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09-10 投稿


enveloping 发音

英:[ɪnˈveləpɪŋ]  美:[ɪnˈveləpɪŋ]

英:  美:

enveloping 中文意思翻译



enveloping 短语词组

1、enveloping colors of sky blue ─── 天蓝的包络色

2、enveloping surface ─── [化] 包络面

3、enveloping me ─── 包围着我

4、enveloping algebra ─── 封裹代数

5、enveloping sound ─── 包络声

6、enveloping circle ─── 包络圆

7、enveloping color ─── 包络颜色

8、enveloping series ─── 信封系列

9、enveloping layer ─── 周围层

10、enveloping scheme ─── 包络方案

11、enveloping glow crossword ─── 包络发光纵横字谜

12、enveloping cone ─── 包络锥

13、enveloping pit ─── 包围坑

14、enveloping worm ─── [化] 环面蜗杆; 球面蜗杆

15、enveloping glow ─── 包络辉光

16、enveloping cloak ─── 包裹斗篷

17、enveloping line ─── [化] 包络线

18、enveloping def ─── 包络定义

19、enveloping colors ─── 包络色

enveloping 词性/词形变化,enveloping变形

动词第三人称单数: envelops |动词过去分词: enveloped |动词现在分词: enveloping |动词过去式: enveloped |名词: enveloper |

enveloping 相似词语短语

1、deloping ─── 删除

2、envenoming ─── vt.使有毒,下毒

3、redeveloping ─── v.重建,重新开发(redevelop的现在分词)

4、disenveloping ─── 错位

5、antelopine ─── 前视

6、developing ─── adj.发展中的;生长的,变化的;n.发展;v.发展;成长;产生;感受;使(摄影胶片)显影(develop的现在分词)

7、interloping ─── v.闯入;干涉;侵占他人权益

8、eloping ─── v.私奔(elope的现在分词)

9、envelopment ─── n.包;包封,封套;封皮

enveloping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Blocking the open-sided porch, framed by the enveloping fog, stood a tall grave-faced policeman. ─── 一位身材高大的警察,板着面孔,堵住了敞开的门廊,像被套在镜柜里似地站在氤氲大雾之中。

2、Come one year, memory chip inventory rising, price is cruel drop more than, afore-mentioned tycoons are pathos early to envelop. ─── 一年来,存储芯片库存高涨、价格惨跌不止,上述巨头早为悲情笼罩。

3、If you want to book English Weekly,please fill the blank and enclose a check of $10 in the envelop. ─── 假如你要定,请填本表并在信封里附上10美元汇票.

4、Some of them appreciate the convenience brought by modern technology, while others miss the days when feelings were put in an envelop with a stamp on it. ─── 一些人十分感激现代技术带来的便利条件,而其它人把时间都花费在贴上邮票的信封上。

5、Object content of enveloping substance, stability of laying up and heat heavy were measured.Enlarging and applicating test were well done. ─── 对包络物的客体含量,所放置的稳定性与热重进行了检测,并进行了扩大与应用试验。

6、I want to say to the owner of the picture, you are idr, why you just take the picture for the envelop? No content ? ─── 加入铁杆会员,一次交费,终身使用,无阅读下载限制,详情查看

7、In 1995, Georgia Benkart etc. constructed quantum deformations of enveloping algebra of Borcherds superalgebra. ─── 1995年,Georgia Benkart等构造了Borcherds超代数的量子化包络代数。

8、The left and right surround speakers recreate the enveloping sound and intense special effects that you experience at the cinema. ─── 左侧和右侧环绕音箱再现犹如你在影院中体验到的包围音场和激烈特效。

9、Detailed Buying Lead Description Buy oil envelop, mainly for trucks, tractors, trailers. ─── 寻找卡车的油封,请厂家与我们联系.

