appropriable 发音
英:[əˈproʊpriəbl] 美:[əpˈrəʊprɪəbl]
英: 美:
appropriable 中文意思翻译
appropriable 短语词组
1、appropriable meaning ─── 正当意义
2、appropriable strategy ─── 适宜策略
3、appropriable define ─── 合理界定
4、appropriable definition ─── 合理定义
appropriable 相似词语短语
1、appropriacy ─── (措词的)准确性;中肯;恰到好处
2、appropriates ─── adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的;vt.占用,拨出(专款等)
3、appropriate ─── adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的;vt.占用,拨出(专款等)
4、appropriated ─── v.挪用;拨款;把…据为己有;顺手牵羊(appropriate的过去式)
5、appropriative ─── adj.专用的;充当的;可拨用的
6、appreciable ─── adj.可感知的;可评估的;相当可观的
7、expropriable ─── 可解释的
8、appropriately ─── adv.适当地;合适地;相称地
9、approachable ─── adj.亲切友善的;易理解的;可接近的
appropriable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、appropriable quasi-rents ─── 可占用性准租
2、Study on bargaining model of the appropriable specificity quasi rents ─── 可占用准租的讨价还价模型研究
3、The eager of appropriable quasi-rents made the retail trader want to get rid of the limit of the manufacturer, carry out the longitudinal integration, and begin to develop and produce his own brand. ─── 的不完备性导致零售商考虑需要改进或改变与制造商间的交易; 对可占用性准租的渴望使零售商有动力摆脱制造商的限制,实施纵向一体化,开始开发并生产自己的品牌。
4、An ethical dilemma is a situation that an individual faces involving a decision about appropriable behavior. ─── 道德困境的情况下,个人面临的一项决定,涉及大约占用行为。
5、appropriable funds. ─── 可拨用的基金
6、Study on bargaining model of the appropriable specificity quasi rents ─── 可占用准租的讨价还价模型研究
7、At appropri kte places, he kintrodu Nude cesthe criticisms Lady of the creationists and provides answers. ─── 作者在合适的地方引入了对创世纪论者的批评并提供了后者的回答。
8、Opportunist may put hold-up in practice in order to get appropriable quasi rents relate with the asset specificity. ─── 资产专用性产生准租收入,机会主义者为了获得准租就可能实施敲竹杠行为,一旦这种可能成为现实,企业之间的良好交易关系会被破坏,从而增大交易成本。
9、We have the designers and manufacturers for appropriable machines or cleaning equipments.At is our pleasure to go to your factory and design the auto-equipments for your special specification. ─── 本公司备有专业的机械设计与制造人员,可至现场为您设计规划适合贵公司特用的自动化专用设备。
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