accoutrements 发音
英: 美:
accoutrements 中文意思翻译
accoutrements 网络释义
n. 军人的配备;服装
accoutrements 词性/词形变化,accoutrements变形
accoutrements 短语词组
1、accoutrements definition ─── 装备定义
2、accoutrements for ─── 设备
3、accoutrements gum ─── 配饰口香糖
4、accoutrements define ─── 装备定义
5、accoutrements llc ─── 装备有限责任公司
6、accoutrements defined ─── 定义的装备
7、accoutrements food ─── 配餐
8、accoutrements etc ─── 设备等
accoutrements 相似词语短语
1、accustrements ─── 准确度
2、accoustrements ─── 联轴器
3、accouchement ─── n.(法)分娩;生产
4、accouplement ─── n.对柱;[建]成双构件;系木
5、accouterments ─── n.服装;军人的配备(accouterment的复数)
6、accoutrement ─── n.穿着;配备(等于accouterment)
7、accoustrement ─── 联轴器
8、accouplements ─── n.对柱;[建]成双构件;系木
9、accouchements ─── n.(法)分娩;生产
accoutrements 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The above-said member has already returned all items of CAS uniform and accoutrements or compensated CASHQ for the lost items. ─── 上述队员已按规定交还所有民安队制服及装备或照价赔偿与民安队.
2、In the newly appealing club tropicana of my bathroom, the shaving accoutrements remained untouched. ─── 我浴室中的剔须装备一直没有动过。
3、Behind the prisoners came a transport of cavalry accoutrements. ─── 走在后面的是骑兵的车队。
4、Accoutrements: belt, neckties, gloves, insignia, badges, medals, etc. ─── 配备:皮带,制服领带,手套,徽章,胸牌,胸章
5、3.Issues of aviation accoutrements construction optimum verified paramount which involves whether the efficiency of the entire aviation accoutrements system could elaborate. ─── 航空装备结构优化的问题,是一个关系到整个航空装备体系的效能能否最大限度地发挥的重大问题。
6、The standard accouterments of the historical novel; cathedral ceilings,heated swimming pools,and other accoutrements signaling great wealth. ─── 这部历史小说的标准包装;天主教堂形的屋顶,游泳池,和另外一些财富的象征物
7、In the newly appealing club tropicana of my bathroom, the shaving accoutrements remained untouched. ─── 我浴室中的剔须装备一直没有动过。
8、Albert found in his anteroom two guns, with all the accoutrements for hunting ─── 阿尔贝在他的小厅里找到两支枪,和其他一些打猎的工具。
9、True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements. ─── 实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。
10、To protect yourself in future, all your office accoutrements should be discreetly marked with Tippex, invisible ink or similar. ─── 为了在将来保护好自己,你应该在办公室的所有装备上都仔仔细细地用记号笔、隐形墨水或类似的东西做上标记。
11、Trend and Construction Probe on Accoutrements Systematic Development Guarantee ─── 论保障装备体系发展的趋势与建设思路
12、The Rhythm in Polymer Clay Accoutrements ─── 软陶服饰品中的节奏感
13、Because women had worn bracelet watches in the 19thcentury, wristwatches were long considered feminine accoutrements. ─── 19世纪时,妇女会在手上戴著手镯般的表,因此手表一直被视为女性饰物。
14、Likewise, the dragon, long a symbol of the emperor in China, was a principal motif not only for stately court robes but also for the emperor's accoutrements. ─── 同样的,龙是中国皇帝的象征,它是一个主要的主题不仅用在朝廷的制服上,还用在御林军的军服上。
15、Hotpot, too, is probably a smart move, since there's not a whole lot for a waiter to do besides bring drinks and accoutrements. ─── 选择火锅做为餐厅的主打也是一个明智的做法,机器人服务员除了为客人递上酒水和火锅配料以外,就没有其他的事要做了。
16、The funerary societies have all the funeral accoutrements you could imagine. Even if they are only used once, one must still select the best. ─── 葬仪社的丧葬用品应有尽有。纵使只使用一次,还是要精挑细选。
17、Many cruise ships today have standard cabins of similar size and accoutrements , with the price differential being the location. ─── 今天有许多游船标准舱同样大小和随身,价格差别是地理位置。
18、The soldier was checking his accoutrements when he heard the gun shoot. ─── 听到枪响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备。
