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09-10 投稿


expectance 发音

英:[[ɪks'pektəns]]  美:[[ɪks'pektəns]]

英:  美:

expectance 中文意思翻译



expectance 短语词组

1、life expectance ─── 概率寿命计算求出的工作期限

2、expectance expectancy ─── 期望 ─── 期望

3、expectance regard to the way ─── 对道路的期待

expectance 相似词语短语

1、expectant ─── adj.期待的;怀孕的;预期中的;n.期待者;候选人

2、expectantly ─── adv.期望地,期待地

3、expectative ─── adj.期待中的

4、expectancies ─── n.期望,期待

5、expectances ─── n.预期,期望;期待

6、inexpectancy ─── n.未预期

7、expectancy ─── n.期望,期待

8、expectants ─── adj.期待的;怀孕的;预期中的;n.期待者;候选人

9、expectable ─── adj.能预期的;意料中的

expectance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Slecve bearing life expectance:20,000 hours minimum. ─── 含油轴承预期寿命:至少20,000小时。

2、Never expect him to come up with a brilliant idea. ─── 别指望他能够想出好主意。

3、They can expect an earful on what the slump is doing economically. ─── 他们将因商业不景气对经济所产生的影响而受到严厉的训斥。

4、He who is hate by all cannot expect to live long. ─── 千夫所指,不久即死。

5、Culturally Bradford was not the howling wilderness I had been led to expect. ─── 布拉德福德并不是我想像中的那样,她不是一块文化上的荒原。

6、She believes that she has a fight to be herself and to be different from what others might expect of her. ─── 她相信她有权走自已的路,而不是别人指望她怎么样,她就怎么样。

7、When does she expect her confinement? ─── 她预期何时分娩?

8、You can not expect me to believe that. ─── 你不要指望我会相信它。

9、Don't expect it to improve overnight. ─── 不要指望这事一下子就改善了。

10、Expectance and Future of Association Standard of CPCA ─── CPCA行业协会标准的希望与未来

11、But you couldn't expect the capitalists to change over their machinery. ─── 但是你不可能指望那些资本家会更换他们的机器。

12、Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game. ─── 哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。

13、Don't expect much of him; he is at best a student. ─── 不要对他期望过高; 他只不过是个学生。

14、Surely you don't expect me to take your potty suggestions seriously? ─── 你肯定不会指望我认真考虑你那些荒谬的建议吧?

15、She will be here sooner than you expect. ─── 她很快就到,比你预料的要早。

16、For an order of this large quantity we expect a wholesale discount off your price-list. ─── 对如此大数量的订购,本公司希望以比价目表内所订价格为低的批发折扣来采购。

17、Never expect me to pull up my roots and go to other places, I've lived here too long to make a new start in life. ─── 别想指望我离开家乡,我在这儿住的时间很长了,不想再换一种新的生活。

18、You don't expect me to believe that pitiful excuse, do you? ─── 你并不认为我会相信那个可鄙的借口,是吧?

19、Dan was a good student at school; we expect him to go places in business. ─── 丹在学校是个好学生; 我们期望他经商成功。

20、They expect to overfulfil their target. ─── 他们估计可超额完成指标。

21、Do not expect me to believe you. ─── 别指望我会相信你。

22、Don't expect him to approve of your design straight away. ─── 别指望他能立即支持/接受你的设计方案。

23、Andrea didn't expect to see Steve on the street. ─── 安卓雅没料到会在街上看到史提夫。

24、What can you expect from a hog but a grunt. ─── [口]狗嘴里吐不出象牙来(用来讲粗野无礼的话的人)。

25、He says call in on him any time, but he doesn't expect you to take him at his word. ─── 他说随时可以去看他,可是他不指望你当真。

26、They did not expect the invaders to lay waste to their civilization. ─── 他们没有料到侵略者会破坏他们的文明。

27、What do you expect the results of the two cups? ─── 你怎样预测两杯的结果?

28、Impossible. How can you expect us to make a reduction to that extent? ─── 不可能,您怎么能要求我们减价那么多呢?

29、You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week. ─── 不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。

30、Do not expect to live on your small inheritance. ─── 别指望靠你那一点点遗产生活。

31、Conflict and Expectance--The Conflict between Library's Practice and Copyright ─── 冲突与期盼--图书馆实践与著作权冲突

32、Expect price before thursday market firm. ─── 市场稳定,望星期四前报价。

33、He's very ill but doctors expect him to come through. ─── 他病得很重,但医生预料他能康复。

34、If he pays a guinea to that society, the will expect them to grant him considerable privileges; he's throwing a sprat to catch a whale. ─── 如果他捐一畿尼给这个团体,他就指望人家给他大量的特权,他是要求一本万利的。

35、In those days we did not expect luxuries; we were thankful if we could keep the wolf from the door. ─── 在那些日子里,我们不敢指望过奢侈的生活,只要能勉强度日就谢天谢地了。

36、You cannot expect that she should receive him. ─── 你不能期望她会接待他。

37、"Enterprise Technical Centre" is Expectance and Future of PCB Enterprise ─── “企业技术中心”是PCB企业的希望与未来

38、We expect to have a supply this Friday. ─── 估计本星期五就会到货。

39、How much do you expect to rake in over the weekend? ─── 周末你准备赚多少?

