstery are luxurious with velvets, textured silks and leather predominant. ─── 各种进口和定制家具以及室内饰品,在随处可见的天鹅绒、绣花丝绸以及皮革的陪衬下显得舒适豪华。

15、Religion: Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox are the predominant religions in Latvia. ─── 宗教:罗马天主教和俄罗斯东正教为拉脱维亚主要教派。

16、The predominant product of the company has already gained CCC certificates. ─── 主导产品已通过CCC国家强制性认证。

17、The predominant genera were composed of Enterobacteriaceae (61 strains), Aeromonas (58), Vibrio (27), Pseudomonas (21). ─── 优势菌属是肠杆菌科 (Enterobacteriaceae) 61株、气单胞菌属 (Aeromonas) 58株、弧菌属 (Vibrio) 2 7株和假单胞菌属 (Pseudomonas) 2 1株。

18、She did not dislike Lily because the latter was brilliant and predominant. ─── 他不喜欢丽莉并非因为后者聪明漂亮,高高在上。

19、Overwhelming in power or significance; predominant. ─── 压倒一切的在力量或重要性上势不可挡的;支配的,显著的

20、The predominant feature of his character was pride. ─── 他的性格中主要的特点是骄傲。

21、Hatemongering is the predominant idea in the book by a racist. ─── 在种族主义者写的书中,煽动仇恨是主要的观点。

22、AKP showed predominant activity in the endothelial cells of capillaries and arterioles which were stained strongly. ─── AKP主要分布于视网膜小动脉及毛细血管内皮细胞,呈强活性。

23、Weather is a predominant influence in the causation of cold injury. ─── 在招致寒冷损伤中,气候是一个突出的影响因素。

24、The psychologists wanted to be able to produce one predominant, intense emotion at a time. ─── 心理学家门希望能够一次产生一种主导的强烈的情绪。

25、Among them the extracting temperature were the predominant factor. ─── 在各个时间段,萃取温度都是最大的影响因子。

26、Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Tyrophagus longior were predominant mites in dry-cured hams. ─── 干腌火腿中的螨主要是腐食酪螨和长食酪螨。

27、Gram-negative bacilus and fungi were predominant pathogens. ─── 医院感染率与糖尿病、住院天数及病情严重程度密切相关。

28、For most of our history we were isolationist. For two fleeting decades we were predominant. ─── 在过去相当长的时期内,我们一直奉行孤立主义,当然也曾有过短暂的20年居于世界的支配地位。

29、The predominant genotypes of HGV were genotype Asia and genotype HGV among IVDAs, PLDs, and BDs patients in Guangxi, China. ─── 广西IVDAs、PLDs和BDs中感染庚型肝炎病毒以亚洲型和HGV型为主。

30、Each HI-infected region of the world tends to hae a predominant genetic subtype of the irus. ─── 世界上各个艾滋病感染地区都有在遗传上的主要病毒亚型的趋势。

31、Hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a common group of hereditary diseases, with congenital tooth loss as the predominant oral symptom. ─── 少汗型外胚层发育不良症是一类相对常见的遗传性综合性疾病,先天性牙缺失是此类疾病的主要口腔表现。

32、A hemorrhagic gut was the predominant lesion at autopsy. ─── 尸检的主要发现是肠出血。

33、The predominant microflora of each region of the intestine was Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae. ─── 各组草鱼肠内各部位的优势菌群均为气单胞菌Aeromonas和肠杆菌Enterobacteriaceae。

34、The predominant enteric viruses in wastewater or river water belong to the coxsackie B group. ─── 在污水和沙水中,占优势的肠道病毒是柯萨奇病毒B.

35、The predominant species are Musea domestica, Helicophagella melanura and Lucilia cuprina. ─── 优势种群为家蝇、黑尾黑麻蝇和丝光绿蝇。

36、We will build up our own brand figure with predominant character and abortive making. ─── 以卓越的品质精心的塑造,每一个细节,做出品牌的形象。

37、It has been suggested that most individuals harbour one predominant dermoscopic type among their naevi. ─── 大多数患者的痣都有一个显著的皮肤镜表现型。

38、Will Chinese have become the predominant Internet language by 2025? ─── 到2025年,汉语会成为占主导地位的网络语言吗?