10、The generously proportioned rooms envelop one of the great surviving privately formed collections of 18th-century French art, furniture and gold boxes. ─── 宽敞的房间里封藏着幸存下来的珍贵的18世纪法国艺术收藏品,家具和金盒子。

11、To envelop in or as if in a cocoon, as for protection from a harsh or unfriendly environment. ─── 包围包围在或好象包围在茧中,如在严峻的和非友好的环境中得到保护

12、Stamp all documents and the collection envelope when issuing the same and collect the relevant copies in the collection envelop. ─── 从收集信封中发放和收集相关的文档副本时,确保在所有的文档上和收集信封上盖章。

13、Energetically, such seduction often looks like a large fan that is projected from a certain chakra region enveloping both you and the seducer. ─── 从能量上来说,这类诱惑往往看起来象一面巨大的扇子,是既从你、也从诱惑者的某个脉轮区域演化出来的。

14、Once you are clear, you will see immense love will envelop you in all directions. ─── 一旦你是清晰的,你会看见巨大的爱从四面八方降临你。

15、The secret lies in a thin layer of microbes, known as a biofilm, that researchers found enveloping gold grains in a Queensland mine. ─── 秘密就在于被称为生物膜的一薄层微生物,研究人员在昆士兰州的金矿中发现这种生物膜包住了金颗粒。

16、According to the concept of envelop evaluates equation Come to the conclusion that the projection of torus is close elliptic equidistant curve but is not ellipse. ─── 从而得出结论:圆环面的轮廓线是封闭的椭圆等距曲线,而不是椭圆。

17、He felt the envelop with Schultzy's fifty in his pocket and fought back the urge to the dice. ─── 他摸摸装在衣袋里信封中舒尔茨给他的五十块钱,抑制住自己要去掷骰子的瘾头。

18、When dark gray curtain has been blocked the night, dawn, the gray indistinct to envelop the earth. ─── 天黑的时候,灰幕被夜幕挡住,天亮时,灰朦又笼罩大地了。

19、May include enveloping, de-enveloping, or encryption. ─── 可以包含包封、反包封或加密。

20、They pushed the envelop of pop music and became the biggest band of the 20th century. ─── 他们不断革新流行乐界,因而成为20世纪最伟大的乐团。

21、CAPICOM can be used to digitally sign data, sign code, verify digital signatures, envelop data for privacy, hash data, encrypt decrypt data and more. ─── CAPICOM可用于对数据进行数字签名、对代码签名、验证数字签名、包封保密数据、对数据进行散列处理、加密及解密数据等等。

22、Based on analyses the methods of the measuring head s radius compensation,a new algorithm with enveloping "canker" for measuring head s radius compensation is proposed. ─── 在分析测头半径补偿的方法基础上,提出了一种包络“腐蚀”法,实现对测头半径的补偿。

23、The temperature variation in a refrigeration appli-ance with envelop structure depends on the characteris-tics of the entire envelop, which may consist of a lot of plane walls. ─── 它一整句的意思是在一整个密封的冷藏装置中的温度变动取决于这一整个冷藏装置的特别构造,这些构造有可能由许多平板构成.

24、Another reported envelop protein, VP281 is found containing a cell attachment sequence by protein sequence analysis and may play a role in the virus attachment. ─── 另一定位的囊膜蛋白VP281序列分析中含有一细胞吸附序列(cell attachment sequence),可能在病毒吸附中发挥作用。

25、He steamed the valuable stamp off the envelop. ─── 他用蒸汽熏揭下信封上的邮票。

26、Envelop in the shadow of avian flu below, how does the rasorial industry henceforth grow, will be the problem that broad industry colleague cares very. ─── 在禽流感的阴影笼罩下,今后的家禽业如何发展,将是广大行业同仁十分关心的问题。

27、But, from the very first day, that unexpected light which was rising slowly and enveloping the whole of the young girl's person, wounded Jean Valjean's sombre eye. ─── 可是这种逐渐上升的、一步步把这年轻姑娘浑身缠绕着的阳光,从第一天起,便刺伤了冉阿让忧郁的眼睛。

28、Please indicate the position you want to apply for on envelop! ─── 信封上请务必注明所申请的职位名称!

