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09-10 投稿



multilateral 发音

英:[mʌltɪ'læt(ə)r(ə)l]  美:[,mʌltɪ'lætərəl]

英:  美:

multilateral 中文意思翻译



multilateral 短语词组

1、multilateral contract ─── [经] 多边合约(合同)

2、multilateral treaties ─── [经] 多边契约

3、multilateral settlement ─── [经] 多边结算

4、multilateral convention ─── [法] 多边协约, 多边协议

5、multilateral instruments ─── [经] 多边贸易契约

6、multilateral and bilateral programme ─── [经] 多边及双边援助计划

7、multilateral trade ─── [经] 多边贸易

8、multilateral agreement ─── [经] 多边合约(合同)

9、multilateral technical assistance ─── [经] 多边技术援助

10、multilateral tariff negotiations ─── [经] 多边关税谈判

11、multilateral trade negotiations ─── [经] 多边贸易谈判

12、multilateral tax treaty ─── [法] 多边税务条约

13、free multilateral foreign trade ─── [经] 自由的多边贸易

14、multilateral trade agreement ─── [经] 多边贸易协定

15、multilateral system of settlements ─── [经] 多边结算制度

16、multilateral payments ─── [经] 多边支付

17、multilateral lending ─── [经] 多边借贷

18、multilateral political treaty ─── [法] 多国政治条约

19、multilateral clearing ─── [经] 多边清算

multilateral 词性/词形变化,multilateral变形

副词: multilaterally |

multilateral 反义词


multilateral 同义词

joint | mutual | multiparty | multifaceted | simultaneous | all-party | polygonal |many-sided | multidimensional | bilateral

multilateral 相似词语短语

1、multilateralism ─── n.多边主义

2、multilaterally ─── 多边地;多国参加地

3、multilateralists ─── 多边主义者

4、multilayer ─── adj.有多层的;n.多分子层

5、multilayers ─── adj.有多层的;n.多分子层

6、multilateralist ─── 多边主义者

7、septilateral ─── 有七边的;七边的

8、multilineal ─── adj.多线的

9、multilayered ─── adj.多层的

multilateral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Seattle conference held two years ago failed to launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations. ─── 两年前的西雅图会议没有能够启动新一轮多边贸易谈判。

2、International Investment Treaty: Is Multilateral Arrangement the Only Option? ─── 国际投资协定:多边安排是唯一的途径吗?

3、The two sides appeal to the international community to move forward the processes of multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. ─── 双方呼吁国际社会致力于推进多边军控、裁军与防扩散进程。

4、It promotes the liberalisation of international trade and serves as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations and dispute settlement among its members. ─── 世贸组织促进国际贸易自由化,各成员均可通过该组织进行多边贸易谈判和解决贸易纠纷。

5、It is the linchpin of the multilateral system as it is the ultimate safeguard of an equitable rule-based framework. ─── 协议能确保世贸成员遵守世贸条款,因此对多边贸易制度的有效运作至为重要。

6、UNDP is the largest multilateral technical aid agency in the world. ─── UNDP是世界上最大的多边技术援助机构。

7、China intends to selectively and gradually participate in more multilateral joint military exercises in the non-traditional fields of security in the future. ─── 今后,中国还将有选择地逐步参与非传统安全领域的多边联合军事演习。

8、The WTO membership for China means that China will have recourse to a multilateral forum for discussing trade problems with its WTO partners. ─── 中国加入世贸组织意味着它有资格同其他的成员国在一起讨论多边贸易方面的问题。

9、I began by asking him what he thought of the idea of a multilateral force for NATO . ─── 我一开始就问他他对北约建立多边力量的想法有何看法。

10、However, the function of the review mechanism is to examine the impact of a Member's trade policies and practices on the multilateral trading system. ─── 但是,审议机制的职能是审查一成员的贸易政策和做法对多边贸易体制的影响。

11、So it is worth considering to exempt multilateral environmental agreements from GATT rules. ─── 因此它从各方面来看是值豁免来自关税贸易总协定规定的多边环境的契约。

12、They have also banded together on other trade issue, such as multilateral treaties on ivory trade to protect elephants. ─── 他们还要同其他贸易问题相适应,比如说遵守繁多的象牙交易条约来保护大象。

13、He urged the ADB and other Multilateral Development Banks to assist in the recycling of international liquidity. ─── 他呼吁亚行和其他多边开发银行去协助国际流动资金的循环流转。

14、At the same time,we should adopt bilateral(agreements) and multilateral agreements to resolve the conflicts of antitrust ... ─── 同时采用双边协定与多边协定并用的方式来解决域外适用中的冲突。

15、The ARF is the only pan-Asia-Pacific official multilateral security dialogue and cooperation forum at present. ─── 东盟地区论坛是目前亚太地区唯一的泛地区官方多边安全对话与合作论坛。

