opted 发音
英:[ˈɒptɪd] 美:[ˈɑːptɪd]
英: 美:
opted 中文意思翻译
opted 短语词组
1、opted out ─── 决定退出;插播;请求免除
2、co-opted v. ─── 由现会员选举, 指派( co-opt的过去式和过去分词 )
opted 词性/词形变化,opted变形
动词现在分词: opting |动词过去分词: opted |动词第三人称单数: opts |动词过去式: opted |
opted 相似词语短语
1、coopted ─── v.(经所有成员同意)增补……为新成员;任命(为同事或助理);加入团体(派系、运动或文化);笼络,拉拢
2、op-ed ─── v.开(ope的过去分词,等于open)
3、empted ─── 捷足先登
4、opters ─── 选项
5、oped ─── v.开(ope的过去分词,等于open)
6、outed ─── adv.出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局;prep.从……里面出去,离开;adj.熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的;v.击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除;n.出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党
7、opter ─── 奥普特
8、coapted ─── 使接合;使接牢;使合紧
9、adopted ─── adj.收养的,领养的;所选择居住的,移居的;v.收养;采用,采纳;迁居,选择定居于;把……选为公职候选人;正式批准,接受;选(教材)作为课程范本;承担(道路)维修保养责任(adopt的过去式和过去分词)
opted 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Most unwed women in South Korea opt for an abortion. ─── 在韩国,大多数未婚怀孕的女性倾向于选择堕胎。
2、Toyota opted for the hard compound Bridgestones and a three-stop strategy for Ralf Schumacher. ─── 丰田车队为拉尔夫-舒马赫选择了较硬的普利司通轮胎和三次进站策略。
3、Little wonder then that the company has opted for a little glitz to mark the day when full production of its cars resumes. ─── 难怪在MG汽车重新投入成批生产之时,该公司选择带一点奢华的方式来纪念这一天。
4、A more radical solution would be to opt for a G2 of China and America. ─── 另外一个更激进的解决方案就是,由美国和中国成立G2集团。
5、But the consortium that won the contract for the island opted for a more aggressive approach. ─── 但是赢得合同的财团选择了一种更加有闯劲的方法。
6、He opted to play a heroic fighter pilot in the surefire blockbuster Independence Day (1996). ─── 他又在动作片《独立日》(1996年)中出演英勇的战斗机飞行员,大爆票房纪录。
7、They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value. ─── 他们选择了一项可怕的长期资产,一种实际上没有付出任何代价但肯定会贬值的资产。
8、Is OPT Better than GLT in Fault Diagnosis of Redundant Sensor System? ─── 冗余传感器故障诊断的最优奇偶向量法与广义似然比检验法的等效性?
9、Just to clarify, you still intend to opt out? ─── 你仍然打算选择成为自由球员吗?
10、But, after turning down Southend's offer of a contract, he opted for a move to Merseyside. ─── 但在拒绝了修安联提供的合约后,他选择去往默西塞德.
11、But if the Security Bureau shuts down the church, then I would opt for civil disobedience and they can arrest me. ─── 如果保安局封杀教会,我会行使公民抗命,他们可以拘捕我。
12、As shown in figure 7, you will notice that I have opted to use a custom JSL file extension for my external scripts. ─── 在图7中,你会注意到我在编辑我的外部脚本时,使用了典型的JSL文件扩展。
13、He has opted out of the election for the Presidency. ─── 他决定退出总统竞选。
14、The obstetrician opted for Cesarean section in order to avoid stress during vaginal delivery. ─── 在接续的剖腹生产中,维持血行动力学的稳定,对避免颅内出血及其他并发症的产生十分重要。
15、You cannot opt out of society. ─── 你不能脱离社会。
16、He opted to represent Altai territory. ─── 他选择阿尔泰地区作为自己的代表区。
17、NVIDIA has opted to skip including some of the features of DX10.1 in this generation of their architecture. ─── NVIDIA已选择跳过包括的一些功能dx10.1在我们这一代他们的建筑。
18、Contains the code analysis tool that you can opt to run on your code. ─── 包含代码分析工具,可以选择它在代码上运行。
19、In addition, only 48 percent of patients opted to have surgery on their second eye; most refused because of cost. ─── 另外,只有48%的患者选择对第二只眼睛做手术;大多数人拒绝是因为无力承担费用。
20、Caitlin's parents opted to educate her intensively at home. ─── 凯特林的父母选择在家对她进行强化教育。
21、She opted for the job on the east coast. ─── 她决定在东海岸工作。
22、Of the 25 women (aerage age of 43.9), 24 had repeat UAE (one patient had angiography, then opted for hysterectomy). ─── 在25名妇女中(平均年龄43.9周岁),24人有复发的子宫动脉栓塞(一个病人由于有血管造影术,因此选择了切除子宫)。
23、They haven't sold that well because the market to date has opted for more power at the same price. ─── 他们没有卖好的因为市场到日期有为更多选择以电力驱动的以相同的价格。
24、He told the court he was still studying the indictment and opted to delay entering a formal plea. ─── 他还告诉法院,他一直在尝试起诉并推迟正式的请求。
25、Will individual schools be given the right to opt out of the local school authority? ─── 各个学校可能有权选择退出地方教育局吗?