40、The standard of your work has fallen from the level we expect from you. ─── 你的工作质量没有达到我们要求的水平。

41、For my part, if I do not expect to have a girl like Helen I do not think I shall be able to put up with an ugly girl. ─── 就我来说,纵使我不奢望娶一个海伦那样的美女,我想我也不能忍受一个丑姑娘。

42、She expect to achieve the requisite two-thirds majority for nomination. ─── 她期望得到获得提名所必需的三分之二多数。

43、Would you expect the cholesterol to be elevated? ─── 你考虑胆固醇会升高吗?

44、How is it possible to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning? ─── 人类既然连警告都无意接受,有怎可能期望他们接受劝告?

45、You expect me to buy that story? Flush it! ─── 你以为我会相信那事吗?见鬼!

46、His business rivals knew they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary. ─── 他的业务对手都知道不可指望他这样无情的人会手软。

47、Don't expect that niggard to invite you to dinner. ─── 别指望那个吝啬鬼会请你吃饭。

48、Will he be back tonight? -I expect so [not]. ─── 他今晚会回来吗?-我想会回来[不会回来了]。

49、If you do a crime,you must expect to be punished. ─── 如果你犯罪,就得准备受惩罚。

50、The piper did not expect this treacherous stroke. ─── 吹风笛的人没有料到这背信弃义的一着。

51、He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot. ─── 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。

52、Don't expect me to do impossibilities. ─── 不要希望我做办不到的事。

53、The industry can't expect the Minister to come and hold its hands every time it runs into trouble. ─── 工业界无法指望每次碰到困难时这位部长都会来帮助他们。

54、IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings. ─── 国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。

55、Do you expect me to credit that absurd tale? ─── 你想我会相信那个荒谬绝伦的谎言吗?

56、So shall I expect your arrival early next week? ─── 伯恩: 那我就等你下周初到了。

57、You would expect that there would be/there to be strong disagreement about this. ─── 可以料到此事会有严重分歧。

58、They expect to gain over a lot of converts. ─── 他们希望争取许多改变信仰的人。

59、Most of the parents expect much of their children. ─── 大多数父母都对自己的子女寄予很大希望。

60、Do not expect to change their attitude! ─── 别指望改变他们的态度!

61、Don't plan on my going with you, for I expect to be busy this weekend. ─── 不要以为我会陪你去,因为本周末我会很忙的。

62、Animals can be conditioned to expect food at certain times. ─── 可以训练动物定时等待喂食。

63、See you soon, I expect I'll be around. ─── 希望不久能见到你--我就在附近。

64、He did not expect them to hang on much longer. ─── 他估计他们坚持不了多久了。

65、Do you expect me to drink this vile concoction? ─── 你难道想让我喝这种乌七八糟的东西?

66、Never expect to persuade him out of doing that. ─── 不要指望能说服他放弃做那件事。

67、What do you expect? That's life! ─── 你期待什麽呢? 这就是生活!

68、wave of speed of a cutter is decreased, the working accuracy of the crank-shaper, the life expectance of the cutter and the smoothness of the working surface can thus be increased. ─── 刀具速度波动,可以提高牛头刨的加工精度、表面光洁度及刀具的寿命。

69、You can not expect me to approve of it . ─── 你不能指望我赞成这件事。

70、His work comes up to what we expect of him. ─── 他的工作符合了我们的期望。

71、You can't expect me to fetch and carry for you all day. ─── 你别指望我整天为你打杂。

72、Weather is still worse than what I expect. ─── 天气比我预料的还坏些。

73、You can scarcely expect to escape reproof for such irresponsible behavior. ─── 你这样不负责任的行为,不能不受到责备。

74、Don't expect to luck through without an effort. ─── 别指望不经努力就能侥幸成功。

75、With no other way, he had to continue job-hunting and low his expectance of the position back to sales manager. ─── 没办法,他只能继续求职,把求职的职位降低,还是做销售经理。

76、How in the world do you expect me to know him? ─── 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?

77、When you pay that much for a meal you expect the best. ─── 一顿饭花那麽多钱是想吃到最好的东西。

78、Result After the treatment, the patients' clinical symptoms were relieved. Average post-operational life-expectance wa directly related to the way of intervention and affected by multiple factors. ─── 结果介入治疗后的患者临床症状明显改善,术后平均存活期与介入治疗的方法有直接关系,并受综合因素的影响。

79、Even if you pay two times the money, you can not expect to possess the building which is now in a dead hand. ─── 即使你出双倍的价钱也不能指望得到那幢建筑,因它现在属于某个社团,不能转让。

80、Don't expect me to sit here like a good boy while Smith is up there talking his head off. ─── 不要指望我会像个乖孩子地坐在这儿,而史密斯在那里唠叨个没完。

81、Do not expect immaculate conduct from all people. ─── 不要指望每个人的行为都是纯洁的。

82、Model and Application of Determining Ratio of Corresponding Value on Expectance ─── 基于预期的股改对价支付比例定价模型与应用

83、But in both cases you expect to have good ideas. ─── 但在这两种情况下,你都期待着有好的观点。

84、They expect a pardon by course of law. ─── 他们希望照法律的惯例得到宽恕。

85、If you can't persuade him to lend us the money, how do you expect me to work the oracle? ─── 如果你尚且不能说服他借钱给我们,又怎能指望我做得到呢?

86、Don't expect too much of him. ─── 别对他期望过高。

87、You have to expect the unexpected in Shanghai. ─── 在上海,你总会有意想不到的收获。

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