16、The WTO provides for a fair,predictable and rule-based multilateral trading system for trade in goods,services and trade-related intellectual property rights. ─── 世界贸易组织就货物贸易、服务贸易及与贸易有关的知识产权设立一个公平、可靠、以规则为基础的多边贸易制度。

17、Can take decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements and negotiation processes. ─── 可以在各种多边贸易协定和协商过程上作决定。

18、"If your drag in multilateral the relation between, you must consider the governmental investment of countless ties. ─── “假如你牵扯了多国之间的关系,你得思忖千头万绪的政府投资。

19、One study argues that America cut multilateral tariffs more slowly on goods to which it had extended preferential access. ─── 一项研究认为,美国对特惠商品的多边关税削减进展缓慢。

20、China has constantly strengthened bilateral and multilateral cooperation in drug control with other countries. ─── 中国不断加强与外国的双边、多边国际禁毒合作。

21、We share a common interest in Britain and China working together on bilateral, multilateral and global issues. ─── 中英在双边、多边和全球问题上开展合作符合双方利益。

22、On the contray, China's implemention of top-down policy would bring it a big advantage in bilateral and multilateral carbon diplomacy. ─── 反观中国,其国内自上而下的政策实施将为其在双边和多边碳外交中谋取重要的筹码。

23、The shift may also prove unsettling to the world's formal multilateral institutions. ─── 世界的变迁也可能让全球官方多边机构不安。

24、It therefore hoped that it could rely on the multilateral support of government and civil society authorities. ─── 因此,它希望能够依靠政府和民间社会当局的多边支持。

25、Bilateral and multilateral coordination mechanisms are used to address conflicts of privacy right protection. ─── 为解决各国隐私权保护的冲突,可适用双边和多边协调机制。

26、The HKAS was among the 33 signatories of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Multilateral Arrangement which came into effect on January 31. ─── 国际实验所认可合作组织的相互承认协议于2001年1月31日生效,该协议由包括香港认可处在内的33个认可机构共同签署。

27、In this connection, the key lies in a full implementation of the spirit of development through multilateral cooperation in world economic affairs. ─── 关键是要在世界经济事务中全面贯彻多边主义的合作发展精神。

28、Promote multilateral cooperations and share achievements. ─── 促进行业多方合作共享成果。

29、The Panel discussed the latest development of the multilateral trade negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda of WTO. ─── 事务委员会讨论世贸组织多哈发展议程下多边贸易谈判的最新发展。

30、Further progress has been made in bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations as well as regional economic cooperation. ─── 五、多双边经贸关系及区域经济合作进一步发展。

31、The acronym WTO refers to aninternational organization, a negotiation forum for multilateral trading, and the system of the WTO law per ce. ─── 二是指多边贸易谈判的场所(Negotiationforum),WTO的前身GATT(关贸总协定)在其近半个世纪的运转中,几乎全都是靠各贸易国谈判磋商来达成共识的。

32、Many want to abandon the multilateral trade talks in Geneva. ─── 许多国家想要放弃在日内瓦的多边贸易会谈。

33、They are working for a sound development of a multilateral trade regime so that they may complement one another. ─── 促进多边贸易体制的健康发展,实现优势互补。

34、As China accelerates the drafting of multilateral protocol on its accession to the WTO,it won't be long before China becomes a full member of this organization. ─── 中国加入世贸组织多边议定书的起草工作正在加快进行,中国成为世贸组织成员已为期不远了。

35、Ireland, like China, sees the United Nations as the key multilateral framework. ─── 同中国一样,爱尔兰将联合国视为重要的多边机构。

36、What is the historical role of the GATT within the multilateral trade system in its development process? ─── 关贸总协定在多边贸易体制发展史上的地位如何?又起过多大作用?

37、Agriculture trade policy issues have, however, been largely excluded from earlier multilateral trade negotiations. ─── 但在以往的多边贸易谈判中,农产品贸易政策问题大部分没有涉及。

38、That is why we must remain committed to strong bilateral and multilateral coordination. ─── 因此我们必须致力于强有力的双边和多变协调。

39、"They also agreed to continue to work towards resuming all multilateral rehabilitation programs in the region. ─── 他们还同意继续工作,恢复在这个地区的所有重建计划。”

40、At the same time, regional trade liberalisation should not be done at the expense of the multilateral trading system. ─── 同时,不应该以牺牲多边贸易体系而进行区域贸易自由化。

41、The method for calculating productivity of fishbone multilateral wells is never reported specially in the literatures up to date. ─── 关于鱼骨形分支井产能计算方法,目前国内外尚未见到专门报道。