26、An eligible purchaser may opt to receive a mortgage subsidy of up to $162,000 over a period of six years. ─── 合资格的人士可选择在六年内领取按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162,000元。
27、She had known about the scheme for some time, but only opted in at the last minute. ─── 她知道这个计划已有一些时候,但直到最后一分钟才决定参加进去。
28、While the Hughes Inc. opted for the second cause, believing that the failure resulted from insufficient strength of the fairing. ─── 休斯认定是第二种模式,认为失败是整流罩强度不够造成的。
29、Lost actress Evangeline Lilly opted for a simple chiffon pink number. ─── 《迷失》中的女主角伊万杰琳·莉莉选择了一条简单的粉色薄纱裙。
30、There is hope that a new generation is emerging that will opt for an ethical culture. ─── 但是我们看到了希望,适应伦理文化的新一代正在出现。
31、Or should I opt for policy B with the higher premium of $180 but with a 50 percent discount for higher, excess? ─── B种保险费高一点,180美元,但高超额损失给百分之五十的折扣,我是不是应该选这种呢?
32、Later installments moved away from a tense atmosphere and instead opted for Myers as a lumbering slasher. ─── 后来将一部分场景从紧张的气氛中排出,迈尔斯又如同是一个笨重的独轮。
33、One late afternoon, Matt decided to go to Times Square, and I opted to take a small walk on our quiet street. ─── 一天下午晚些时候,马修想去时代广场,而我选择在靠着旅馆边的这条安静的街道上散散步。
34、L*u*v*, correlated color temperature, chromaticity (opt. ─── 亮度,光度,光强度,三色激励测色法,色度,相关色温
35、She opted for a winter vacation, instead of one in summer. ─── 她选择了在冬天休假而不是夏天。
36、While the Hughes Inc. opted for the second cause,it believed that the failure resulted from insufficient strength of the fairing. ─── 休斯认定了第二种模式,认为失败是展会影响不够造成的。
37、The children actually provide a useful excuse to opt out of tasks which Ann is usually expected to assume. ─── 孩子们实际上成了安推脱本该做的工作的最好借口。
38、Just why the German automaker opted for a Sebring-only American Le Mans Series program this year is hard to define. ─── 为什么德国汽车制造商选择了塞布林只有美国勒芒系列赛计划今年很难界定。
39、If you don't like our firm's insurance plan, you may opt out. ─── 如果你不喜欢我们公司的保险计划,可以退出。
40、For a more scenic route from Kuala Lumpur, opt for the KTMB train to Seremban. ─── 定金/预付政策:酒店将不收取定金。含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。包括服务费。
41、Excluding 71,000 members who have opted to join MPF schemes. ─── 不包括71,000名已经选择参与强积金计划的成员。
42、Why not opt for the cheapest way to look acceptable? ─── 何不买些最便宜的衣服让外貌能过得去就行了?
43、More than200 sophomores have opted for Mr. Jones's class. ─── 两百多名大二学生选修了琼斯先生的课。
44、Rather than lunching on a salad, you'll be more likely to opt for pizza. ─── 你更有可能选择披萨饼,而不是沙拉做为午餐。
45、Amid the holiday festivities, Stephen Harper has correctly opted to play the Grinch. ─── 在节假日期间,哈珀明智地选择了扮演圣诞怪杰的形象。
46、When the company was floated on the stock market, many of her employees opted to become shareholders. ─── 公司股票上市时,许多员工决定成为其股东。
47、Here people opt for coaches that are pretty good at most things. ─── 人们总是选择那些有很多技能的教练。
48、Sinopec and PetroChina have opted for heating Baotuan "winter" strategy. ─── 中石油和中石化则选择抱团取暖的“过冬”策略。
49、It could opt for any two of these features but not all three together. ─── 可以选择其中的任意两个特征,但不能同时拥有三个。
50、Hunter, 26, opted out of this week's Ipswich event following his diagnosis. ─── 26岁的亨特在得知诊断报告后,退出了本周的斯普斯维奇赛事。
51、He took one sip of the wine and opt it out . ─── 他喝了一点点酒,马上就吐了出来。
52、Unfortunately, anxious to avoid such overt intervention, the government has opted for half-measures. ─── 不幸的是,迫切地为了避免这种明显的介入(国有化),政府选择了折中措施。
53、But with little economic news to focus on Monday, investors opted to back off. ─── 但是随着很少经济新闻值得关注在星期一,投资者选择让步.
