bureaucratic 发音
英:[ˌbjʊərəˈkrætɪk] 美:[,bjʊrə'krætɪk]
英: 美:
bureaucratic 中文意思翻译
bureaucratic 短语词组
1、bureaucratic administration ─── 官僚机构
2、bureaucratic system ─── 官僚体制
3、bureaucratic machine ─── 官僚机器
4、bureaucratic bourgeoisie ─── [法] 官僚资产阶级
5、bureaucratic procedure ─── [网络] 官僚程序
6、bureaucratic government ─── [法] 官僚政府
7、bureaucratic largesse ─── 官僚主义的慷慨
8、bureaucratic processes ─── [经]繁文缛节的手续
9、bureaucratic theory ─── 官僚理论
10、bureaucratic organization ─── 官僚组
11、bureaucratic capital ─── [法] 官僚资本
12、bureaucratic structures ─── 官僚机构
13、bureaucratic definition ─── 官僚主义定义
14、bureaucratic structure ─── 层峰式结构
15、bureaucratic process ─── [法] 繁文缛节的手续
16、bureaucratic personality ─── 官僚人格
17、bureaucratic leadership ─── 官僚领导
18、bureaucratic capitalist ─── [法] 官僚资本家
19、bureaucratic capitalism ─── [法] 官僚资本主义
bureaucratic 相似词语短语
1、bureaucrat ─── n.官僚;官僚主义者
2、bureaucratised ─── v.官僚式管理,(使)官僚化(bureaucratise的过去式及过去分词,bureaucratise等于bureaucratize)
3、bureaucratize ─── vi.使官僚化;发展成为官僚主义
4、bureaucrats ─── 官僚
5、unbureaucratic ─── 不公平的
6、bureaucratism ─── n.官僚主义;官僚作风
7、bureaucratist ─── n.官僚主义者
8、nonbureaucratic ─── 非官僚的
9、bureaucratise ─── v.(使)官僚化(等于bureaucratize)
bureaucratic 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Unfortunately,an organization structure can get fossilized over time and develop into a highly bureaucratic institution. ─── 不幸的是,一个机构的结构会随着时间推移而僵化,最后滋生出官僚主义。
2、An engineer, an accountant, a chemist and a bureaucrat were bragging about how smart their dogs are. ─── 一个工程师,一个会计,一个化学家,还有一个官僚主义者在大吹他们的狗如何聪明。
3、While she gained important skills working for Proctor &Gamble, in some ways, she says, "it was too bureaucratic for me. ─── 在为宝洁工作期间,她获得许多重要经验。她说:“ 对我而言,那里的工作太枯燥。”
4、Mr Henderson is an experienced financial manager, but GM may need someone more inspiring to shake it out of its consensual, bureaucratic ways. ─── 亨德森是一个经验丰富的财务管理者,但是通用或许需要一个更鼓舞人的领导来打破一成不变、官僚的方式。
5、In this way each homicide report challenged a magistrate to balance bureaucratic efficiency against humanistic values. ─── 因此,从县长的立场来看,审理每一件命案不仅要有效率,同时也必须兼顾人道的考量。
6、In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. ─── 在办公室, 许多工作是很定期, 工作者情有可原地感觉自己是仅仅嵌齿轮在官僚机器。
7、The perfect bureaucrat everywhere is the man who manages to make no decisions and escape all responsibility. ─── 任何地方的完美官僚主义者都是一个不出任何决议并逃避所有责任的人。
8、I also believe such a system might create a bureaucratic nightmare, but his proposal is worth more attention. ─── 但是我也相信,一个如此系统可能产生一个官僚的梦魇,但是他的提议仍是值得较多注意的。
9、In the 1970s, the CEO was a bumbling bureaucrat who couldn't even build a car that would stay in one piece. ─── 二十世纪七十年代,ceo只是一个装模作样的官僚主义者的形象,他们甚至不懂得如何制造汽车,只能固步自封。
10、Other smallish government-run export zones followed in the 1980s, but they were dogged by poor infrastructure and tortuous bureaucratic regulations. ─── 其它一些小型的国营出口商业区在20世纪80年代相继建成,但苦于被薄弱的基础设施和繁冗的官僚主义规定所累。
11、Don't talk to me in bureaucratic jargon, because I don't buy it. ─── 你别总跟我说官话,我不吃这套。
12、He was just another faceless bureaucrat. ─── 他只不过是一个典型呆板的官员。
13、He required a pretext to participate in Soviet Bureaucratic decisions was to elevate chutzpah into an art form. ─── 他需要找个借口才能参与苏联官僚机构的决定,不过是把厚颜无耻打扮得漂亮些罢了。
14、The dictatorship of bureaucratic impotence fills in the lull before the battle, before the forces are openly matched. ─── 在各种力量公开较量之前,虚弱无力的官僚专政填充着战斗前的空白。
