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08-23 投稿


subservience 发音

英:[səb'sɜːvɪəns]  美:[səb'sɝvɪəns]

英:  美:

subservience 中文意思翻译



subservience 词性/词形变化,subservience变形

动词过去分词: subserved |动词第三人称单数: subserves |动词现在分词: subserving |动词过去式: subserved |

subservience 短语词组

1、subservience banished ─── 屈从放逐

subservience 相似词语短语

1、subservient ─── adj.屈从的;奉承的;有用的;有帮助的

2、supervenience ─── n.附生性;伴随发生;偶然性

3、subserviency ─── n.有用;裨益

4、subsequence ─── n.随后;接着(尤指结果、效果);(数学)子序列,部分序列

5、submergence ─── n.下潜,下沉;淹没

6、subsentence ─── 小节

7、subserviently ─── 从属地

8、subserving ─── vt.对…有帮助;促进

9、subscience ─── 科学分支

subservience 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, Mr Blair remains a controversial figure because of his involvement in the Iraq war and alleged subservience to the US during his premiership. ─── 不过,布莱尔仍是一个有争议的人物,因为他参与了伊拉克战争,并在主政期间据称对美国言听计从。

2、After centuries of subservience to the “white” minority, they have mastered the country's politics and reshaped its guiding documents. ─── 在从属于“白人”少数民族几个世纪后,他们掌握了国家的政治,重新确立了国家的纲领性文件。

3、Empty heart and go: in the vicinity of cemeteries as long as it maintains the mentality of subservience of the serene, the current that is, MO enlisted. ─── 心空及第归:只要保持清明在躬的安祥心态,当下即是,莫向外求。

4、To reduce to a position of subservience or submission. ─── 下跪一种表示恭顺,屈服的降低姿势

5、Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family, friends, and personal group goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group. 12. ─── 10.该组织引发信徒们产生罪恶感,然后以此来控制他们。11.信徒对组织的忠诚,切断或伤害到他们与其家人和朋友的关系,也改变了他们原来的人生目标和感兴趣的活动。

6、It does what every small dog is supposed to do: provide you with unconditional love, subservience and undemanding attention. ─── 它会做每只小狗去做的事情:为你提供无条件的爱、顺从和要求不高的注意力。

7、It is out of the servitude and subservience that most humans are convinced they must "work" to survive, must pay the mortgage or else, must make the car payment or else! ─── 就是在苦役和附属性状态里,绝大多数人类被说服他们必须“工作”才能维生,必须偿还抵押或其他的帐单,必须为汽车或其它的付款!

8、All his actions were in subservience to the general plan. ─── 他的所有行为对整体计划有帮助。

9、Rainbow People also perceive the dark forces vying to destroy, and know how to take vibration to command them into subservience or dissipate them into nonexistence. ─── 彩虹人也能觉察到正在努力破坏的黑暗势力,并懂得如何应用振动来指挥它们变得有益,或者将其驱散而不复存在。

10、Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology , condemns women to subservience , and marks unbelievers for murder. ─── 在其中的一种系统中,一小撮狂热分子要求全体服从一种压制性的意识形态,迫使妇女卑屈,杀害不信仰者。

11、Subservience is not loyalty. ─── 承顺者未必是忠诚。

12、Silence is not stupidity. Cleverness is not wisdom. Self-respect is not arrogance. Subservience is not loyalty. ─── 寡言者未必是愚痴;利口者未必是聪明;自尊者未必是傲慢;承顺者未必是忠诚。

13、"If we cannot do that it's not a relationship of equals but one of subservience. " ─── “如果我们不能那么做,这就不是一种平等关系,而是一种屈从的关系。”

14、It does what every small dog is supposed to do: provide you with unconditional love, subservience and undemanding attention. ─── 它会做每只小狗去做的事情:为你提供无条件的爱、顺从和要求不高的注意力。

15、They pretend a certain subservience, ─── 他们假装在伺候人,

16、When they heard the news they called their own meeting-in Paris of course-to denounce canine subservience to the human hyperpower. ─── 它们听到这个消息后,也召开了一次会议--当然这次是在巴黎--痛斥狗屈服于人类强权的懦弱行径。

17、Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology, condemns women to subservience, and marks unbelievers for murder. ─── 在一个体系中,是一小撮狂热分子,追求对一种压迫性的意识形态的绝对服从;女性只能屈从附属;

18、And it has tried to avoid total subservience to any one of these by playingthem off against each other. ─── 仰光还通过使这些邻国相互对抗来避免完全依附于他们中的任何一个。

19、By the same token, losing is a ticket to subservience, reminding us of the importance of winning and thrusting us back into the race, no matter how often we lose (think about the gambler's mentality). ─── 根据同样的标志,输了就是俯首听命的入场券,提醒我们认识获赢的重要,把我们推回到竞赛当中,无论我们输得多么地频繁(想想赌徒的心态吧)。

20、But the Worldwide Robotics Corporation did promise that every new robot built would be installed with a subservience chip? ─── 但世界机器人公司承诺所有新建造的机器人都会安装一个从属芯片?