29、Writer-director Eric Barbier built his film on the tension between his two actors, using suspense and atmosphere to envelop the audience. ─── 云逊被迫走头无路,剩下唯一最后的希望就是采用与约瑟夫相同的手段来让他自尝恶果。

30、To cover or envelop with or as if with fog. ─── 以雾包围以或仿佛以雾气覆盖或包容

31、The bright, warm colors of their clothes and the enveloping field are juxtaposed with the cold, technological quality of the airplanes. ─── 他们的衣服和包围的领域的明亮,温暖的颜色被飞机的冷,技术上的质量并列。

32、The shape of the envelop suggested that the letter might be from a girl. ─── 信封的形状表明该信可能是一个女孩写的。

33、When you have done the best you can, let go. Leave the rest to the One whose love and wisdom envelop everything you do. ─── 凡事尽力就好,至于结果好与坏就让老天决定吧!祂用爱与智慧欣赏你所做的一切.

34、Packing materials : Can be hot envelop complex psc kfilm. ─── 包装材料:可热封的复合包装材料。

35、To remove(a tumor or an eye, for example) whole from an enveloping cover or sac. ─── 剜出从一个包裹性表面或袋中去除(例如肿瘤或眼球)

36、Other new and continuing scandals threaten to envelop Hong Kong-listed mainland companies. ─── 在香港上市的内地公司仍不断受丑闻困扰。

37、Epimatium only partly enveloping seed and less than 1/3 its length, forming a somewhat membranous, asymmetric, cupular sheath around its base. ─── 假种皮仅部分包围种子长度的不到1/3,形成稍膜质,非对称的,杯状鞘。

38、Looking for oil envelop for cummins, caterpillar, komatsu, detroit diesel etc. ─── 寻找汽车油封等配件,请中国的供应商们联系我们.

39、A mucopolysaccharide outer shell enveloping certain bacteria. ─── 囊包裹着一定细菌的黏多糖外壳

40、Your beating heating heart, gurgling stomach and a distorted version of your voice all make up the white noise enveloping your baby. ─── 你心脏的跳动、咕噜的肚子和你的怪腔调都会成为围绕你身体的白噪音。

41、An Energy-bypass system located parallel to combustor has been applied for the performance improvement at high flight speed and extension of flight envelop. ─── 为了提高冲压发动机在更高速度区内的性能,扩展发动机的运行速度范围,需要在并行于发动机的燃烧室处附加一套能量旁路系统。

42、An enveloping, warm, almost sensual scent that releases mysterious wafts of tobacco, hay and smoked wood. ─── 乾燥的木质香气迎面而来,温暖、包容著一种诱惑的感觉,带有一点点烟草般凛冽的神秘味道,

43、To enclose protectively; envelop. ─── 围护保护地包围;包蔽

44、Enveloping the dissolved ureter with a piece of pediculated omentum is very effective. ─── 带蒂大网膜包裹术是有效的治疗方法。

45、She pasted the stamp on the envelop. ─── 她在信封上粘上邮票。

46、Streams of annihilation disks flew, flaring bright when they struck, enveloping the fallen Invid in a brief inferno.The stench of the charred body wafted through the Hive. ─── 一串串湮灭光弹飞出,击中目标时发出明亮的火舌,倒下的因维人被烈火包围着,烧焦的尸体发出臭气,飘散在蜂房里。

47、This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping Earth; the atmosphere. ─── 大气覆盖地球的不同量的湿气和特殊物质的混合物;大气

48、Can you give me a return envelop? ─── 你能给我一个回邮信封吗?