42、One in which Washington coerces other states into obedience is very different from a system of multilateral rules and close partnerships. ─── 一个华盛顿强迫其他国家服从的体系非常不同于一个以多边协商和亲密伙伴关系为特征的体系。

43、For satisfied with the multilateral needs of client, Made-To-Measure System will be the future of fashion CAD. ─── 为了满足多元化的顾客需求,单量单裁系统(Made-To-Measure System)成为服装CAD发展得新方向。

44、The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is a multilateral treaty for plant protection to which 116 governments currently adhere. ─── 国际植物保护公约(IPPC)是一个有关植物保护的多边国际协议,目前有116个签约国。

45、"The multilateral treaty will have a more binding force and lay a legal foundation for good-neighborly ties among the member states," Chen said. ─── 他还表示.”这个多边条约将会有更大的约束力,并为成员国之间的友好的睦邻关系打下坚实的法律基础。

46、There should have, therefore, been no objection to extending the principle to the multilateral context as a pre-requisite for norm-setting. ─── 因此不应该反对把这个原则作为制定准则活动的前提而扩展到多边范围。

47、The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a regional organization for multilateral cooperation set up on the basis of the Shanghai Five mechanism. ─── 上海合作组织是在“上海五国”机制的基础上发展起来的一个区域性的、推进多边合作的组织。

48、Iranian officials have been holding multilateral talks with diplomats from the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany. ─── 伊朗官员在同美国、俄罗斯、中国、英国、法国和德国的外交官员举行多边会谈。

49、America is trying to deal with the twin problems of Iran and North Korea through multilateral institutions. ─── 美国试图通过多边机构处理对生的伊朗与朝鲜核问题。

50、Either way, stagnation in the multilateral arena is the flip-side of deals like the US-South Korean one. ─── 不论如何,停滞在多边领域是如同美-韩一样的从另一方面的协定。

51、The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is a multilateral treaty for plant protection and quarantine. ─── 国际植物保护公约(IPPC)是一个植物保护和植物检疫的多边公约。

52、The HKSAR welcomes the launching of a new Round of multilateral trade negotiations at the WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference concluded in Doha,Qatar in November. ─── 二零零一年十一月,世贸组织于卡塔尔多哈举行第四次部长级会议。会上通过开展新一轮多边贸易谈判。对此,香港特区表示欢迎。

53、Global markets require multilateral rules. ─── 全球市场需要多边规则。

54、S. diplomats plodding their way through interminable multilateral meetings seemed out of keeping with our status as the “Unipower. ─── 可是,当我们不能正视外面传来的声音的时候,往往也会影响我们自己对对手的判断。

55、Its conception on ways to realize security is apparently very bellicose and unilateral, but in some matters, multilateral, pragmatic. ─── 其安全方式观具有明显的黩武性、单边性,但又在有些领域实行有限的多边,体现出实用主义的特点。

56、The author holds that, as a "super-national" regional international organization, the EC is an active participator in the multilateral trading system. ─── 作者认为,欧共体作为具有“超国家”性质的区域性国际组织,是多边贸易体制的积极参加者;

57、Our two presidents will meet in Beijing in the latter half of this year and they will also have bilateral meetings on some multilateral fora. ─── 中俄两国元首将于今年下半年在北京会晤,并且还将在其他多边场合举行会晤。

58、The WTO Doha meeting launched a new round of multilateral trade negotiations, which shows a positive signal. ─── 世贸组织多哈会议启动新的多边贸易谈判是一个积极信号。

59、The problem of Central Asia has become the embodimentsof multilateral turns politics in the world. ─── 中亚问题已经成为多极化政治在国际上的体现。

60、Hong Kong's business will benefit from the positive outcome of further multilateral trade negotiations. ─── 世贸组织成员继续进行多边贸易谈判,如取得成果,香港商界会从中受惠。

61、He enjoys multilateral music programms include classical music and modern music. ─── 他欣赏包括古典与现代之多样性音乐节目。

62、The WTO dispute settlement mechanism procedure emphasis on constitutionality.It makes the multilateral trade system safer and more foreseeable. ─── WTO争端解决机制程序强调法治,并使多边贸易体制更安全和可预见。

63、The HKAS was among the 33 signatories of the International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation Multilateral Arrangement which came into effect on January 31. ─── 国际实验所认可合作组织的相互承认协议于二零零一年一月三十一日生效,该协议由包括香港认可处在内的33个认可机构共同签署。

64、In 1992, China, Thailand, Pakistan and some other countries jointly sponsored the "Asian-Pacific Multilateral Space Technology Cooperation Symposium. ─── 1992年,中国与泰国、巴基斯坦等国联合倡导并发起了"亚太地区空间技术与应用多边合作研讨会"。