15、But some have suggested it might be fairer and less bureaucratic to give coupons to rural residents to spend as they want, as has been tried in Taiwan. ─── 但是,不少人建议,如果能像台湾那样,给农村居民发放消费券,让他们自由选择产品,将会更少些官僚性,也更公平些。
16、But the judge had no stomach for bureaucratic infighting(particularly with the Pentagon, which controls most of his intelligence budget plus its own) and not much feel for how to fit secret information into policy debates. ─── 可是法官无意参与政府内斗(尤其不愿与国防部内斗。国防部控制自己的预算,也控制着他的大部分情报预算), 同时他也不甚清楚如何把机密情报扯进政策辩论。
17、It’s faster, nimbler, smarter, less bureaucratic, more creative. ─── 加上那些单独会议--在午餐时或喝点东西的时候,或者一对一在办公室里--你开会多过于你工作。
18、But no doubt it was all part of the strain of life in the bureaucratic jungle. ─── 但是,毫无疑问,这完全是官场中勾心斗角生活的一部分。
19、China has a 1500-year history of bureaucratic administration, during which the main problem was to control the rapacity of local officials. ─── 在拉美,腐败让政府变成一个完全是盗贼统治的政府。中国有1500年的官僚行政历史,期间主要问题在于控制地方官员的贪婪。
20、Lucio had a day's leave to complete bureaucratic procedures in Germany ahead of the upcoming trip to China. ─── 大意是卢西奥没去是因为去德国办理去北京的手续.
21、He defines bureaucrat as a desk-bound employee. ─── 他把那些坐办公室的人称之为官僚。
22、Physically, we had a very hierarchical/ bureaucrat / departmentalized organization set-up. ─── 在商务英语环境中,指的则是政府机关的局部、公司的团体结构、等级制度。
23、He is a conservative bureaucrat who can be counted upon to follow a beaten path. ─── 他是一个保守的官僚, 他准会循规蹈矩地办事。
24、But even adjusted for bureaucratic hyperbole the government response is hefty. ─── 不过,即便对官方夸大进行调整,政府对经济危机的回应也任然十分有力。
25、Lawlessness and bureaucratic tyranny are still associated with Mr Yanukovich, as prime minister before November 2004. ─── 2004年以前,当雅鲁克维奇先生担任乌克兰总理之时,整个国家都处于一种无法无天与官僚的统治之下。
26、And every so often, amid the blur of bureaucratic tedium, a little nugget would glitter. ─── 在冗长乏味、模糊晦暗的官腔官调之中,不时会有小金块闪闪发光。
27、The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty. ─── 清代官僚资本是盐商发迹的主要资本来源之一。
28、He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can't stand a bureaucrat. ─── 他相信普通人看重出身而不仅仅是地位:他们趋附贵族而不能容忍官僚。
29、After some time this division will rotate to check the party and state from the danger of bureaucratic capitalism and totalitarianism. ─── 一段时间后,他们会轮换,这样来防止官僚资本主义和集/权主义的危险。
30、Uprooting yourself from your native culture is difficult enough, without having to deal with unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles. ─── 即使不用处理这些官场难题,光是离开家乡故土,人们就够难受的了。
31、It is a mix of jostling bureaucratic and economic interests which push officials sometimes towards thuggery and sometimes towards greater tolerance. ─── 一边是蹒跚的官僚政治,一边是对经济的兴趣,这让官员们有时倾向于扼杀,有时又倾向于更大的容忍。
32、Unfortunately, an organization structure can get fossilized over time and develop into a highly bureaucratic institution. ─── 不幸的是一个机构的结构,会随着时间推移而僵化,最后滋生出官僚主义。
33、He sort of had a bureaucratic response. ─── 他的回应有些官僚。”
34、Mostly due to bureaucratic inertia, they've so far blocked attempts to modernize curriculums and methods of evaluation. ─── 大多数由于其官僚僵化的作风,到目前为止阻止改革课程和评估方法。
35、Therefore, Weber's Bureaucracy theory should become the aim of the turnaround of Chinese modern bureaucratic system. ─── 因此,理性官僚制应成为现代中国官僚组织转型的目标导向。
36、At every point it is possible to define the state of bureaucratic play. ─── 到处都可以看出官僚机构玩弄权术的状况。
37、But, famously secretive and protective of its bureaucratic territory, it is likely to drag its feet. ─── 但是,基于官僚政治的隐密性和保护,它可能遇到很多阻碍。