49、Traditionally made of papier-mache by mascherari, the masks are used during Carnevale celebrations that envelop Venice for two weeks before Ash Wednesday. ─── 威尼斯传统面具由纸制成,通常在威尼斯狂欢节中使用。

50、An enveloping sheath or envelope. ─── 外皮或包膜一个包装壳或外壳

51、If sending by mail, please prepare an airmail envelop (No. 7) with receipt address and enough stamps. ─── 如需邮寄,请准备一个7号航空信封,并在封面填妥收信地址,并参照以下标准贴足邮票。

52、TI worm drive is a novel kind of hourglass worm, which consists of involute helical gear and enveloping hourglass worm. ─── TI蜗杆由渐开线斜齿轮包络形成,与斜齿轮组成一种环面蜗杆传动。

53、Ultraviolet radiation and violent stellar winds have blown out an enormous cavity in the gas and dust enveloping the cluster. ─── 紫外线和猛烈的星际风,在气体以及包裹星群的灰尘上吹出了一个硕大的洞。

54、The train was eight hours late due to the catastrophic flooding that had been enveloping much of China during our stay. ─── 火车晚点了八小时,源于我们呆在中国时那场席卷了中国很多地区的水灾。

55、Subterranean cold and damp envelop the residents Talgath, a town marked by Death. ─── 塔尔加斯城典型的地下湿冷气候包裹着当地居民;这是一座名副其实的死亡之城。

56、The photonic crystal fiber(PCF) with a special envelop structure induces the light by photonic bandgap(PBG) effect. ─── 光子晶体光纤(PCF)是一种具有特殊包层结构的光纤,它是利用光子禁带效应(PBG)来导光的。

57、He never imagined the whirlwind that would envelop him. ─── 他从没想到厄运来得这么快。

58、Some divers report tentacles enveloping their masks and yanking at their cameras and gear. ─── 一些潜水者称这些乌贼用触手揭开它们的氧气面罩,并拉扯相机和潜水用具。

59、The newest study situation of layout design tools,such as mankin, eyellipse,head contour and hand-reach envelop are introduced. ─── 介绍了汽车车身总布置设计工具人体模型、眼椭圆、头廓包络线、手伸及界面的最新研究情况。

60、Instantly sealing for the paper board& PP, PVC blister and the paper board not to deform, Instant heating, fully envelop perfectly for blister. ─── PVC 泡壳与印刷精美的纸板瞬间接合而纸板不会变形,瞬热式,泡壳可完全密封。

61、But the backside that the market flourishs, the product is coessential the shadow that change also is enveloping PC manufacturer all the time. ─── 但市场繁荣的背后,产品同质化的阴影也一直笼罩着 PC 厂商。

62、Last week, we examined the idea of a CTC enveloping the island due to the strong electromagnetic field. ─── 上个礼拜,我们研究了,由于强电磁场,使得CTC包裹小岛的想法。

63、"Truth" can help people solve life of almost all the issues, but also allows people to expose the world enveloping his life. ─── “真相”可以帮助人们解决生活中几乎所有的问题,也可以让人们的生活顷刻间暴露于世。

64、If I am lucky, I can get a gift or a red envelop, too. ─── 如果幸运的话,我还可以得到礼物或红包哩!

65、Cellophane base, apply with glue, It is easy to rip and have good extension.Suitable for enveloping circuit and fastening or joining stationary, etc. ─── 以玻璃纸为基材,涂上压敏胶而成,延伸性好。适用于集成电路生产及文具的粘贴,固定。

66、Cellophane base,apply with glue,It is easy to rip and have good extension.Suitable for enveloping circuit and fastening or joining stationary,etc. ─── 以玻璃纸为基材,涂上压敏胶而成,延伸性好。适用于集成电路生产及文具的粘贴,固定。

67、The only barrier was a mosquito net, enveloping the entire bed. ─── 唯一的障碍是那顶蚊帐罩住整个床。

68、She could hear the dancing of the palm leaves whenever the wind blew, a blend of warm and cool air enveloping her. ─── 她可以听到手掌的舞蹈留下每当风吹,包封她的一种温暖又凉爽空气的混和。

69、Please Return this letter with the documents requested. You must put the attached sticker on the outside of the envelop when mailing the requested documents. ─── 上面说我不需要在提供其他的文件和信息了,我还要根据第一句话把这张纸头几乎大使馆吗?