39、The change of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis is very predominant in this process. ─── 下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的变化在衰老过程中尤为突出。

40、Mandy's predominant emotion was confusion. ─── 曼迪的主导情绪是困惑。

41、Their predominant thoughts are of wealth. ─── 他们的主要想象就是财富。

42、However much we open up in the next 16 years until the end of the century, the publicly owned sector of the economy will remain predominant. ─── 在本世纪内最后的十六年,无论怎么样开放,公有制经济始终还是主体。

43、Results Eleven PFGE patterns were obtained, in which 3 predominant patterns... ─── 广东省疾病预防控制中心;

44、Low arterial oxygen tension occured in patients with acid-base disorders which metabolic acidosis were predominant, (t =3.185, P=0.044). ─── 以代酸为主酸碱失衡组中,PaO_2也较无酸碱失衡组显著暨南大学硕士论文J乱降低(t=3 .185,P=0.044)。

45、Textile mills in Coimbatore which account for a predominant number of mills in South India, are now idle. ─── 在南印度有很多工厂的哥印拜陀的纺织厂现在闲置了。

46、It is the land which makes the predominant contribution. ─── 土地为我们作出了最显著的贡献。

47、We have special concessions on predominant goods and long-term contract. ─── 对于大宗货物和租期较长的合同,我们都有特别的优惠。

48、"Egrets, gulls and small mammals are the predominant wildlife on the island these days" (Dan McCoubrey). ─── “白鹭、海鸥和小哺乳动物在这些年成了岛上的主要野生生物” (丹·麦克考布雷)。

49、In AIHA,the basic predominant IgG subclass is IgG 1.IgG 3 has a greater potential for red cell destruction than IgG 1 and C 3d . ─── IgG 亚型中以IgG1 +IgG3 为主。 IgG3 阳性的患者临床表现及溶血程度严重,治疗效果差

50、So long as the public sector plays a predominant role in China's economy, polarization can be avoided. ─── 只要我国经济中公有制占主体地位,就可以避免两极分化。

51、It is possible that the friction of the cage may have had a predominant effect in this case. ─── 在这种场合,保持架的摩擦可能会具有主要的影响。

52、What is the predominant feeling within that energy, and what can this energy be convinced or coerced to exhibit? ─── 就是支配内在感觉的那个能量,并且这能量被确信或者强制显示?

53、Her predominant characteristic is honesty. ─── 她最为突出的特点是诚实。

54、The predominant inflammatory cell surrounded and infiltrated into the artemether-damaged worm is eosinophil. ─── 在肝内受损的虫体主要是被嗜酸粒细胞包围和侵袭所致。

55、Linoleic acid is the predominant fatty acid in the chloroplast. ─── 亚油酸是叶绿体中主要的脂肪酸。

56、Fin whales are the most predominant in the area, he said, but blue whales and right whales have also passed through New York waters. ─── 他说,长须鲸是这个区内数目最多的品种,但有时候也看到蓝鲸和露脊鲸游经纽约市周围水域。

57、By doing that he helped to prepare science for the idea that these, despite their size, play a predominant part in all that happens. ─── 他的工作有助于用科学解释以下观点:这些微生物尽管微小,但它们在一切现有事物中发挥着突出的作用。

58、The decoloration mechanism of the hydrolytic tank in the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater by the addition of predominant bacteria. ─── 优势菌处理印染废水中水解池的脱色机理。

59、Totally 164 isolates belonging to 8 species of fungi were identified. Candida albicans was predominant, accounted for 67.1%. ─── 164株念珠菌共有8个种株,以白色念珠菌为主,占67.1%。

60、Imagine for a minute a world in which this was the predominant way of living. ─── 用一分钟来想象一个世界,在这个世界中这是主要的生活方式。

61、If one side of a pair of opposites becomes excessively predominant in the personality, it is likely to turn into its contrary. ─── 假如人格中的对立的某一边,过度佔优势,它很可能会转变成为它的相反力量。

62、Predominant in China before the Christian ear was the Huaxia people on the middle reaches of the Yellow River. ─── 公元前,黄河中游的主要先民是华夏族,其形成的时间距今约三四千年。

63、Italian opera become predominant at the end of the 17th century . ─── 17世纪末意大利歌剧已经占据了主导地位。

64、H2O absorption is predominant in the troposphere, particularly the lower troposphere. ─── H2O吸收在对流层,特别在对流层下部起着主要作用。