65、Secondly, the paper explores, in a non-exhaustive manner, possible new initiatives at the multilateral level that could contribute to this endeavor. ─── 其次,本文件以不完全的方式探讨了在多边层次上可能提出的、可能为此做出贡献的新举措。

66、The Association of South-east Asian Nations has already become a very influential multilateral economic cooperation organization. ─── 东南亚国家联盟现已经成为很有影响的多边经济合作组织。

67、An annual overview of developments in the international trading environment which are having an impact on the multilateral trading system shall also be undertaken by the TPRB. ─── TPRB每年还应对影响多边贸易体制的国际贸易环境的发展情况做出综述。

68、GATT, which came into effect on Jan, 1948, established the open and multilateral trade system of the world. ─── 1948年1月正式生效的《关贸总协定》确立了世界多边开放贸易体制。

69、Strengthened multilateral cooperation should and must respect and build on our already proven bilateral partnerships. ─── 加强多边合作应该也必须尊重和发展久经考验的双边合作关系。

70、The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Association (MIGA) established the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman Office (CAO) in 2000. ─── 国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA)成立了合规顾问/投诉办公室(CAO)。

71、Obama said the United States will take a multilateral approach to the many security challenges it faces. ─── 奥巴马总统说,美国对于面临的许多安全挑战将采取多方面的解决方案。

72、Join WTO, mean China to will be enjoyed multilateral, termless, stable most-favoured-nation treatment. ─── 加入WTO ,意味着中国将享有多边的、无条件的、稳定的最惠国待遇。

73、President Wahid and President Megawati's multilateral policies strengthened the Chineseness of teenagers of Chinese descendents in Indonesia. ─── 印尼瓦西德总统、梅加瓦蒂总统实行的多元文化政策,使印尼华裔青少年国家认同和华人身份认同意识明显增强。

74、There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries. ─── 两国达成了一项和平共处的多边协议。

75、The WTO's multilateral trading system is the cornerstone of the HKSAR's external trade policy. ─── 世贸的多边贸易制度,是香港对外贸易政策的基石。

76、In multilateral activities, China consistently opposed hegemonism and power politics, and firmly safeguarded state sovereignty and dignity. ─── 中国在多边场合一贯反对霸权主义和强权政治,坚定维护国家主权和尊严。

77、The book touches the surface of this question, focusing on binding China into a functioning system of multilateral trade. ─── 该书重点探讨了,应将中国纳入一个有效的多边贸易体系,以此形成约束。

78、China will play a constructive role in promoting economic and trade cooperation/drafting multilateral trade rules. ─── 中国将在促进经济和贸易合作/拟定多边贸易规则方面发挥重要作用。

79、The bank is one of the multilateral development banks that will help disburse up to $100 billion of new lending promised by the G20. ─── 但这种想法也许不公平,作为多边发展银行之一的世行将协助支付G20会议承诺的总计1000亿美元新贷款。

80、But the crisis has also revealed the limitations of existing multilateral norms. ─── 但是这次危机同样暴露了现今多边规范的局限性。

81、"Multilateral consultations have been held on this topic with conclusions accepted on all sides and nothing happened, " he said. ─── “就这个话题展开了数次多边磋商,各方对结论都表示赞同,但事后没有任何行动。”

82、To consolidate and strengthen co-operation in multilateral fora on issues of mutual and international concern. ─── 二、巩固和加强两国在多边机制内就双方和国际关注的问题开展的合作。

83、As the only multilateral disarmament deliberation body, the status and role of UNDC are irreplaceable. ─── 作为唯一的多边裁军审议机构,裁审会的地位和作用无可替代。

84、The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the legal and institutional foundation of the multilateral trading system. ─── 世界贸易组织(WTO)是多边贸易体系的法律和制度基础。

85、He said that emerging economies should have a greater voice in multilateral financial institutions such as the World Bank. ─── 他说,新兴经济体应该在世界银行这样的多边金融机构中有更大的发言权。

86、China is supportive of the WTO launching a new round of multilateral trade talks. ─── 中国对世界贸易组织发起新一轮多边贸易谈判持积极态度。

87、The productivity of three fishbone multilateral wells of SZ 36*.1 oilfield is predicted using this method.The result is closed to production data w... ─── 以绥中361油田为例,对3口鱼骨形分支井的产能进行了计算,其结果与实际生产数据相比,相对误差小于12%,表明本文提出的方法是可行的。

88、China has steadfastly attended multilateral negotiations on arms control and disarmament,and some related international conferences. ─── 中国积极参加多边军控与裁军谈判及相关国际会议。

89、Members shall enter into negotiations with a view to developing the necessary multilateral disciplines to avoid such trade-distortive effects. ─── 各成员应进行谈判,以期制定必要的多边纪律,以避免此类贸易扭曲作用。

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