38、In the end, people involved in the investigation said, Wal-Mart's leaders found a bloodlessly bureaucratic way to bury the matter. ─── 最终,沃尔玛的领导层找到了一个兵不血刃的官僚式方案来彻底掩盖上述事件。
39、Successive dynasties developed a system of bureaucratic control that gave agrarian-based China an advantage over rivals. ─── 代代相传的王朝发展出了一种使农耕为主的中国超过其他对手的官僚政治统治。
40、In an organisation famed for its bureaucratic circumlocutions, she is refreshingly direct. ─── 在一个以官僚作风而著称的组织里,她的直率令人耳目一新。
41、A bureaucrat might cross the entire empire, but he could not cross this wall. ─── 一位官员或许可以走遍大江南北,但却无法越过这道森严高墙。
42、CITIC Securities to buy Bear Stearns benefited from China's bureaucratic approval system and survived. ─── 中信证券收购贝尔斯登得益于中国官僚主义的审批制度而幸免于难。
43、A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat. ─── 一个四至七岁的孩子所做的书面作业和任何一个官僚所做的一样多。
44、How bureaucratic the Government of Canada is! ─── 多么官僚的加拿大政府!
45、Its business culture is based on Chinese values that are the dying remains of a feudalistic tradition and bureaucratic central planning. ─── 商业文化是建立在由封建传统和官僚的计划经济遗留下来的价值观之上的。
46、She has gone from fiery senator and presidential contender to increasingly marginalized run of the mill bureaucrat. ─── 她从一个激进的议员和总统候选人转变为一个被迅速边缘化的官僚。
47、Moreover, numerous agencies have the power to monitor and block shipments, creating a bureaucratic quagmire. ─── 另外,有很多机构具有监视货物及退货的权力,造成了官僚主义泛滥。
48、Independent-minded rebel traders, like him, never got to where they were by moving up bureaucratic ladders. ─── 像丹尼斯这样的人,绝不会通过搞关系往上爬。
49、What's mere, bureaucratic tradespeople's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence. ─── 同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的动荡。
50、Maddening bureaucratic mix-ups. ─── 使人发狂的官僚主义的混乱状况
51、Mafia deputies in the Italian Parliament launched a bureaucratic counterattack against the planners. ─── 在意大利议会里的地下黑帮势力的代表死抠条文、照章办事,向设计人员发起了有根有据的反击。
52、One evening in the spring of 1991, by some bureaucratic oversight, I found myself without an escort in the nearly completed Biosphere. ─── 1991年春天的一个晚上,因为某些官僚的疏忽,我发现自己孤零零一人落在差不多完成的生态圈里。
53、Others fear it might be a bureaucratic monster in the making, and that banks will be caught in the middle as it spars with other agencies. ─── 还有人担心它恐怕会酝酿出一个官僚怪物,在CFPB与其它机构唇枪舌战的同时,银行将被夹在中间,左右为难。
54、When confiscates the bureaucratic capital, a part of national capitals Confiscation and so on. ─── 在没收官僚资本时,把一部分民族资本没收等。
55、Inefficient bureaucratic administrations would be phased out. ─── 低效的官僚管理体制将会逐渐废除。
56、They are absolutely different from the Tingchow Municipal Government with its bureaucratic methods of leadership. ─── 他们和汀州市的官僚主义的领导方法,是绝对的不相同。
57、Why so much for the bureaucrat's brain?@ the patient asked. ─── “为什么政府官员的大脑会这么贵啊?”病人问。
58、In large and medium enterprises, the organizational structure complex, bureaucratic phenomenon is relatively heavy. ─── 在大中型企业,组织结构复杂,官僚现象相对较重。
59、So you think I'm a bureaucrat with a badge following some arbitrary guideline. ─── 你认为我是个带警徽的官僚 依照某些死板规则做事。
60、He is an omnipotent bureaucrat. ─── 他是个有很大权力的官僚。
61、Still, life unfettered by bureaucratic interference remains tempting.And so I find myself musing on the good old days. ─── 不错,没有政府插手干预的自在生活还挺令人向往的,我就发现自己常常怀想过去的美好时光。
62、He understood that I had not reached eminence by losing too many bureaucratic battles. ─── 他也明白,我若是在官僚机构的你争我夺中败绩过多的话,也是不能够这样出人头地的。
63、She found them bureaucratic, distant and condescending to those they sought to help. ─── 她发现那些老爷们都是一副官僚的嘴脸,对待他们应该帮助的人既冷漠又高高在上。