65、This filter completely saturates the red color when this is the predominant pixel color in the image. ─── 20此过滤器在红色是图像的主色调时完全饱和该色。

66、Immunohistochemistry showed that the predominant cells in lung tissues that expressed TARC were epithelial cells. ─── 免疫组化显示TARC蛋白主要表达于支气管上皮细胞。

67、Products, too, have a predominant manner of presenting themselves to users. ─── 产品也是一样的,有着表现给用户的主要方式。

68、In terms of working mechanism in poor permeable stratum, compaction appears to be main action while in permeable stratum, seepage seems predominant. ─── 在渗透率小的地层中后压浆以压密注浆为主,在渗透率大的地层中后压浆以渗透注浆为主。

69、The fact of firstrate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest. ─── 传统习俗最为重要的事实是其在个体经历和信仰中起到的主导作用,以及其可能表现出来的极富多样的特性。

70、The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament. ─── 在上届国会中社会党人占优势.

71、The capability of direct oxidation of CN~- to CNO~-, HS~- to SO_4~= might be in existence, but could not be the predominant reactions. ─── CN~-和HS~-直接氧化生成CNO~-和SO_4~(2-)反应的可能性虽然存在,但并不一定是主要反应。

72、By doing that he helps to prepare science for the idea that these, despite their size, play a predominant part in all that happens. ─── 他的工作有助于用科学解释以下观点:这些尽管微小,但它们在一切现有事物中发挥着突出的作用。

73、As one kind of broadband access technologies, WDM-PON has any predominant advantages, and its basic operation principle is introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍WDM-PON的基本工作原理及作为一种宽带接入技术的优势,并对其关键技术,如多波长激光器、波长路由器等,作了分析和探讨。

74、We can get a capability predominant network monitor system with face recognition after adding into it. ─── 将其融入数字视频监控系统,就构成一个性能优越的具有人脸识别功能的网络监控系统。

75、In the Western part of the country dairy farms are predominant. ─── 在这个国家的西部,奶制品农场占主要地位。

76、Predominant optics performance.It can meet the optics target for solar PV products and solar thermal products. ─── 优越的光学性能。广泛满足光伏和光热等新能源产品的光学指标。

77、Because the horizontal drag was the predominant user action, and vertical drags were rare, we biased the drag threshold towards the horizontal axis. ─── 因为水平拖动是用户的主要动作,而垂直拖动较少,所以我们将拖动阈值向水平轴倾斜。

78、The predominant way of coping among nursing students in pediatric clinical experiences was positive reappraisal. ─── 学生的主要因应压力的方式为正向自我检视;

79、If costs are the predominant consideration, health systems are failing their people. ─── 如果仅主要考虑治疗费用的话,卫生保健制度将会使民众失望。

80、The predominant fishing method is trawling, which accounted for 67 per cent of the catch, or 85 610 tonnes. ─── 主要的捕鱼方法是拖网,渔获量占年内卸下的海鱼量67%,重量达85610公吨。

81、In term of antagonizing anti-radiation weapon,phased array radar(PAR) is more predominant than ordinary radar. ─── 反辐射武器是现代电子战中行之有效的硬杀伤武器。

82、In coMpetition with other accoMpanying species, the Betula luMinifera is a predoMinant tree at present. ─── 另外,光皮桦在与其它主要伴生树种的竞争中,目前处于优势地位。

83、Lotus Approach 3.0 is a really and truly oriented end-user relational database, its predominant merit is easy to learn and easy to use. ─── Lotus Approach 3.0是真正意义上的面向最终用户的关系型数据库,其最大长处是易学易用性。

84、You will gain predominant public channel,which decrease your many troubles. ─── 优势之五:用荣天,您将获得优越的公共渠道,减少您的众多烦恼。

85、It is possible that the friction of the cage may have had a predominant effect in this case. ─── 在这种场合,保持架的摩擦可能会具有主要的影响。

86、In terms of the world geographical distribution, groups in the Oriental Region are distinctly predominant. ─── 在世界动物地理区系中,以东洋区成分占有优势。

87、Which do you think is the predominant partner? ─── 你看他们俩之中谁占支配地位?

88、Greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant. ─── 具有优势的比其他人具有更大的力量、影响或权势; 优越的

89、transition in Irish painting from one predominant style to the other was not an abrupt one. ─── 爱尔兰绘画从一种主要风格向另一种主要风格的转变并不是突然的。

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