19、2) All items of Cadet uniform and accoutrements must be returned within 14 days of the notification of approval. Cadet must pay for items lost. ─── 团员在接获批准通知后十四天内,必须缴还所有少年团制服及装备,制服及装备如有遗失或损坏,团员须依价赔偿。
20、Their accoutrements were horribly incongruous;nothing is more funereal than the harlequin in rags. ─── 他们的装束真是丑到光怪陆离,再没有什么比这种一块块破布叠补起来的衣服更令人心酸的了。
21、They started adding little accoutrements to the advertising contracts and eventually they started throwing in bike-sharing systems. ─── 后来,他们开始在广告合同中增加一些小型装备。最终,他们开始进军自行车分享系统。
22、Older structures, such as the parliament, were to be tarted up with domes and other accoutrements. ─── 一些老的建筑比如说议会大厦将增建穹顶和其他的装饰。
23、They seem uninterested in the accoutrements of wealth. ─── 他们好像对财富的积累没有什么兴趣。
24、They collected a batch of new type of clothing and accoutrements including cold-proof overcoats, fur caps, wool vests and others and delivered them to the frontline patrolling officers and men. ─── 他们筹集了一批新型防寒大衣、皮帽、毛背心等御寒被装发放到一线执勤分队官兵手中;
25、Nature's accoutrements thrive in a universe of oddities and romantic curiosities. ─── 自然界的景观包括种种烂漫和新奇的元素。
26、Mr Obama now has all the accoutrements of a president-in-waiting. ─── 奥巴马已经为接任总统做好了准备。
27、Also coming for 2010 is the turbocharged 12-cylinder 760Li, into which BMW installs even more luxury accoutrements while positively dumping in the power, to the tune of 536 hp and 553 lb-ft of torque. ─── 另外,我们即将为2010年是涡轮增压12缸760Li,将其安装更宝马豪华装备,同时积极倾销电源,高达536马力和五百五十三磅-ft的扭矩。
28、It didn't take long for other accoutrements of trash culture to surface. ─── 过后不久,其它形式的文化垃圾也纷纷粉墨登场。
29、Aviation Accoutrements ─── 航空装备
30、Or if, as sometimes happens, I'm giving a gadget we no longer need to someone else, I can give them all the accoutrements, as well. ─── 或者,像有时候的情况,如果我把自己不再使用的一个电子产品送给别人,我也能把全部附件送给别人。
31、the standard accouterments of the historical novel; cathedral ceilings, heated swimming pools, and other accoutrements signaling great wealth. ─── 这部历史小说的标准包装;天主教堂形的屋顶,游泳池, 和另外一些财富的象征物
32、Or if, as sometimes happens, I'm giving a gadget we no longer need to someone else, I can give them all the accoutrements, as well. ─── 或者,像有时候的情况,如果我把自己不再使用的一个电子产品送给别人,我也能把全部附件送给别人。
33、Their goggles were pushed down around their thick, furry necks; The armor and accoutrements they wore only made them seem that much more like captive and dangerous wild animals. ─── 他们的护目镜被摘了下来,挂在粗壮的、长满鬃毛的脖子上面。两人身上的护甲和装备让他们看起来更象是被捕获的危险野生动物。
34、The soldier is checking his accoutrements when he hear the gun shoot. ─── 听到枪响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备。
35、buy product:Accoutrements Creates and Stocks 400 Amazing Toys, Gifts and Novelties. ─── 经营产品 : 经营产品:玩具,礼品及新产品。
36、True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements . ─── 实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。
37、Examples are government furniture, staff uniforms and accoutrements, litter containers, mailboxes and brief cases. ─── 产品计有政府家具、职员制服和装备、废纸箱、邮箱及公事包等。
38、Aviation Accoutrements Construction Optimum Analysis Based on Fuzzy AHP ─── 基于模糊层次分析法的航空装备结构优化分析
39、I love stationery and all the accoutrements of writing. ─── 我爱文具以及所有的书写的工具装备。
40、Wood was piled up for a supply of fuel through the night, shanties were being rigged up for the officers, pots were being boiled, and arms and accoutrements set to rights. ─── 拖来了过夜所需的木柴。为军官们架好帐篷,大锅里煮着饭,武器和装备都安置妥当。
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