54、It's difficult to opt from so many choices. ─── 从那样多可供选择的东西中做选择是困难的。
55、With only Russia's NPO Saturn and Snecma in the game, the MoD has opted for Snecma. ─── 在仅有俄国的“土星科学生产联合体”与斯耐克玛竞争的情况下,国防部选择了斯耐克玛。
56、Champion Industries opted to be listed this year under Chapman Printing. ─── 冠军工业公司选择上市,今年根据查普曼印刷。
57、The announcement of Windows 98 will probably encourage many buyers to opt for more memory. ─── Windows 98的问世可能鼓励很多买家选择更多的存储器。
58、After the2008-09 season, Bryant can opt out of his contract, which is otherwise set to expire in2011. ─── 在2008-2009赛季后,科比可以解除自己的合同,或者到2011年合同到期离开。
59、They can,however,give trouble s if inappropriate application is ad opted. ─── 但是,如果使用不当也会造成各种各样的问题。
60、I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant; She opted for the job on the East coast. ─── 在这家餐馆我总是选择鱼加肉这道菜;她更愿选择东海岸。
61、He might be Superman to some, but his body is catching up with his age and he opted to get out with plenty of time to enjoy his family. ─── 他在有些人眼中也许是超人,但他的体能已随着年纪渐长而走下坡,于是他决定趁早退休,以便享受天伦之乐。
62、We opted for secret inquiries, where overt ones would have been for more productive. ─── 于是,在本来通过公开调查可以见效得多的问题,我们选择了进行秘密调查的方式。
63、opted . . . for a piano recital featuring classical pieces for her performance. . , . ─── 意思是她选择举行钢琴独奏会,为大家演奏古典乐曲。
64、He opted to go Paris rather than London. ─── 他决定去巴黎而不是伦敦。
65、Crusades are called by the Pope and all the Catholic factions can opt to join. ─── 十字军是教皇定名的,所有天主教徒都可以加入。
66、However, he opted not to take part because of quarantine problems with his horse. ─── 不过,他那时选择不参加,因为他的马有检疫问题。
67、How much would Greece suffer if it opted for default instead? ─── 如果选择违约,希腊将遭受怎样的折磨呢?
68、Nor can you help anyone else send e-mail to the address of someone who has opted out. ─── 也不能帮助其他人向自愿退出的收件人的地址发送电子邮件。
69、He took one sip of the wine and opt it out. ─── 他喝了一点点酒,马上就吐了出来。
70、And since the weather's glorious and warm, most of us opt to sleep on the deck. ─── 天气很好,也很暖和,我们中大多数人决定睡在甲板上。
71、Most people opt for buy their own home rather than rente them. ─── 大多数人愿意买房子而不愿意租房子。
72、Even in its first year, some 60 per cent of customers opt for this model with its ABS addition. ─── 在这种车推出的第一年内,大约60%的客户都因为这种abs而选择BMW K 100摩托车。
73、Mr Venizelos has opted for a tax amnesty to increase revenues, the second in less than a year. ─── 在一年不到的时间里,这是维尼泽洛斯先生第二次采取税收赦免政策来增加收入。
74、And Liu is one of millions who have decided to opt out. ─── 刘璐只是逃避婚检的数百万人中的一例。
75、The ambassador of the event opted for a chic LBD and ever-popular black patent leather Christian Louboutin heels. ─── 两个月后,领导宣布重新以过去的模式交付一切项目,我的第一个广播电视编导培训体系推动便这样结束。
76、After graduating she opted for a career in music. ─── 毕业后她选择了从事音乐工作。
77、"He has had a youth contract at Ajax, but has opted to build his career at Liverpool. ─── "他与阿贾克斯青年队有合同,而他选择利物浦作为足球生涯的开始."
78、But bankers say he has opted to keep the business for the time being. ─── 但银行家们表示,他选择了暂时保留此项业务。
79、Excluding 72,000 members who have opted to join MPF schemes. ─── 不包括72,000名已经选择参与强积金计划的成员。
80、Would you opt for an expensive luxurious car or a reasonable but practical car? ─── 你是要一辆很贵的豪华轿车呢,还是一辆既便宜但又实用的车?
81、One late afternoon, Matt decided to go to Times Square, and I 13)opted to take a small walk on our quiet street. ─── 一天下午晚些时候,马修要去时代广场,而我决定在边上那条安静的街道上走一会儿。
82、He opted to go to Paris rather than London. ─── 他决定去巴黎,不去伦敦。
83、Although he publicly considered other alternatives, including offers from Inter and overseas, the Czech opted to call it a day. ─── 尽管他公开表示自己会考虑其他球队的邀请,包括国米和海外淘金,但捷克火爆男最终决定挂靴。
84、Therefore,to bring the government s function into play is one of avenues to be opted in building it. ─── 因此,发挥政府的功能是构建中国农村医疗保障体系的路径选择之一。
85、To opt out at the critical moment would be quite indefensible. ─── 在关键时刻置身事外的做法是决不不能原谅的。
86、They opted to put an executive committee in charge of the project rather than a single person. ─── 他们选择由一个执行委员会而非个人来负责这个项目。
87、Parents want to follow the old ways; their children opt for the new. ─── 如果韩国家长的英语水平有限,而子女又不懂得多少韩语,那么家长和子女之间的沟通就更少了。
88、Opt for frequent cleanings to nip tarnish in the bud. ─── 只有经常的清洁才能防患于未然。
89、Most people opt for the furry friendliness of the cat family. ─── 大部分人选择毛茸茸而友善的猫科动物。
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