64、Levchenko was no position to evaluate this claim, and he wondered if it were merely a bureaucratic boast. ─── 列夫钦科无法证实这种说法是否正确,他怀疑这是吹牛。
65、Qu Qiubai put forward the concept “Bureaucrat Capital” in the 1920s. ─── 兰
66、Bureaucratic delays are inevitable. ─── 官僚主义所致的延误是不可避免的。
67、It was another bureaucratic snafu. ─── 又让官僚主义搞成了一团糟。
68、Long hours are often a reflection of an organization's bureaucratic inefficiency. ─── 办事拖拉经常是一个组织机构官僚作风严重、效率低下的表现。
69、report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency. ─── 报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。
70、The term "Red Tape" is a synonym of slow bureaucratic functioning that hinders quick results in a liberal democracy. ─── 在自由民主国家,红头文件这一术语就是政府机构运作迟缓的写照,也因此贻误战机。
71、But does his previous career, mostly as a government bureaucrat in the central bank, really equip him for the job? ─── 但是他的过去职务,多是在中央银行的政府官员,真的足够让他担任此工作?
72、Levchenko was no position to evaluate this claim, and he wondered if it were merely a bureaucratic boast. ─── 列夫钦科无法证实这种说法是否正确,他怀疑这是吹牛。
73、Blurred minds and incorrect values would definitely lead to popularization of the bureaucratic working style. ─── 头脑不清,价值观错位,必然会导致官风盛行。
74、Opening an account requires a week of bureaucratic procedures and a respected watchdog agency monitors large transactions. ─── 开户需要一周的繁复审批程序,监督机构也对大宗交易进行监督。
75、It was another bureaucratic snafu. ─── 又让官僚主义搞成了一团糟。
76、The temptation is to laugh at the bureaucratic imbecility of such wrangling. ─── 人们不禁嘲笑这种争论的官僚愚蠢之处。
77、One-stop agency, shop System whereby several bureaucratic procedures are combined into one. ─── 一揽子机构,一揽子商店指把各种繁琐的官僚手续合而为一的制度。
78、Through a bureaucratic error, though, Marx is sent to Soho in New York, rather than his old stomping ground in London, to make his case. ─── 通过官僚错误,虽然,马克思被发送到索霍在纽约,而不是他在伦敦的故居地,使他的案件。
79、There is always a bureaucratic temptation to sacrifice the individual for the sake of stability in any bilateral relationship. ─── 为了稳定的双边关系而牺牲单方利益,是一贯的官僚阶层蛊惑人心的话语。
80、Surcharges added to customs levies were too numerous to calculate and provided many opportunities for bureaucratic corruption. ─── 关税新增项目繁杂,令人无所适从,让官员有机会贪污。
81、They are shocking for their bureaucratic punctiliousness. ─── 他们震惊于他们的官样的拘谨。
82、In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil. ─── 在这个公司里即使是领一支新铅笔, 也必须通过繁琐的手续。
83、You can farm your land, pay your taxes, decide not to vote, and simply be oblivious to any bureaucratic political structure. ─── 你可以耕作农场的土地、你付税,决定不投票,根本不理会任何官僚政治组织。
84、Perhaps when enough bureaucratic prestige has been invested in a policy it is easier to see it fail than to abandon it. ─── 也许官僚们把威信押在一种政策上之后,他们就宁可看它失败,也不愿放弃它。
85、In fact, I think until early in the twentieth century, even to pass a bureaucratic exam, one had to know a huge number of classical forms. ─── 事实上,我认为知道二十世纪早期,即使是公务员考试,人们也也了解大量的古体诗。
86、He also had little interest in the dispute so long as it was confined to obtuse and theoretical bureaucratic backbiting. ─── 只要争论是局限于不刻薄的,在理论上的官僚主义背后诽谤,他对这场争论也没有什么兴趣。
87、The sweat of labour washed away his bureaucratic [official] airs. ─── 劳动的汗水冲掉了他身上的官气。
88、Should China Establish a Perfect Bureaucratic System? ─── 中国应该建立完善的官僚制吗?
89、The ruling period of the Northern Warlords was the full developing stage of bureaucrat capital. ─── 北洋军阀统治时期是官僚资本全面扩展的阶段。
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