21、I was told in school to put a patient in a gown when he isn't listening or cooperating. It casts him in a position of subservience. ─── 学校里我学到的是如果病人不听话或者不合作,就让他穿上大袍子。这对他反而是有益的。

22、The false gods arranged sacred geometry that shattered the 1 billion souls into subservience . ─── 虚假神们改写了神圣几何学去粉碎那1亿个灵魂。

23、Ultimately, it is up to businesses to understand that it is in their interest to encourage employees to think creatively and independently, rather than demanding too much subservience. ─── 归根结底,公司必须明白,鼓励员工发明创造和独立思考有利于生意的发展。

24、The false gods arranged sacred geometry that shattered the 1 billion souls into subservience. ─── 虚假神们改写了神圣几何学去粉碎那1亿个灵魂。

25、When they heard the news they called their own meeting—in Paris of course—to denounce canine subservience to the human hyperpower. ─── 它们听到这个消息后,也召开了会议——当然是在巴黎——痛斥狗屈服于人类强权的懦弱行径。

26、21.No matter how one slices it, polygamy rests on a notion of male superiority and female subservience, as well as a belief that the male is radically distinct from the female. ─── 无论怎么看,一夫多妻制总是基于男人优越而女人卑贱这样一种观念,以及男人根本不同于女人这样一种信念。

27、To lie or creep in a prostrate position,as in subservience or humility. ─── 匍匐爬行,趴着以俯卧的姿势躺或爬,如奉承或屈辱。

28、It can be applied to treat the lower abdomen turgid pain and dark purple menstrual color with piece and treat dissecting and subservience hysteromyoma. ─── 用于淤血内停所致的小腹胀痛,经色紫有块,以及子宫壁间肌瘤及浆膜下肌瘤见上述症状者。

29、Nowadays, women have been freed from subservience and have become more and more equal with men. ─── 现如今,女性从压制中解放出来了,女性和男性也日渐平等。

30、I could not make subservience an automatic part of my behavior ─── 我不能把阿谀奉承化为我自动奉行的处世之道。

31、“The burqa is not a religious sign,” Mr Sarkozy said last year, but rather a “sign of subservience, a sign of debasement” of women. ─── 原因之一是他们历时百年的非宗教传统强烈地反对信仰和国家的分离,并且传统使得大多数法国人对显眼的宗教感到不安。

32、“If we cannot do that it's not a relationship of equals but one of subservience. ─── “如果我们不能那么做,这就不是一种平等关系,而是一种屈从的关系。”

33、subservience to a human king, native or foreign, is in these texts considered a rejection of the divine kingship, and it's seen as a breach of the covenant. ─── 在这些文章中,归属于人类的国王,本土的,国外的,都会当做是对神圣关系的抵制,这被看作是违反契约的行为。

34、humans who chose to create a lesser than human for subservience and ultimately to do the work that their “creators” did not desire to do themselves. ─── 人类选择制造次种人来服务,最终去干他们“创造者”不想自己去干的工作。

35、He explains that this subservience of religion to the state has always existed in China and in many other countries as well. ─── 宗教服务于国家在中国由来已久,在其他许多国家也莫不如此。

36、To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility. ─── 匍匐爬行,趴着以俯卧的姿势躺或爬,如奉承或屈辱

37、His costume suggests work and subservience: work-goggles around his neck, a grimy face, knee-pads. ─── 他的装束反映了他的状况,脖子上一双骨碌转的眼睛,邋遢的脸,护膝。

38、After centuries of subservience to the "white" minority, they have mastered the country's politics and reshaped its guiding documents. ─── 从属于少数“白人”几个世纪之后,他们已经成为了国家政治的主人,并重新制定了自己的指导文件(宪法)。

39、It casts him in a position of subservience. ─── 这对他反而是有益的。

40、As he pointed out in 1936, “technological reproducibility emancipates the work of art from its parasitical subservience to ritual” and this emancipation politicizes the social function of art (3:106). ─── 正如1936年他曾指出,“技术可复制性将艺术作品从礼仪的依附性中解脱出来”,这种解放使得艺术的社会功能政治化(3:106)。

41、Our affairs and desires are to be placed in subservience to the will of our God. ─── 我们自身的事情和愿望应当服从神的意志。

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