70、The rim of the plugs is usually not exposed and the enveloping material cannot be ascertained. ─── 岩栓的边缘通常是不露出的,因而不能确定其包裹的物质是什么。

71、Make sure the stamp is properly glued to the envelop. ─── 一定要把邮票在信封上粘牢。

72、He remained transfixed on the other five fires enveloping scores of Spartans. ─── 他被其余五处大火吞没了大量斯巴达惊呆了。

73、Her velvet cloak could only partly shield her from the Arctic conditions enveloping the wedding ceremony. ─── 在结婚典礼上,天鹅绒斗篷仅能帮她遮挡部分北极严寒。

74、Instantly sealing for the paper board &PP,PVC blister and the paper board not to deform, Instant heating, fully envelop perfectly for blister. ─── PVC泡壳与印刷精美的纸板瞬间接合而纸板不会变形,瞬热式,泡壳可完全密封。

75、We live in a cyber cocoon enveloping the Earth," Baker said. ─── 我们生活在被网络茧壳包裹的地球上,”贝克匀说。

76、To enclose; envelop. ─── 包围;包装

77、On the basis of this, a new method of spectral envelop adjustment is presented. ─── 在此基础上,本文探讨了一种谱包络调整的改进方法。

78、Her thumb pauses just above the pen's button and she looks up at Cang Li Man from a big envelop in her hand. ─── 她刚要按下那支笔的按钮,却停了下来,然后从手里的一只大信封上抬起头来看着仓里满。

79、"They will return of their own accord," the mercenary explained, pulling at the edge of his bloused sleeve to reveal the magical sheath enveloping his wrist. ─── “它们会按顺序自己回来的。”佣兵解释道,掀起他短衬衫的衣袖,露出了腰间的魔法刀鞘。

80、Issue requisitions for parts, lubricants or other materials and record the same on the work order and collection envelop. ─── 发放需要配件,润滑油或其他材料的领料申请单,并同时在工作单和收集信封上记录。

81、Write down our address in another envelop correctly, and put the first one in. ─── 在另一个信封正确写上我们的地址,把原来的信封放进去。

82、The generator was located on the surface of Endor's moon, enveloping the Death Star high above in protective energy. ─── 该发生器坐落于恩多卫星的表面,把死星包裹在高高在上的防护能量中。

83、See this love flowing from you like a fountain of pink mist and see it surrounding and enveloping all those that are dear to you. ─── 你看着爱从你的身上流出,就如同一股由粉红色的薄雾组成的活水,把你所爱的人们包围和笼罩。

84、Keep and control the work order collection envelop. ─── 保留并保管工作单收集信封。

85、The enveloping paper was of a greenish hue, and appeared to be mouldy. ─── 好象一部八开的书,用纸包着,纸发绿色,象霉了似的。

86、The mother-in-law gave her son-in-law a red envelop filled with money as a gift. ─── 丈母娘给了女婿一个红包当作见面礼。

87、The playpen includes an enveloping part and a foldable bedstead. The enveloping part covers around the foldable bedstead. ─── 该婴儿床包括一收合式床架主体以及一装设于该收合式床架主体的包覆件。

88、SOAP is one such protocol; it defines an XML-based encoding and enveloping standard for system-to-system communication. ─── SOAP就是这样一种协议,它为系统对系统通信定义了一个基于XML的编码和封装的标准。

89、Before leaving for the winter break, though, I noticed the collective excitement enveloping the halls of LBS. ─── 但在寒假开始之前,我注意到了充斥整个伦敦商学院的集体兴奋。

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