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09-10 投稿


decollete 发音

英:[ˌdeɪkɑːlˈteɪ]  美:[deɪˈkɒlteɪ]

英:  美:

decollete 中文意思翻译




decollete 短语词组

1、decollete 554 ─── 德克莱554

2、decollete definition ─── 滑脱定义

3、the neck and decollete concentrate ─── 颈部和脱粒浓缩液

4、decollete 868 decollete 868 ─── 型

5、decollete pad ─── 滑溜垫

6、decollete gown ─── 开襟长袍

7、decollete care ─── 脱壳护理

8、decollete define ─── 滑脱定义

9、decollete bra ─── 低胸胸罩

decollete 相似词语短语

1、decollate ─── vt.斩首;杀头

2、décolletage ─── n.低胸露肩领的女士上衣

3、decolletage ─── n.袒胸露背的衣服

4、decollates ─── vt.斩首;杀头

5、décolleté ─── adj.低胸的;n.低胸裝

6、recollet ─── n.方济各会改革派成员

7、decollated ─── vt.斩首;杀头

8、recollected ─── adj.镇定的;回忆到的;v.回忆;想起(recollect的过去分词)

9、recollets ─── 收藏

decollete 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After Cleansing with Carrot Butter cleanser, spritz face, neck & decollete with Jasmine night. While skin is still damp mix 2 drops serum with 4 drops of gel and apply. ─── 睡眠是肌肤排泄和更新的最佳时间,茉莉夜间修护液是特别设计配以抗氧化修护凝露和抗氧化修护精华一同使用。玫瑰和茉莉互相配合可平衡阴阳,使肌肤焕发健康光采。

2、2. She was daringly decollete. ─── 她大胆地穿着袒胸露肩的衣服.

3、Usage : Morning and evening, after cleansing pats ( spurts ) on face and decollete skin. ─── 用法:每日早晚洁肤后,取适量轻拍(喷)于脸、颈部。

4、Smooth on shoulders, legs and decollete for a sensual, luminous glow. ─── 光滑的肩膀,腿和性感,夜光发光肩部。

5、Having a low-cut neckline; decollet? ─── 领口开得很低的有裁剪得很低的领口的;袒胸露肩的衣服

6、It's not simply decollete but beyond anything,dash it all. ─── 这比不得穿露胸衣服的女人,鬼才知道这是什么东西。

7、face and neck with a cleanser of your choice. Apply a drop of rose serum on finger tip then gently pat and press onto your face, throat and decollete. ─── 使用洁面品清洁面部和颈部,然后滴一滴玫瑰精华素在指尖,轻柔地按压在面部、喉部和低颈部。

8、a decollete dress ─── 露颈和肩的衣服

9、But a while ago I found a way how to sneak it - I stuff it to the decollete. ─── 但是最近我发现要如何偷渡它的方式-我把它跟礼服塞在一起。

10、She was daringly decollete. ─── 她大胆地穿著袒胸露肩的衣服。

11、1. She was daringly decollete. ─── 她大胆地穿著袒胸露肩的衣服.

12、Formulated especially to care for the delicate skin of the neck, decollete and bust. ─── 专为维护颈部和胸部的又嫩皮肤而打造。

13、Usage : After cleansing pats (spurts) on face and decollete. ─── 用法:喷于全脸轻拍数下即可。可配合护泽霜使用。

14、But a while ago i found a way how to sneak it - i stuff it to the decollete. ─── 但是最近我发现要如何偷渡它的方式-我把它跟礼服塞在一起。

15、Lena: Because i lost them all the time. But a while ago i found a way how to sneak it - i stuff it to the decollete. ─── 因为我老是弄不见。但是最近我发现要如何偷渡它的方式-我把它跟礼服塞在一起。

16、But a wh ile ago i found a way how to sneak it- i stuff it to the decollete . ─── 但是最近我发现要如何偷渡它的方式-我把它跟礼服塞在一起。

17、Usage : Morning and evening, after cleansing pats (spurts) on face and decollete skin. ─── 用法:每日早晚洁肤后,取适量轻拍(喷)于脸、颈部。

18、Don't forget the neck and decollete area since like your hands, it can reveal your age! ─── 别忘了颈部和肩颈部,因为这些部位和手一样最容易暴露真实的年龄!

19、Tips and tricks: Add a touch of shimmer to your shoulders, legs, decollete? even your hair! ─── 中文和英文的使用方法都没有说可以用在脸上!

20、includes Pore-Refining Mask, Eye Cream, Decollete Cream, Toner, Vanishing Cream, Overnight Cream, and a Blemish Stick. ─── 内含面膜,眼霜,颈霜,爽肤水,雪花膏,晚霜及小勺

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